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Stem cell policy discussions frequently confuse embryonic and fetal sources of stem cells, and label untested, non-reproductive cloning as "therapeutic." Such misnomers distract attention from significant practical and ethical implications: accelerated research agendas tend to be supported at the expense of physical risks to women, theological implications in a multi-faith community, informed consent for participation in research, and treatment decisions altered by unrealistic expectations.  相似文献   

神经性勃起功能障碍(neurogenic erectile dysfunction,NED)的发生与勃起功能相关神经的损伤密切相关.最近,干细胞对阴茎勃起神经的修复和保护作用的临床前研究已经成为热点.本文综述了神经源性胚胎干细胞(NESCs)、肌源性干细胞(MDSCs)、脂肪源性干细胞(ASCs)和间充质干细胞(MSCs)等在NED方面的研究进展.早期研究显示干细胞或基因修饰的干细胞对ED治疗持久有效,并可能成功治愈ED.干细胞有望应用于NED的临床治疗.干细胞作为新的治疗方法应用于临床后,将会对法医临床学鉴定提出新的挑战.  相似文献   

This article considers the integral role played by patent law in respect of stem cell research. It highlights concerns about commercialization, access to essential medicines and bioethics. The article maintains that there is a fundamental ambiguity in the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) as to whether stem cell research is patentable subject matter. There is a need to revise the legislation in light of the establishment of the National Stem Cell Centre and the passing of the Research Involving Embryos Act 2002 (Cth). The article raises concerns about the strong patent protection secured by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and Geron Corporation in respect of stem cell research in the United States. It contends that a number of legal reforms could safeguard access to stem cell lines, and resulting drugs and therapies. Finally, this article explores how ethical concerns are addressed within the framework of the European Biotechnology Directive. It examines the decision of the European Patent Office in relation to the so-called "Edinburgh patent", and the inquiry of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies into "The Ethical Aspects of Patenting Involving Human Stem Cells".  相似文献   

At the forefront of modern debate over the ethical use of biotechnology is embryonic stem cell research. In this poignant analysis of its legitimacy, the author examines the history of this research in light of the United States' policy favoring the protection of human beings over scientific progress. Stem cells, which can divide in culture to create specialized cells in the human body, possess significant potential for curing disease, particularly when taken from human embryos. However, as evidenced by the research atrocities committed under the Nazi regime, the benefits of human research do not come without a cost to humanity. Recognizing this, the later trial of these scientists produced the Nuremberg Code, a set of natural law principles guiding future research on humans that continues to influence health policy decisions. Drawing on this background, the author first considers the appropriate legal status for a human embryo. Biologically, the characteristics of a human embryo place it between human tissue and a constitutional person. Judicially, the answer is even less clear. The author analyzes case law in the context of abortion and in vitro fertilization, as well as classifications by the common law, state legislation, and the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, to conclude that a human embryo should be subject to the same legal and ethical restrictions as any other "human subject." Accordingly, the author argues that embryonic stem cell research violates the ethical standards and purposes of the Nuremberg Code and should be banned by federal legislation. Such a prohibition will fulfill the societal policy choice of protecting potential life and vulnerable human subjects.  相似文献   

In late 2005 the Legislation Review: Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002 (Cth) and the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (Cth) recommended the establishment of an Australian stem cell bank. This article aims to address a lack of discussion of issues surrounding stem cell banking by suggesting possible answers to the questions of whether Australia should establish a stem cell bank and what its underlying philosophy and functions should be. Answers are developed through an analysis of regulatory, scientific and intellectual property issues relating to embryonic stem cell research in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. This includes a detailed analysis of the United Kingdom Stem Cell Bank. It is argued that a "guardian" model stem cell bank should be established in Australia. This bank would aim to promote the maximum public benefit from human embryonic stem cell research by providing careful regulatory oversight and addressing ethical issues, while also facilitating research by addressing practical scientific concerns and intellectual property issues.  相似文献   

The isolation of human stem cells and the cloning of "Dolly" in the late 1990s, based on primate and other animal studies in the previous 20 years, created an explosion of interest that continues with daily reports in much of the world's press. The science has progressed steadily but not always smoothly, with promising discoveries in the potency and flexibility of cells derived from embryonic, umbilical cord and adult tissues. The promise of a revolutionary new era in health and medical sciences and systems requires careful scientific method, ethical debate and supportive legal and regulatory frameworks to achieve success. The frontiers of the science are focusing on the regulation of cell lineage choice and the development of designer stem cells for therapeutic cloning; the ethical debate focuses on the special status of the human embryo and the pathways to applications; while legal and regulatory frameworks differ around the world. There is some risk that the promises are overtaking the reality of progress, with the rush for results and premature offering of dubious remedies compromising scientific method and credibility. Stem cells should not be the snake oil of our times, nor should short cuts and short sell promises, fuelled by illusions of fame and fortune, risk the trust of the public in science and medicine.  相似文献   

王静  张保华  王生 《河北法学》2007,25(11):123-128
近30年来现代医学技术的高速发展及惊人进步挑战着世界各国的法律及道德观念.本世纪更因生命科学的巨大发展而被命名为生命科学世纪.现代生命科学在变革世界的同时也带来了史无前例的道德伦理问题,引发了激烈的争论.为了适应这些新的发展,美国的法律做出了相应的变革.这些新的法律法规影响着美国人民的工作生活及几乎所有的法律领域,例如医疗法、家庭法、遗产法、商业法、专利法、刑法等都极大程度地受到现代医学及相关法律的制约与影响.当代各个领域中的美国律师及政治领导人必须熟悉生命医学的有关法律,以为社会提供高质量和全方位的服务.生命医学法律更是当代世界及美国政坛的激战舞台,美国总统布什于2006年7月19日第一次使用了总统否决权,驳回了美国国会新通过的干细胞研究的法律,此举引发了激烈的政治波澜.着重介绍当代美国生命医学法律中的最热点论题,包括医疗决定权、安乐死、人类克隆及人胚胎干细胞研究等有关法律的发展过程及存在的问题与面临的挑战.  相似文献   

Recent developments in fetal tissue research and stem cell research have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the search for cures for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and a host of neurological disorders. Because this research involves fetal tissue and stem cells from human embryos, many complicated ethical and legal implications surround it. This Note explores the history of fetal tissue research and stem cell research, examines the surrounding ethical and legal issues, looks at the current state of federal law, and concludes that Congress should allow federally funded researchers to derive stem cells from discarded human embryos obtained from in vitro fertilization clinics.  相似文献   

The play of young children has long been used clinically to understand children’s experiences and inner feelings. More recently, children’s play has been examined quantitatively to understand differences due to varying backgrounds, family relationships, etc. Forty preschool children (21 girls and 19 boys) aged 27 to 71 months from families with histories of domestic violence were observed using a play interview, The MacArthur Story Stem Battery, to determine if severity of violence, frequency of visitation with their previously violent fathers, and mother-child relationship functioning impacted how parents were represented in play. Overall, girls represented their parents more positively regardless of other family circumstances. Boys, especially those who did not visit regularly with their fathers, had negative representations of their mothers. Severity of violence did not predict negative parental representations in the sample.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cell research promises to deliver in the future a whole range of therapeutic treatments, but currently governments in different jurisdictions must try to regulate this burgeoning area. Part of the problem has been, and continues to be, polarised community opinion on the use of human embryonic stem cells for research. This article compares the approaches of the Australian, United Kingdom and United States governments in regulating human embryonic stem cell research. To date, these governments have approached the issue through implementing legislation or policy to control research. Similarly, the three jurisdictions have viewed the patentability of human embryonic stem cell technologies in their own ways with different policies being adopted by the three patent offices. This article examines these different approaches and discusses the inevitable concerns that have been raised due to the lack of a universal approach in relation to the regulation of research; the patenting of stem cell technologies; and the effects patents granted are having on further human embryonic stem cell research.  相似文献   

机体死亡后组织细胞DNA含量与死亡时间推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen X  Shen YW  Zhao ZQ 《法医学杂志》2003,19(2):120-121
早期死亡时间的推断方法有许多,但近年来通过测量组织细胞DNA含量的变化规律来推断早期死亡时间越来越引起人们的注意。本文就常见的细胞DNA含量的检测方法、变化规律及其在实践中的应用情况加以论述,并对不同检测方法和实际应用效果、前景加以评定。  相似文献   

丁春丽 《中国法医学杂志》2013,28(2):123-125,129
随着医疗新技术的迅速发展,造血干细胞移植在临床上的用途越来越广泛。移植后供者源细胞几乎存在于受者所有组织,必然对个人识别和亲权鉴定产生重要影响,应引起法医工作者的重视,避免因此而产生错误的司法鉴定结论。本文就近年来allo-HSCT受者不同组织DNA嵌合状态的研究进展及其对法医物证鉴定的影响作一综述,希望能对相关研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

The search for sources of human stem cells has become a controversial topic from an ethical point of view primarily as it has required the destruction of human embryos. The development of alternative techniques that enable the generation of pluripotent stem cells from adult cells has opened new avenues of research but the generation of such cells has again been controversial since it requires the use of human eggs, using a technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer. Since the cells so generated have a very small potential to generate an "embryo" and since the production of the cell lines requires destruction of that "embryo", a further ethical issue arises. This article discusses these issues and suggests a framework that may assist their consideration. Finally, the article reviews some recent developments that have the potential to remove the need for the use of eggs or embryos in the generation of stem cell lines and highlights the danger of developing legislation on only our current knowledge.  相似文献   

Opponents of human embryo research have understandably welcomed pluripotent stem cells being derived from body cells including cells from umbilical cords after childbirth. The cord would otherwise be discarded and embryos are not destroyed. However, there are other ethical, legal and political issues in cord blood collection, whether for the child's future use, or a public blood bank. Information and consent procedures may be misleading. Some parents have false hopes about potential outcomes. The right of access to stored blood and other benefits is sometimes uncertain for children and their families. Private stem cell repositories may compete with public ones. People may want to impose conditions on donation. Quality control may be an issue.  相似文献   

Non-Reproductive Human Cloning (NRHC) allows researchers to develop and clone cells, including non-reproductive cells, and to research the etiology and transmission of disease. The ability to clone specific stem cells may also allow researchers to clone cells with genetic defects and analyze those cells with more precisions. Despite those potential benefits, Parliament has banned such cloning due to a myriad of social and ethical concerns. In May 2002, the Canadian Government introduced Bill C-13 on assisted human reproductive technologies. Bill C-13 deals with both the scientific and the clinical use of human reproductive materials, and it prohibits a number of other activities, including NRHC. Although the Supreme Court of Canada has never ruled on whether scientific experiments area form of expression, academic support exists for this notion. The authors go through the legal analysis that would be required to find that scientific experiments are expression, focusing in part on whether NRHC could be considered violent and thus fall outside the protection of section 2(b). The latter question is complicated by the ongoing policy debate over whether an "embryonic cell" is property of human life. The authors then consider whether a ban on NRHC could be justified under section 1 of the Charter. They conclude that both the breadth of the legislative purpose and the proportionality of the measure are problematic. Proportionality is a specific concern because the ban could be viewed as an outright denial of scientific freedom of expression. Although consistent with current jurisprudence on freedom of expression, this paper runs against the flow of government policy in the areas of regulation and prohibition of non-reproductive human cloning. As there has been no Charter litigation to date on whether scientific research is a form of expression, the authors introduce a new way of looking at the legality of the regulation of new reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

In 2005 a Legislation Review Committee, known as the Lockhart Review, undertook a review of the Commonwealth legislation regulating human embryo research. The report that emanated from the review was released in December 2005. If the report recommendations are implemented by the Federal Government, Australian scientists will be permitted to create human embryo entities currently known as "human embryo clones" by the process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer to develop stem cell lines for research purposes. Many argue that stem cells have the potential to be developed into valuable medical therapies that could assist with, or cure, serious diseases such as Type 1 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. This article analyses the evidence presented to the Lockhart Review and the report recommendations. It assesses where the Lockhart recommendations would place Australia in terms of worldwide embryo research. It is argued that the Federal Government should fully embrace the recommendations so that Australia can progress stem cell research to its fullest potential.  相似文献   

Li YF  Fan SQ  An N  Liu JH 《法医学杂志》2008,24(1):71-73
色觉是视觉功能的重要组成部分。目前色觉的检查主要依靠主观检查方法,研究和探索色觉客观检查方法具有重要的临床意义和法医学价值。随着现代科学技术的日益进步,视觉电生理学检查方法已逐渐成为色觉临床诊断与研究的重要手段。视网膜电图(electroretinogram,ERG)可以对不同的锥细胞及色觉异常进行区分,不同颜色刺激所产生的视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential,VEP)也有不同的形态特征。通过对不同视觉电生理学检测方法,尤其是视网膜电图、闪光诱发电位、图形诱发电位等在色觉研究方面的新进展等文献的复习表明,色觉电生理研究技术将为网膜功能、脑功能的法医临床学评定提供重要手段。  相似文献   

大鼠肾细胞DNA含量与死亡时间关系的图像分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用计算机图像分析技术,对大鼠死后肾细胞DNA的变化进行观测,以寻找一种客观、量化的推断早期死亡时间的标准.实验选择15只大鼠,处死后,在24小时内每隔1小时取肾组织进行细胞学涂片,福尔马林液固定,Feulgen染色,自动图象分析仪测量,所得数据进行统计学分析处理.实验结果证明大鼠的早期死亡时间与肾细胞核DNA降解速率呈线性关系,其中积分光密度、平均灰度、异形指数提示此方法有可能作为辅助手段,使死亡时间推断更为精确.  相似文献   

Several protocols have illustrated the possibility of deriving cells, such as fibroblasts, from different organs. These techniques generally concern organs sampled from living persons, but have already been described for cadavers, especially concerning the skin and tendons. We present, for the first time, an easy way to derive pulmonary fibroblasts from a lung tissue sampled from a cadaver and directly culture plated. The fibroblast output was checked daily. We obtained lung fibroblasts from 3 (60%) cadavers and 2 (100%) living persons. The fibroblast output took about 3 days for cells from living persons and took up to 39 days for those from cadavers. We did not clearly identify any parameters that could explain these differences. Nevertheless, these derived cells had the same features as the source cells, especially in terms of morphology and proliferation, and could potentially be used in different research domains such as forensic or regeneration medicine.  相似文献   

Most tissues encountered in forensic biology laboratories have been previously characterized with electron microscopy due to their medical importance. Anagen hair root cells, epithelial cells, erythrocytes, neutrophils, osteocytes, and spermatozoa have received considerable research attention at the ultrastructural level. There is no literature indicating that cells attached to removed telogen hair roots have been characterized with transmission electron microscopy. Nonetheless, telogen hairs are a frequent submission item to forensic laboratories for DNA typing. The amount of tissue attached to a telogen hair root usually determines whether that hair is suitable for nuclear DNA typing methods or mitochondrial DNA typing methods. This study used transmission and scanning electron microscopy to characterize the tissues found in three commonly occurring telogen hair root forms. The tissues were found to consist of keratinized remnant follicle, nonnucleated epithelial cells, nucleated epithelial cells, and trichilemmal keratin. These findings were consistent with the known principles of hair follicle regression. The recognition of the root structures that contain these specific tissue types may assist in the DNA typing of telogen hairs inasmuch as the quality of tissue present may be more important than the amounts of tissue present.  相似文献   

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