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Yoram Meital 《中东研究》2017,53(2):183-197
This article is the first to expound on Chehata Haroun's personality, his beliefs, and the implications thereof, all of which will be scrutinized within the context of the national and political transformations that convulsed the Land of the Nile, especially its Jewish community, from the late 1940s onwards. For the most part, the emphasis will be on three strands of the activist's critical views of the Middle East. The first is his claim that the Zionist movement and the Arab leadership are jointly responsible for the asphyxiation of Egyptian Jewry. This argument was promulgated in a letter that he addressed to President Gamal ?Abd al-Nasser in February 1967. The second strand is that Haroun's Jewishness does not contradict his Egyptian national identity, his uncompromising devotion to communism and humanism, ardent opposition to imperialism, or his identification with the Palestinian cause. The third contention is that the Jewish community and its heritage constitute an indivisible part of the Egyptian social and cultural fabric.  相似文献   


This essay is my attempt to guide readers through the thicket of print and film resources from and about Indonesia in a way that provides a structure for making sense of the evergrowing body of literature about Indonesia. The choice of literature recommended in this essay is inspired by my own fascination with the theme of transition from a traditional to a modern society. Just what we understand by “tradition” and “modernity” is, of course, debated constantly, as is the way we evaluate these two conditions. What is not in doubt, however, is that a transition is in progress, that it is taking place rapidly, and that it is at times unrelentingly cruel to those who are experiencing the phenomenon. “Concerned” scholarship, I believe, should be determined to achieve a measure of rational control over that transition through its mastery of all relevant literature.  相似文献   

刘卫东  何兴强 《美国研究》2007,21(1):156-157
2006年11月19日,中国社科院国际合作局与中国社科院美国研究所联合举办“2006美国中期选举对美国内政和外交政策的影响”国际学术研讨会。来自美国、德国及中国国务院发展研究中心、北京大学、人民大学、外国语大学、复旦大学、中国国际问题研究所、中国现代国际关系研究院、中  相似文献   

美国国际能源战略与中美能源合作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪90年代美国实施石油进口来源最大限度多元化的政策,进口石油是美国能源的主要来源,以确保进口石油价格稳定和供应可靠.九一一事件以后,美国寻求降低对中东石油的依靠,增加国内石油战略储备,使用军事力量保证外国石油稳定安全地输往美国.当前美国的能源战略增加了世界石油市场需求,导致国际油价高位运行,与其他大国因能源问题而引起的矛盾和竞争增加,在中亚和里海地区的能源竞争加剧.中国和美国在能源领域既存在着一定程度的竞争,又有合作的巨大潜力.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xiaoming 《East Asia》2011,28(3):235-246
Normative changes in the Western-dominated international society have been taking place, symbolized by the evolution from the “standard of civilization” to the “new standard of civilization”. And the West has always been the developer of the new norms in international society, and changes in international norms reflect the link between power on one hand and norms, rules and institutions on the other. That is a fact or an invented reality which a rapidly rising China has to deal with, and its implications on China’s future relationship with the international society are sure to be great and far-reaching.  相似文献   

刘卫东  魏红霞 《美国研究》2005,19(4):149-151
2005年11月18到19日,中国社会科学院国际合作局与美国研究所联合举办了“中国社会科学院国际学术论坛:中美关系及其在亚洲的影响”。来自美国、韩国、印度尼西亚、新加坡和中国的20多位学者与会。中国社科院国际合作局副局长杨扬主持了开幕式,李慎明副院长在开幕词中指出,中美关系是当今世界上最为复杂也极其重要的双边关系,这一关系一直在起伏动荡中向前发展。一方面,综合国力仍然鹤立鸡群的美国继续在世界上发挥着主导作用;另一方面,坚定走和平发展道路的中国自身的综合国力也在不断提高。中美两国在许多地区问题上仍存在着相互的战略疑虑…  相似文献   

赵怀普 《美国研究》2004,18(4):73-85
美英两国之间的密切联系与长期合作表明 ,美英特殊关系是一个历史和现实存在。英国的亲美政策及两国在国际秩序问题上的战略一致 ,构成了“特殊关系”得以长期存在的重要基础。作为现存国际秩序的主要受益者和维护者 ,战后以来至今 ,美英两国始终把控制世界经济乃至整个国际秩序作为外交政策的基础 ,并采取了大致相同的政策。然而 ,美英控制国际秩序的目标在冷战后面临新的挑战。除了第三世界的反对外 ,美国的一些重要盟国也拒绝接受其“单极独霸”的国际秩序构想 ,不过英国仍坚定地站在美国一边。血缘联系、共同的历史、语言和文化是美英特殊关系重要原因 ,而共同利益则是其赖以持久的关键因素  相似文献   

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