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RecollectionsofanAmbassador'sWife(Ⅷ)ByZHULINAMERICAISoneofthefewcountriesoutsideAsiawiththelargestnumberofovericatherewerepro...  相似文献   

RecollectionsofAnAmbassador'sWife(Ⅸ)ByZhuLinFromtroubledschoolgirltorevolutionaryfreedomfighter.WEhavereportedonMrs.ZhuLin'sd...  相似文献   

ZhuLin:RecollectionsofanAmbassador'sWife(Ⅲ)In1957,IndonesianPresidentSukarnoandhiswifepaidacourtesycalltoHuangZhen'sresidence...  相似文献   

ZhuLin:RecollectionsofanAmbassador'sWife(Ⅱ)FourYearsinHungaryAftersixmonthsofpreparation.weleftBeijingforHungaryinmidJuly1950...  相似文献   

ZhuLin:RecollectionsofanAmbassador'sWife¥//Beginningwiththisissue,wewillbepublishingselectionsfromthememoirsofZhuLin,wifeofth...  相似文献   

Recollection of an Ambassador's Wife (Ⅶ)RecollectionofanAmbassador'sWife(Ⅶ)¥ZHULINByZHULINIntheUnitedStatesWehadmetMr.Cohen,t...  相似文献   

RecollectionsofanAmbassador’sWife(V)OnOctober1,1973,China'snationalflagflewfortheIntheUnitedStatesInMarchof1973,theMinistryof...  相似文献   

RecollectionsofanAmbmssador’sWife(IV)ByZHULINTheYearsinFranceFrancewasthefirstWesternpowertosendanambassadortoBeijing.WhenCha...  相似文献   

The Youxie compound at No.1, Taijichang, Beijing where the headquarters' office of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) locates, has been a center of people-to-people diplomacy of new China since the 1950s. It has witnessed so many historical events during the years of resisting US aggression  相似文献   

In the days when we celebrated the 50th anni-versary of the founding of new China. I couldnot help thinking about those. both Chinese andforeigners. who had made outstanding contribu-tion to the Chinese revolution. Among them wasYan Feide. doctor and journalist from Austria.On  相似文献   

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is about to bow out of the international stage amid differing opinions over his foreign policy  相似文献   

Mr. Boa Thiemele, tall in stature with a dark complexion, is an old friend of the Chinese people. He was the first Cote d'Ivoire's ambassador to China after the two countries established formal diplomatic rela-tions in 1985. He worked in China for seven years, throwing all his energy into the work of promoting cooperation and development in the political, economic  相似文献   

THE clock had just struck 5pm when I arrived in Jin'an, the center of Songpan, an ancient county town under the jurisdiction of Sichuan's Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. I quickly checked into a hotel before setting off on my quest to unlock Songpan's ancient mysteries.  相似文献   

Civilization is the result of human cul- tural development and also mankind’s achievement in both mate r ial and spirit u a l fields in the process of a cha n g ing wor ld . It is a symbol of social progres s . So far , human civi l i z a tion has under-…  相似文献   

Inourpreviousissue,wepublishedthefirstinstallmentof"FriendsofChineseRevolution,"introducingforeignfriendswhohadhelpedwiththeChineserevolutioninthe1930s.Thismonth'ssecondinstallmentdescribesthoseforeignfriendswhohavehelpedaferthePRC'sfoundingin1949.Ed.THEPeople'sRepublicofChinawasfoundedinl949.people'sg0vernmentledbytheCommunistPartyofChinafacedmanychallenges-thegovenllnenhadt0eliminatetheremnantsofChiangKai-shek'sforces,restoretheecon0my,anderadicatesocialevilsandgangsters-Fortunately,t…  相似文献   

THE mountain road spiraled up and down along the Wumeng range, revealing a rolling expanse of vibrant green. Parcels of flat land lay interspersed between lush hills, where vegetables, tobacco, medicinal herbs, flowers, fir trees and potatoes grow.  相似文献   

StoryofanElectricianandPlumberByWANGYINGWEIXuHufixesastreetlightforcitizens.RenLongXUHU,40,isanelectricianandplumberwiththeSh...  相似文献   

W HEN the Chinese gov- ernment adjusted its policy on liquor con- sumption tax last year, many in the nation’s liquor industry had their own sorrows to drown. The move pushed a number of the smaller players among China’s 38,000 spirits producers towards bank- ruptcy, and forced many others to merge or regroup. In the struggle for survival in ever-fi ercer competition, some state- owned distilleries went private in a bid to boost stagnant growth. This tide of privatization reached its heigh…  相似文献   

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