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Feminists have so often declared and celebrated the fecundity of the relationship between feminism and legal reform that critique of legal doctrine and norms, together with proposals for their reconstruction, have become the hallmarks of the modern feminist engagement with law. Yet today the long-cherished ‘truth’ about law’s potentially beneficial impact on women’s lives has started to fade and the quest for legal change has become fraught with problems. In responding to the aporetic state in which feminist legal scholarship now finds itself, this paper offers a recounting of the relationship between feminism and the politics of legal reform. However, in so doing, it seeks neither to support nor to oppose these politics. Instead, it explores the historical contingencies that made this discourse possible. Utilizing Foucault’s concept of episteme, it demarcates the nineteenth century as the historical moment in which this discourse arose, and tracing the epistemic shifts underpinning the production of knowledge, locates its positivities at the interface of the time’s episteme and the discourse of transcendental subjectivity that it engendered.
Maria DrakopoulouEmail:

The debate over the association between wives?? relative income (WRI) and marital quality remain controversial in the west; however, this important research area has been surprisingly under-studied against the backdrop of the fast socioeconomic transition in contemporary China. Using 763 urban Chinese wives, this study examined both the mediating and the moderating role of perceived equity between WRI and marital quality. Hierarchical multiple regression indicated that urban Chinese wives?? relative income had a negative impact on their marital happiness and a positive impact on marital instability to a small extent. The mediating role of perceived equity was not supported in this study; however, perceived equity could buffer the positive effect of wives?? relative income on marital instability, especially for higher-earning wives. This study contributes to understanding wives?? socioeconomic resources and marital quality from an equity perspective in the Chinese context and generates implications for cross-cultural research on perceived equity. It also serves for marital counseling on improving higher-earning wives?? perception of fairness as well as family?Cfriendly policy making.  相似文献   

变性人婚姻家庭权利研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就法理而言,自然人享有变性权.应把变性视为婚姻关系终止的单独的一种原因.夫妻一方变性后,无法履行同居义务.致使以性生活为主要内容的同居权的实现成为不可能,故变性权与配偶权存在冲突.如果夫妻一方患有严重的"易性病",变性手术前进行了不少于2年的心理矫治、精神治疗,但其病态心理仍末矫治好;日常生活中试行异性角色至少3年,确感满意并坚持变性要求;年满25周岁且具备完全民事行为能力,即应优先保护其变性权.否则,应优先保护配偶权.  相似文献   

How did the American legal elite come to reject the husband's privilege to rape his wife. What is the significance of that rejection. This essay traces theories justifying the marital rape exemption from the 17th century, focusing on the period focusing World War II. The history illustrates how the postwar legal elite's limited progressivism created inconsistent arguments that left the exemption open for attack, an attack that came from within the 1970s feminist movement. Radical feminist rhetoric about sexuality, rape, and marriage pulled away the last layer of theoretical support for the exemption and denounced the sex right it left exposed underneath. Connections in the 1970s, both literal and conceptual, between radical feminists and the legal elite allowed the feminist movement to discredit the exemption within that elite. To interpret the significance of that rejection, I consider how legal language affects people's senses of self. I argue that legal words like "rape,""marriage," and "husband" validate and inform people's, specifically husbands', identities in marriage. By changing the meanings of those legal words, legal reform can eventually change human behavior.  相似文献   

In a short period of time, the law in Scotland has developed in two ways. Firstly, the law changed recently to allow the prosecution of a husband where a couple were in fact separated at the time of the rape. Secondly, the law moved forward again to the present position where a charge of rape is competent even if the couple are living together at the time of the incident complained of.  相似文献   

无论是从应然权利还是从法定权利的角度看,被判死刑人员都应当享有结婚和生育的权利。无论是自由的丧失、还是生命即将被剥夺,都不意味着权利享有的正当性和权利行使的可能性随之丧失。相反,人权意识的觉醒、对犯罪本质认识的深化、传统文化的支撑、政府责任的重塑、人道主义的张扬,都为被判死刑人员主张和实现结婚和生育的权利,奠定了现实基础。因此,有限度地认可被判死刑人员在婚姻生育方面的权利并保障其合理行使,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

刘红 《知识产权》2004,14(6):41-44
权利冲突在法学领域中几乎无处不在.知识产权权利冲突是指不同法律权利之间的冲突,具体表现为经法定程序取得的在后权利侵犯他人合法的在先权利而发生的冲突.我国的知识产权权利冲突始于80年代,以杨沫"名誉侵权纠纷案"为序由,拉开了著作权与名誉权权利冲突的帷幕.1此后不久,由中国美术学院在北京美术馆主办的"人体艺术大展",又上演了被展作品部分模特控告主办者侵犯其名誉权的剧目.知识产权权利冲突发展至今,各种权利间的冲突以及表现形式越来越多样化,解决的途径也已有诸多探索.本文着重借助有学者提出的两种解决方式进行进一步的思考.一种是以制度化的方式或规则的方式;另一种则是衡平的方式.2前者是指以宪法或成文法的规则将权利规定下来,并通过立法确立为原则.后者则是法官针对每个案件的具体情况作出合乎情理的处理,这里没有制度化的配置,而只有个案中的"利益"配置.  相似文献   

Despite differences between the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) in terms of the substantive rights guaranteed and machineries to enforce them, both instruments have been foundational in the establishment of organizations that share a common history of rejecting human rights complaints from homosexuals. Although the contemporary jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on homosexuality may contrast sharply with that of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACtHPR) and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACmHPR) – because the ACtHPR and ACmHPR have never upheld a complaint relating to sexual orientation – the early history of the ECtHR and the former European Commission on Human Rights (ECmHR) mirrors the current African stance. This article explores what those seeking to develop gay and lesbian rights in Africa might usefully learn from the historical evolution of similar rights under the ECHR.  相似文献   

The interspousal tort immunity has been understood as a common law rule that was codified in the English Married Women's Property Act, 1882. It was explained as a necessary consequence of the wife's coverture and was justified by the doctrine of marital unity. This conventional account mischaracterizes the complexities underlying the development of the immunity and the reasons for its reformulation in the nineteenth century. This article traces a different trajectory, showing that the interspousal tort immunity was not articulated until Phillips v Barnet in 1876, and examining the way it came into being as a result of the reforms to divorce law and to the property rules of coverture. Although already implicit in the governing principles of the pre-reform law, the nineteenth-century expression of the rule concerning interspousal tort immunity was a product of the contemporary reforms to coverture at least as much as it was a product of coverture itself.  相似文献   

This essay offers a critical examination of use of the term “long civil rights movement” as a framework for understanding the legal history of the battle against racial inequality in twentieth‐century America. Proponents of the long movement argue that expanding the chronological boundaries of the movement beyond the 1950s and 1960s allows scholars to better capture the diverse social mobilization efforts and ideas that fueled the black freedom struggle. While not questioning the long framework's usefulness for studying the social movement dynamics of racial justice activism, I suggest that the long framework is of more limited value for those who seek to understand the development of civil rights, as a legal claim, particularly in the first half of the twentieth century. The tendency of long movement scholars to treat civil rights as a pliable category into which they can put any and all racial justice claims is in tension with historical understandings of the term. Susan Carle's Defining the Struggle: National Organizing for Racial Justice, 1880–1915 suggests an alternative approach. Her detailed and nuanced account of a period in American history when racial justice activists understood civil rights as a relatively narrow subset of legal remedies within a much broader struggle for racial equality indicates the need for an alternate history of civil rights—one that places the evolving, contested, and historically particularized concept of civil rights at the center of inquiry.  相似文献   

论民法之权利不得滥用原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权利和权利之间都有一定的界限,过度行使一项权利,会导致滥用,而损害其他人的权利,因此,任何权利的行使都必须受到一定限制。权利不得滥用作为民法的一项基本原则,对其基本内涵、功能和构成要件,以及如何在立法上构建我国的权利不得滥用原则的探讨尤为必要。  相似文献   

This essay argues for the need to study the legal history of the American family. It does so by combining a critique of secondary literature in family and legal history with examples from nineteenth-century domestic relations law. These examples, drawn from family law doctrines on seduction under the cover of a marriage promise, runaway marriages, and bastardy, are used to indicate the benefits of adding a sociocultural dimension to legal history and legal and institutional dimensions to family history. Three main themes in the history of nineteenth-century domestic relations law are developed to make these points: the law's particular fabric of issues, its distribution of authorship, and its chronological development, These themes suggest why a full understanding of the legal history of the American family requires crossing the boundaries between legal and family history.  相似文献   

Woeste, Victoria Saker. 2012 . Henry Ford's War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. In this essay, I respond to three readers of my book, Henry Ford's War and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, by embracing the opportunity to reconsider the book's theoretical and historiographical frames. I synthesize the contributions that Clyde Spillenger, Carroll Seron, and Aviam Soifer make in their deep readings of the book and respond to their criticisms. I then place the book into a new interpretive frame that is emerging in the field of the “new civil rights history,” as it is now being conceptualized in the work of Risa Goluboff, Kenneth Mack, Tomiko Brown‐Nagin, and others writing on civil rights advocacy in the twentieth‐century United States.  相似文献   

欧盟法中的平行进口与商标权:历史演变与最新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言 一国进口商在某一商标的商标权或商标使用 权已经受到本国法律保护的情况下,未经 本国商标权所有人或许可使用人的许可,从国外购得相同商品重新输入本国的行为,相对于进口国的商标权人或许可使用人的出口或进口而言,就构成所谓的平行进口(parallel imports)。 欧盟由15个成员国组成,虽然欧盟的统一化程度不断  相似文献   

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