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马榕蔚 《学理论》2013,(21):215-216
《致我们终将逝去的青春》是2013年中国大陆青春爱情校园题材的电影,改编自辛夷坞的同名小说,讲述的是奔驰的岁月里那些关于成长、关于爱情、关于梦想的事。那些往事看起来平淡寻常,却在这熟悉鲜活的生活印记里有你有我有她的影子,一寸一寸地打开了读者共同的记忆,对其心灵产生了强大的冲决力量。该影片自上映以来在观众中取得了广泛的影响,与观众产生了强烈的共鸣。就该影片的表现手法、叙述方式和青春主题三个方面解读该影片取得成功的原因。  相似文献   

尚志远 《学理论》2014,(2):141-142
当代美国作家罗伯特·沃勒的小说《廊桥遗梦》甫一面世便在全球刮起了一阵旋风,广受各方追捧、经久不衰。小说叙述了一个感人至深的凄美爱情故事,引起了广大读者的共鸣。究其成功的原因,除了小说中展现的美好爱情主题和独特艺术魅力,其叙事策略及叙事手段也是重要因素之一。  相似文献   

宏图 《瞭望》1993,(33)
智者千虑,难免一失。如,沈从文先生的“宁馨儿”——中篇小说《边城》“是一首诗,是二老唱给翠翠的情歌”(刘西渭先生评语),精美绝伦。小说原连载于1934年《国闻周报》第十一卷,当年10月即由生活书店收入《创作文库》初版。初版前,沈先生对原作作了多次修改,精益求精。唯第二节描述“安静和平”的边城时,于“由于边地的风俗淳朴,便是作妓  相似文献   

沈从文的"边城"世界是一个世外桃源,哈代笔下的埃格墩荒原远离尘嚣。两位作家刻画出了相似的自然环境,然而在处理人物和环境的关系上,两位作家却采用了不同的方式。翠翠和"边城"是完全融合的,而游苔莎与埃格墩荒原的关系是既融合又对抗的。两位作家通过人物与环境的不同关系寄托了各自的理想。沈从文追求"人性美",哈代深深怀念着已逝的宗法文明。然而,两位作家的理想却流归于中西方不同的"桃源"乌托邦。  相似文献   

本文对来自恩施土家族苗族自治州在武汉HJ公司工作的卡铺的工作史进行描述和解读,以她在工作中扮演三种不同角色而产生的三种互动情境为切入点,揭示她在与不同人群互动中如何调适并重构自己的思想和行为,适应城市生活,获得工作和爱情成功的过程及文化基础。  相似文献   

爱玛是小说<包法利夫人>中的主人公,好短暂的一生是在不断追求理想爱情的过程中度过的.可她所追求的理想爱情一再破灭,最后在走投无路中死去.文章试图通过对爱玛与三个男人的爱情悲剧及原因的分析,使人们认识到爱玛的爱情悲剧主要是由社会、环境以及她自身的因素造成的,希望能给人一点新的启示和思考.  相似文献   

《灵泉洞》是赵树理关于革命叙事的一部评书体长篇小说,作品以抗日战争时期为背景,叙述了太行山区人民群众在日寇和匪军双重压迫下的生死斗争。1962年,脚本创作者蔡传业、尚文,画家任伯宏、任伯言在赵树理《灵泉洞》的基础上,对其进行了连环画改编。改编后的《灵泉洞》连环画在"人物形象""自然环境""情节线索"三方面,均体现出极高的文学价值与艺术价值,向读者展示了图像和文字双重叙事的艺术景观。  相似文献   

黎旋 《学理论》2014,(5):168-169,172
玛丽·雪莱的《科学怪人》被誉为世界文学史上第一部科幻小说。它不但因为科幻主题的先见性而令今人惊叹,更因其独特的叙事技巧而引世人瞩目。在叙事形式上,小说打破了传统的全知者叙事结构,采用了框架故事结构;叙述中还采取了第一人称的叙事方法,小说中三个"我"的叙述之间过渡自然,以复杂的叙述角度构建了一个立体的叙事空间。  相似文献   

福楼拜小说《包法利夫人》中的女主人公爱玛由于自幼受到修道院的教育和浪漫主义文学的熏陶,对爱情、婚姻形成了一种固定的思维定式。于是她按照这种思维定式在现实生活中寻找理想的爱情,但到生命最后一刻都不曾找到。通过爱玛所经历的三段不同的感情经历,来探索爱玛最终不能获得理想幸福和爱情的根源。同时,通过爱玛的悲剧对那些不切实际的女性以及追逐名利的世人起到了深刻的警示作用。  相似文献   

郝春燕 《学理论》2009,(20):161-162
韩国影片动人的地方是有关成长的关怀。《智齿》对初恋带来的生命之痕进行了探讨,镜头切换造成颇有传奇性的叙事,糅合了人生的成长时空:在即将三十岁的女教师的人生中出现了关于初恋的叙事。重复的性别和姓名作为象征符号揭示了情感伤疼的普遍性,成熟的反思与青涩的爱情交融在一起,展示了情感成长的历程。  相似文献   

紫式部在继承了物语虚构的传统的同时,注重写实,真实再现人物的内心情感;利用历史叙事手法,适当加入史实,增加了作品的真实性;以和歌抒情,使原本单调的物语叙事手法变得丰满起来。  相似文献   

作为新历史主义小说,苏童的《米》和李锐的《旧址》具有较强的可比性。从死亡意识、叙述方式和语言结构等方面来进行深入的解读和比较,以便我们更好地认识这两部小说,有助于我们进一步感悟新历史主义小说的特点,有助于我们深刻理解新历史主义小说的理论。  相似文献   

叙事学理论自从上个世纪80年代被介绍到中国以来,不但使中国的叙事理论不断丰富和完善,同时为叙事作品的研究打开了一扇新的大门。关于温庭筠的小说《乾(月巺)子》,以前的研究者大多从文献角度对其加以关注,尚未见运用叙事学理论对其研究的先例。在叙事学视角理论的观照下,选取《乾(月巺)子》中《阎济美》一篇,考察其第一人称叙事,在文本研究基础上,加入西方叙事理论,并将其叙事艺术放之文学史中考察,庶几对唐代小说视角艺术的发展有比较清楚的认识,亦能对温庭筠的小说视角艺术作出正确理解定位。  相似文献   

Dealing with trauma and loss in a post-conflict environment demands nuanced responses that take into account individual-level healing work and avoid standardized, statist, institutionalized solutions which tend to prioritize national unity by subordinating disparate individual memories. This article explores how narrative therapy advances the use of local initiatives, skills and values, challenges notions of therapeutic governance and generates possibilities of experiencing an increased sense of agency. Further, it introduces a range of collective narrative methodologies that open up the space for diverse meanings and alternative stories that can contribute to peacebuilding and recovery from the effects of trauma.  相似文献   

This article explores some discursive constructions of slums and the narrative foundations that sustain them. In such discourses, the distancing function of language demarcates a slum-line that defines and creates a “natural” separation between slums and the rest of urban populations to the extent that some see that the modern concept of slum opens an urban dimension of Orientalism. Slum discourses generate narratives that, after repeated exposure, accrue to become history, culture and knowledge. Drawing from Bruner's work on narrative accrual, this article studies how slum-narratives accrue according to specific agendas that determine lines of socio-political action on slum-dwellers.  相似文献   

While many scholars attribute Barack Obama's success in the 2008 presidential election to his so-called deracialized campaign strategy, I argue that Obama constructed a persuasive message strategy that was fundamentally based on race. I argue that in pursuing what I call a racial distinction strategy, Obama mobilized race differently than previous Black candidates running in White-voter electoral majorities. Specifically, Obama's racial distinction strategy constructed a seamless racial narrative – deployed through constellations of subtle racial language and imagery – incorporating Obama's own personal biography within a broader narrative of the nation, specifically a narrative of American progress. The fact that Obama employed a racial distinction strategy, and the fact that he succeeded in doing so, sheds new light on, and leads us to reconsider the veracity of popular political theories such as post-Blackness, post-racialism and deracialization, along with the general ideology of colorblindness.  相似文献   

Maya Maor 《社会征候学》2013,23(1):88-105
Contemporary scholarship does not pay enough attention to stigma in relation to its temporal status; i.e. whether the stigma is temporary and changeable, or is it permanent? The present article links the study of sociology of time, of de-stigmatization strategies and of narrative resistance, through a case study of individuals who are stigmatized on the basis of an attribute perceived as temporary and changeable – fatness. Conducting a comparative analysis of Before-and-After weight-loss articles appearing in an Israeli online health magazine, I examine how these narratives marginalize fat people by presenting fatness as temporary and changeable. I then compare these narratives to life narratives produced by Israeli-Jewish women, who self-identify as fat. Participants subvert mainstream narratives in two ways: (1) assigning the fat body to “After,” thereby challenging the temporary and transient status of fatness and (2) subverting other discursive characteristics of Before-and-After Weight-Loss Narratives. As a result, participants produce valid knowledge and social criticism from a stable fat subject position.  相似文献   

Can the way we speak affect the way we perceive time and think about politics? Languages vary by how much they require speakers to grammatically encode temporal differences. Futureless tongues (e.g., Estonian) do not oblige speakers to distinguish between the present and future tense, whereas futured tongues do (e.g., Russian). By grammatically conflating “today” and “tomorrow,” we hypothesize that speakers of futureless tongues will view the future as temporally closer to the present, causing them to discount the future less and support future‐oriented policies more. Using an original survey experiment that randomly assigned the interview language to Estonian/Russian bilinguals, we find support for this proposition and document the absence of this language effect when a policy has no obvious time referent. We then replicate and extend our principal result through a cross‐national analysis of survey data. Our results imply that language may have significant consequences for mass opinion.  相似文献   

Exclusionary attitudes towards outgroups contribute to social and political challenges worldwide. Previous field experiments found that interpersonal conversations employing multiple narrative strategies can durably reduce exclusionary attitudes. We theoretically distinguish between three of these narrative strategies: narratives which promote analogic perspective taking, vicarious perspective-giving, and perspective-getting. Previous research has assigned these strategies together in a compound treatment, leaving open important theoretical and practical questions about each's effectiveness. We present results from three field studies and a survey experiment that individually manipulate their presence. Across the field studies, we find omitting prompts to engage in analogic perspective-taking and vicarious perspective-giving does not diminish effects; conversations employing only perspective-getting narratives durably reduce exclusionary attitudes. Results from within-subject analyses and a survey experiment similarly show that perspective-getting consistently reduces exclusionary attitudes and activates multiple mechanisms. These results refine theoretical understandings of prejudice reduction and support facilitating perspective-getting in conversations intended to reduce exclusionary attitudes.  相似文献   

The Japanese, just like any other people of the world, love entertainment. In this article we discuss and analyze three kinds of popular, Japanese mass entertainment utilizing a semiotic approach. We are concerned with what and how manga (Japanese comics), pachinko (vertical Japanese pinball machines), and cosplay (costume play) represent and reflect Japanese-ness: its culture, tradition, history, and society.  相似文献   

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