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中国民间借贷法律适用的重点在于身份和利率,但是法律法规缺乏系统性,罪与非罪的界限模糊。笔者建议从四个层次综合解决民间借贷问题:第一,收集、整合现有的法律法规;第二,化消国民对于民间借贷法律适用的疑虑;第三,运用司法解释配合法律适用;第四,发展新的民间借贷模式。  相似文献   

State-owned enterprises dominate the 2011 China top 500 list, igniting worries about the strength of private businesses. Chinese companies are accelerating the pace of global expansion. Initial public offerings of Chinese companies have shrunk as clouds gather over the outlook of global stock markets. Liang Wengen, a heavy machinery tycoon, tops the 2011 Hurun Rich List. The Boston Consulting Group expects China’s consumer lending market to triple by 2015.  相似文献   

Bank lending turns lackluster in China as the country gears up to tame lingering inflation. Despite a weakened U.S. economy, China continues increasing its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. State-owned enterprises are losing some momentum, as a result of cost inflation. Telecom equipment maker Huawei fares well, drawing strength from booming consumer device businesses. Chinese companies are expected to accelerate their pace of venturing overseas.  相似文献   

The export sector recovers some lost ground,but the near-term outlook is dark as Western economies slump.Investments and consumption are holding up,providing a solid floor under the slowing economy.The property market continues withering,adding to expectations for price decreases.Bank loans decline as policy makers close the lending tap to fight inflation.China shed some holdings of U.S.Treasury securities in August,the first time since April.  相似文献   

China's long insistence on non-interference in sovereign states' domestic affairs has contributed to a widely held impression that China also lends abroad without attaching policy conditions. In this article, we debunk the notion that China's bilateral lending is entirely devoid of conditionality, by showing that it involves elements of political conditionality, embedded conditionality and cross-conditionality, stemming from the varying concerns of Chinese foreign policy-makers and state-linked lenders. We then draw on the path-dependence literature to explore the possibility that there may also be more indirect forms of conditionality associated with Chinese lending practices. By ‘emergent conditionality’, we refer to structural lock-in effects that may cumulatively restrict or redirect recipient countries' policy-making choices similarly as more direct conditionality would do, even if the PRC government officially shuns conditionality.  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China,the central bank,published a report on the execution of monetary policy in the second quarter,saying there aremany difficulties and challenges confronting the Chinese economy.Lu Zhengwei,a senior economist at Industrial Bank Co.Ltd.,examined the report and pointed out the excessive bank lending in the first half of this year may give rise to serious loan problems.He shared his view in the China Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

TO THE POINT:The release of economic figures for April stoked inflation fears again.The CPI rose 2.8 percent in April,challenging the government's goal of keeping inflation below 3 percent.Bank lending in April brought new loans in the first four months to half of the designated loan target cap for the whole year.  相似文献   

By allowing foreign investors greater access to Chinese equities,regulators try to firm up the fickle stock markets. China's export woes show signs of healing,though uncertainties still loom large. Regardless of controversies swirling around the deal,the Sichuan heavy machinery maker Tengzhong agrees to buy the General Motors Co.'s Hummer brand. China's auto market burns hot as September sales soared 77.88 percent year on year. Citibank China has recently opened its third lending company in China.  相似文献   

国际商亨仲裁协议的法律适用直接关系到仲裁协议效力的确定,并由此影响仲裁庭的管辖权,因此仲裁协议的法律适用是国际商事仲裁必须予以解决的问题。本文拟结合现行立法、判例以及国外立法对我国国际商事仲裁协议有效性的法律适用进行分析与探讨,并为完善我国国际商事仲裁协议有效性的法律适用提出立法上的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国一些地区民间借贷日益活跃,借贷案件大量出现。以稳定经济发展。建设和谐社会的角度出发,规范民间借贷,促进民间借贷有序发展就显得非常重要。文章提出应从完善民间借贷相关法律法规,妥善处理民间借贷纠纷来加强对民间借贷的监管。  相似文献   

在当前的司法实践中,非法吸收公众存款罪有着法益界定不明确、罪与非罪界限不清晰、易混淆等问题,导致该罪的适用范围较广,甚至涵盖了部分合法的民间借贷行为。这种情况不仅加剧了民营企业融资难的困境,也未能有效规制非法吸收公众存款的问题,并且导致了司法适用中的偏差。在当前深化金融改革的大背景下,只有对非法吸收公众存款罪侵犯的法益进行准确认定,对非法吸收公众存款罪中“非法性”“利诱性”等含义进行目的性限缩,以合理限定非法吸收公众存款罪的适用范围,才能更好地促进民间资本的流通,化堵为疏,激活民间资本,促进我国金融业合理有序的发展。  相似文献   

本文从文献外借、文献阅览、联机书目检索、参考咨询、计算机信息检索、网络信息资源导航服务等六个方面探讨了网络环境下湖北公安文献保障体系的文献信息服务模式的提供。  相似文献   

China steps up a clampdown on the financing vehicles of local governments control over local governments' financing vehicles will be tightened to fend off what some economists warn could turn into a mountain  相似文献   

There is an implicit but commonly held assumption that Chinese businesses are distinctively Chinese. Casting them in unitary and national terms, this assumption has often provided the underpinnings for the conception of the strength of Chinese businesses as signs of an emerging China threat. Drawing on a global production networks (GPN) approach, this paper aims to question the assumption by arguing that many Chinese businesses, embedded in the expanding global and regional production networks, have taken on important transnational characteristics. Given these transnational connections, Chinese business networks in both ‘Greater China’ and China proper are characterized more by diversity and fragmentation than by cultural coherence and homogeneity. This analysis of the transnationalization and fragmentation of contemporary Chinese businesses helps better understand and respond to the complex challenge posed by the economic dynamism in China.  相似文献   

"Do a Google news search for‘vaccine diplomacy’:All the top results are about China.Do a Google news search for‘vaccine solidarity’:None of the top results are about China."This is what Carlos Martinez,a Londonbased social commentator,wrote when he retweeted a report by the Guardian newspaper that had"vaccine diplomacy"in the headline.  相似文献   

顾华祥 《思想战线》2002,28(2):6-11
据最新一项对全球 10 0 0家规模最大的公司首席执政官的调查显示 ,中国在世界投资信心榜上名列第二位 ,仅次于美国 ,成为全球第二个最受欢迎的外国直接投资地 ,接近 1/3的首席执政官对中国投资前景表示乐观。国际风险投资基金正在酝酿“战略性”转移 ,近年来欧美的投资基金正以每年 4 0~ 5 0 %的速度退出当地市场 ,而经济和科技保持高速增长的中国为各国风险投资资本看好。英国、法国、美国的大公司近日都加紧准备 ,做好抢滩中国的各种规划。我国西部要抓住国际风险投资理念、投资方向调整和对华投资信心高涨的机遇 ,多争取一些投资注入旅游业。  相似文献   

国家粮食核心产区的保护与建设——黑龙江调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过对东北地区的调研,提出了建设国家粮食生产核心区的构想。黑龙江省是中国重要的粮食生产基地,农业基础雄厚,拥有大量的耕地后备资源以及现代农业基础,具备了高标准增加粮食产量的潜力。在世界粮价日趋增长的阶段,加大对黑龙江地区的农业扶持,建立国家粮食核心产区,对中国保障十八亿亩耕地红线以及确保国家粮食安全,具有重大的意义。黑龙江省目前土地整理标准低、种粮农民收入增加缓慢,制约了黑龙江省成为中国粮食核心产区的进程。作者提出了黑龙江粮食核心产区保护与建设工程,以及加快农民增收的建议。  相似文献   

集资诈骗罪侵犯的客体是国家正常的金融管理秩序和公私财产所有权 ;使用诈骗方法、非法集资和数额达到较大是构成该罪的必备条件 ;其犯罪主体为一般主体 ;其主观方面只能由故意构成并且行为人具有非法占有的目的。在司法实践中 ,必须准确区分非法集资与合法集资、集资诈骗罪与集资借贷纠纷、集资诈骗罪与诈骗罪和非法吸收公众存款罪的界限  相似文献   

Suisheng Zhao 《当代中国》2010,19(65):419-436
China's economic success under an authoritarian political system in the past 30 years has raised a question about whether the China model will replace the Western model of modernization. This paper seeks answers to this question by exploring to what extent China offers a distinctive model of economic and political development and whether the China model represents a successful co-existence of a free market and an authoritarian state in order to maintain economic growth and political stability, as well as discussing what the appeals and limitations of the China model are.  相似文献   

Supporters of unification and Taiwan independence advocates view Taiwan's status through radically different logical frameworks. Unification supporters are guided by historical determinism. They believe that because Taiwan was part of China in the past, and because the island's residents have ancestral ties to mainland China, Taiwan is therefore an unalienable part of Chinese territory that must be brought under the control of the mainland Chinese state. In contrast, advocates of Taiwan independence are guided by the logic of pragmatism. In their view, cultural identity does not dictate political identity, and decisions about Taiwan's status should be guided by the will of the island's people, rather than by an abstract notion of historic destiny. Both of these approaches are rooted in long‐standing concepts of Chinese identity. Chinese ethnicity has long included both a hereditary and a cultural component. In the past, the cultural component allowed China to absorb populations on its periphery. Today, it serves as an outlet for Taiwan independence supporters seeking to redefine Taiwan as a political entity separate from the mainland Chinese state.  相似文献   

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