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《The Political quarterly》1967,38(3):315-331
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A utobiography of B ertrand R ussell , 1872–1914.
T he M irror . A P olitical H istory . By M aurice E delman .
A ustralian P olicies and A ttitudes T owards C hina . By H enry S. A lbinski .
A ustralian N ational G overnment . By L. F. C risp .
A ustralian D emocrat . By B ruce M ansfield .
D ilemmas D own U nder . By A. J ames R ose .
T owards a P ax A fricana . By A li A. M azrui .
P arliament and A dministration : T he E stimates C ommittee 1945–1965. By N evil J ohnson .
M odern I nternational N egotiation . By A rthur L all .
D ivision and C ohesion in D emocracy —A S tudy in N orway . By H arry E ckstein .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1939,10(2):292-308
Book reviewed in this article:
T he N atural H istory of P opulation . By R aymond
F rance F aces D epopulation . By J. J. S pengler .
P ower : A N ew S ocial A nalysis . By B ertrand R ussell .
S urvey of I nternational A ffairs , 1937. By A rnold J. T oynbee , assisted by V. M. B oulter .
B ias and E ducation for D emocracy . By M ichael S tewart .
A merican G overnment . By W illiam A nderson .
P ressures on the L egislature of N ew J ersey . By D ayton D avid M c K ean .
T he R ise of a N ew F ederalism . By J ane P erry C lark .
G overnment C orporations and F ederal F unds . By J ohn M c D iarmid .
D emocratic S weden : A S urvey of the S wedish P olitical and E conomic S ystem by T he N ew F abian Research B ureau . Edited by M rs . M argaret C ole and M r . C harles S mith . ( Routledge , 1938. 12 s. 6d .). F inland . By J. H ampden J ackson .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article
T he W eimar R epublic –Overture to the T hird R eich . By G odfrey S cheele .
T he W orld's H unger . By F rank A. P earson & F loyd A. H arper .
A F ood P lan F or I ndia . With a foreword By P rof . A. V. H ill .
T he C ontrol of H usbandry . A discussion of the future of War Agricultural Executive Committees. By J. P. M axton .
T he F uture of G overnment . By H erman F iner .
H istory , H eritage , and E nvironment . The Place of Social Studies in Secondary Schools. By J. B. M c N icol .
S tudies in t he D evelopment of C apitalism . By M aurice D obb .
N ational E nterprise . The Development of the Public Corporation. By E rnest D avies , M.P.
D emocracy in F rance . By D avid T homson .
N ational H ealth I nsurance I n G reat B ritain 1911–1976. By R. W.H arris .
G reat B ritain and P alestine
A S tiff -necked P eople . By B erl L ocker .
A P alestine M unich . By R. H. S. C rossman , M.P. and M ichael F oot , M.P.
D ocuments R elating to the P alestine P roblem .
J ewish P alestine F ights B ack .
M emoranda of the J ewish D ominion of P alestine L eague .
P alestine T hrough the F og of P ropaganda . By M. F. A bcarius .
R evolution of E nvironment . By E. A. G utkind .
A H istory of L ocal G overnment . By K. B. S mellie .
B evin . By T refor E vans .
T he N orthern T angle . By R owland K enney . With 8 maps by J. F. H orrabin .
T he R epublic of A ustria , 1918–1974. By M ary M ac D onald .
T he U nited N ations : A G uide to the N ew W orld O rganization . By L ours D olivet .
T he P oint of P arliament . By A. P. H erbert .
C ompass of the W orld . By H ans W. W eigert and V. S tefansson .
A N ation is B orn . By M ichael A rdizzone .
M ankind , N ation and I ndividual F rom a L inguistic P oint of V iew . By O tto J espersen .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(2):228-231
Book reviewed in this article:
S ystems of I ntegrating the I nternational C ommunity . Edited by E lmer P lischke .
T he R ole of T heory in I nternational R elations . Edited by H orace V. H arrison .
A ction and R eaction in W orld P olitics . By R ichard N. R osecrance .
W alter L ippmann's P hilosophy of I nternational P olitics . By A nwar S yed .
U nited N ations F orces . By D. W. B owett .
T he B ureaucratic P henomenon . By M ichel C rozier .
P olitics in G hana , 1946–1960. By D ennis A ustin .
L ocal G overnment in G hana . By J. K. N sarkoh .
T he C ongo S ince I ndependence : J anuary 1960 to D ecember 1961. By C atherine H oskyns .
D ocuments on C hina's R elations with S outh and S outh -E ast A sia 1949–1962. Edited by G. V. A mbekar and V. D. D ivekar
S outheast A sia , I llusion and R eality in P olitics and E conomics . By L ennox A. M ills
G overnments and P olitics of S outheast A sia . Edited by G eorge M c T urnan K ahin . S aul R ose
T he C onservative P arty in O pposition , 1945–51. By J. D. H offman .
P lekhanov . T he F ather of R ussian M arxism . By S amuel H. B aron .
M en and W ork : T he A utobiography of L ord C itrine .
A D ictionary of the S ocial S ciences . Edited by J ulius G ould and W illiam L. K olb .
E nglish C onstitutional T heory and the H ouse of L ords 1556 to 1832. By C orinne C omstock W eston .
T he G enesis of P arliamentary R eform . By G. S. V eitch
C hartist P ortraits . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he E ssentials of P arliament D emocracy . By R. B assett .
G reat B ritain and G hana D ocuments of G hana H istory 1807–1957. By G. E. M etcalfe .
T he S ocialist C ommonwealth of N ations . Organisation and Institutions. By K azimierz G rzybowski .
B ritish P olitics and the A merican R evolution . By B ernard D onoughue .  相似文献   

Book Review     
《The Political quarterly》1947,18(2):169-189
C riminal J ustice and S ocial R econstruction . By H ermann M annheim .
T he J uvenile C ourts : T heir W ork and P roblems . By F. T. G iles .
F rench P ersonalities and P roblems . By D. W. B rogan .
T he N uremberg D ocuments by P eter de M endelssohn .
C ounty T own : A C ivi c S urvey for the P lanning of W orcester . By J anet G laisyer , T. B rennan , W. R itchie , and P. S argant F lorence .
D emocracy and I ndustry . By C onstance R eaveley and J ohn W innington .
G erman Y outh : B ond or F ree . By H oward B ecker .
E ducation in F ascist I taly . By L. M inio -P aluello .
D emocracy in A merica . By A lexis de T ocqueville . Edited with an Introduction by H. S. C ommager .
In D arkest G ermany : the R ecord of a V isit . By V ictor G ollancz .
T he C hurch and H umanity
T he P roblem of E ducation in D ependent T erritories . T he J ournal of N egro E ducation . Y earbook N umber
T he S oviet I mpact on the W estern W orld . By Professor E. H. Carr
W orld O rder or C haos , By W. H. C hamberlain .
Y ears of C risis . By K enneth I.
L and , L aw , and C ustom in the C olonies . By C . K. M eek .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(3):321-343
Book reviewed in this article:
D ag H amwrskjold . A biography by J oseph P. L ash
A sia in the E uropean A ge 1498–1955. By M ichael E dwardes
A sia in the B alance By M ichael E dwardes
I ndonesia and the D utch By L eslie P almier .
B ritain and C hina . By E van L uard .
T he wall H as T wo S ides By F elix G reene
S ocialism and W ar . A survey of Chinese criticism of the policy of coexistence. By E dvard K ardelj . Translated from the Serb Croatian by A lec B rown .
T he K remlin S ince S talin . By W olfgang L eonhard Translated by E lizabeth W iskemann and M arian J ackson
I deology and P ower in S oviet P olitics . By Z bigniew K. B rzezinski .
A nglo -S oviet R elations 1917–1921. V olume I. I ntervention and the W ar . By richard H. U llman .
D efence or R etaliation By H elmut S chmidt .
T he P olitics of W estern D efence By F. W. M ulley .
T he D epartment of S cientific and I ndustrial R esearch . By S ir H arry M elville
T he B ritish C abinet . By J ohn P. W ckintosh .
P arliament AT W ork . By A. H. H anson and H. V. W iseman .
Q uestions in P arliament . By D. N. C hester and N ona B owring .
A B reviate of P arliamentary P apers , 1940–1954. W ar and R econstruction . By P. and G. F ord .
W ilkes and L ibert y: A S ocial S tudy of 1763 TO 1774. By G eorge R udé .
B ritish G uiana . By R aymond T. S mith .
T he U nited S tates and the U nited N ations . Edited by F rances O. W ilcox and H. F ield H aviland , J r .
T he D ictionary of N ational B iography : T he C oncise D ictionary , PART 11, 1901–1950.
T he E limination of C orrupt P ractices in B ritish E lections 1868–1911. By C ornelius O ilwry .
D emocracy and the C ost of P olitics in B ritain . By W illiam B. G wyn .
T he F irst R ussian R evisionists . A Study of Legal Marxism in Russia. By R ichard K indersley .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1975,46(4):450-454
Book reviewed in this aritcle:
O n H uman C onduct . By M ichael O akeshott .
T he H ouse of L ords and the L abour G overnment 1964–1970. By J anet P. M organ .
D emocracy . By J ack L ively .
S ociology as S ocial C riticism . By T. B. R ottomore .
C ivil L iberties in B ritain . By B arry C ox .
A N ew B ill of R ights for B ritain . By F rank S tacey .
W ar and E conomic D evelopment : E ssays in M emory of D avid J oslin . Edited by J. M. W inter .
P ressure G roups in B ritain : 1720–1970. By G raham W ootton .
T he P rime M inisters . V ol . 2. F rom L ord J ohn R ussell to E dward H eath . Edited by H erbert V an T hai .
I mperialism and the B ritish L abour M ovement 1914–1964. By P artha S arathi G upta .
T he O ccupation of the F actories : I taly 1920. By P aolo S priano . (Trans. by G wyn W illiams .)
P roletarian O rder . By G wyn A. W illiams .
I talian F ascism . By G iampiero C arocci . (Trans. by I sabel Q uigly .)
T he O stpolitik and P olitical C hange in G ermany . Edited by R oger T ilford .
N ational C onsciousness in D ivided G ermany . By G ebhard S chweicler .
T he G overnment and P olitics of E ast G ermany . By K urt S ontheimer and W ilhelm B leek .
T he M odern H istory of I srael . By N oah L ucas .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(4):486-504
Book reviews in this article:
N ational C urriculum H istory W orking G roup : F inal R eport .
T he B ritish I sles : A H istory of F our N ations . By H ugh K earney .
B ritain : A P lural S ociety : R eport of A S eminar .
P atriotism : T he M aking A nd U nmaking of B ritish N ational I dentity . Edited by R aphael S amuel , 3 Vols.
G ames with S hadows . By N eal A scherson
T he E nchanted G lass : B ritain and its M onarchy . By T om N airn .
T he D ivided K ingdom . By J ohn O smond .
T he P olitics of I llusion : R epublicanism A nd S ocialism in M odern I rleand . By H enry P atterson .
P arental C hoice and E ducational P olicy . By M ichael A dler , A lison P etch and J ack T weedie .
G overnment B y M oonlight: the H ybrid P arts of the S tate . By P. B irkinshaw , I. H arden and N. L ewis .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By D avid B oucher .
D ivided S ocieties : C lass S truggle in C ontemporary C apitalism .
F eminism /P ostmodernism . Edited by L inda J. N icholson .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(4):476-490
Book reviews in this article:
D emocracy and the M ass M edia , edited by J udith L ichtenberg .
the M edia and D emocracy , by J ohn K eane .
C ommunication and C ontrol , by G eoffrey M ulgan .
T he S talker A ffair and the P ress , by D avid M urphy
T he C ost of F ree S peech . By S imon L ee .
A B rief H istory of B lasphemy : L iberalism , C ensorship and 'T he S atanic V erses '. By R ichard W ebster .
B lasphemy , A ncient and M odern . By N icolas W alter .
F reedom . By T im G ray .
T he P ersistence of F aith : R eligion , M orality and S ociety in a S ecular A ge . The Reith Lectures 1990 by J onathan S acks .
T he S tate of W elfare : T he W elfare S tate in B ritain S ince 1974. Edited by J ohn H ills .
D emocracy and D iscontent . I ndia's G rowing C risis of U ngovernability by A tul K ohli .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he S tate T radition in W estern E urope . By K enneth D yson .
L iberal E quality .By a my g utmann .
S ocial J usticeinthe L iberal S tate . By B ruce A ckerman .
P ension F unds and B ritish C apitalism . By R ichard M inns .
T idal P ower from the S evern E stuary . R eport by the S evern B arrage
R ules and R ace E quality . By E dwin D orn .
D oing G ood by D oing L ittle : R ace and S chooling in B ritain . By D avid K irp .
T he B lack J acobins : T oussaint L'O uverture and the S an D omingo R evolution . By C. L. R. J ames .
S pheres of E xistence : S elected W ritings . By C. L. R. J ames .
N otes on D ialectics : H egel , M arx and L enin . By C. L. R. J ames .
S elected P oems and P rose . By M ichael R oberts . Edited by F rederick G rubb .
D issension in the H ouse of C ommons 1974–1979. By P hilip N orton .
B ackbencher's D ilemma .By P aul R ose .
T he C ommons in P erspective . By P hilip N orton .
P arliaments and E conomic A ffairs . Edited by D. C oombes and S. A. W alkland .
A F rame work for D evelopment : T he EEC and the ACP. By C arol C osgrove T witchett .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1989,60(2):239-242
Book reviewed in this article:
W aging W ar ; A P hilosophical I ntroduction . By I an C lark .
T he F irst W orld W ar and I nternational P olitics . By D avid S tevenson .
A t D uty's C all : A S tudy in O bsolete P atrotism By W. J. R eader .
E nglish E thical S ocialism : T homas M ore to R. H. T awney . By N orman D ennis and A. H. H alsey .
M aking M ondragon . T he G rowth and D ynamics of the W orker CO-O perative C omplex . By W illiam F oote W hyte and K athleen K ing W hyte .
T he T hird W ay : T he P romise of I ndustrial D emocracy . By D ennis L awrence .
W orker C ooperatives in T heory and P ractice . By M ary M ellor , J anet H annah and J ohn S tirling .
G overnment and P ressure G roups in B ritain . By A. G. J ordan and J. J. R ichardson .
T rade U nions and P olitics in the 1980s. By D erek F atchett .
B usiness and P olitics in B ritain . By W yn G rant (with J ane S argent )
P ressure for the P oor , T he P overty L obby and P olicy M aking . By P aul F. W hiteley and S tephen J. W ynyard .
C itizens , P arties and the S tate . B y A lan W are .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(4):419-448
Book reviewed in this article:
T orture : C ancer of D emocracy. By P ierre V idal -N aquet.
E ducational S trategy for D eveloping S ocieties : A Study of Educational and Social Factors in Relation to Economic Growth. By A dam C urle.
C ommunist E ducation. By E dmund J. K ing (Ed.)
P ower and P olitics in B elgian E ducation 1815–1961. By V ernon M allinson.
T he B ritish P olitical E lite. By W. L. G uttsman.
T he P olitics of S carcity. By M yron W einer.
T he F oundations of N ew I ndia. By K. M. P anikkar.
N ew D irections in C omparative P olitics. By B ernard E. B rown.
L essons of P ublic E nterprise. A Fabian Society Study. Edited by M ichael S hanks.
N ationalisation. A Book of Readings. Edited by A. H. H anson.
T he M anagement of C apital P rojects. Studies in the Coal, Transport, and Electricity Supply Industries. By R. J. S. B aker.
T he N ature and L imits of P olitical S cience. By M aurice C owling.
S ocial S cience and P olitical T heory. By W. G. R unciman.
T he A rabs and T he W orld. By C harles D. C remeans.
C hanging L aw in D eveloping C ountries. Edited by J. N. D. A nderson.
T he C.E nemy. A programme of radical reform for the 1960s. By C. A. R. C rosland.
M asters of I ndecision. By G eorge K. Y oung.
D emocracy D ecentralisation , and D evelopment. By H enry M addick.
A merican S cientists and N uclear W eapons P olicy. By R obert G ilpin.
T he A ppeasers. By M.G ilbert and R ichard G ott.
B ritain D ivided. The Effect of the Spanish Civil War on British Political Opinion. By K. W. W atkins.
B ritain and T he U nited S tates. By H. G. N icholas.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1940,11(1):116-117
Book reviewed in this article:
P arliament . By W. I vor J ennings .
T he T own that was M urdered . By E llen W ilkinson , M.P.
T he S maller D emocracies . By S ir E. D. S imon .
D emocracy U p-to-date . By S ir S tafford C ripps .
T he D efence of D emocracy . By J ohn M iddleton M urry .
D emocracy and S ocialism . By A. R osenberg .
P ersonality in P olitics . By D avid T homson .
H itler's R oute to B agdad . By B arbara W ard , the H on . B arbara B uckmaster , C lare H ollingworth , V andeleur R obinson , L ilo L inke .
S talin . By B oris S ouvarine . Translated by M. R. J ames .
K arl M arx . By I. B erlin .
D own R iver . By J ohn L ehmann .
N ational C apitalism . By E rnest D avies .
W ar W ithout V iolence . By K rishnalal S hridharani .
O ur C ase . What We are Fighting for—and Why. By C hristopher H ollis .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T rotsky's D iary in E xile 1935. Translated from the Russian by E lena Z arudnaya .
T he P rophet U narmed . T rotsky : 1921–1929. By I.D eutscher .
Q ueen M ary . By J ames P ope -H ennessy .
E lections and P arty M anagement . By H. J. H anham .
T he A merican S cience of P olitics: I ts O rigins and C onditions . By B ernard C rick .
W hite and C oloured: T he B ehaviour of B ritish P eople T owards C oloured I mmigrants . By M ichael B anton .
P rovincial M etropolis . By L. P. G reen .
T he H ashemite K ings . By J ames M orris .
T he A rabs in I srael . By W alter S chwarz .
W ords and T hings : A C ritical A ccount of L inguistic P hilosophy and a S tudy in I deology . By E rnest G ellner .
T he G rowth of B ritish I ndustrial R elations: A S tudy from the S tandpoint of 1906–14. By E. H. P helps B rown .
D emocracy in the D ominions . By A lexander B rady .
T he M izan N ewsletter .
S ocial T heories of F ertility and the M althusian D ebate . By D. E. C. E versley .
C lass and C lass C onflict in I ndustrial S ociety . By R. D ahrendorf .
O xford E conomic A tlas of the W orld .
D ocuments on A merican F oreign R elations 1958. Edited by P aul E. Z inner .
W isdom of the W est . By B ertrand R ussell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(2):200-223
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P olitical S ystem of C hile . By F ederico G. G il .
T he M exican P olitical S ystem . By L. V incent P adgett .
A cción D emocrática , E volution of a M odern P olitical P arty in V enezuela . By J ohn D. M artz .
T he A lliance for P rogress . By J. W arren N ystrom and N athan A. H averstock . [ D. van Nostrand Co .
A H istory of M odern B razil 1889–1964. By J osé M aria B ello . Translated from the Portuguese by J ames L. T aylor . With a new concluding chapter by R ollie E. P oppino .
T he P olitics of F inancial C ontrol . By G ordon R eid .
I nfluencing V oters . By richard rose.
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1966. By D. E. D utler and A nthony K ing .
H obbes's S cience of P olitics . By M. M. G oldsmith .
P olitical B ehaviour in I ndia . A C ase s tudy of the 1962 G eneral e lections . By V. M. S irsikar .
M inority P olitics in the P unjab . By B. R. N ayar .
S uccession in i ndia. A S tudy in D ecision -M aking . By M ichael B recher .
A tomic E nergy P olicy in F rance under the F ourth R epublic . By L awrence S cheinman .
P hilip S nowden . By C olin C ross .
T he A ccountability and A udit of G overnments . By E. L. N ormanton .
T he P aranoid S tyle in A merican P olitics . By R ichard H ofstader .
I ronies of H istory : E ssays on C ontemporary C ommunism . By I saac D eutscher .
M odern T rade U nion L aw . By C yril G runfeld .
T rades U nion L aw . By H. S amuels .
T he B lackcoated W orker . By D avid L ockwood .
W hite C ollar T rade U nions . Edited by A dolf S turmthal .
W orkers , U nions and the s tate . By G raham W ootton .
D e G aulle and the W orld : T he f oreign P olicy of the F ifth F rench R epublic . By W. W. K ulski .
C entral and L ocal G overnment . By R. E. C. j ewell .
T he L ife of the M ind in A merica . By P erry M iller .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
R econstruction . By H arold M acmillan , M.P.
P lan or N o P lan . By B arbara W ootton .
C apitalism , C ommunism and the T ransition . By E mile B urns .
A P hilosophic A pproach to C ommunism . By T heodore B. B rameld
R eligion and C ommunism . By J ulius F. H ecker
C hristianity and the C risis . By the A rchbishops of C anterbury and Y ork and others .
T he L aw and the C onstitution . By W. I vor J ennings .
T he S tatute of W estminster . By K. C. W heare .
T he R oyal E mpire S ociety . By A valine F olsom .
A ustralia as P roducer and T rader , 1920-32. By N ancy W indett .
T he A ustralian E conomy . By C oplandand W eller .
S tudies in the A ustralian C onstitution . Edited by G. V. P ortus .
C onstitutional I ssues in C anada , 1900-1951. Edited by R. M acgregor D awson .
C anadian P apers . Published by the C anadian I nstitute of I nternational affairs .
L andmarks in I ndian C onstitutional and N ational D evelopment .
B ritish P ublic U tilities and N ational D evelopment . By M arshall E. D imock .
G overnment in T ransition . By L ord E ustace P ercy .
E nglish L ocal G overnment . By H erman F iner , D.Sc.
A merican C ounty G overnment . By A rthur W. B romage .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1945,16(2):170-184
Book reviewed in this article:
G ermany , R ussia, and the F uture . BY J. T. M ac C urdy .
G ermany B etween T wo W ars : A S tudy of P ropaganda and W ar G uilt . By L indley F raser .
U nited S tates of G ermany . By K. K. D oberer .
I n S tates of G ermany . By K. K. D oberer .
I n T yrannos : F our C enturies of S truggle A gainst T yrannt in G ermany .
T he T yrants ' W ar and the P eoples ' P eace . By F erdinand A. H ermens .
R ebuilding B ritian —A T wenty Y ear P lan . By S ir E. D. S imson .
T he P eace C onference of 1919. O rganization and P rocedure . BY F. S. M arston .
P ublic O pinion and the L ast P eace . By R. B. M c C allum .
T he I nnocents AT C edros . By R. L. D uffus .
P oland B etween T wo W ars . By P rofessor F. Z weig .
T he D anube B asin and the G erman E conomic S phere . By DR. A ntonin B asch .
A S hort H istory of G ermany . By S. H. S teinberg .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1993,64(4):466-493
Book reviewed in this article:
H arold laski ; A L ife on the left . By I saac K ramnick and B arry S heerman , MP.
H arold laski ; A P olitical biography . By M ichael N ewman .
A C itizens'inquiry : T he O pshal R eport on N orthern I reland . Edited by A. P ollak .
P rivatization , P ublic O wnership and the R egulation of N atural M onopoly . By C hristopher F oster .
E thics in P ublic S ervice . Edited by R ichard A. C hapman .
P ost-liberalism : S tudies in P olitical T hought . By J ohn G ray .
D emocracy ; T he U nfinished J ourney , 508 bc to 1993 ad . Edited by J ohn D unn .
T he N ature of F ascism . By R oger G riffin .
E rnest B evin . By P eter W eiler .
T he P ower G ame : T he S truggle for C oal . By D avid P owell .
U nderstanding S cotland : T he S ociology of a S tateless N ation . By D avid McC rone .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1986,57(3):329-349
Book reviews in this article:
S trong D emocracy . By B enjamin B arber .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert D ahl .
R retrieving D emocracy : I n S earch of C ivic E quality . By P hilip G reen .
T he I deology of the N ew R ight . Edited by R uth L evitas .
P ublic E xpenditure . By D avid H eald .
P aying and C hoosing . By L eo P liatzky .
T he H istory and P olitics of C ommunity M ental H ealth . By M urray L evine .
W orking C lass P atients and the M edical E stablishment - S elf H elp In B ritain from the M id 19 th C entury To 1948. By D avid G. G reen .
L iberalism D ivided . A S tudy in B ritish P olitical T hought 1914–1939 by M ichael F reeden .
E ducate , A gitate , O rganise . By P atricia P ugh .
F abianism and C ulture . By I an B ritain .
B ritish D emocracy at the C rossroads : V oting and P arty C ompetition in the 1980's. By P atrick D unleavy and C hristopher T. H usbands .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(4):399-419
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E nergy D ebate . Edited by D erek E zra .
T he P rice O f N uclear P ower . By C olin S weet .
I ssues I n T he S izewell "B" I nquiry . Edited by D avid L owry and I an G amble . [ Polytechnic of the South Bank
E nvironmental G roups I n P olitics . By P hilip L owe and J ane G oyder .
A nti -N uclear P rotest : T he O pposition T o N uclear E nergy I n F rance . By A lain T ouraine et al . Trans. P eter F awcett .
R ationality A nd R itual : T he W indscale I nquiry A nd N uclear D ecisions I n B ritain. By B rian W ynne.
T he I nternational L aw of H uman R ights . by P aul S ieghart .
S teering T he P olity : C ommunication A nd P olitics I n israel . By I tzhak G alnoor .
B etween B attles A nd B allots : I sraeli M ilitary I n P olitics . By Y oram P eri .
S himon P eres : A B iography . By M atti G olan . Translated from the Hebrew by I an F riedman .
T he B irth O f N ato . B y S ir N icholas H enderson .
T he P olitics O f T he N ational H ealth S ervice . B y R udolf K lein .
D og -C ollar D emocracy : T he I ndustrial C hristian F ellowship 1919-1929. B y G erald S tuddert -K ennedy .
L ord S winton . B y J. A. C ross .
B ritain's N aval F uture . B y J ames C able .  相似文献   

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