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First, the clothing and shoes from 29 participants who had recently filled their vehicles with petrol were analysed for any traces of petrol. No traces of petrol were found on any of these items. Secondly, the clothing and shoes from 17 participants who had recently used a petrol-powered lawn mower were also analysed for petrol. Petrol was detected on two pairs of shoes from different participants. Components of petrol were detected on a set of clothing from a third participant, however, there were insufficient components present in this sample to confirm the presence of petrol. No traces of petrol were found on the items from the remaining 14 participants. Thirdly, the clothing from a forecourt attendant, a mechanic and a professional lawn mower were analysed at the end of a number of shifts. Petrol was detected on the upper and lower clothing from the forecourt attendant at the end of one shift. No petrol residues were found on the forecourt attendant after a second shift, or on the mechanic's clothing after two separate shifts or on the professional lawn mower's clothing after three separate shifts. These results can be used to assist the forensic analyst in assessing the chance of finding traces of petrol on clothing and shoes after the wearer has performed common activities that involve petrol.  相似文献   

Deposition of calcium salts on collagen fibres has been shown to occur in cathode areas from 2 days to 2 months after exposure to direct current (d.c.) via contact knobs measuring 12 mm in diameter using energy level from 0.5 to 96 J and on day 7 after exposure to alternating current (a.c.) via pointed electrodes using energy level from 30 to 50 J. In order to determine the statistical relation of this histological observation to the type of energy applied 1095 biopsies from 49 pigs including biopsies from skin areas exposed to heat, 50 Hz a.c., 100 kHz a.c. and d.c. as well as from unexposed skin were examined. The specificity was 1.0 using calcium deposition as the test criterium. The sensitivity for cathode areas was found to vary from 0.52 to 1.0 depending on the biopsy technique and the number of days after exposure. Calcium salts on collagen fibres seem uniformly to be present in the cathode area from day 4 to 7, the positive test answer being depending on the biopsy technique. For 50 Hz a.c. the sensitivity using a pointed electrode was found to vary from 0.08 to 0.27 dependent on the number of days after exposure. For all other types of energy the sensitivity was 0.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,学界实现了由传统的经济犯罪观向现代经济犯罪观的转换。经济犯罪的基础理论研究经历了从空泛到实在,从宏观到具体,从零散到系统的过程。经过三十年的发展,我国经济犯罪基础理论具备了相当的学术积淀,经济犯罪基础理论研究迈入了学科化、体系化的新阶段。三十年来的经济犯罪基础理论研究,成果显著。  相似文献   

Estimates of post-mortem interval based on forensic analysis of the age of blowfly larvae on a corpse, are generated from standardised larval development curves. These are derived from studies of the growth of larvae reared, usually, on liver and at a range of temperatures. However, it is possible that the species or organ on which the larvae feed, might significantly alter the rate of growth. The present study therefore compared the development of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) fed on lung, liver and heart, from both cows and pigs. Half of the tissue samples used were liquidised while half were not, to assess whether structural differences in the food source were important. Larvae grew significantly faster and gave rise to larger adults when reared on pig compared to cow tissue and when reared on lung and heart compared to liver. Larvae completed feeding and wandered from the food source 31h earlier and grew 2mm longer when reared on lung compared to liver. Tissue structure had no or little effect on development. For the forensic entomologist, these results highlight the importance of recording the position of larvae removed from a body and the care that should be used when extrapolating development rates from standard curves based on larvae fed on only a single medium, particularly where that is liver.  相似文献   

陈文华 《河北法学》2007,25(11):165-168
当前中国司法改革在理念上处于混沌状态.整体推进的改革思路应在现有法律秩序内进行.当前司法改革应着重思考三条路径,即任职资格从大众化向专业化转变,司法职能从工具型向功能型转变,法律技术从精密化向社会化转变.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evidential potential of the IconCache database file when tracking activity from USB connectable devices on Windows systems. It focuses on the artifacts which are created and retained on a Windows host when executable files are either present on or run from a USB connectable device. Artifacts left in the IconCache database as a result of running executables from a DVD drive or the host itself, are also examined.It is shown that the IconCache.db stores numerous artifacts of investigative interest. These are created on system boot and added to, both when using host-based executables and when installing or using executables from other media. Executables present on USB devices, whether invoked or not, will create artifacts in the IconCache.db. file. Findings should therefore be interpreted carefully and corroborated against other evidence.  相似文献   

李永宁 《法律科学》2011,(2):133-142
从生态补偿内含的对生态系统的还原和修复的基本涵义出发,把经济学上的生态补偿区分为开发者的还原性修复、污染者的治理性修复、使用者的增殖性修复和使用者的功能性修复四种具体关系形态,法学上的生态补偿只针对使用者的功能性修复,是对功能性修复产生的环境功能性价值的补偿。并据此对生态补偿的法学涵义进行分析和界定,对我国生态补偿法律制度的具体原则、规制范围和补偿主体的完善提出了一些建议。  相似文献   


Ethnomethodologists in the field of offender-based research have recently criticised the earlier use of prison-based samples in research on residential burglary. They claim that interviewing burglars in their natural environment has produced findings of greater validity and reliability. By describing further analysis of data from earlier experimental research on burglars in prison, and drawing on findings from other work on residential burglary, this article sets out to highlight the striking similarity between findings from interview, experimental and ethnographic studies in this area. Far from discounting earlier experimental and interview studies, the recent ethnographic works have served to build on and complement earlier work. The value of using a variety of methods in offender-based research is then discussed.  相似文献   

The present study determines the concentration of Malathion in rabbit tissues and Dipteral larvae feeding on those tissues. Malathion was found in all muscle and liver samples of the test rabbit, as well as larvae fed on it. Samples from the control rabbit and pupae from all colonies were negative for Malathion. Correlations were found between administered dosage, tissue concentrations and younger or prepuparial larvae. Effects of Malathion on the development rate of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) were also reported. C. megacephala is the most common fly species found on corpses in South China during the early stages of decomposition. Significant differences in larval growth rate were both observed among the colonies fed on muscle and liver. The presence of Malathion in both muscle and liver appears to retard the normal growth rate of C. megacephala in larval stage. Larvae from all colonies fed on tissues from rabbits treated with Malathion were smaller and attained maximum length later than those from the control colony. Duration of the larval and pupal stages was both significantly prolonged for larvae on tissues from rabbit receiving Malathion than those from the control colony. The difference of the duration of the larval and pupal stages together from the muscle colonies would alter the postmortem interval estimation by up to 36 h. As for liver colonies, it would alter the postmortem interval estimation by up to 28 h. A significantly different duration of the larval and pupal stages from the muscle colonies would alter a postmortem estimate by up to 28 h relative to the liver colonies.  相似文献   

Determination of sex using metacarpals was carried out on a sample of 249 skeletons from a Thai population (154 males and 95 females), ranging in age from 19 to 93 years. Six measurements were taken on each metacarpal, namely maximum length, medio-lateral base width, antero-posterior base height, medio-lateral head width, antero-posterior head height and mid-shaft diameter. Binary logistic regression equations were calculated for determining sex from these measurements. All metacarpals from both sides produced at least one equation that correctly allocated the skeletons with 80% or greater accuracy. In a comparative test using only individuals with no missing measurements (n=196), the most accurate equations for each metacarpal on the right side had pooled allocation accuracies ranging from 85.2% to 89.3%, with the best equation based on three measurements from the 5th metacarpal. On the left side, the most accurate equations for each metacarpal ranged from 83.2% to 89.8% correct allocation, with the best equation based on three measurements of the 2nd metacarpal. When the allocation accuracy for each sex is considered in addition to the pooled accuracy, the best equations involve the same three measurements of the 5th metacarpal on the right side, but shift to three measurements of the first metacarpal on the left side, with a pooled accuracy of 88.3%. The results of this study suggest that metacarpals can be used quite reliably for sexing in forensic contexts in Thailand.  相似文献   

Larvae of Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Fabricius) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) were reared on tissues from rabbits administered different dosages of methamphetamine to study the effects of this drug on development of this species. The rabbits were given 37.5, 71.4, and 142.9 mg of methamphetamine via ear vein infusion. From Hours 30 to 60, larvae feeding on tissues from rabbits receiving 71.4 and 142.9 mg of methamphetamine developed more rapidly than larvae from the control colony and those feeding on tissues from the rabbit receiving 37.5 mg of methamphetamine. The time required for pupariation was significantly greater for colonies fed on tissues from methamphetamine-dosed rabbits than for the control. These differences were sufficient to alter postmortem interval estimates based on larval development by up to 18 h and estimates based on puparial development by up to 48 h. The presence of methamphetamine or amphetamine could not be detected in Diptera larvae in this experiment using radioimmunoassay techniques, as there was a nonspecific reaction, resulting in a false positive.  相似文献   

Health economists' views of health policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports the views of a national survey of U.S. health economists on a series of questions ranging from mergers among health care providers to the profits of pharmaceutical manufacturers to fundamental health care reform. We find a high degree of agreement on issues of fact but considerable disagreement on issues that depend on values. Additional research may help to resolve some remaining disagreement about issues of fact but may do little to resolve disagreement over values. Results from this fall 2005 survey are compared with those from surveys conducted in 1989 and 1995.  相似文献   

谁将《破产法》束之高阁?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马丽 《法人》2009,(5):20-23
2008年是金融危机最为肆意汹涌的一年,也是被寄予厚望的新《破产法》完整施行的第一个年头,这两个条件几乎铁定了2008年破产立案的数据要比2007年有大幅上升。但是根据北京思源事务所下属的中国唯一的破产数据库报出的最新资料显示,2008年全国破产案件立案数为2955件,这个数字比2007年还下降252件,降幅为8%。  相似文献   

《俄罗斯联邦刑法典》第11章专门规定了刑事责任免除制度,但并未穷尽免除刑事责任制度的规范,其中没有涵盖因对未成年人适用教育感化措施而免除刑事责任的情形。免除刑事责任的制度主要包括:因积极悔过而免除刑事责任、经济领域犯罪免除刑事责任的相关案例、因与被害人和解而免除刑事责任。分析上述刑事责任免除制度的适用条件与根据,揭示立法技术上存在的缺陷以及法律适用过程中出现的问题十分必要。  相似文献   

DNA from door handles on entry doors could provide a clue as to who last left the scene. However, after years of extensive research on DNA transfer and persistence it can be considered common knowledge that general claims like "the last who touched leaves the most DNA" do not hold true. But who's DNA do we find on door handles that are usually used several times per day by the inhabitants? To assess this question, we sampled inside door handles from real-life burglaries and at the same time collected reference samples from all the inhabitants, to determine if we can detect any (major) profiles from non-inhabitants. We also searched to evaluate how often we detect DNA from the person who last touched the door handle as a (major) contributor. Only small amounts of DNA were recovered from the handles, originating most often, but not always, from inhabitants or even the last inhabitant touching the handle.  相似文献   

We here report the first case of postmortem injury caused by a centipede. An old man was found dead in his bedroom. The death was estimated to be due to intracranial hemorrhage and to have occurred two days before the police inspection. A centipede about 12 cm long emerged from a subcutaneous cavity on the victim's forearm. Obviously, the centipede had dug the cavity on the intact skin. A police inspector was bitten by the centipede, so he stepped on the centipede on the floor. The exudate from the insect was identified to be derived from the victim's blood.  相似文献   

Gc-subtypes were determined by isoelectric focusing and immunfixation on samples from 492 unrelated blood donors from Berlin. The frequency of the three genes was found to be GcIF = 0.1270, GcIS = 0.6006, Gc2 = 0.2724. Analysis of 78 parents with 190 children did not show deviations from the expected mode of inheritance. Investigation of the adults from paternity cases and of their children on the other hand obtained similar results. No rare alleles were observed.  相似文献   

请求权:概念结构及理论困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
请求权概念的创造是民法从诉讼秩序到权利秩序演进的需要。"请求权"经历了从救济性手段到建构性基石的转变,其从具体的权利扩展为抽象的概念,不但有助于民法的体系化,更促成了以实体权利为中心的法律维护模式的建立。但在多种意义上不加区分地使用请求权概念,模糊了相对权与相对法律关系,导致了责任法与时效法的结构性缺陷,并在一定程度上误导了诉讼标的理论。因此,应重新定位请求权的性质与功能,重新分析与梳理其相关理论,以淳化以法律关系为核心对象的私法体系。  相似文献   

我国《公司法》尚未认可公司市场退出的多项改革,滞后于实践的发展,对瑕疵经营公司缺乏包容度,仅设置了局限于法庭外退出机制的单一性规定,需要进行体系性再造。公司市场退出的丰富实践与我国《公司法》的有限规定形成对比,强化公司市场退出立法,整合与更新既有法律制度安排,能够维系债权人利益的整体保护水平。重申公司市场退出法律制度的私法底色,明确公司登记是对商事主体资格确认的本意,是公司市场退出法律制度改革的关键。登记机关应尊重清算时公司剩余财产分配的自治权,由“前端严审”转向“后端惩治”,以信用机制约束滞留市场的公司,发挥商事资质确认的功能。我国《公司法》应当成为法庭外与法庭内公司市场退出法律制度的“母法”。简易注销制度应扩大调整对象,强制退出制度不应成为依职权注销制度,可在适用前提、期间和结果方面完善休眠制度。  相似文献   

Recent data on lawyer participation in pro bono have suggested that such work flows from the intrinsic value one derives from volunteering as well as from workplace characteristics of those who provide pro bono service. This finding would imply that pro bono emerges not merely from individual personality traits but that the workplace environment structures motives and incentives for pro bono work. Such a finding points to a need to disentangle the effects of diverse workplace settings on the construction of different vocabularies of motive for engaging in pro bono work. In this article I employ an institutional framework to examine the impact of the workplace environment on participation in pro bono work among lawyers. Survey data were collected from 474 lawyers who graduated from three law schools that have mandatory pro bono requirements. Results indicate that lawyers' meanings of pro bono as well as their motivations for doing such work and the benefits they attribute to such work vary across workplace settings. These results are discussed in relation to institutional theory.  相似文献   

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