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谢芬芳 《传承》2011,(21):24-25
随着我国农村大量男性劳动力外出务工,妇女留守在家,夫妻两地分居给婚姻带来很多消极后果,大量农村留守妇女面临婚姻危机。但由于农村留守妇女婚姻解体预后不良、传统观念束缚及子女成长等多种因素,使得处于婚姻危机中的农村留守妇女正面临着离婚难的"囚徒困境"。促进本地就业、实行农民工探亲假制、破除旧有的婚姻观及推行多元化婚居模式是走出困境的有效方式。  相似文献   

一、我省农村留守妇女面临的主要问题 1、身体安全问题。农村留守妇女普遍存在缺乏身体安全感、身心负担重等问题。 2、婚姻安全问题。农村留守妇女普遍婚姻质量降低,有的还存在婚姻解体,家庭破裂等问题。  相似文献   

文章通过对农村留守妇女社会支持文献的回顾,梳理了农村留守妇女面临的主要困境和社会支持的现状,提出了社会工作为农村留守妇女提供支持的策略。文章指出,农村留守妇女社会支持网络比较单一和脆弱,社会支持供给与留守妇女需求之间矛盾突出。农村留守妇女社会支持的缺陷为社会工作介入提供了空间,社会工作的介入应该秉承优势视角与问题视角的结合,在整合政府资源的基础上,加强与社区平台的合作,充分发挥农村基层妇联组织和自助组织的作用,构建社会力量广泛参与的留守妇女支持网络。  相似文献   

丈夫外出打工对留守妇女的社会角色产生了复杂的影响,留守妇女能够采取积极的行动应对角色冲突,成为农村舞台的“新主角”,而更新社会对留守妇女的期望,提高留守妇女的角色扮演能力是留守妇女扮演好农村社会“新主角”的关键。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告将"乡村振兴"提到了战略高度,在重视城乡融合的基础上推行农业农村优先发展。除吸引优秀人才返乡创业、返乡就业外,中国的乡村振兴战略还必须调动农村现有劳动力的积极性和创造性。但中国长期以来的工业化和城市化进程已经使流动人口与留守人口现象发生了很大的变化。流动人口的急剧增长和留守人口相对减少相辅相成。农村留守妇女在总体数量上已经大大减少,留守地也从农村转向乡镇乃至县城。概言之,现阶段的农村留守妇女是经过长期市场和政策筛选后的"剩余"群体,她们面临着更为沉重的照料负担、更为严峻的婚姻危机和更难启齿的疾病困扰。农村留守妇女的这些新特点和突出问题需要得到政府更有的放矢的关注和干预,使她们能够更好地参与到乡村振兴中来。  相似文献   

吕芳 《妇女研究论丛》2012,(5):36-42,47
社会支持网是正式的社会保障体系的一种补充。在工业化、城市化的浪潮中,大量青壮年农民进城务工,传统的"男耕女织"演变为"男工女耕",农村留守妇女成为新农村建设的主力军,不得不重构自己的社会支持网。然而,目前国内很少有关于农村留守妇女的个体社会支持网构成的实证研究。本文通过对16个省份2414名留守妇女的抽样问卷调查资料系统考察留守妇女的社会支持网的构成。调查发现:丈夫仍然是"缺席"的户主,构成留守妇女情感支持网、财务支持网的重心;"娘家人"在留守妇女社会支持网中的重要性超过了"公婆",尤其在情感支持和财务支持方面;邻居、朋友都是留守妇女日常交往的主要对象,邻居还对留守妇女的生产活动提供帮扶,而朋友则是留守妇女情感倾诉的主要对象之一。亲属倾向于情感支持、财务支持,而非亲属倾向于交往支持。  相似文献   

本文旨在了解西北农村留守妇女的社会支持网络状况及心理健康状况,并探究其社会支持网络特征对心理健康的影响。通过抽取甘肃省311名农村留守妇女为被试,采用社会支持网络量表和SCL-90量表进行调查,结果发现西北农村留守妇女的社会支持网络表现出规模偏小、强关系成员占多数、异质性较低、趋同性较高的特征;西北农村留守妇女群体的心理健康水平显著低于成年正常女性。此外,研究还发现西北农村留守妇女社会支持网络规模对其心理健康具有显著的负向影响,网络异质性、趋同性与其心理健康也有一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

半流动家庭中留守妇女的家庭和婚姻状况探析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
大量农民从农村到城镇的流动冲击着农村传统的家庭模式,使广大农村出现了许多新的家庭模式,如半流动家庭等。由于我国传统的性别分工和工业化发展对劳动力需求的影响,半流动家庭中很大一部分是主妇留守家庭。留守妇女面临着一些新的问题,如家庭角色转变、夫妻城市化水平的差异、婚姻情感维系的脆化等。面对这些问题,留守妇女应及时发展自我。  相似文献   

农村留守妇女问题的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋月娥 《中国妇运》2011,(8):44-46,43
留守妇女是当今农村社会的弱势群体之一。近年来,她们的权益问题引起了社会各界的较多关注。妇联组织一直高度重视农村妇女问题和城市化引发劳动力转移后的留守妇女问题,多年来开展了大量的调查研究,对农村留守妇女的基本情况和权益保护面临的主要问题有了比较深入的了解和把握,同时,也开展了一系列以农村留守妇女为对象的关爱帮扶工作,为保护妇女权益、促进妇女成长、助力农村社会和谐做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

近30多年来,云南省怒江傈僳族自治州一些傈僳族妇女,因婚姻原因迁移到省外。这些跨省婚姻迁移妇女到省外后,其生活及命运却各有不同,但多数遭遇各种困境。这些困境,折射出边疆少数民族妇女在现代社会中的不适应与艰辛。  相似文献   

随着马来西亚与中国、东盟国家之间关系日益紧密,马来西亚华人发生跨国婚姻的现象日益常见。玻璃口新村是马来西亚最大的广西籍华人新村。从第一批外国新娘——印尼华人嫁入新村开始至今已有20余年,第二批是泰国新娘,第三批是越南和中国新娘。作为跨国移民而来的外国新娘,在融入当地社会的过程中呈现出不同的特点:印尼新娘嫁入时间最早,较易获取公民身份证;泰国新娘保持原乡文化最浓;中国新娘多假结婚;越南新娘勤劳,婚后生活较为困难。玻璃口新村跨国婚姻是马来西亚华人跨国婚姻的缩影。  相似文献   

LAUREL BOSSEN 《当代中国》2007,16(50):97-116
Recently much attention has focused on the rising tide of rural to urban migration in China. Some of this migration is inter-provincial, and some is merely a shift to the nearest big town or city. Much less is known about the effects of long-distance marriage between rural areas. This type of migration does not entail a shift to urban household registration, nor does it involve adaptation to city living. Distant rural migration is a phenomenon that often includes risk-taking women who marry into distant regions seeking a better life, or better opportunities, compared to their natal village. Yet these migrants typically remain farmers. Based on fieldwork in rural Henan and Yunnan I discuss cases of village women and men who had married at great distance from their natal kin. I observe some of the effects of family separation and social strategies adopted by migrants in rural settings. Much as urban migrants often face a world of uncertainties, those who migrate long-distance to other rural communities face a world of strangers with little legal or social protection.  相似文献   

在社会转型过程中,外嫁女与娘家村庄的关系逐渐发生改变。本文运用"接纳度"和"同等性"两个维度相结合的分析框架,通过剖析江西省四个村庄集体回娘家活动,呈现外嫁女在村庄参与中的身份问题。研究发现,外嫁女通过集体回娘家活动改变了其参与村庄事务的实质性缺席和象征性参与的状态,借助亲情表达和仪式认可被重新接纳为娘家村庄的成员。不过,与男性相比,这种接纳属于差别化接纳,具有功利性、暂时性和尊卑有别的特征。同时,这种差别化接纳隐匿于亲情联结和个体平等的叙事中,并未被活动参与主体明确意识到。  相似文献   

The recent increasing socioeconomic and political interactions between mainland China and Taiwan have resulted in a significant number of marriages between the two societies. Why do people cross the Strait to look for a marriage partner? What are the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of such marriages? And what impact do these marriages have on society as well as on the individuals involved? These are the issues we explore in this paper. Analyzing a survey on cross‐Strait marriages conducted by the authors, this paper concludes that inter‐regime marriages between these two societies predominately involve older Taiwanese males and younger mainland females. The general pattern in these marriages represents an exchange between the intrinsic attributes (age, appearance) of the mainland women and the extrinsic attributes (financial status) of the Taiwanese men. In addition, inter‐regime marriages provide a means for mainland women to attain geographic and eventually social mobility.  相似文献   

保护性政策为什么没有改变农村妇女公共参与"推而不动"的状态?这与政策运行的村庄社会基础有很大的关联性.本文考察了一项保护性政策实验中村庄社会的不同反应,发现自上而下的保护性政策在输入到村庄社会的过程中,会遭到不同程度的抵制;对于村庄层级链条中位置不同的妇女,保护性程度不同,其公共参与程度也不同;同时,它并没有改变男性主导村庄权力结构的局势,还加深了两性隔离.为此,制定政策应该充分尊重村庄妇女公共参与三级链分层现状,使政策的保护性力量在这个链条上出现增量式发展;应该建立有效的配套机制,改变"两性场域"不对等分割状况,实现和谐式参与.  相似文献   

河北省农村妇女土地权益保护状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文结合河北省实际,从理论和实践两个层面,对农村妇女土地权益的保护问题进行了全面探讨.分析了当前河北省妇女土地权益的特征以及现行政策法律的不足,介绍了其他省的经验,并就村民自治如何做到民意性与合法性的统一、出嫁女的村集体经济组织成员资格界定等热点问题,提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

改革开放四十多年来,伴随着经济的快速发展,中国的农村社会结构发生了剧烈变迁,其中较为显著的是大量农村家庭成员外出务工,从而带来了家庭社会关系的断裂和社会空间的分离。较男性而言,女性受到的影响更为突出。通过对河南一个扶贫车间的案例进行研究,本文发现:近几年由政府、企业和村庄社区所共建的扶贫车间,为农村妇女社会空间的再造提供了一种可能路径,但从社会保障和社会福利等角度看,扶贫车间仍然存在一些缺陷和提升空间。  相似文献   

As one of the first signatories which ratified the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW)" in 1980, China has taken a series of measures on aspects of law, policy, society and so on, to strictly fulfill the obligations of States parties, improving the social status of women, giving more opportunities and rights to women during the past 30 years, and the effect is significant. However, women's employment, political participation, health, domestic violence against women have not been well addressed, and there is still room for improvement about problems concerning girls, rural women, older women and other special groups of women. We cannot merely remain at the stage of empowerment. What is more important is to change social customs and social environment, to improve the ability of women to exercise their rights, to promote the equality on the ability to achieve real justice and to promote the development of the cause of gender equality.  相似文献   

本文以"赣南新妇女"运动为基础,讨论了乡村振兴背景下,在全国妇联发起的"美丽家园"建设中,家庭卫生如何成为私人事务和公共事务的连接点;在此过程中,妇女如何被动员起来,通过参与家庭卫生整治工作而进入村庄治理。本文认为,这一自上而下发起的"新妇女"运动为妇女的重新组织化提供了契机,一批妇女骨干被发掘出来,并通过参与家庭卫生整治进入村庄治理工作中。地方政府、村庄社会、村级组织都是妇女公共参与的机制性因素,它们为妇女提供了与国家联结的机会,重建了妇女的公共身份,也为妇女的公共参与实践提供了试错和探索的空间。  相似文献   

Jude Howell 《当代中国》2006,15(49):603-619
This article takes up the issue of women's political participation in village committees in China. Of interest is the decline in and continuing low level of women's political participation in village governance structures in the reform period, and particularly following the widespread introduction of competitive village elections since 1988. The dominant explanation given for women's numerical under-representation in village committees, and in politics more generally, focuses on women's lack of self-confidence, which inhibits them from standing as candidates, and on the enduring drag of ‘feudal’ attitudes, which construct women as inferior to men, and therefore not capable of leadership. These two factors combined have in turn a material effect, as son-preference advantages boys in access to basic schooling, who thus, particularly in poorer rural areas, end up with higher levels of education, and greater opportunities in waged employment. The common solution adopted by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), China's largest women's organisation, lies in a two-pronged attack: first in the ideological realm, targeting men and women's sexist attitudes and concomitantly promoting a discourse of equality, and second, in the material realm by raising women's skills. It is argued here that this dominant text on women's under-representation in village committees masks a more complex conjuncture of variables that shape women's position in local politics. Social practices, economic structures, institutional norms and procedures, and political culture all prey on, revitalise and reproduce gendered notions of the appropriate place of women and men in political life.  相似文献   

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