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The military commissions at Guantánamo Bay have properlybeen the subject of much legal scrutiny and criticism. Theiruse of military officers as triers of fact, however, meritsfurther consideration. Salim Hamdan may have benefited fromhaving military officers decide his case. His panel was composedof highly educated military professionals who have dedicatedtheir lives in service of the law. Despite their enmity towardsthe accused, these officers were actually in a better positionto be sympathetic and understanding to the Hamdan defence thana civilian jury. The unique aspects of military service andcombat experience will also make them excellent partners withprofessional jurists in future humanitarian law tribunals.  相似文献   

This paper argues that military law has undergone a long-term process of change. Previously an autonomous legal system with little civilian input at the administrative, judicial and policy-making levels, military law became subject to a consensual policy of civilianisation from the early 1960s, reflected primarily in the adoption of civilian criminal law norms by the military justice system. More recently there has emerged the juridification of significant areas of military relations in respect to discipline and certain other terms of service which hitherto have not been subject to externally imposed legal regulation. Explanations for the shifts from autonomy, through civilianisation, and then to juridification, ranging from political and social developments to new human rights and equal opportunities discourses, are offered for such changes.  相似文献   

孔令驹 《河北法学》2004,22(6):90-92
"人性化"执法作为现代"法治"精神的文化抽象,蕴涵着十分丰富的价值内涵。其执法理念体现了社会主义市场经济运行机制的法权要求,其执法运作是法制现代化的基本手段和目标归宿,其执法结果有助于社会人文警务力量的培植与提升。警务执法必须围绕"人性化"理念,开展相关可行性设计和制度安排。  相似文献   

傅达林 《北方法学》2011,5(1):85-92
军事法体系的建构关涉军事法部门和军事法学学科的独立性,深刻影响着军事立法和军队法制建设实践。长期以来学界对军事法体系进行了卓有成效的构建,但也凸显出自主性不足的缺陷。在新的思路下以军事权为线索,可以将军事法体系划分为军事组织法、军事行为法、军事程序法、军事监督和救济法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the traditional paradigm of international law that regulates warfare and defines criminal behavior,and examine how the emergence of new actors has changed the environmentof armed conflict. The existing paradigm takes into account state actorsand insurgents who have recognizable political goals. All such combatantshave some stake in the existing international political system and somemeans are available (military intervention, war crimes trials) to compeltheir compliance with the law. However, new categories of combatants areemerging. They are not connected to states, may have no political goalsand are difficult to reach or persuade with time-tested methods.Compelling or persuading them to better compliance with the law is essential to protect vulnerable populations from their depredations.The paper concludes by identifying some contributions that criminologistscan make toward understanding these groups and devising strategies to meetthe challenge of war crimes. Those contributions by criminologists wouldbe equally valuable in dealing with the problem of war crimes and ``traditional' combatants.  相似文献   

近代中国宪政建设的教训及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋四辈 《中国法学》2004,(5):150-157
近代中国宪政建设留下了许多教训:落后的经济基础只能起到束缚作用;传统农民不是宪政建设的社会基础;战争环境不可能成功建设宪政;列强是近代中国宪政建设的阻挠力量;"人治"方略难以推进宪政建设;不成熟的理论只会导致宪政误入歧途;脱离实际的模式会对宪政造成致命的危害;离开司法制度建设的宪政将一事无成;军队近代化是宪政建设成败的关键。分析和总结这些教训,对于发展市场经济、加速城市化进程、保持社会稳定、开展宪政和法治建设、培养法治观念、完善司法制度和加强人民军队建设等具有重要启示。  相似文献   

军事法与军事法学的概念研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李佑标 《中国法学》2004,(5):158-167
军事法与军事法学的概念是我们研究军事法学的起点,军事法是军事法学的研究对象,军事法学是军事法的系统化的知识体系,正确界定军事法与军事法学的概念对于构建军事法与军事法学自身的基本原理框架体系具有重大的理论价值。  相似文献   

军事法与军事伦理关系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
军事伦理和军事法作为上层建筑的成分,都是对军事行为加以规范、控制,并通过规范、控制军事行为来调整军事社会关系。虽然二者之间存在诸多区别,但并非各自属于相互排斥的独立系统,而是客观地存在着一种相互依存、互相渗透的关系。军事法对军事伦理道德起着保护的作用,并促进其发展;军事伦理规范对军事法律制度则是一种重要的补充力量,对军事法的实施起着辅助的作用,对培养和影响军事主体对其现行军事法律制度采取什么态度有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The ‘Boydell gap’ remedy in modern military law, which was prompted by a Divisional Court ruling in 1948, has been seen as authorizing the trial by court martial of those who, within the previous six months, had ceased to be subject to military law. The present paper argues, however, that Captain Boydell's case exposed primarily a territorial rather than a time-limitation obstacle to proceedings against ex-service personnel. Moreover, the case is historically significant in illuminating how the authorities wrestled with the problem of instituting criminal proceedings against military offenders such as black marketeers overseas when rapid demobilization was taking place.  相似文献   

国际人道法的基本原则之一是区分对待战斗员和平民,以便在武装冲突中有效地对战争受难者进行保护,平衡"军事必要"与"人道需求"这一矛盾。从实践经验上看,我军在战争中往往守法做的比较好,而在对付敌人违法作战方面准备不足。在未来军事斗争中应利用国际人道法的相关知识,做到既严格遵守又灵活运用。具体做法包括:将遵守国际人道规则列入部队训练和演习内容;运用国际人道法合理进行目标选择与打击;做到正确、灵活地对待和使用保护性标志;灵活处置国际人道法的守势反用等。  相似文献   

两大法系惩戒性军事法概要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
莫里斯与古斯塔夫斯的《战争法典》对两大法系惩戒性军事法的形成起到了奠基作用。在两大法系主要国家,惩戒性军事法以军事司法权的运作为核心,主要围绕军事司法管辖权及军事司法程序构建军事司法制度。20世纪50年代以来,受《欧洲人权公约》及《联合国公民权利和政治权利公约》的影响,两大法系惩戒性军事法的发展又呈现出了一些新的特点。  相似文献   

普遍服务理念下公共医疗卫生服务的法律调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国公共医疗卫生服务发展失范所引致该领域存在的诸多问题,在根源上归结于:在价值层面是"普遍服务"理念的缺失,在机制层面则是政府与市场双重失灵共同作用的结果。经济法因具备特有的赋权与限权的双重性质而成为调整公共医疗卫生服务这一领域的重要法律,可以通过对现有经济法资源的整合,适用、制定、修订或细化相关法律法规,构造保障公共医疗卫生服务领域实现"普遍服务"理念的法律规范体系,促进"普遍服务"理念的贯彻,推动新一轮医疗卫生体制改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

杨永康 《法学杂志》2012,33(7):152-156
宪法的崇高性与军事在国家发展中的重要性决定了从宪法的视角研究军事法学的必要性。本文在分析美国宪法军事条款产生的背景的基础上,分析了制宪者关于战争和安全的认识、关于保障安全和自由的制度设立的辩论、制衡军事权力保障国家的安全和公民的自由制度设计,并研究了反联邦党人关于宪法军事规定的责难及《权利法案》的产生过程,在此基础上剖析了美国宪法制订过程中关于军事问题的辩论对美国社会生活的影响,以期探讨支撑美国军事强势地位的法律制度根源并从一个独特的角度寻求国家长远性发展的一种理论性支撑。  相似文献   

国际法领域的扩展使不同国际法规则之间的冲突大大增加,国际法发展呈现不成体系的特征。演进中的国际法并非一个统一的体系,现代国际法表现为国际共存法和国际合作法并存,并在发展趋向上向价值定向发展。国际法随着范围的扩展形成大量次级体系,不同的次级体系多能“自成体系”并“专题自主”的特征,导致规则的冲突增加,造成在适用国际法规则上的困难。究其原因,一方面由于国际法自身的固有特征,另一方面则是国际法领域的扩展等新趋势导致的。国际法要研究如何防止并协调国际法规则矛盾与冲突,但是很难使之成为一个真正统一的体系,另一方面国际法的不成体系的特性却使国际法充满了张力。  相似文献   

Authors examining the developing dispute resolution alternatives to the adversarial system have identified nine converging "vectors" or alternatives in what has been termed the Comprehensive Law Movement. These authors have sought to understand how the developing vectors can remain separate and vibrant movements while sharing common ground. Some analyze these developments as being within law and legal practice, others see them as alternative approaches to law, and still others take a combined approach. It will be impossible to understand how these vectors have meaningful differences from law and legal practice if the search is limited to looking within law and legal practice. It will be impossible to understand how these vectors have meaningful commonalities with law and legal practice if the search is limited to looking external to law and legal practice. Instead of comparing the vectors with the adversarial system, higher order criteria are required. What is needed is a comprehensive and internally consistent super-system of norms; one that can be used to evaluate the adversarial system and the evolving vectors on an equal footing. An Aristotelian natural law virtue theory of justice can: (a) provide a functional guiding definition of justice; (b) serve as a comprehensive and internally consistent super-system of norms; and (c) provide the theoretical and evaluative foundation required to clarify the relationships among the adversarial system and the developing vectors. Finally, it will become clear why the Comprehensive Law Movement might be more appropriately conceptualized as the Comprehensive Justice Movement.  相似文献   

军事权初论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
军事权是军事法学的核心范畴和军事法体系的逻辑起点。与西方国家军事权归属于行政权不同,中国军事权是一项单独的权力,其核心内容包括军事指挥权和军事行政权。对军事权的设定、保障及控制,是军事法的主要功能。  相似文献   

任何制度创新均为着促进社会的进步与和谐发展,须立足于本国国情.刑罚制度创新的开放、轻缓的趋势需在我国有其存在发挥效能的社会基础条件.我国本土法律文化中的"和为贵"思想(民间法)所体现的刑罚谦抑、重视民意具有化解冲突的正功能,是我国实行社会服务刑和社区矫正等替代刑措施乃至恢复性司法的基础条件,问题在于如何将民间法纳入国家法律系统中,使之成为"法律控制下的民间法".为减少"和为贵"传统思想影响下的负功能,应在刑罚制度创新中确立其适用条件和原则.  相似文献   

法律和体育是人类生活的两大领域,也是重要的文化现象。如何从基本的理念与价值层面,揭示法律和体育内在关系的深刻社会基础与内在机制,为依法治体,构建以人为本的和谐体育法治提供基础性理论指导,就成为法学界和体育界面临的共同课题。运用比较分析方法,探讨法律与体育在构成要素、运行方式和思维模式方面的共同性或相似性,同时也分析法律与体育在价值选择、规则类型以及解纷机制上的不同点。通过对法律与体育的比较分析,期望能够对加强法律和体育之间的沟通与交流,推动当代中国体育运动的法治化进程提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

行政法学研究应如何回应服务型政府的实践   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
行政法学研究服务型政府问题,应当把"以服务行政模式履行政府法定义务"作为核心,兼顾服务行政和秩序行政两个领域,处理好服务型政府与法治政府、服务型政府与服务行政、秩序行政与服务行政之间的关系,关注服务型政府实践中出现的权力膨胀问题、成本增加问题、服务资源配置的公平性问题、服务资源的科学合理使用问题、服务效率悖论问题。应通过完善实体法、程序法、救济法,塑造一个"行政法之下的服务型政府"。  相似文献   

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