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The Editor's Note:Recently a book titled A Depiction of Trialsof Strength Between China and the US was published in Beijing.It isedited and mainly written by Professor Chen Feng of China Instituteof Contemporary International Relations.Four young researcher ofthe same institute also participated in the writing.After the book waspublished,it has evoked strong repercussions both at home andabroad.Its first edition has already been sold out and the second edi-tion has rushed through print.Foreign press and news agencies alsopay much attention to the book and have made quite a few comments.Some foreign experts and scholars have asked the publishing house orthe authors to send them a copy of the book.Some overseas publish-ing house have even proposed to purchase the book's copyright.A-gainst this backdrop,members of the editorial department of this jour-nal has had a special interview with Professor Chen Feng to ask abouthis motive to write the book and some other related matters.Below isa brief record of the interview.  相似文献   

Agreed within the institutional framework of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, the EU Code of Conduct for Arms Exports is the most comprehensive regional arms export control regime to date. Adding a European dimension to a policy area traditionally limited to national decision-making raises the question, whether the much debated democratic deficit of the EU applies to the area of arms exports. This article argues that, although the original 1998 document provides for neither public transparency nor parliamentary scrutiny, the Code has effectively led to increased transparency of arms export policies and an enhanced role for parliament.  相似文献   

As a prelude to the yearlong EU Intergovernmental Conference(IGC),theTurin summit of the EU held late March has once again evoked heated discussionson Europe's integration among press and academic circles both at home andabroad.The idealists among them are grumbling that the pace of the integration is  相似文献   

ONTHEDEVELOPMENTSTRATEGYOFTHEINDIANECONOMICPLANNINGDaiYonghongIndiahascompletedseven“FiveYear”plansandfour“Yearly”planseversi...  相似文献   

In the past three years, an unprecedented upsurge of democratization has sweptacross the whole Africa and part of Asia, and spilled over to Latin Americawhich was already largely democratized during the 1980s. Much has been writtenabout its process, nature, causes, and prospects, so this paper would only concen-  相似文献   

The literature on the origins of modern terrorism generally acknowledges that terrorism as a recognisable phenomenon had its roots during the latter decades of the nineteenth century and that the first exponents to embrace violence in a systematic way as a strategy to achieve their political ends were the extremist groups of the social revolutionary movement in Russia, particularly Narodnya Volya. Their campaign of terrorist attacks culminated in March 1881 with the assassination of Tsar Alexander the Second and thus both the conceptual and methodological seeds had been sown that led in the following century to the political violence in the characteristic form that we now refer to as terrorism. It is argued here that this unilinear model is flawed as it ignores the seminal contribution to the development of terrorism in the twentieth century made by the extreme Irish nationalist movement. During the years from January 1881 to January 1885 they mounted a series of bomb attacks in cities on the British mainland with the objective of forcing the government to relinquish its rule of the island of Ireland. Their strategy, operational methodology, tactics and targeting were innovative in both concept and execution and in turn they provided a blueprint for the conduct of terrorism that has not changed fundamentally for well over a hundred years. Terrorism, as it manifested itself in the 20th century, owes at least as much to the strategy, tactics and techniques developed and applied in the 19th century by the “physical force” proponents of the Irish republican movement as it does to the more readily acknowledged activities of the Russian revolutionaries.  相似文献   

MACROMANAGEMENTOFTHEMIXEDECONOMYININDIAWenFudeThemixedeconomyis,notonlyanimportantsubjectforscholars.butalsoapracticalprob-le...  相似文献   

Since the advent of the 1990s,there has appeared in the world an East Asia-centered“Asia-Pacific craze”.All people have been paying attention to and study-ing the“East Asian miracle”or the“East Asian phenomenon”.In the whole post-Cold War world,“the scene is uniquely beautiful”in East Asia as is compared withall other regions on earth.It can be said that the region is now in the best time ofits economic and political development in modern history.  相似文献   

This article examines the current role of equality as a key discourse in the language of Sinn Féin. It explores this within the context of the consociational character of the Good Friday Agreement and the discursive nature of Republican ideology. The article argues that mainstream contemporary Republicanism (in the shape of Sinn Féin) is reforging its political agenda and doing so by rearticulating key elements of Republican thought and northern Nationalist political culture. Republicanism has always contained within it radical-universalist and ethnic particularist dimensions. It could be argued that the consociational nature of the Good Friday Agreement has placed a political premium for parties to emphasize their role as ethnic community advocates. The article will suggest that Sinn Féin has been employing the language of equality in order to marry its appeal as a party of communalist leadership with universalized principles. While the rhetoric of Nationalist aspirations remain, this process has ensured that equality has emerged as the meta-discourse for Sinn Féin as it moves away from armed anti-partitionism.  相似文献   

This article uses attitudinal data to explore Catholic and Protestant perspectives on community relations and equality since the paramilitary cease fires in 1994. Although attitudes tend to fluctuate with the ‘headline grabbing’ events of the day, the article argues that there are signs that some fundamental changes have taken place in the post cease fire period. Of particular importance in this regard is the positive response recorded by the Catholic community towards government measures to tackle disadvantage and inequality. Equally significant is the protestant response to many of these measures which is often one of ambivalence rather than derision. In so far as the data appear to challenge the ‘zero-sum’ game that traditionally underpins relations between the two communities in Northern Ireland, they provide some grounds for optimism. Yet such optimism is tempered somewhat by the seeds of discontent which are manifest within the protestant community, particularly around issues of equality in employment and cultural traditions. Despite the more positive assessment of community relations and equality in 2002, it is argued that further monitoring will be required to determine the long-term effects of policy reform on relationships between the two communities.  相似文献   

Long before 9–11, Russia and the United States found common ground in their efforts to undermine the Taliban government in Afghanistan, despite serious disagreements over policy in other parts of the world. The events of 9–11, however, changed Russian foreign and security policy drastically. One of the most fundamental and controversial shifts came when President Putin chose not to interfere in US negotiations with the Central Asian states to use their airbases for the US war against al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Putin also offered to use Russia’s oil reserves as a means to stabilize jittery world markets. In return, Russia gained US support for its bid to pipe Caspian Sea oil over Russian territory. More importantly, the US government gave Russia essentially a free hand in its war against separatist Chechnya. While there are many potential scenarios in highly unstable Central Asia that could serve to sour relations once again, Russia and the United States have an unprecedented opportunity to build trust and cooperation through peacekeeping and problem solving in the region.  相似文献   


The rhetoric of“containing China”has frequently appeared in American andBritish press in recent months.The opinion-makers,scholars and politicians inter-ested in containing China base their arguments on narrow-minded and out-datedideological bias and Cold War mentality.The following analysis on the rhetoric of“containing China”indicates that such strategic idea and policy orientation are notonly ill-perceived and illogical,but also unfeasible.  相似文献   

Jana Möller 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):153-174

This article investigates the publication of titles in english and afrikaans (one title published in two languages) by looking specifically at three publishers: LAPA Uitgewers, jacana media and NB Publishers. Furthermore, the article examines why some books are more likely to be published bilingually than others in the sector of trade non-fiction for adults specifically; this excludes children's literature as well as titles in the religious trade sector. Bilingual publications from the period 2010–2014 are investigated for the article in order to examine this phenomenon over a relatively recent period of time. the research determines what the reasons are for publishers to publish in both languages, how the decision-making process takes place, and whether the timing of publishing bilingual titles plays a significant role in their publishing strategy. By investigating the reasons publishers use to make their decisions, the possible future of this trend is predicted. this information was collected through an investigation of available literature and also through interviews with key role players at the publishing houses.  相似文献   

An influential conventional wisdom holds that globalization could induce upward convergence in environmental regulations. Wealthy countries impose environmental regulations that prompt exporters in other countries to adopt sustainable production techniques, so the cost of environmental regulation in these countries decreases. However, previous research has only examined this California Effect for environmental regulations to address domestic externalities. I formally investigate the case of international externalities, such as global warming or ozone depletion. I find that a country can exercise leadership by enacting environmental regulations to strategically induce other countries to regulate in the future, but only if the incentive to free ride is not too strong. Surprisingly, under deep economic integration, environmental regulations are strategic complements with positive spillovers, so that international coordination is necessary to capitalize on the California Effect. In addition to showing that the California Effect is a powerful instrument of environmental statecraft, the results suggest new reasons why liberal trade and investment policies might improve environmental protection. They can also inform a strategy to promote efforts to mitigate global warming.  相似文献   

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