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It is a daunting honour to tread in the illustrious footsteps of those who have previously delivered this Oration. It is also a personal pleasure, because Sir Robert Garran was the gracious and tolerant chairman of the Canberra University College Council that gave me my first academic post. Impressive but totally unpretentious, Sir Robert was a man that I could look up to, literally as well as figuratively. In 1938, however, I was scarcely aware that Garran had been the first Commonwealth public servant, a permanent head for thirty-one years and, as Attorney-General John (later Sir John) Latham put it a few days after Garran retired in January 1932, "guide, philosopher and friend to every Federal Cabinet" during those years1  相似文献   

The 1999 Sir Robert Garran Oration, delivered at the IPAA National Conference, Darwin 8–10 September 1999.  相似文献   

The seventeenth annual conference of the Australian Regional Groups was held in Canberra on 11th—13th November, 1974. The general topic was "Public Administration in Co-operative Federalism". We publish in this issue the papers presented at the conference and a summary of the discussion. The conference chairman was Mr Walter Ives, Secretary of the Australian Department of Agriculture. On the first evening, The Honourable Sir John Kerr, K.C.M.G., K. St. J., Q.C., Governor-General of Australia, delivered the Sir Robert Garran Oration, with the title, "Ethics and Public Office". Dr R. L. Wettenhall, President of the Australian Capital Territory Group, was in the chair.  相似文献   

Jeong  Gyung-Ho 《Political Analysis》2008,16(2):179-196
e-mail: gjeong{at}artsci.wustl.edu This paper develops a procedure for locating proposals and legislatorsin a multidimensional policy space by applying agenda-constrainedideal point estimation. Placing proposals and legislators onthe same scale allows an empirical test of the predictions ofthe spatial voting model. I illustrate this procedure by testingthe predictive power of the uncovered set—a solution conceptof the multidimensional spatial voting model—using rollcall data from the U.S. Senate. Since empirical tests of thepredictive power of the uncovered set have been limited to experimentaldata, this is the first empirical test of the concept's predictivepower using real-world data. Author's note: An earlier version of this paper was presentedat the 2006 Annual Meeting of Political Methodology Society.I am grateful to Andrew Martin, Gary Miller, Dan O'Neill, DavidPark, Robert Walker, and three anonymous reviewers for theirhelpful comments. I am especially indebted to Gary Miller forhis insights and advice. All remaining errors are my own.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(1):108-122
Book reviews in this article: The Coercive State: the Decline of Democracy in Britain . By Paddy Hillyard and Janie Percy -Smith . On Caring For The National Health . By Sir Kenneth Stowe . Health , Happiness and Security . By Frank Honigsbaum . After 1992; the United States of Europe . By Ernest Wistrich . Is Socialism Doomed ? The Meaning of Mitterand . By Daniel Singer . The School Effect —A Study of Multi-Racial Comprehensives . By David Smith & Sally Tomlinson . Cutback Management in Public Bureaucracies . By Andrew Dunsire & Christopher Hood . The Myth of the Hidden Economy . By Philip Harding & Richard Jenkins . The Idea of a Democratic Community . By Christopher J. Berry  相似文献   

Books Reviewed
Farnsworth Stephen J. and Lichter S. Robert, THE NIGHTLY NEWS NIGHTMARE: network television's coverage of US presidential elections, 1988–2000 , (DAVID DENEMARK), 376
Jamieson Kathleen Hall and Waldman Paul, THE PRESS EFFECT: politicians, journalists, and the stories that shape the political world , (DAVID DENEMARK), 377
Hutchings Vincent L., PUBLIC OPINION AND DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY: how citizens learn about politics , (PAT LYONS), 377
Little Douglas, AMERICAN ORIENTALISM: the United States and the Middle East since 1945 , (IRENE GENDZIER), 378
Stonecash Jeffrey M., POLITICAL POLLING: strategic information in campaigns , (MADS H. QVORTRUP), 379
Carter Jimmy, Ford Gerald R., Cutler Lloyd N., Michel Robert H. and Zelikow Philip, TO ASSURE PRIDE AND CONFIDENCE IN THE ELECTORAL PROCESS: report of the National Commission on Federal Election Reform , (NIALL PALMER), 379
Dahl Robert A., Shapiro Ian and Cheibub Jose Antonio (eds), THE DEMOCRACY SOURCE BOOK , (YVES LABERGE), 381  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Duff, Andrew, Reforming the European Union
Duff, Andrew, The Treaty of Amsterdam
Newman, Michael, Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union
Sperling, James and Kirchner, Emil, Recasting the European Order: Security Architectures and Economic Cooperation
Edwards, Geoffrey and Pijpers, Alfred (eds), The Politics of European Treaty Reform: The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference and Beyond
Salmon, Trevor and Nicoll, Sir William (eds), Building European Union: A Documentary and Historical Analysis
Urban, Michael, Igrunov, Vyacheslav and Mitrokhin, Sergei, The Rebirth of Politics in Russia
Truscott, Peter, Russia First: Breaking with the West
Mandelbaum, Michael (ed), Post Communism: Four Perspectives
Offe, Claus, Varieties of Transition: The East European and East German Experience
Ramsden, John, The Age of Churchill and Eden: The Conservative Party 1840–1957
Ramsden, John, Winds of Change: The Conservative Party 1957–1975
Thorpe, Andrew, A History of the British Labour Party
Francis, Martin, Ideas and Policies under Labour 1945–1951
Foote, Geoffrey , The Labour Party's Political Thought: A History , 3rd edn
Lipow, Arthur, Political Parties and Democracy: Explorations in History and Theory
Khilnani, Sunil, The Idea of India
Strachan, Hew, The Politics of the British Army
Phillips, Melanie, All Must Have Prizes
Evans, Richard J., In Defence of History
Finer, S.E., The History of Government , Volume 1:, Ancient Monarchies and Empires; Volume 2:, The Intermediate Ages
Volume 3:, Empires, Monarchies and the Modern State
Cowling, Maurice, A Conservative Future  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》2008,79(1):126-142
Books review in this article: Perestroika or katastroika ? DAVID LANE Seven Years that Changed the World: Perestroika in Perspective, by Archie Brown. Consuming public services John Clarke The Reform of Public Services under New Labour: Narratives of Consumerism, by Catherine Needham. Liberalism, radical Islam and identity Richard Mullender Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo Van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance, by Ian Buruma Michael Moore: an American patriot ? Jad Adams Citizen Moore: An American Maverick, by Roger Rapoport Robert Peel's great lesson Dick Leonard Robert Peel: A Biography, by Douglas Hurd. Ambition or overreach ? Andrew Blick Instruction to Deliver: Tony Blair, Public Services and the Challenge of Achieving Targets, by Michael Barber. A dessicated master of the universe Jean Seaton Mellon: An American Life, by David Cannadine.  相似文献   

The Repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 remains one of the most fascinating events in the history of political economy. A parliament securely controlled by the party of agriculture, which was the main beneficiary of protection, abolished protection. Explanations have included the hegemony of Manchester School economics; class conflict; the effectiveness of the Anti-Corn Law League; the personality of Sir Robert Peel; and evangelical religion. We aim to see why the standard ideas from political economy (Chicago and/or Virginia) seem to fit our case so poorly. We use the Aydelotte dataset on rollcalls in the Parliament of 1841–7, augmented from primary sources, and the letters and memoranda of the principal actors.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》2009,80(4):589-607
Books reviewed in this issue. The Doubting President
SELINA CHEN The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, by Barack Obama. Old age and new economics
David Metz The Age of Aging: How Demographics are Changing the Global Economy and Our World, by George Magnus. Vindicating the state
Gianfranco Pasquino In Government We Trust: Market Failure and the Delusions of Privatisation, by Warvick Funnell, Robert Jupe and Jane Andrew. Italian communists and the USSR
Maud Anne Bracke Palmiro Togliatti: A Biography, by Aldo Agosti. Antisemitism in the hall of mirrors
Brian Klug Globalising Hatred: The New Antisemitism, by Denis MacShane. Taking on the sceptics
Rosemary Bechler Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Approach, by Gillian Brock. Financial scandals: the lessons from France
Robert Boyce Shades of Indignation: Political Scandals in France, Past and Present, by Paul Jankowski: Berghahn. Fewer Willys but more consensus
Matthew Grant Seeking a Role: The United Kingdom, 1951–1970, by Brian Harrison. The crunching of classical economics
Paul Auerbach The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened and What to Do about It, by Robert J Shiller. Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism, by George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
LSE: A History of the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895–1995 .
The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State , by Nicholas Timmins.
Party, Parliament and Personality , edited by Peter Jones. Routledge.
The Schuman Plan and the British Abdication of Leadership in Europe , by Edmund Dell.
The Throw that Failed: Britain's 1961 Application to Join the Common Market , by Lionel Bell.
Mandarin: The Diaries of an Ambassdor, 1969–1982 , by Sir Nicholas Henderson.
The Failure and Future of British Democracy , by Andrew Marr.
World Orders, Old and New , by Noam Chomsky.
Economic Democracy: The Politics of Feasible Socialism , by Robin Archer.
Socialism after Communism: The New Market Socialism , by Christopher Pierson.
Intellectuals and Socialism: 'Social Democrats'and the Labour Party , by Radnika Desai.
Opening the Books: Essays on the Cultural and Social History of the British Communist Party , edited by Geoff Andrews, Nina Fishman and Kevin Morgan.  相似文献   

This collection of pieces addresses questions raised by the Snowden revelations and their aftermath. All the authors were participants at a round‐table discussion at King's College London on Thursday 20 March 2014. The round table was chaired jointly by Sir Lawrence Freedman and Lord [Peter] Hennessy. Those participating were: Baroness [Onora] O'Neill, Lord [Ken] Macdonald, Nigel Inkster, Professor Thomas Rid (King's College), Ewen MacAskill (The Guardian), Gordon Corera (BBC), Jemima Stratford QC, Peter Horrocks (BBC), Charlie Edwards (RUSI), Professor Jean Seaton (Westminster University), Bill Peace (King's, ex‐SOCA), Air Vice‐Marshal Andrew Vallance (DA‐Notice), Carl Miller (DEMOS/King's), Lord (Alex) Carlile and Richard Sambrook (Cardiff University). The round table was organised by Martin Moore, director of the Media Standards Trust, and Benedict Wilson, lecturer in Defence Studies at King's and Research Associate at KPI. It was a joint Media Standards Trust–King's Policy Institute Event. For more information please contact martin.moore@mediastandardstrust.org or benedict.wilson@kcl.ac.uk .  相似文献   

The genesis of the workshop on public management reform in New Zealand, held in Wellington on March 10, 2000, was an invitation from the International Public Management Network to the Graduate School of Business and Government Management at Victoria University to organize and co-host a one-day event in Wellington following the Network’s Sydney 2000 Conference. Approximately sixty people attended the workshop. The majority of attendees were senior public servants in the New Zealand government. In addition, there was a representation of academics from New Zealand and Network members who came on from the IPMN conference in Sydney at Macquarie Graduate School of Management March 4–6.The mix of speakers was strongly weighted towards practitioners, as is reflected in the articles in this symposium. The three central agency contributions are all from officials who have a reputation for thinking creatively and critically about the future of New Zealand public management, Derek Gill, Andrew Kibblewhite and Anne Neale. Graham Scott kindly agreed to provide the keynote address. Robert Gregory, a well-known critic of the New Zealand reforms, was the sole academic voice in this small chorus of practitioners. Gregory would be the last to claim that he is “representative” of anyone’s opinion other than his own.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》2009,80(3):434-453
Books reviewed in this issue.
Visions of America
Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity, by William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan and Carl J. Schramm.
The Challenge of Affluence Self-control and Well-being in the United States and Britain since 1950, by Avner Offer.
A great world disorder
Andrew Gamble
Global Challenges for Leviathan: A Political Philosophy of Nuclear Weapons and Global Warming , by Furio Cerutti.
Let's do it by lot
Andrew Blick
The Athenian Option: Radical Reform for the House of Lords , by Anthony Barnett and Peter Carty.
A People's Parliament , by Keith Sutherland.
The lawyer's responsibility
Caroline Fournet
Torture Team: Deception, Cruelty and the Compromise of Law , by Philippe Sands.
The journalist's responsibilities
John Lloyd
Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press , by Michael Schudson.
Red in tooth and claw
Dick Pountain
The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too , by James K. Galbraith.
The quandaries of the Nazi empire
Richard Mullender
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe , by Mark Mazower.
The colour-coding of American elections
Gianfranco Pasquino
Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State: Why Americans Vote the Way They Do , by Andrew Gelman.
Organising warring parties
John Ramsden
Parties at War: Political Organisation in Second World War Britain , by Andrew Thorpe.
The United States since Vietnam: a life on the wire
Vassilis K. Fouskas
World Out of Balance: International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy , by Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth.  相似文献   

Peter Boettke 《Public Choice》2017,171(1-2):17-22
In this tribute to Robert Tollison, I will outline his contributions to the development of public choice. I focus on Tollison’s work on rent-seeking, the political economy of reform, and the rules level of analysis in sports economics. Throughout his career, Tollison brilliantly figured out ways to take insights from price theory and public choice theory and operationalize them using multiple methods of empirical analysis, including historical interpretation and statistical testing.  相似文献   

No doubt my colleagues in this venture will attest to the wide range of contributions which Robert Parker and Dick Spann have made to the field of public administration. I have benefited greatly from these contributions, as well as from discussions with both, in particular from those with Dick Spann during my period in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Sydney. However, the breadth of their coverage has not been without some cost to the field, and in this paper I want to examine their influence on the area which I know best, that of local government.  相似文献   

The decision of the Conservative‐dominated coalition to ring‐fence international development spending has been, given the economic environment, one of most intriguing decisions of the new government. Recognising the relative neglect of academic work on Conservative policy towards international development, the article seeks to provide an explanation for its new‐found prioritisation. In doing so, the article suggests that it can be attributed to four possible influences: that it can be tied to the process of modernisation and brand decontamination of the Conservatives; that it is a consequence of the personal commitment of key elites such as David Cameron, George Osborne and Andrew Mitchell; that it is by‐product of the perceived success of the Department for International Development under New Labour, which made subsuming it within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office a non‐viable (and expensive) option; and that protecting the international aid budget was actually in the British national interest.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》2008,79(2):276-295
Books reviewed in this issue. Conciliating the Irish Ireland: The Politics of Enmity, 1789–2006, by Paul Bew. The lobby of all lobbies? The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, by John J. Meirsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. Algeria's dead—does anyone care? Algeria: Anger of the Dispossessed, by Martin Evans and John Phillips. Patriotic intentions Patriotism and Other Mistakes, by George Kateb. Tony Benn, Human Being More Time for Politics: Diaries, 2001–2007, by Tony Benn, selected and edited by Ruth Winstone. Churchill the Zionist Churchill and the Jews, by Martin Gilbert. British communists under the microscope Communists and British Society, 1920–1991, by Kevin Morgan, Gidon Cohen and Andrew Flinn. The Romanian revolution revisited The Romanian Revolution of December 1989, by Peter Siani‐Davies. Comrades of the world: you are history! Comrades: A World History of Communism, by Robert Service.  相似文献   

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