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2007年以来,巴基斯坦政局乱象迭起。穆沙拉夫总统面临极端主义威胁、反对派攻击和去除军职等一系列挑战,相继经历司法危机和红色清真寺危机,其政治基础有所动摇。军队、伊斯兰势力和美国三大因素相互作用、彼此对冲,使巴难以摆脱其政治发展的历史周期律,政治生态可能进入新一轮循环,甚至推动巴国内政治斗争的主旋律发生根本变化。  相似文献   


In early 2017, dozens of US states introduced legislation designed to further criminalize confrontational protest tactics through expanding the scope of felony prosecutions and summoning the specter of the “riot” to depoliticize political action; indelibly linking it to criminal violence. This shift towards felonies and rioters took the form of legislation, intelligence reports, prosecutions, and rhetorical attempts at nearly every level of government. Demonstrations and campaigns were recast as felonious conspiracies, and the participants, rioters. In doing so, demonstrators were denied legibility as political actors, and instead held up in courts and newspapers as anti-social, irrational, and unruly criminal mobs. These legalistic, rhetorical, and strategic maneuvers can be critically interpreted through a mixed methodological approach embedded within Discourse Analysis and Autoethnography, and interpreted through a genealogical, social control framework. Through a close reading of these rhetorical shifts and their implications for policing and political repression, social movements adopting revolutionary nonviolence can increase resiliency through focusing on creating power, not simply challenging it.  相似文献   

列宁主义的确立是一个艰苦探索与论战的过程,是一个与时俱进的不断创新的过程.列宁主义经历了两次大的飞跃.第一次飞跃是,社会主义革命能够在一国单独胜利;第二次是在俄国这个农民国度里只有通过新经济政策"整整一个历史时代",才能建成社会主义.不幸的是,新经济政策过早地夭折了.  相似文献   

The paper argues that given the diversity of the field of forcedmigration, research requires a multi-disciplinary approach andan awareness of the multiplicity of interacting factors whichcome into play. It examines two key texts published 20 yearsapart which exemplify the linkages approach. Imposing Aid (1986)studied the developing situation in Sudan as refugees arrivedfrom Uganda in the early 1980s, and showed the unproductivenature of interactions between officials and refugees. Landscapeof Hope and Despair (2005) examined the situation of Palestiniansin refugee camps, where the refugees’ own agency comesup against the structural constraints of camp administrationand the political actions of local and international power holders.  相似文献   

Harvey Sicherman 《Orbis》2011,55(3):416-437
The author assesses the long life of Robert Strausz-Hupé and the many roles he played: immigrant, professor, author, diplomat and think tank founder.  相似文献   

以人为本的外交新理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、以人为本外交新理念的内涵及特点 以人为本的外交理念始于十届全国人大二次会议。温家宝总理在此次会议上代表新一届政府作了《政府工作报告》,报告指出:要重视解决关系群众的生产生活问题、加强扶贫开发工作、帮助解决进城农民工子女上学问题等。2004政府工作的基本思路和主要任务包括更加注重以人为本……着力解决关系人民群众切身利益的突出问题。从政府工作报告中可以看到,事关百姓利益的工作多了。“以人为本”的精神作为主线通篇贯穿《政府工作报告》,表明了新一届中央领导集体的领导作风和“以人为本”的执政理念。2004年3月6日,外交部部长李肇星就中国外交工作和国际问题回答中外记者提问时讲到:我们的外交是全中国人民的外交,新时期的外交也贯彻了以人为本、执政为民这一宗旨。  相似文献   

In this satire written from the perspective of the fictional defendant in the film 12 Angry Men , the arguments used by the dissenting juror to prove the possibility that the defendant is innocent are explained in ways that actually support his guilt.  相似文献   

This paper examines the international news coverage of governability offered by several news sources. Governability is defined as actual or potential challenges to the domestic political order or stability of a nation, manifested by oppositional violence, leadership crises or institutional change. The New York Times, AP, UPI, Reuters, Northern Reuters, Kyodo and Xinshua are examined for one week. We evaluate how well these sources cover governability issues with respect to four criteria: relative emphasis on the topic, volume of coverage, depth of coverage and extensiveness of country coverage (on both a global and a regional basis). Our results indicate that the global coverage of governability concentrates on certain regions and countries of the world, and that large gaps appear for Africa and for much of the Third World. The New York Times offers the most in‐depth coverage of governability issues, but UPI, AP, Reuters and Northern Reuters offer much wider country coverage. We also found that two non‐Western news wires (Kyodo and Xinshua) concentrate more on governability issues but offer less extensive country coverage than Western sources.  相似文献   

This article investigates the interactions among parliamentary questions, newspaper coverage on the economic crisis, and consumer confidence. It focuses on France, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands for the period 2005–2016. Based on insights from political agenda-setting and media effects research, we expect multidirectional relationships to be present. Parliamentary records and newspaper archives are used to analyze the monthly amount of attention for the economic crisis. Pooled time series models and vector autoregression analyses are employed to demonstrate that indeed, politicians, journalists, and citizens depend on one another, but also that remarkable cross-national and over-time differences exist. In the countries where the economy was severely damaged by the crisis (France and Spain), news coverage is less strongly affecting both parliamentarians and citizens. However, when the economic situation worsens, political agenda-setting influences get stronger,while media effects on consumer confidence becomeweaker over time.  相似文献   

When and how will personal financial (aka “pocketbook”) concerns drive citizens’ political decisions? Scholars remain puzzled by the mismatch between the expectation that pocketbook voting should occur and the reality that, according to most findings, it usually does not. Using original survey data collected immediately after Iceland’s second “Icesave” referendum (2011), I first report the results of an embedded experiment that successfully evokes greater pocketbook concern. Next, I analyze the determinants of retrospective pocketbook evaluations, showing that priming effects are conditioned by political sophistication such that high sophisticates are among the most likely to report negative economic assessments. I then turn to the consequences of these egocentric views for government approval. Mediation analysis confirms a significant indirect effect, suggesting that subjective pocketbook evaluations exert a strong influence on political attitudes that has been hidden in prior work. Results illuminate the contextual, cognitive, and causal circumstances under which pocketbook effects transpire and suggest new ways in which self-interest might matter for attitudes toward international political economy issues.  相似文献   


The end of the Cold War has allowed for a burgeoning of the security agendas to include a range of softer threats such as economic and social conditions and environmental damage alongside the more traditional military considerations. The Turkish national discourse, however, has largely diverged from these global trends with militaristic perspectives still dominating and guiding the Turkish security agendas, almost exclusively, throughout the 1990s. This article argues that the roots of such enduring centrality of security, as understood and interpreted along the traditional lines, lie in the variables of history and ideology and the way in which these variables are reflected in modern Turkish society and identity.  相似文献   

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