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Chapter I General RulesArticle 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmentalorganization(NGO) in the People’s Republic of China.Article 2 The Association is called “Zhong Guo Guo Ji Jiao Liu Xie Hui”in Chinese…  相似文献   

Chapter I General RulesArticle 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmental organization(NGO) in the People’s Republic of China.Article 2 The Association is called "Zhong Guo Guo Ji Jiao Liu Xie Hui" in Chine…  相似文献   

ChapterIGeneralRulesArticle1TheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandingisanationalnon-govern-mentalorganization(NGO)inthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Article2TheAssociationiscalled″ZhongGuoGuoJiJiaoLiuXieHui″inChinese,or″JiaoLiuXieHui″forshort.ItsEnglishtranslationis″ChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstanding″,andab-breviatedas″CAFIU″.Article3TheAssociationissponsoredbyandcomposedofvariousorganizations,politicalpar-ties,socialactivists,scholarsandprominentperson…  相似文献   

FoundedinSeptember1981,theChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)issponsoredbyandcomposedofpoliticalparties,socialorganizations,prominentpersonages,scholarsandsocialactivistsfromallwalksoflifeinChina.CAFIU,aimingatenhancingmutualunderstandingandfriendshipbetweenChinaandothercountries,safeguardingworldpeaceandpromotingcommondevelop-ment,hasbeencarryingoutactiveandwide-ranginginternationalnon-governmentalexchangesanddia-logueinthehopeto″LettheworldunderstandChina,andLetChi…  相似文献   

The world, entering a new year, still faces a complex and changeable situation, with new problems and phenomena emerging one after another. It is the common desire of the world people to maintain peace and promote development and cooperation. This is the …  相似文献   

Founded in September 1981, the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) is sponsored by and composed of political parties, social organizations, prominent personages, scholars and social activists from all walks of life in China. CAFIU, …  相似文献   

Founded in September 1981, the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is sponsored by and composed of political parties, social organizations, prominent personages, scholars and social activists from all walks of life in China. CAFIU, aiming at enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between China and other countries, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, has been carrying out active and wide-ranging international non-governmental exchanges and dialogues in the hope to "Let the world understand China, and let China understand the world".  相似文献   

Founded in September 1981, the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) issponsored by and composed of political parties, social organizations, prominent personages, scholars andsocial activists from all walks of life in China. CAFIU, a…  相似文献   

Established in 1981,the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is composed by social activists,scholars and representatives from all walks of life. CAFIU is registered as a non-profit organization with the Ministry of Civil Affairs,and acquired special consultative  相似文献   

The category of refugee has been problematic for both practitionersand social scientists because it is difficult to define an objectivecategory that satisfactorily brings the real world, ethics,and theory into harmony. In recent years many critiques havebeen made of the assumptions built into the legal refugee frameworkand efforts have been made to refine the concept from multipledisciplinary perspectives. This paper examines several underlyingassumptions of these discussions, including the category offorced migration, through a discussion of the example of Salvadoransin the United States in the 1980s. One assumption has been notedbut insufficiently theorized: the centrality of the individual.The person assumed by both the refugee and human rights regimesof the United Nations is a culturally-specific construct definingthe relationship between the individual and society in a waythat precludes an adequate understanding of refugees.  相似文献   

The literature on war endings and peace-building pivots on a concept that it in fact continues to struggle with: peace. I argue that we should abandon the conceptualisation of peace as a condition. By implication, we must also abandon the notion of war-to-peace transition and the underlying teleology that projects peace as a deferred and ambiguous end state. Instead, I propose the term post-war transition. Importantly, the prefix post should not be understood as a temporal breakpoint: a definitive after. Rather, it signals an ambition to address and move beyond, analogous to the term post-colonialism. I subsequently draw on the post-colonial literature to further elaborate my conceptualisation of post-war transition with three propositions, respectively concerning: the discursive politics of retrospectivity; the assertion of sovereignty as the foundational referent of law and political order; and the concept of articulation to juxtapose contingent change and constrained agency. I then apply these ideas to the Sri Lankan case to illustrate what angles and insights my conceptualisation of post-war transition could offer.  相似文献   


This article examines two of the explanatory discourses most often used by the youth in explaining their preferences for local or global media – those of ‘realism’ and ‘quality’. The article explores the ‘empiricist’ understanding of realism which seeks a correspondence, at a denotative level, between the ‘realities’ internal and external to the text, and argues that a desire for this correspondence, explains the youth's preference for local productions. However, the article also argues that ironically, in many instances, it is global, rather than local productions which most adequately reflect local lived conditions. The article also explores how many students' preference for global media is premised on the perceived superior ‘quality’ (understood in terms of production techniques) and that the discourse of ‘quality’ is one often used by South African media producers to explain the relatively poor state of the local film and television industries. Finally, the article highlights that an attraction to the ‘quality’ of American productions often coexists with a profound anti-Americanism.  相似文献   

This article takes the form of a content analysis of the propaganda of Lehi ‐ the smallest and most extreme of the underground movements that fought against the British in Palestine. It suggests that the propaganda was based on a number of projective narratives, namely, stories that are not only designed to recall the past, but also to show how to behave in the present. Particular emphasis was placed on the lessons to be learnt from Jewish history in general and past examples of Jewish valor in particular. Attention was also paid, however, to other struggles for national liberation. In both cases, the struggle for legitimacy took place on two fronts ‐ the reconstruction of the past and its reenactment in the present. Only Lehi, it was argued, understood history and acted in accordance with it. And therein lay the terrorists’ claim to legitimacy. They, and they alone, are the true heirs of the past.  相似文献   

Existing literature suggests that NGOs that adopt the rights-based approach (RBA) may secure more funds from rights-based donors, otherwise they would face funding cuts from such donors. This article investigates the extent to which RBA affects decisions made by ActionAid, intermediate NGOs, and CBOs on accepting certain funding conditions. Research participants from NGOs stated that RBA limits their funding because many donors prefer service delivery. They are also selective about where they apply for funds. For CBO participants, RBA posed fewer problems in terms of their funding decisions. Intermediate NGO and CBO participants claimed that RBA motivates them to locate alternative funding sources locally.  相似文献   


In examining the Global War on Terror, the effects of presidential rhetoric on the framing of terrorism has been well documented. However, little previous work links terrorism and its status as an “othered” phenomenon to differential legal prosecution in a post-9/11 era. Using the Prosecution Project data set, we compared “othered” individuals, as defined by a Muslim, Arab/Middle Eastern, and/or foreign-born status, to “non-othered” individuals charged with terroristic felonies. Furthermore, we subdivided the dataset into three analytical time blocks: the George W. Bush administration immediately post-9/11, the latter half of the Bush administration, and the Obama administration. For the first and third time blocks, we found that “othered” individuals were prosecuted significantly more frequently than “non-othered” individuals. These findings call into question the effect of presidential rhetoric and the national framing of terrorism on the legal prosecution of “othered” individuals.  相似文献   

To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace. Pope John Paul II, 1 ?1. Pope John Paul II, 25 February 1981. View all notes 1981

Pax Invictis2 ?2. ‘Peace to the undefeated’ or the victor's peace. Inscribed on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, Australia. View all notes

Virtue runs amok. Attributed to G.K. Chesterton  相似文献   

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