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我国商会与法院联动调解民商事纠纷机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"大调解"和积极打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局的语境下,不少地方积极探索建立了以法院为主导、商会积极参与调解民商事纠纷的联动机制,但法院调解社会化的快速推进与商会调解体系缓慢重塑的矛盾,阻碍了法院与商会联动调解民商事纠纷的改革进程。通过学习与借鉴德国在强化商会组织建设、完善调解制度的经验基础上,提出了"一个前提、一个关键、一个方向、一个保障"的完善建议,即健全商会调解组织体系,加强落实"司法推动",着力发展调解的专业优势,建立激励保障机制。  相似文献   

论强制性调解对法治和公平的冲击   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
周永坤 《法律科学》2007,25(3):11-24
调解是不发达社会主导的纠纷解决制度.在社会进化过程中,调解退化成一种基层社区自治的制度和司法程序中"依附于"判决的制度.在大型有组织社会,发达的调解与人治并存;判决的权威是法治社会的标志.东方发达的调解制度是人治社会的一部分,它不是先进文化,恰恰是东方落后于西方的重要制度原因.解放后我国调解的走俏正是我国的人治社会使然.改革开放以后判决的短期走强是社会法治冲动的产物.强制性调解构成对法治基本价值的损害.既然我国已经选择了法治之路,我们就只有选择以判决为主导的纠纷解决制度,坚持调解的自治与自愿原则,并对调解进行法律规制.  相似文献   

法院调解制度基本理念的变迁及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
法院调解是用和谐的方式来解决社会的矛盾冲突,与运用刚性的审判的方式解决纠纷与矛盾相比较,法院调解是经历了诉讼时代后社会的一种进步,同时也是社会文明程度提高的表现.我国法院调解制度经历了三个不同的历史时期,其基本理念也呈现出相应的变化.法院调解理念是法院调解制度的灵魂,并直接反应在具体的制度中,影响法院调解的实施方向.  相似文献   

在民事诉讼调解社会化和构建多元化纠纷解决机制的当前语境中,从权力配置的视角对民事诉讼调解进行模式化的分析并提炼出权力独享型民事诉讼调解、权力共享型民事诉讼调解和权力分享型民事诉讼调解三个概念是对民事诉讼调解进行一般性研究的创新尝试,不仅可以为社会公众认知各式各样的民事诉讼调解提供智识上的帮助,而且可以通过对不同模式的民事诉讼调解之运作机理的概括、解释来为民事调解的现代转型提供支持。  相似文献   

调解意识是调解人员对调解现实的认识和评价,是调解人员的思想、观点、知识和心理在民事纠纷中的反映.在调解实践中,正确的调解意识能够用来指导自觉行动,并有目的、有预见地投入到工作中去.因为调解意识直接决定着调解人员对调解工作的态度与行为. 一、调解意识构成的内部条件. 内部条件是调解人员对所从事工作应具备的能力.从调解的实践来分析,有如下形式:1.对自我意识的理解.这是人们对本身价值的基本认识.例如,我能胜任调解工作吗?社会是否需要我?我的社会地位如何?我的工作能被人们理解吗?等等.  相似文献   

调解是一种传统而温和的纠纷解决方式,易于实现社会和法律效果的一致性.调解概而言之可以分为非诉讼调解和诉讼调解,因调解主体各异,其发挥的作用也略有不同.本文通过对比学习,分析了调解在多元化的矛盾纠纷解决中所发挥的重要功能.  相似文献   

瑶族是历史悠久、文化丰富的居住在中国南方的民族.在长期的社会发展中,瑶族形成了内容全面、功能突出、影响深远的调解和审理习惯法.瑶族调解和审理习惯法包括调解和审理者、调解和审理范围、调解和审理原则、调解和审理程序、调解结果和判处等内容.  相似文献   

治安调解是我国的一种调解制度,是公安机关依法对某些特定的违反治安管理行为的非处罚性处理方法,对于正确处理人民内部矛盾、维护社会稳定具有十分重要的意义.但由于<治安管理处罚法>对治安调解的规定过于笼统,影响了治安调解的正确适用.因此,进一步完善治安调解制度的相关规定,对于正确适用治安调解,维护社会稳定和构建社会主义和谐社会具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

目前的民事案件调解优先政策在实践中容易引发强迫调解问题.近期的司法实践表明,新《民事诉讼法》所确立的先行调解制度不但无助于解决该问题,还存在将其进一步放大的风险.通过对法院调解的V字型历史趋势以及调解过程中法官与当事人地位的分析,我们可以发现,强迫调解的根源在于我国法官对于调解本身掌握了过强的主导权和控制力,这种权力与近年来法院面临的客观困难相结合形成了法院的调解偏好,中国社会纠纷的现实状况又给调解制造了大量的客观障碍.法院的调解偏好与调解在中国社会的现实障碍相冲突,才引发了强迫调解.在无法彻底放弃调解优先政策的现实条件下,应改革现行的法院调解考核机制,增加评价指标,将案件具体情况与当事人自然状况作为考虑因素共同纳入考核体系.  相似文献   

行政调解制度作为解决社会纠纷的一种有效措施,在我国构建社会主义和谐社会中起着重要的作用.随着社会的转型,行政调解已不再是传统意义上的行政机关化解民事纠纷这么简单了.行政纠纷的日益复杂,诉讼高潮的到来要求将灵活、有效的行政调解制度引入行政纠纷解决机制中来,从立法层面上给予行政调解新的内涵,通过制度完善,真正实现行政调解解决行政纠纷的作用.本文主要从对行政纠纷的行政调解角度出发,探讨了行政调解的内涵、原则、效力等内容,并对我国建立行政调解制度模式提出了相关见解.  相似文献   

Sequence analyses of X-chromosomal short tandem repeats, DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 were performed for representatives of 3 Asian populations: 130 Japanese, 61 Bangladeshi and 89 Indonesian males. At DXS6789, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 3 in the Bangladeshis and 3 in the Indonesians. At DXS8377, the sequence polymorphism was found in 13 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and in all alleles identified in the Indonesians. At DXS101, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and 8 in the Indonesians. Because sequence polymorphisms were found in most of the alleles at the DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 loci, it was concluded that sequencing was essential for identifying the alleles at these loci in all 3 Asian populations.  相似文献   

氯胺酮滥用的毛发分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的建立毛发中氯胺酮及其代谢物的分析方法并探索氯胺酮进入毛发的机理。方法通过建立豚鼠连续给药(不同剂量)实验模型获取阳性头发和采集氯胺酮滥用者头发,经处理后用GC/MSscan和SIM法分析,以鉴别、确认毛发中氯胺酮及其代谢物。结果豚鼠毛发中氯胺酮的质量分数与给药剂量存在明显的正相关性。毛发中氯胺酮质量分数依白色、棕色、黑色毛发顺序随毛发中黑色素的质量分数增加而增加。豚鼠毛发中氯胺酮与代谢物NK质量分数之比为2.33~12.94,仅在高剂量组的豚鼠毛发中才检测到DHNK,其质量分数与NK接近。15名氯胺酮滥用者黑色头发中均检出原体和代谢物NK,但DHNK少见。豚鼠毛发中代谢物相对质量分数明显高于人。结论本实验结果很好地反映了药物进入毛发代谢过程与药物和黑色素亲和力以及药物的亲脂性密切相关这一规律,但人和动物在药物代谢及进入毛发的难易程度上存在差异。本方法可以用于法庭毒物分析领域头发中氯胺酮的检测。  相似文献   

制度变迁中的创新精神探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技实力在很大程度上代表着一国综合国力的大小和它在世界上的地位,因而技术的创新力对国家的发展起着举足轻重的推动作用。但是,科技的发展从来都不是自发的,没有代价的;技术的创新也只是狭义的创新;制度变迁和制度的框架决定着技术发展的空间。制度的创新才是广义上的创新,是制度变迁的根本动力,因而也是技术创新的原动力。只有激发整个民族的制度创新精神,才能谈得上技术的创新和国力的增强。  相似文献   

对物诉讼与我国的船舶扣押法律制度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
向明华 《河北法学》2006,24(4):121-124
对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展.随着英国殖民者将对物诉讼制度带到其殖民属地,移植法律与本地法律互相作用,逐渐发展出英美法系各国目前各具特色的扣船制度,其中最有代表性的莫过于英美两国的对物诉讼制度.我国的扣船制度既坚持了对人诉讼的传统,又大胆吸收了对物诉讼制度的合理内涵,反映了国际船舶扣押立法中对人诉讼与对物诉讼相互融合的良性发展态势.  相似文献   

Zhao R  Guan DW  Lu B 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):161-164,F0003
目的观察小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,iNOS和eNOS在损伤区及损伤周边区内的表达及其变化规律。方法小鼠背部制作全层切创,应用免疫组织化学技术观察伤后切创组织中iNOS和eNOS的表达,并和无切创的小鼠作为对照。结果损伤区及损伤周边区细胞,伤后3h的损伤皮肤组织中可见少量的多型核细胞表达iNOS和eNOS,伤后6~24h,大部分浸润的中性粒细胞和单核细胞为iNOS和eNOS阳性。随着时间的延长,iNOS和eNOS阳性细胞以单核细胞和成纤维细胞为主。伤后3hiNOS的阳性细胞比率较低,6h~1d持续性增加并于1d达到最高峰,3~7d维持在一个相对稳定的水平直至伤后10d再次达高峰,10~14d开始下降。eNOS的阳性细胞率在伤后1~3h表达较低,6h~3d持续性增高,并在3d达到最高峰,在其后的5d内保持稳定表达,之后开始下降。而且损伤区及损伤周边区、特别是肉芽组织内的新生血管可见iNOS和eNOS不同强度的表达。结论小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,iNOS和eNOS在损伤周边区内多型核细胞、单核细胞和成纤维细胞中表达,其时序性变化可望用于皮肤损伤时间的推断。  相似文献   

This article considers sentencing in the Netherlands and in particular the changes that have been introduced since the 1980s, both in the adult and in the juvenile justice system. Several questions will be treated in the article. Sentencing in the Netherlands in the last two decades is analysed and some explanations for the changing trends are presented. Results indicate that the Netherlands is following a general pattern, prevalent in Europe and the US, of more punitive and repressive punishment. Also, the extent to which new sentencing options, such as community sanctions have made a difference to the upward trend in imprisonment, will be analysed. In an effort to reduce the costs of the system new policies are being developed, introducing both 'front door' and 'back door' varieties in sentencing. These will lead to some important and radical changes in the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

Petechiae in conjunctivae and in the palpebrae/skin of the eyelids are of particular interest for the forensic pathologist, because of their association with pressure on the neck. They have been described in the eyelids of intoxicated persons both in case reports and in text books of forensic pathology. We studied 590 deaths caused by intoxication, and 75 had petechiae either in the conjunctivae, the eyelids, or in both locations. We examined the influence of drugs and ethanol on the location of the petechial hemorrhages in these deaths. Deaths with ethanol in blood and in urine/vitreous humor more often had petechiae in both locations than those without. This association was statistically significant, independent of body position and livor mortis. No association between the location of petechiae, medicinal drugs, or narcotics was found. These results suggest that ethanol may contribute to the development of petechial hemorrhages in deaths from intoxication.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the attributions of the causes of poverty and wealth in Russia and Estonia in 1991 and 1996 and their determinants. Among the latter are the perceived actual justice of the society, the perceived size of the middle class, and the personal position in the system of inequalities. Despite the economic hardships and a rise in inequalities in both countries, individualistic explanations of wealth and poverty have increased over the 5 years between the surveys. At the same time respondents in both countries demonstrated a growing awareness of the importance of starting positions and connections to achieve wealth. The perceived middle class has a significant effect on attributions of poverty but not on wealth. Russians in Estonia have a particular bias against wealth, whereas non-Russians in Russia are more likely to justify wealth on the basis of individual merit. Explanations of poverty and wealth in Estonia are more rooted in the factors of socialization (age, education, and gender), whereas in Russia they are more rooted in the changes in the family financial circumstances between 1991 and 1996. There was a general increase in support for government intervention in distribution in both countries.  相似文献   

Many studies in the literature have highlighted the utility of virtual 3D databanks as a substitute for real skeletal collections and the important application of radiological records in personal identification. However, none have investigated the accuracy of virtual material compared to skeletal remains in nonmetric variant analysis using 3D models. The present study investigates the accuracy of 20 computed tomography (CT) 3D reconstruction models compared to the real crania, focusing on the quality of the reproduction of the real crania and the possibility to detect 29 dental/cranial morphological variations in 3D images. An interobserver analysis was performed to evaluate trait identification, number, position, and shape. Results demonstrate a false bone loss in 3D models in some cranial regions, specifically the maxillary and occipital bones in 85% and 20% of the samples. Additional analyses revealed several difficulties in the detection of cranial nonmetric traits in 3D models, resulting in incorrect identification in circa 70% of the traits. In particular, pitfalls included the detection of erroneous position, error in presence/absence rates, in number, and in shape. The lowest percentages of correct evaluations were found in traits localized in the lateral side of the cranium and for the infraorbital suture, mastoid foramen, and crenulation. The present study highlights important pitfalls in CT scan when compared with the real crania for nonmetric analysis. This may have crucial consequences in cases where 3D databanks are used as a source of reference population data for nonmetric traits and pathologies and during bone-CT comparisons for identification purposes.  相似文献   

目的研究caspase-9、-3在小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中的表达及其变化规律。方法在小鼠背部正中制作皮肤全层切创模型,应用免疫组化染色技术观察切创及切创周边区内caspase-9、-3的表达情况,以无切创的小鼠皮肤作为对照。结果对照组中caspase-9、-3表达于表皮层,毛囊及皮脂腺。伤后3h损伤区及损伤周边区中可见少量多核粒细胞表达caspase-9、-3,6~24h,部分浸润的多核粒细胞和单核细胞caspase-9、-3阳性,此后caspase-9、-3阳性细胞逐渐以单核细胞和成纤维细胞为主。伤后caspase-9、-3阳性细胞率逐渐升高并在3d达到高峰,此后逐渐下降,至14d最低。结论caspase-9、-3可能引发正常小鼠皮肤表皮、毛囊和皮脂腺细胞的凋亡并参与正常皮肤细胞的自我更新;在小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,caspase-9、-3在多核粒细胞、单核细胞及成纤维细胞中表达,其时序性变化规律可望用于皮肤切创损伤时间的判定。  相似文献   

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