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In recent years, the status and influence of the developing countries have generally risen, but they are still faced with arduous tasks of development as well as complicated changes, challenges and aspirations. The development among the developing countries will continue to demonstrate imbalance, diversity and competition. Major developing countries will occupy more prominent positions.  相似文献   

After the Cold War, hegemony and power politics remained the major obstacles in the process of establishing a fair, just, inclusive and orderly global political volatile international and economic order. Due political and economic to the complicated and situation, promoting democratization of intemational relations as well as establishing a fair and reasonable global political and economic order have become the appeal of people in more and more countries. The Chinese government duly put forward its proposition of democratization of international relations to safeguard the basic interests of people in China and other countries in the world. It became one vital theoretical innovation in its diplomatic strategy. Under the guidance of this idea, the Chinese government is actively pushing forward democratization Of international relations with many developing countries.  相似文献   

The substantial change in the international system since the end of the World War Ⅱ has been a boon to non-Western nations,which make up three-quarters of all the countries today.Most nationalities,populations and countries that had little freedom and almost no voice have representation today in the United Nations and G20,and they benefit from more international investment.Enterprising BRICS countries hold a competitive position in manufacturing,infrastructure construction,and international trade.  相似文献   

At present, the connotation of security has expanded from the traditional sense of security to non-traditional one, covering politics, economy, finance, science and technology, culture and many other areas. Economic globalization makes countries more interdependent on each other. In other words, it makes the interests of different countries further intertwine. The advancement of science and technology and the progress of informationization accelerate the exchange and communication among people.  相似文献   

The United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Bali,Indonesia in December 2007, formally launching the post-Kyoto negotiations. After hard discussions, the parties finally agreed on the Bali Roadmap, promising to have further negotiations and maintain and improve the international climate change regime centered on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. However, the scientificity, rationality and effectiveness of the regime are constantly questioned. Very few countries can fulfill standard emissions. Neither Japan or Canada nor most European Union countries are able to fulfill the goals of emissions reduction on schedule. The question of how much responsibility the rapidly growing developing countries should undertake is increasingly standing out. Yet although the regime is greatly challenged, it is still the only relatively complete framework in terms of structure and functions that international climate cooperation can rely on. This regime will continue to play a fundamental and irreplaceable role in the more and more complicated international climate negotiations.  相似文献   

The no-fly zone has become a model of United Nations-mandated humanitarian intervention.However,no-fly zones have exceeded the authority of the United Nations and have led to the excessive use of force.As the legitimacy of the zones has been accepted by more and more countries,they have also created a diplomatic dilemma for China.  相似文献   

What happens after 2014 in Afghanistan is generally viewed as a serious challenge to the international community.Although there are high hopes,many countries feel uneasy about Afghanistan's prospects.All those countries involved with Afghanistan have been working hard to cope with this challenge,such as the United States,countries from the EU,Russia,China,Pakistan,India,Iran,and Central Asian countries.The current focus is on helping the Afghan government grow stronger and more capable including into the long term,building up the army and police forces,conducting technical and management personnel training,and carrying out economic development,anti-terrorism and anti-narcotics projects etc.  相似文献   

正The relationship between two countries is based on the affection between two Peoples.As a direct form of people-to-people exchange,and due to its extensive participation and simple objective,tourism is playing a more and more important role in enhancing the affection between people and boosting understanding,thus enriching the content  相似文献   

正In May 2017,Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the launching of"Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network(SIRONE )"at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,which was widely echoed by countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.Nearly 300 Chinese and overseas NGOs from more than 60 countries have joined SIRONET.To further solidify the outcomes of the Belt and Road Forum for International  相似文献   

Since the year 2000, China and the ASEAN countries have promoted mutual trade and investment, strengthened political trust and increased cooperation in terms of economic aid, security, and cultural and educational exchanges. More and more people are realizing that China poses no threat to other countries. With China's growing influence in ASEAN, the U.S., Japan, and other big powers have increased their strategic investment in Southeast Asia to try to maintain their long-standing strategic advantage in the region. At the same time, the ASEAN countries are trying to play off these big powers against each other to maximize their own advantage.  相似文献   

Both China and Indiahave a long history and thetwo countries have madeimportant contributions tothe development of thecivilizations ofthe mankind.Today, the two countrieshave rekindled their vigorand risen up in the wavesof the globalization.In more than …  相似文献   

1997 seems to be another promising year for Africa. Conflicts among nationswill be further eased and domestic situation of many countries get more stabilized.It is because in the majority of African countries, "multi-party democraticsystems" have been set up preliminarily. This is of course conducive to the stabilityof the countries concerned. Last year, a dozen of African countries held their mul-  相似文献   

With the deep-going development of globalization and enhanced African unity for self-improvement, the international community is paying more and more attention to the standing of Africa and the role it plays. The United States, Japan, Russia, India and the European Union (EU), are strengthening and upgrading, out of their own needs, their political and economic relations with African countries in a bid to consolidate their strategic interests in the continent.  相似文献   

In 21st century, along with the continuously rising tide of economic globalization, there has been a growingtrend towards the regional integration among the countries surrounding China. So far as China is concerned, howto identify the nature of the relationship with its neighboring countries in the new era and, further on, how to con-form to the new historical trend of the times and establish a more stable system of international cooperation withthe peripheral countries have become an importan…  相似文献   

<正>Three years after the"Belt and Road"(OBOR)Initiative was proposed,more than 100 countries and international organizations have participated.China has signed cooperation agreements to jointly promote OBOR with nearly 40 countries  相似文献   

Since the seventies,world economy has been engaged in adjustment princi-pally in the following three fields.First,the shift of economic developmentmode from that of aggregate quantitative growth to that of quality-effective-ness.Second,the reform of economic system with more and more countries realiz-ing market economy.Third,the economy getting more opened as economic global-ization further avdances.  相似文献   

正COVID-19 is raging globally, with new cases in more than 200 countries and regions, and more than three billion people under quarantine of different forms. Although the number of cases and the general death rate of the current pandemic are lower than those of several major plagues in history, its scope and comprehensive impact are unprecedented. Globalization1 is one major reason for the rapid spread  相似文献   

With the rise of China's position in the international political and economic fields, the West began to question China's developing country status, the wrong perception of the West lies primarily in the following aspects: first, the vagueness of the concept of "developing countries" and the tendency towards narrowing the notion; second, the western countries are pressing China to shoulder more international responsibilities in so doing.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, some terms, such as the "Asian Century , the "rise of Asia" and the "rise of China and India,have become popular in international society. For some international observers, these terms simply reflect a global tendency; but for Asian people, they are more like visions. As members of Asia, China and South Asian countries have a responsibility to make these visions into realities, and these countries are trying their utmost to do so.  相似文献   

China’s partnership diplomacy is increasingly focusing on the extension from bilateral to multilateral, the upgrade from multilateral diplomacy to multilateralism, and the role and function of emerging markets, developing countries and regional organizations in the world order. The shift to multilateralism in global partnership building will not only help unite the strength of developing countries, shape a more balanced North-South relationship, and promote peaceful changes in the world order, b...  相似文献   

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