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19世纪末至1918年,犹太社团在哈尔滨开始形成并初步发展,设立了严密的组织机构,开展丰富的宗教活动,在哈尔滨的社会、文化、政治、经济等诸多领域都留下了历史的足迹。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代至今,大规模的移民浪潮将近百万俄裔犹太人推向历史祖国的怀抱,最终形成了以色列最大的移民群体——新一代俄裔犹太移民。在其形成过程中,东西方冷战背景下的某些国际因素——苏联、以色列和美国为维护自身利益而采取的种种对策,对新一代俄裔犹太移民的形成作用最为直接。  相似文献   

冯基华 《西亚非洲》2007,15(8):44-50
犹太文化的同一性与多样性是犹太文化自身存在矛盾的两个方面,它们既对立又统一;既相互排斥又相互依存。犹太文化与异质文化的矛盾、冲突(反犹、排犹)虽然破坏了犹太文化在寄居地与异质文化的融合趋势和进程,拉大了犹太文化与异质文化间的距离,但实际上对保存和弘扬犹太文化产生了"积极作用",犹太文化正是在异质文化的排斥下保持自己民族特性的。从发源到后来的历史演变,犹太文化在与非犹太文化的冲突与整合中不断得到丰富和发展,从而使其同一性与多样性并存,并以特有的风貌载入世界文明史册。  相似文献   

俄罗斯犹太自治州是中国黑龙江省的近邻,有三个沿江对应口岸,为发展中俄国际合作提供了良好条件。经历了苏联解体后市场经济改革的经济滑坡后,目前州内经济已进入恢复增长时期。近年自治州经济发展水平在俄远东屈居末位,然而如能充分利用区内农业、轻工业基础和发达的交通、口岸和资源条件,犹太自治州就能在远东迅速崛起,开创开发和发展的新纪元。  相似文献   

初访犹太自治州   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2003年2月11-15日,黑龙江省社会科学院曲伟院长应邀率团访问了俄罗斯犹太自治州。总的印象是:犹太自治州和比罗比詹市领导非常重视与中国开展经贸合作。阿穆尔捷特海关效率低,比罗比詹市商品丰富,价格偏高,犹太宗教公会活动卓有成效,犹太自治州科学中心与中国合作的热情高,犹太人非常重视教育……考察访问非常顺利,实现了增进友谊、加强合作的目的。  相似文献   

哈尔滨犹太宗教公会的兴衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪末,伴随着沙俄的排犹政策和中东铁路的修筑,大批俄国犹太人来到哈尔滨这个新的“避难所”定居。他们在哈尔滨建立了犹太会堂、银行、学校、医院,还创办了犹太人自己的社团,形成了较完整的犹太社区体系,当时的哈尔滨已成为东亚地区犹太人最大的活动中心之一。通过研究发现,哈尔滨犹太宗教公会在哈尔滨犹太人社区中处于领导核心的地位。通过犹太宗教公会的组织活动,维护犹太人的利益,使在哈尔滨的犹太人同欧美、苏俄、中东地区的犹太人保持了密切的联系。  相似文献   

哈尔滨犹太人多来自俄国,人数最多时达2.5万人,约占哈尔滨俄侨总数的10%。哈尔滨犹太公墓曾是东亚地区规模最大的犹太墓地和迄今中国境内唯一一座功能要件遗存完整的犹太墓地,以色列前总理埃胡德.奥尔默特的祖父、以中友好协会主席特迪.考夫曼先生的六位亲人和原远东地区兼哈尔滨犹太教会总拉比基谢廖夫等一批重要人物均葬于此。犹太墓地不仅为犹太人在哈尔滨存在期间的活动轨迹提供了实物证据和线索,也是哈尔滨乃至中国人善待而非排挤犹太人的重要历史见证。作为哈尔滨历史文化的一大特色遗产,它每年吸引着国内外众多人士前来祭扫或观光,已成为哈尔滨与外界多种交流活动的重要窗口和平台。本文作者丹.本-卡南先生现为黑龙江大学西语学院的外籍教授和知名学者,也是业经哈市相关部门注册的在哈常住之唯一一位以色列籍犹太人。近年来,他在教学之余,对哈尔滨犹太历史文化颇有研究。文中引用的一些档案资料和观点,有一定研究参考价值,不过文中的某些议论和看法显系有所偏激,属"典型的以色列风格",但亦不失为本文看点之一。  相似文献   

余国庆 《西亚非洲》2007,(10):45-50
梅厄.卡罕是当代犹太极端势力的鼻祖和精神领袖。虽然卡罕已去世多年,但他及其创立的"卡赫运动"在以色列仍有很大影响。以色列犹太极端势力的产生是阿以冲突和矛盾在以色列国内政治斗争中的一个反映。以色列政党和国家的右倾化为犹太极端势力的滋生与发展提供了土壤。犹太极端势力为达到自己的政治目的,不惜暗杀国家政治领导人。犹太极端势力正在以自己的方式对国内政治的发展产生影响,并成为以色列未来实现以巴和平的一大挑战。  相似文献   

犹太文化的几个特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为一种历经数千年而一以贯之、积淀与底蕴十分浓厚的民族文化 ,犹太文化的基本特征可以概括为宗教性、民族性与世界性。宗教成为保证犹太社会一体化和协调化的不可或缺的文化工具 ,犹太人社会生活的各个方面无不受到宗教的制约与影响。犹太文化是一种典型的民族文化 ,它以弘扬民族性为主旋律。世界性既是犹太文化的特征与表象 ,也是犹太文化不断超越自我并以顽强的生命力长期影响世界文化的必要保证。正是这些特征从内部孕育了犹太文化的凝聚力、兼容力与更新机制。  相似文献   

尊敬的张左己省长,尊敬的各位代表:请允许我代表犹太自治州政府和人民、实业界人士和第十六届哈尔滨经贸洽谈会的代表向你们表示祝贺,并预祝本届国际论坛取得成功!2005年5月中旬由州长尼古拉伊·沃尔科夫率领的犹太自治州代表团在访问哈尔滨期间与黑龙江省政府签订了新的合作协议,为犹太自治州和黑龙江省这两个边疆地区的睦邻友好合作提出了更加具体的任务和措施。在黑龙江省省委和省政府领导宋法棠、张左己会见犹太自治州政府代表团时,双方都指出,犹太自治州与中国各边境省区的密切友好关系是建立在互相尊重、相互理解的基础上,是在平等互…  相似文献   

Joanna Tidy 《Global Society》2012,26(4):535-556
This article uses a constructivist analysis to consider the social construction of identity and the Israeli military action in Lebanon in 2006. Strands of meaning, constructive of a collective sense of self, emerged out of historical continuities, interacted and were made meaningful in relation to each other around the issue of the Hezbollah threat in 2006. They framed, contextualised and constituted that policy issue to form a situated and contingent identity of the possible, within which the policy decisions that produced the second Lebanon War were taken. Whilst a body of work has resulted from engagement with this conflict, and a well established literature discusses Israeli identity, little has been done to bring the two together and consider in detail the role of identity in constructing the 2006 war as possible and desirable for Israel. This is the focus and contribution of this article. Domestically, the institutional context of the 2006 Knesset elections revealed a national identity in which the multi-faceted vulnerability identity and Fighting Jew identity were salient, interacting strands. The narratives of ordeal, existential threat, and self-reliance acted to increase the power of the Fighting Jew identity, predicated on a faith in military solutions to threats. These ideas came up against and were rearticulated in the context of the global “War on Terror” to make the war in 2006 both possible and desirable.  相似文献   

Does the experience of living in the United States lead Chinese people to believe that China should pursue democracy? Our study produced mixed results, as we found that overseas study resulted in significant attitude changes by various means. Education in social sciences and consumption of foreign media were both associated with supportive attitudes toward democracy, and also led respondents to believe that Western liberal democracy is a good thing and to push for it. Conversely, living overseas had a negative effect on respondents’ support for Chinese democratization, as the longer they had lived in the United States, the better they understood Western democracy and were suspicious about whether China should pursue immediate democratization. Meanwhile, we also find Chinese media has a negative impact on public support for democracy, both instrumental and intrinsic. Finally, factors associated with attitudes toward democracy, such as traditional values, self-expression values, and perceived performance of the Chinese government, were also significant.  相似文献   

本文以笔者赴印尼棉兰华人社区的个案考察为依据,把棉兰华人社团、社团领袖按经济实力、社会活动能力做了划分,并就各层次的社团与社团领袖的关系,分析了棉兰华社的内部结构,以期探讨这一有特色的印尼华人社区。  相似文献   

海外华文教育的现状、特点及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华文教育是指海外华侨华人来中国学习中国语言文化和华侨华人在所在国对华族子女所进行的中华民族语言文化教育。海外华文教育是中国语言文化教育在国外的一种延伸,与中国有相通之处,但由于地域、风俗、当地政策等原因,海外华文教育又具有独特的发展特征。目前,随着中国国际地位的提高,华文经济价值的提升,海外华文教育愈来愈受到世界各国的重视。  相似文献   

  The stellar economic performance of the Asia-Pacific region in the 90s led many scholars to credit Confucianism as the impetus for it provided the cultural background conducive for entrepreneurs of this region to excel. Some even believed that a “Confucian Revival” is at hand and have proposed the 21st century to be the “Confucian Century”. Although the causes of economic growth and success are complex and likely to vary from one country to another, the significance of culture has been emphasized. Hicks and Redding (1983) commented, “as there are well over a hundred developing countries, the almost perfect correlation between Chinese heritage and economic success could hardly be due to chance.” Another study by Gordon Redding (1990) on the spirit of Chinese capitalism suggested a strong link between Confucian values and modern overseas Chinese business enterprises. However, when the same region triggered a global economic crisis a few years ago, fingers were also pointed at Confucianism, naming it as the culprit behind the downfall of Chinese entrepreneurship. Further, people often loosely refer to Confucianism or Asian Values when analyzing factors relevant to the economy and social matters. They do so without first synthesizing the system of thought upon which they base their claims, thereby weakening their arguments. Moreover, studies on Chinese values are certainly insufficient if not misconstrued by scholars with no Chinese background. How then does Confucianism influence Asian countries? Do Chinese values still exist in modern Chinese societies? Using quantificational tools to support our thesis, this comparative study attempts to investigate whether Confucianism or traditional Chinese values still played an important role in shaping the mind and attitude of modern Chinese in Singapore and China.  相似文献   

二战结束后,菲律宾华侨社会经历了深刻变化。“菲化运动”对华社产生强烈冲击,华侨社会陷入动荡。在菲律宾政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,华侨社会逐步演变为华人社会,其政治认同也发生了转变。这些因素不但对菲律宾华文教育的发展环境产生影响,也使其性质发生了根本性的变化。菲律宾华文教育的发展与华人社会紧密关联,是深入反映华侨华人社会处境的一面镜子。为此,研究战后菲律宾华文教育可为进一步了解菲华社会提供良好视角,同时也可为当前汉语国际传播提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前泰国汉语教师和学生对所使用的汉语教材总体比较满意,但也存在一些问题,如泰国汉语教材编写缺乏教学大纲的规范和指导,科学性和针对性有待提高。另外,中泰语言文化对比研究尚浅,可借鉴的成果有限,而教材编写过程缺乏一线教师的参与。未来泰国汉语教育的发展应深化基础性研究,加强指导性研究,开展操作性研究,注重汉语教育相关研究结果与教材编写实践相结合,注重中泰合编。  相似文献   

五种中草药对弓形虫体外增殖的抑制效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索治疗弓形虫病的有效药物组方,从而为临床合理用药提供科学的指导,通过体外试验,培养Ana-1细胞作为弓形虫宿主细胞,采用MTT法测定了甘草、黄芩、百部、苦参和贯众5种中药对细胞的安全浓度,将弓形虫RH株速殖子与Ana-1细胞在含不同浓度药物的细胞培养液中共同培养,在加药后第4、8、12、24、48小时,观察细胞和弓形虫的生长状态和形态,选取第48小时观察药物体外抑制虫体增殖的效果,并以磺胺嘧啶钠作为阳性药物对照。结果显示,黄芩、百部、甘草可显著抑制弓形虫的增殖,而贯众和苦参效果不佳。  相似文献   

The rise of modern American scholarship on China was largely attributed to the establishment of the American Joint Committee on Contemporary China (JCCC) in 1959 which sponsored all kinds of activities to promote Chinese studies, ranging from institutional support and financial resources to training courses. Since then, American study of China has entered into a period of sustainability that features academic and group-oriented research. It has become a mainstream discipline in American social science studies. There are some distinctive differences between early sinology and modern Chinese Studies: the latter is much more concentrated on the study of issues, comparative historical studies, and contemporary Chinese society. American Chinese studies stresses empirical research, textual data, and the application of theory to practice.  相似文献   

数万名参与十月革命或捍卫十月革命成果并且有组织的旅俄华人共产党人或红军战士未能在中共建党过程中发挥主要作用;中共一大13名代表及其代表的57名党员无一人是旅俄华人共产党人中的“海归派”。这一问题的原因值得深思和研究。认真剖析当年旅俄华人共产党最高领导机构共产华员局在这一问题上的主观因素及其所处的客观社会条件,不难找到这一问题的答案。  相似文献   

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