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“老公真不知道是做什么用的,需要他的时候,永远不在。所以早练就一身好武艺,学会独自抚养小孩,还能兼顾自己的事业。”林惠嘉接受采访时如是说。  相似文献   

YIBIN is where the Jinsha and Minjiang Rivers meet and join the Yangtze River, at the southern edge of China's Sichuan Basin.The mention of Yibin brings to many people's minds its history of distilling, as its Wuliangye, a spirit distilled from five kinds…  相似文献   

Slice the beef, mix with seasoning (1) and marinate for 10 minutes. Clean, peel and thickly slice the pumpkin. Put in a wok and fry in 2 tbsp cooking oil. Add the salt and soy sauce as per seasoning (2) plus 1/2 cup water. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.  相似文献   

卓彦 《创造》2007,(2):96-96
获取奥斯卡这样的大奖,无疑是时下中国电影导演追求的目标极至.虽说也有人不屑于拿国际大奖,被称做是吃不到葡萄讲葡萄酸,但无论如何能否得到国际电影艺术奖项的最高荣誉,总是中国电影人久久憧憬的东西.  相似文献   

罗姬 《时事报告》2004,(5):49-51
美国在世男上颇有影响的四大艺术奖是以他们本土为核心的奖项,美国标准无法取代世界标准。在全球化趋势的浪潮下,更要注意走民族化的道路。只有民族性才具世界性。我们应辩证地看美国艺术界的四大奖。  相似文献   

It was in 1905, ten years after the birth of motion pictures, that China made its first film. In the century since, more than 7,000 movies have followed. Many Chinese people consider themselves fortu- nate to live in this cinematic era whose im- ages are taken from daily life everywhere. The history of the Chinese film indus-try would itself make an interesting film, as its thrills, spills and twisting plots relate closely to the nation's joys and sorrows. Despite the many changes the Chi- n…  相似文献   

安东 《台声》2014,(3):98-98
没有那个古早心,要怎么煮古早味?心若欢喜,菜就好呷! 20多年前,台湾办桌界有三大传奇总铺师称霸北、中、南,分别为憨人师(吴念真饰)、鬼头师(喜翔饰)与苍蝇师(柯一正饰),乡民们尊称他们“人、鬼、神”三霸。随着时代变迁,办桌文化式微。  相似文献   

LEGEND has it that, around 2,000 years ago, a Japanese monk named Hui'e made a pilgrimage to Wutai Moun-tain, a sacred Buddhist site in Shanxi Province. There he obtained a statue of Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy, with the intention of taking the figure back to Japan. After setting sail to a gentle breeze and fine ripples, a raging storm erupted as the vessel approached Zhoushan Archi- pelago in present-day Zhejiang Province. After the tempest subsided,  相似文献   

SEEN from a distance, the Great Wall looks like an enormous dragon, and the city of Qinhuangdao is where the dragon’s head dips into the sea. Qinhuangdao is located in Hebei Province, a city of strategic importance linking Northeast China with North China. It is 280 kilometers east of beijing and 370 kilometers southwest of shenyang.  相似文献   

童刚 《今日广西》2010,(2):56-57
2009年,人们逐渐发现这样一个事实:也许影片口碑聚讼纷纭,但影院观众络绎不绝;也许大片和中小成本电影参差不齐,但观众对国产新片充满期待。在媒体和公众舆论中,电影成为文化热点话题已是不争的事实。数据表明,2009年国产故事片产量达到456部,较2008年增长50部,全年生产各类影片突破600部,仅从数量考察,我们已经步入电影生产的大国行列。电影市场的迅猛发展更加惹人注目,票房成功突破60亿元大关,在2008年票房增幅达到30%的强劲势头下,  相似文献   

Big Fish     
THERE is a big fish in the Mirror Lake–30 to 40meters long,they say.Though not as famous as the monster in Kanas Lake in Xinjiang,the news has spread far and wide.Is it a promotional stunt or media hype?I don’t give a hoot.I am just telling what I heard,and I have nothing to do with any media.But on the other hand...My uncle,a retired lumberjack,lives by the Mirror Lake.He used to work for a transport company,pulling logs from nearby mountains to the shore,where they  相似文献   

ON April 25, the World Bank endorsed a proposal for reform that will shift a significant balance of voting power from the developed countries to the developing ones. China therefore becomes the third most influential member, following only the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

THE massive project diverting water from China’s south to her dry north is like a snake on a long and arduous journey, crossing the various terrains of several provinces, and periodically confronted with  相似文献   

<正>While the new year offers the opportunity to start anew, the economic outlook for 2011 and years to come may not take on a fundamentally different appearance from the past  相似文献   

90年来,中国共产党团结各民主党派和无党派人士,使多党合作事业不断创新,焕发生机与活力.70年前,民盟的创建者和早期领导人同共产党和衷共济,为新中国的诞生作出了重大贡献.改革开放以来,民盟充分发挥界别优势,集中全盟智慧,将参政议政活动推向一个较高的层次.  相似文献   

九三学社先贤与中国共产党人交往的历史源远流长.九三学社积极参加中国革命和建设事业,成为共产党的坚定合作者、支持者和拥护者.中共十一届三中全会以后,九三学社在国家政治生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用.新阶段,有着爱国民主科学优良传统的九三学社将与中国共产党思想上同心同德、目标上同心同向、行动上同心同行.  相似文献   

"同情的理解"为我们研究古人和古文提供了必要的前提与基础.由于对"同情"的不恰当的理解,导致许多误解与曲解;要想真正地走近古人、走向古文,还必须设身处地,与古人情同、感同与理同,实现有效而平等的交流与对话.  相似文献   

Scientists highlight the benefits of the traditional Chinese diet In October this year,the Chinese Ministry of Health issued a draft regulation for comments on a standard for nutritious additives in food,which said  相似文献   

<正>E-commerce leader Alibaba’s financial arm hopes to share the benefits of growth with the public Ant Financial Services Group(Ant Financial),a leader in China’s Internet finance sector,announced on July 3 that it had completed its first round of fundraising;notably,however,it did not disclose the exact amount.The company,an affiliate of China’s largest ecommerce business Alibaba Group,is devoted  相似文献   

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