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犯罪学研究的对象是犯罪学的生命,他决定了犯罪学学科的性质和地位,从而决定了犯罪学的发展方向。犯罪学理论体系的确定,关系到犯罪学的学术价值和实践意义。犯罪学是以法学、社会学、心理学为基础,融合各种有关学科知识的综合性学科。对其深入研究在司法、立法、科学决策、预防犯罪以及社会、经济等方面有着重要意义。  相似文献   

我国严打问题的提出有历史和法律等方面的根据。“严打”是我国重要的刑事政策,是特殊时期的特殊手段。因而,它也具有一些正面的功用。但是从犯罪学方面来说严打本身还存在一些无可避免的问题。笔者认为,在现今条件下,对犯罪的预防和打击,我们应综合采用经济的、行政的、道德的等一系列措施,而不能遇到问题就严打。  相似文献   

地下钱庄犯罪的界定地下钱庄是民间对从事地下非法金融业务一类组织的俗称,是地下经济的一种表现形态。地下钱庄从事的主要非法金融业务有:非法吸收公众存款、非法借贷拆借、非法高利转贷、非法买卖外汇以及非法典当等。根据1998年6月30日国务院颁布的《非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动取缔办法》第  相似文献   

我国青少年犯罪问题是困扰全社会的难题,需要运用各种措施对其进行治理。从青少年犯罪的类型特征来看,运用犯罪被害理论中的惯常行为理论进行调查被害,提出具体的被害预防措施来减少青少年犯罪是可行的。但这一调查必须以青少年犯罪的犯罪学因果关系的设立为前提。在惯常行为理论的视野下,青少年犯罪的犯罪学因果关系的成立必须具备特定的条件,这些条件也是通过实证调查证明这一因果关系的变量。  相似文献   

人具有自然属性、社会属性和思维属性。人性是动态的,表现出表里不一的两面性。犯罪是个体先天因素和后天因素互动、消长的结果,犯罪原因主要是由于家庭、学校、社区和社会的外界因素以及个体在社会化过程中人格缺陷的内在因素相互影响,我们要拓展犯罪学的探索范围要与其他学科交叉研究,从"肉体——精神"这层次去深入研究犯罪心理和行为,这对于犯罪预防与控制也是极有意义的。  相似文献   

犯罪学的发展经历了四个阶段。以西方犯罪学理论发展的四个阶段的代表性经典著作为主线,考察认识论、本体论在犯罪学中的沿革。犯罪现象在犯罪学中是一个关系到本体论的战略问题,对犯罪类型化的处理是理论发展基本策略。  相似文献   

自18世纪中叶以来,死刑问题尤其是死刑存废问题历来是法学界争论的焦点之一,且争论至今未有定论。笔者以为,对死刑存废问题不应作极端考虑,尤其是就我国现阶段来说,根本废除死刑与推广死刑均不可取,而应该从理性角度加以深思,探讨死刑存在的价值与局限性。就我国的现实国情而言,死刑的存在是大有必要的,但同时也要限制其弊端,坚持"少杀,慎杀"的刑事政策。本文拟从死刑存废之争开始,结合世界和我国死刑的现状,探讨死刑存在的价值,并进一步提出对我国死刑改革的几点建议。  相似文献   

刑事一体化视野中的犯罪学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文研究了犯罪学在刑事法学中的地位及发展方向,指出犯罪学研究不应局限于对犯罪现象的描述与说明,而应通过对犯罪学理论自身的反思,提高对犯罪解释的科学性与权威性。为此,将犯罪学研究引入刑事一体化视角,建立一种以一定的社会本体论为基础的,以科学方法论为指导的犯罪哲学──本体犯罪学刻不容缓。  相似文献   

夏凉 《法制与社会》2011,(17):13-13,17
犯罪对策有其理论渊源,根据社会现状可将犯罪对策分为犯罪预防和犯罪惩治两大部分,本文通过对犯罪对策作宏观上的论述,对几中学说作简要分析,并以此构建犯罪学宏观对策理论体系。  相似文献   

被害人学与犯罪学之间关系的辩证思索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高维俭 《河北法学》2006,24(7):30-34
被害人学与犯罪学之间的关系问题是学界的一个宿疑.该理论问题非常根始终莫衷一是.如果将发展变化、整体宏观的辩证思维运用于该理论问题的思索,问题可得迎刃而解:两学科之间的关系是发展变化的,且终应走向学科整合.  相似文献   

This paper describes several key developments and dimensions in the field of ‘green criminology’ and discusses some of the relevant debates and controversies arising. It then outlines overlaps and connections with other areas of work within critical criminology. The central focus of the paper is on crimes of the economy as they affect the environment and a substantive, illustrative case study is provided on environmental crimes and harms associated with the oil industry. The paper concludes with some critical observations on where directions in theory, policy and practice may need to turn in a post-growth world.  相似文献   

沈立国 《行政与法》2008,3(2):126-128,F0003
犯罪学理论是宽严相济刑事司法政策的制定依据,也是对它进行有效性与科学性论证的理论来源,但国内以此为视角对其进行的研究却很少。若以犯罪学为视角对宽严相济刑事司法政策进行考量,其具有在制定和执行过程中对参与力量缺少充分的关注、在政策设计中对权力的分配失衡等不足,这种不足可以通过对犯罪学理论的不断深入研究加以解决。  相似文献   

One of the significant shortcomings of the criminological canon, including its critical strands—feminist, cultural and green—has been its urbancentric bias. In this theoretical model, rural communities are idealised as conforming to the typical small-scale traditional societies based on cohesive organic forms of solidarity and close density acquaintance networks. This article challenges the myth that rural communities are relatively crime free places of ‘moral virtue’ with no need for a closer scrutiny of rural context, rural places, and rural peoples about crime and other social problems. This challenge is likewise woven into the conceptual and empirical narratives of the other articles in this Special Edition, which we argue constitute an important body of innovative work, not just for reinvigorating debates in rural criminology, but also critical criminology. For without a critical perspective of place, the realities of context are too easily overlooked. A new criminology of crime and place will help keep both critical criminology and rural criminology firmly anchored in both the sociological and the criminological imagination. We argue that intersectionality, a framework that resists privileging any particular social structural category of analysis, but is cognisant of the power effects of colonialism, class, race and gender, can provide the theoretical scaffolding to further develop such a project.  相似文献   

刑法中的犯罪论体系,依据其是根据事物本身论理还是根据一定目的而建立,可分为范畴论和目的论。犯罪论体系是范畴论还是目的论,是形式犯罪论与实质犯罪论的原点问题。要解决形式与实质犯罪论这一新的刑法学派之争,必须联系犯罪论体系的范畴论与目的论予以考察。现代刑法提倡目的论的犯罪论体系,同时,由于刑法法益保护目的的要求,在判断行为是否成立犯罪的问题上,它要求由以往形式判断转向从处罚必要性和合理性的角度来理解刑法中的构成要件。这种基于实质可罚性把握的犯罪论体系即为实质目的论的犯罪论体系。  相似文献   

The increased prevalence and enrichment of comparative analysis would invigorate criminology generally as a scientific field because comparative criminology is a movement toward a “true science of criminology.” But, at least at its present stage, comparative criminology awaits the institutionalization of criminology at a level sufficient for the essential availability of criminologists capable of and competent for meeting the peculiar demands of transnational research.

“Comparative, coordinated and interdisciplinary research should be carried out to determine the relative effects of programs in different countries” and through cooperation between researchers from different countries…to develop a highly promising new field of comparative criminology”, in order to determine “uniformities and differences in causal influences, in predictive factors, and in results of preventive and treatment programs” and to develop “a true science of criminology.”  相似文献   

The sociology of organizations offers conceptual tools that can be used bycriminologists. The logic of crossing intra-disciplinary boundaries to borrowconceptual tools rests in the analogical properties of structure and processacross social settings that are fundamental aspects of all social organization.Analogy itself is underrecognized and used as a tool for conceptual thinkingand analysis in sociology. In this article, I give examples of theories andconcepts from the sociology of organizations that can usefully be appliedto substantive criminological problems. Then I compare family violence andcorporate crime as examples of organizational misconduct, foregroundingthe organizational setting in order to examine links between micro-, meso-,and macro-levels of analysis. These two exercises demonstrate thatincorporating organization theory into criminological research can providenew insights in data analysis of substantive problems, build toward generalsociological theory, and toward integrative general criminological theorythat escapes the levels of explanation problem.  相似文献   

李想 《犯罪研究》2010,(2):25-35,53
如果从犯罪学的视角,审视刑罚理论的发展及以西方为代表的刑罚政策的演进,会发现过去长期遵循以报应——威慑论为基础的刑罚理论,无论其内在的价值体系还是实践中的刑罚运用,都已经趋势背离了这一基础。究其原因,除了经典刑罚理论自身的缺陷之外,刑罚矫正理念的实践在前,以成本——收益为考量的经济机制的渗透在后,均直接导致刑罚核心价值的迷失。通过对原因与现象的分析,探讨以赎罪理念为核心的刑罚价值回归之于我国刑事政策发展的意义。  相似文献   

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