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法律文本是通过文字表达立法者意图的产物,是法治国家建立法治秩序的直接甚至惟一的依据。文本的基本要求是惟一性以及文字的清晰和严谨。在法律形成的过程中,对于法律文本中的错误,可以根据立法过程的不同阶段,以不同的方式进行修订、解释和修改。我国《宪法》和《立法法》对法律文本及其公布的规定比较简单,需要针对文本形成和公布的不同的阶段加以明确和完善。其内容包括:第一,在国家主席签署前,法律文本应当由立法机关自行撤回勘误处理或修改后按表决文本重新表决处理;第二,在国家主席签署以后,法律文本仅仅涉及一般性的文字的勘误由立法机关通过勘误程序进行修改,涉及对法条意思修改的则需要通过法律修改程序进行修改;第三,媒体公布必须要等权威机关签署公布后才能发布;第四,法律的标准文本公布后,还没有实施的,应当根据法律修改的程序进行。  相似文献   

法律解释者的主体性取决于作者、文本和读者等多种制约因素的互动。作者的权威性和体制性安排确保了文本的经典化和读者的信仰面向。文本权威的建立伴随着读者对作者权威的认同。读者在信仰作者和认同文本权威的方式之下去理解、解释和应用,反过来又强化了文本权威以及对作者的信仰。法律解释者主体性的妥当安置,应吸收后现代解释学的合理成分,反对其过度的诠释;应借鉴圣经解释学"解经"和"释经"的二过程法,适当回归古典解释学。  相似文献   

The essay seeks to single out, describe, and analyze the main semiotic features that compose the fundamentalist understanding of authoriality. Given a definition of authoriality as the series of semiotic dynamics that induce a reader to posit a genetic relation between an author and a text, the fundamentalist authoriality is characterized as displaying six main traits. First, centrality of the written text: in order to postulate a perfect coincidence between a transcendent intentio auctoris (intention of the author) and an immanent intentio lectoris (intention of the reader), fundamentalist exegetical and juridical hermeneutics must be anchored to a stable message, canonized into a written verbal text or into a corpus of written verbal texts. Second, fundamentalist authoriality rests on the assumption of the immutability and mono-centrism of the religious semiosphere that irradiates from the written text. Third, literalism, infallibility, and non-contradiction are attributed to the relation between the written text, its exegetical hermeneutics, and the pragmatic normative orders to which it gives rise. Fourth, fundamentalist authoriality rules out any potential duplicity of the operations that ‘extract’ meaning from religious texts. Fifth, the assumption of the immutability of the religious text leads to exclusion of any operation that might alter the form of both its expression and content, hence to stigmatization of translation. The sixth feature of fundamentalist authoriality encompasses all the previous ones: in fundamentalism, a religious text is not actually a text anymore, but a mirror, whose passive reflection of the exegete’s mind undermines the semiotic nature of the relation between the reader and the text.  相似文献   

Translating (and so construinga specialized source text) means producing afunctional text in a linguaculture target textthat is needed for specific communicativepurposes by processing the information given ina previous text in a different linguaculturesource text. Consequently, the comparison oflegal texts and terms from English to Frenchinevitably involves a theory of equivalence –if ever possible. The aim of this article is toreview the various hindrances or pitfalls inlegal translation and also a possible theory ofhow to avoid misunderstandings between thesource and the target texts.  相似文献   

This case concerns a situation where a deletion of text froma claim amounted to an extension of the patent beyond the contentof the application as originally filed. The Board drew a distinctionbetween deleting text and adding text when applying Art 123(2)EPC.  相似文献   

This paper will first explore legal translation from the semiotics approach. The sign developing process demands that in legal translation linguistic units cannot be exchanged in isolation from the legal cultural concepts. Some scholars equate legal equivalence with the extent to which the same legal effect can be produced in the target text. This paper will show the difficulties of achieving the same legal effect in the target text in view of the indeterminacy of word meaning in the source text, and will conclude from the analysis the best way of translating a legal text.  相似文献   

法治中的文本与语境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“文本———语境”的关系来看待法治 ,可以发现法治的根本性问题在于文本意义的展开 ,而这种意义的展开是一种语境的依赖。通过分析语境与文本解读的关系 ,法治的核心问题将会得到近距离的审视。  相似文献   

司法者理解和解释法律的活动是其和法律文本进行对话的过程,语用学中的会话含义理论可以作为研究法律解释问题的分析工具。根据会话含义理论,立法者预料到并期待解释者会根据文本的语义结构、读者的心理图式、生活中的常规关系等解读出刑法文本的语用意义,司法者必然会根据语境因素对刑法文本的意义进行语用推理,解读出字面意义之外的隐含意义、形式意义之外的实质意义、语义意义之外的语用意义,并且在不同语境下解读出不同意义。刑法文本为语用推理划定了大致范围,语用推理实现了文本静态意义向动态意义的转化,因此刑法解释立场是并应该是客观解释。  相似文献   

在文学文本的阐释中,语言的解码对于译者而言具有不同于读者的特殊性,译者往往专注于原语文本———目的语文本的深层解码———编码,而忽略目的语文本的表层编码,正是这后一个缺项,压缩了目的语读者应有的解码空间。因而,译者在面临以能指为特征的文本时,应尽量再现目的语文本能指的指涉空间,即还能指以能指。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of criminal sexual assault adjudication shows how prosecutors, defense attorneys, and witnesses animate text message evidence. In contrast to other forms of courtroom testimony, text messages function as multiauthored representations of recorded correspondence in the past. Attorneys and witnesses animate texts authored by or said to characterize persons represented at trial. By whom and how the texts are animated shapes trial processes. Through a detailed comparative case analysis of two Milwaukee, WI, sexual assault trials, this article attends to the process by which text messages are said to personify or characterize authors’ meaning and intent. This animation of electronically transmitted text speaks to credibility and variably emphasizes a witness's place within gendered and racialized cultural norms. Rather than unsettling the trope of “he said, she said,” text messages become contested evidence animated by court actors within contexts of long‐standing cultural narratives of sexual victimization and offending.  相似文献   

The account of the conversation between King Janaka and the ??i Pañca?ikha on the fate of the individual after death is one of the philosophical texts that are included in the Mok?adharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata. There are different scholarly views on the history and composition of the text as well as the philosophical teachings propagated by Pañca?ikha. In contrast to earlier studies this paper not only analyzes the whole text, but also pays attention to the narrative framework in which the philosophical discourse is embedded. In the text Bhī?ma functions as an external narrator, who relates and interprets the conversation as well as characterizes the protagonists and thereby influences the ways in which text is received by the audience. It is argued that it is important to deal with the interplay between the narrative and the philosophical discourse that is narrated, when analysing the philosophical positions that are either refuted or accepted in the text. 12.211–12 is not only a philosophical text, but also a tale about philosophical discourse in general and about how Sā?khya philosophy is taught to a non-expert audience. Seen from this perspective the text is significant for the way in which philosophical terms and issues are dealt with in the epic and adjacent non-expert texts, such as the Purā?as.  相似文献   

宪法文本分析:一种解释方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑贤君 《法律科学》2008,26(2):38-46
宪法文本分析是指以宪法文本为对象,将宪法文本作为整体,利用多种方法分析宪法中的字、词、句,以获知宪法含义。它是一种形式主义的法学方法,被称为文本主义,被广泛运用于宪法学理论研究和宪法的司法实施过程中。作为一种分析和解释方法,宪法文本分析有其局限性和利弊。  相似文献   

文本研究与文学史写作的新构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文学研究有外部研究和内部研究之分,具体则又可分为文学史研究、思潮流派研究、文学文化研究、作家研究和文本研究等多种.上世纪80年代之前,中国现当代文学曾经历过作家研究和作品(文本)研究颇显狭隘和单一的辉煌期,但近年来,却是文学文化研究成为中心,文本研究日趋式微,受到冷落.如何评价这一现象,如何看待文本研究在中国现当代文学研究中的意义,贺仲明、李怡、张光芒、吴义勤等几个从事中国现当代文学教学和研究的中青年学者,分别从学科发展、中国现代文学特征、文学史写作和文学批评几个方面表达了看法.他们形成的基本共识是:文本是文学的基础,文学性是文学最基本的属性.虽然不能将文学研究僵化为单一的文本研究,应该在开放的前提上开展文本研究,但加强文本研究、深化文本研究,是当前中国现当代文学研究者应该关注的任务,只有这样,我们才能深化对文学本体、对中国现当代文学特征的认识,强化中国现当代文学学科的科学性和规范性,促进文学批评的现实针对性.  相似文献   

我国自“82”宪法第一次修正案时起 ,1 5年来事实上一直没有确定原文与修正案的正式组合方式。组合方式无定制对现实生活的负面影响反映在宪法文本杂乱造成的结果中。应以下次修宪为契机 ,选定一种组合方式 ,决定和公布宪法正式文本 ;可以现有的宪法修订文本为基础 ,做必要加工、修饰 ,形成宪法正式文本 ;若将来出现需要废除宪法某条、某节的情况时 ,为保持宪法其他条和节的稳定 ,在删除全部过时文字的同时 ,可用保留所欲废除的条或节的顺序号及其相对位置的办法来处置 ;宪法若增加条或节 ,应当用增加副条、副节或副章的办法保持宪法原有的基本格局条文原有的顺序号不变  相似文献   

The EU Commission has proposed a new Directive on combating sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. The updated piece of legislation proposes to block access to child pornography websites. After months of negotiation, the Council, Parliament and Commission have agreed on a compromised text which generates more confusion and has been lambasted as meaningless. The compromised text is a result of powerful lobbying by Hollywood porno industry, Internet Service Providers and civil libertarians. The compromised text brings to highlight the tension between freedom of speech and protection of children.  相似文献   

王政勋 《法律科学》2008,26(4):75-86
只有在特定语境下才能达成对文本的理解和解释,言伴语境对意义生成具有重要作用。法律解释的言伴语境是当下案件事实。法官处理案件时在其前见的指引下根据法律规定选择、建构案件事实,根据案件事实赋予法律文本以语用意义,并且在语境和文本、案件事实和法律文本之间的多次循环往复中实现解释者和文本的视域融合,使法律文本的意义不断丰富和完善。刑法未规定期待可能性,但对其适用体现了言伴语境对文本意义的作用,因而其存在具有合理性。适用该理论不会打破法律的安定性和灵活性之间的平衡,法官因此而行使自由裁量权不违背现代法治精神。  相似文献   

Current digital forensic text string search tools use match and/or indexing algorithms to search digital evidence at the physical level to locate specific text strings. They are designed to achieve 100% query recall (i.e. find all instances of the text strings). Given the nature of the data set, this leads to an extremely high incidence of hits that are not relevant to investigative objectives. Although Internet search engines suffer similarly, they employ ranking algorithms to present the search results in a more effective and efficient manner from the user's perspective. Current digital forensic text string search tools fail to group and/or order search hits in a manner that appreciably improves the investigator's ability to get to the relevant hits first (or at least more quickly). This research proposes and empirically tests the feasibility and utility of post-retrieval clustering of digital forensic text string search results – specifically by using Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps, a self-organizing neural network approach.This paper is presented as a work-in-progress. A working tool has been developed and experimentation has begun. Findings regarding the feasibility and utility of the proposed approach will be presented at DFRWS 2007, as well as suggestions for follow-on research.  相似文献   

“Text mining” covers a range of techniques that allow software to extract information from text documents. It is not a new technology, but it has recently received spotlight attention due to the emergence of Big Data. The applications of text mining are very diverse and span multiple disciplines, ranging from biomedicine to legal, business intelligence and security. From a legal perspective, text mining touches upon several areas of law, including contract law, copyright law and database law. This contribution discusses the legal issues encountered during the assembly of texts into so-called “corpora”, as well as the use of such corpora.  相似文献   

战国六国文字,即“古文”。楚简中的“佱”、“灋”、“廌”三个字,就是古文“法”字。运用郭店简、上博简、包山简以及金文中的材料,对照传世文献,分别对三个古文“法”字进行考释,从而提出了一个值得大家思考的课题:探求“法”字的来龙去脉,关乎“法”的渊源及其演变历程,关乎我国早期“法”概念形成脉络的把握。  相似文献   

陈巍  朱遂斌 《行政与法》2005,(1):113-116
本文从商事公告的定义开始分析,抓住商事公告制度设计的核心目的——保障交易安全,并结合历史和哲学的角度以及商事公告的效力问题得出将商事公告主体由国家机关转向商主体是大势所趋的结论。  相似文献   

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