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The United States was at least partly culpable for the failure of denuclearisation agreements with North Korea concluded during the presidencies of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in the 1990s and early 2000s. American failure to implement commitments in a timely manner arose from a combination of domestic and presidential politics, the constraints imposed by international partnerships, and bureaucratic structures and procedures. For its part, North Korea implemented its commitments faithfully until its leadership’s increasing disenchantment with American tardiness and perceived lack of good faith.  相似文献   

The Middle East, one of the most turbulent regions in the world, has embarked on another round of chaos since America waged the Iraq war in 2003, new players vying to fill the power vacuum, entrenched hatred multiplying with new wounds. Ecstasy turned into agony as Americans watched the war unfold. U.S. think tank researchers and politicians, reflecting on the war and U.S. Middle East policy, urged the Bush administration to adjust the policy and break the strategic impasse. Under grave pressure from home and abroad, the White House finally began to respond. Against this backdrop, the year 2007 witnessed the most intensive and extensive shift of U.S. Middle East policy in recent years and a drastic return of realism in America's foreign policy. These policy changes rippled in the Middle East, precipitating policy changes of other powers and transformation of the geopolitical landscape. The Middle East, as we can see, is heading toward a new age of pain and growth.  相似文献   

近年来,中东局势持续动荡,出现了一些新的特点和趋势,即多点地区冲突同时爆发,互相呼应,互相影响;地区政治力量出现新的消长变化。政治伊斯兰势力上升,传统大国地位下降;美国对中东新战略严重受挫。在可预测的未来,中东热点问题将持续成为地区动荡之源。其中伊拉克政局的走向将对未来中东形势的发展产生重要影响。伊斯兰势力与世俗政权之间对权力与影响力的争夺将更趋激烈,地区内激进势力将更趋活跃,极端思潮蔓延,并有向地区外扩展的趋势。同时,美国在中东影响力下降,难以完成对中东地区进行民主改造的使命。国际和中东形势的变化,使中国和中东国家分别面临新的不同的国际环境,对中东和阿拉伯国家的内政、外交产生深刻影响,也给中国带来新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

中东民主变革与美国的大中东倡议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪八九十年代之交 ,推动中东地区的民主化一度成为美国政策的主要目标。然而 ,民主化可能意味着伊斯兰化这样一种可怕前景有效地吓阻了美国在中东推进政治变革的热情。九一一事件之后 ,中东的民主化重回美国对中东外交的议事日程 ,不仅如此 ,美国似乎把改变政府、民主变革、国家安全这样一些概念联系在一起 ,试图通过一项被称为大中东倡议的综合行动计划 ,实现对中东、乃至整个穆斯林世界的民主化改造。美国的大中东倡议有可能使中东地区陷入另一场动乱之中。  相似文献   

美国肯尼迪和约翰逊政府时期(1961-1969),美苏都扩大了其在中东地区的争夺,总体上呈现出一种苏攻美守的战略态势.一方面,双方都在不断扩大各自在中东地区的势力与影响,对各自所支持的国家给予经济和军事援助;另一方面出于对自身所面临的国际国内形势的考虑,美苏对中东地区的外交政策又都具有各自的矛盾性与双重性特征.这两方面对第三次中东战争的爆发及解决产生了至关重要的影响.在第三次中东战争前后,美苏在中东地区的争夺和各自政策的矛盾性也就更加明显地表现出来.  相似文献   

全球化是一种必然趋势.面对这种趋势,中东国家,尤其是阿拉伯国家越来越深刻地认识到,只有走区域经济合作的路才是迈向全球化的现实途径.本文就中东所面临的全球化挑战以及中东的区域一体化等诸多问题展开论述.  相似文献   

Tensions have long been a feature of the international relations of the Middle East. After the 2011 Arab uprisings, regional instability is being driven by a confluence of three interrelated developments. First, the weakening role of the United States as a power balancer in the Middle East, combined with the larger global context, has provided assumptions about threats and new opportunities for local and other actors to pursue strategic and foreign policy objectives that have deepened tensions and regional competition. Second, there has been a juxtaposing of power multipolarity with ideological multipolarity, itself a source of increased instability, with two of the regional powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia, fanning opposing sectarian flames to further their respective strategic objectives. Third, this strategic competition is being played out in several newly weakened or collapsing states such as Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Similarly, the regional powers’ competition in previously weakened states, such as Lebanon and Iraq, has intensified due to the acquisition of new, sectarian dimensions. These developments are likely to perpetuate instability and tensions in the Middle East for the foreseeable future.
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