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The strategy used by governments to communicate with foreign populations has changed dramatically in the twentieth century. The need perceived by governments to use such a strategy in the first place derived from numerous social changes in the 150 years before World War I, most particularly the increased role played in politics by the masses organized in nation‐states. The shifting strategy of persuasive communication since then forms part of a broader transformation of international political communication which includes technological change, organizational developments, and absolute but not necessarily relative growth in international communications transactions.

The predominant strategy developed in World War I was propaganda. It used fairly straightforward appeals to rationality, sense of morality, and such important but readily accessible emotions as hatred. Its excesses, especially the wide dissemination of atrocity stories which did not bear up well under later dispassionate examination, at once made all propaganda suspect and alerted governments to the necessity of refining their communicative techniques for the eventuality of future international conflicts.

The years before and during World War II saw international communicators—especially Goebbels in Nazi Germany and the Anglo‐American psychological warriors—develop a new strategy which utilized new knowledge about the psychological roots of human behavior. In addition to straightforward appeals to the consciousness of individuals, they sought to manipulate their audiences by playing on their deep‐seated desires and fears. Of particular importance for Nazi Germany were the allegedly racial ties of the individual to a people and the need for figures of authority.

First major experiments were made in World War II to develop an even more basic strategy of international communication: structuring the situation in which people learn their predispositions, perspectives, and behaviors. Its basic idea is to create situations in which the communicator does not have to tell the targeted audience anything at all, but in which the audience, left to its own devices, can only come to the conclusions desired by the communicator. Thus strategic bombing sought to destroy the morale of the enemy's home front and, through that action, to weaken its war‐making capacity. The postwar occupation of Germany originally sought to create a new environment in which Germans could be reeducated to democracy. Subsequent emphasis has also been on communications aimed at generating certain predispositions, such as a desire for consumer goods or a particular political style, which then spawn appropriate perspectives and behaviors.

This new strategy of structural communication has its limits. The most important of these is the difficulty of controlling all aspects of a foreign population's communications environment (which includes traditions, face‐to‐face networks, and conflicting sources of information). The potential importance of the strategy nonetheless makes it likely that governments will continue to work toward its development and implementation for their own international political purposes.  相似文献   


Restless Europe? European Identity after the Iraq War and the Constitutional Referenda

Free World: Why a crisis of the West reveals the opportunity of our time / Timothy Garton Ash. ‐ London : Penguin Books, 2005. ‐256 p. ‐ISBN 0141016817

Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe: Transatlantic Relations after the Iraq War / Daniel Levy, Max Pensky and John Torpey (eds). ‐ London : Verso, 2005. ‐ 256 p. ‐ ISBN 1 ‐84467–018‐X

Europe: An Unfinished Adventure / Zygmunt Bauman. ‐ Cambridge and Maiden : Polity, 2004. ‐ 152 p. ‐ (Themes for the 21st century). ‐ ISBN 0745634028

Between sovereignty and compliance: A nuclear strategy for the 21st century

Universal compliance : a strategy for nuclear security / George Perkovich... [et al.]. ‐Washington D.C. : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, c2005. ‐ 220 p.  相似文献   


The literature on the Arab state system is based on the assumption that the establishment of the Arab League in 1945 heralded the birth of the system. The main argument of this article, however, is that the main features of the Arab system had crystallized in the mid‐1930s and that the formation of the Arab League only instutionalized the existing patterns. Although the emerging system was deeply penetrated by Britain and France, the intense interactions among the core Arab states indicated that they enjoyed considerable leeway which allowed them to pursue their own interests and form an Arab system with its own patterns and features. In addition, it is argued that in spite of the artificiality of most of the Arab states, local nationalism (wataniyya) had become as strong as pan‐Arabism (qawmiyya), and statehood had become a major attribute of the Arab system.  相似文献   

Think tanks

Think tank traditions policy research and the Politics oj ideas / edited by Diane Stone and Andrew Denham. ‐ Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2004. ‐xiv, 322 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7190–6479–1 (pbk)

International finance

Democratizing Global Governance / edited by Esref Aksu and Joseph A. Camilleri. ‐Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, c2002. ‐ xx, 306 p. ‐ ISBN 0–333–97123‐X (pbk)

Financial stability and growth in emerging economies : the role of the financial sector / edited by Jan Joost Teunissen and Mark Teunissen. ‐ The Hague : FON‐DAD, c2003. ‐ xvi, 281 p. ‐ ISBN 90–74208–21–5

Foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Svetla Trifonova Marinova, Marin Alexandrov Marinov.‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2003. ‐ xii, 339 p. ‐ (Transition and development). ‐ ISBN 0–7546–3026–9

Restructuring sovereign debt the case of ad hoc machinery / Lex Rieffel. ‐ Washington D.C. : Brookings Institutution Press, c2003

Sustaining global growth and development : G 7 and IMF governance / edited by Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona, John J. Kirton. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2003. ‐ xxiv, 339 p. ‐ (Gobal finance series). ‐ ISBN 0–7546–3529–5

Turbulent waters : cross‐border finance and international governance / Ralph C. Bryant. ‐ Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c2003. ‐xvi, 503 p. ‐ ISBN 0–8157–0071–7

European Union

L'Europa e il mondo : la politico estera, di sicurezza e di difesa europea / Marco Clementi. ‐ Bologna : il Mulino, c2004. ‐ 222 p. ‐ (Contemporanea ; 148). ‐ISBN 88–15–09620–5

L'Europe des commissaires : réflexions sur l'identité européenne des Traités de Rome au Traité d'Amsterdam / par Bertrand Rochard. ‐Bruxelles : Etablissements Emile Bruylant, 2003. ‐ xiv, 503 p. ‐(Organisation internationale et relations internationales ; 55 ).‐ ISBN 2–8027–1723–5

The European finality debate and its national dimensions / edited by Simon Serfaty. ‐Washington: The CSIS Press, c2003. ‐xiv, 297 p. ‐ (Significant issues series).‐ ISBN 0–89206–427–7

The European Union, Mercosul and the new world order / editors Helio Jaguaribe, Alvaro de Vasconcelos. ‐ London : Frank Cass, c2003. ‐ xx, 247 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7146–8338–8

Multi‐level governance and institutional change : the Europeanization of regional policy in Italy / Enrico Gualini. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2004. ‐ (Urban and regional planning and development). ‐ ISBN 0–7546–3626–7  相似文献   


The authority of the: Security Council under chapter VII of the UN Charter : legal limits and the role of the International Court of Justice / by David Schweigman. ‐ The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c2001. ‐ xviii, 354 p. ‐ (Studies and material on the settlement of international disputes ;‐ 8). ‐ISBN 90–411–11641–9

The Bush administration (1989–1993) and the development of a European security identity / Sophie Vanhoonacker. ‐ Aldershot: Ashgate, c2001. ‐ xiv, 269 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1664–9

The Europeanisation of national foreign policy : Dutch, Danish and Irish foreign policy in the European Union / Ben Tonra.‐ Aldershot: Ashgate, c2001. ‐ viii, 305 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1261–9

Germany as a civilian power? The foreign policy of the Berlin Republic / edited by Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull. ‐ Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2001. ‐ xii, 179 p. ‐(Issues in German politics. ‐ ISBN 0–7190–6042–7 (pbk)

Hague yearbook of international law / Association of Attenders and Alumni of the Hague. Academy of International Law = Annuaire de La Haye de droit international / Association des auditeurs et anciens auditeurs de l'Academie de droit international de La Haye. ‐ The Hague : M. Nijhoff Publishers, c2001. ‐ xxii, 315 p. ‐ ISBN 90–411–1666–4

The international politics of East Africa / Robert Pinkney. ‐ Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2001. ‐ xii, 242 p. ‐ISBN 0–7190–5616–0 (pbk)

South Africa's multilateral diplomacy and global change : the limits of reformism / edited by Philip Nel, Ian Taylor, Janis Van der Westhuizen. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2001. ‐ xii, 155 p. ‐ (The international political economy of new regionalisms series). ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1653–3

The law of arms control international supervision and enforcement / Guido Den Dekker. ‐The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, c2001. ‐ xviii, 404 p. ‐(Developments in international law ; 41).‐ISBN90–411–1624–9

The reform process of the United Nations peace operations debriefing and lessons : report of the 2001 Singapore Conference / The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR, The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) of Singapore and the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) ; prepared under the direction of Nassrine Azimi and Chang Lil Lin eds. ‐ The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c2001. ‐ ISBN 90–411–1699–0

Reforming the United Nations‐, the Quiet Revolution / edited by Joachim Müller. ‐The Hague : Kluwer, c2001. ‐ xxii, 946 p.‐ISBN 90–411–1644–3

Regulatory reforms in Italy : a case study of Europeanisation / Dieter Kerwer. ‐Aldershot : Ashgate, c2001. ‐ viii, 224 p.‐ISBN 0–7546–1690–8

Religious minorities, nation states and security: five cases from the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean / Mario Apostolov. ‐Aldershot.‐ Ashgate, c2001. ‐ x, 196 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1677–0

Terrorism and democratic stability /Jennifer S. Holmes. ‐ Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2001. ‐ xiv, 241 p. ‐ (Perspectives on democratization). ‐ISBN 0–7190–5959–3

To prevail: an American strategy for the campaign against terrorism / Kurt M. Campbell and Michèle A. Flournoy. ‐Washington, D.C. : The CSIS Press, C2001. ‐ XIV, 399 p. ‐ ISBN 0–89206–407–2

United Nations sanctions and international law / edited by Vera Gowlland‐Debbas. ‐The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c2001. ‐ xiv, 408 p. ‐ (The Graduate Institute of International Studies ; 1). ‐ISBN 90–411–1603–6

United States economic sanctions: theory and practice / by Michael P. Malloy. ‐ The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c2001. ‐ xxvi, 738 p. ‐ ISBN 90–4118–861–4  相似文献   


Reza Shah‐Kazemi (ed.), Algeria: Revolution Revisited. London: Islamic World Report, 1997, distributed by I. B. Tauris and St. Martin's Press. Pp.193. $19.95. ISBN 1–8606–4368‐X.

Danny O. Coulson and Elaine Shannon, No Heroes: Inside the FBI's Secret Counter‐Terror Force. New York: Pocket Books, 1999.

Jessica Stern, The Ultimate Terrorists. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999. Pp.214. $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0–674–61790–8.

Ehud Sprinzak, Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination. New York: The Free Press, 1999. Pp.366. US$27.50, Can.$41.00. ISBN 0–684–85344–2.  相似文献   

European Union: Identity and international role

Birthmarks of Europe: the origins oj the European Community reconsidered / Edelgard Mahant. ‐ Ashgate : Aldershot, c2004. ‐ISBN 0–7546–1487–5

EU trade strategies : between regionalism and globalism I edited by Vinod K. Aggarwal and Edward A. Fogarty. ‐ Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, c2004. ‐ xiv, 249 p. ‐ ISBN 1–4039–3258–1 (pbk)

L'Europa potenza civile / Mario Telò. ‐ Bari : Laterza, c2004. ‐ XIV, 261 p. ‐ (Libri del tempo , 358). ‐ ISBN 88420–7258–3

European Union foreign and security policy : towards a neighbourhood strategy / edited by Roland Dannreuther. ‐ London : Routledge, 2004. ‐ xiv, 226 p. ‐ ISBN 0–415–32298–7 (pbk)

Paneuropa : geografia e storia di un'idea / a cura di Gianfranco Lizza; Sergio Balanzino [et al.]. ‐ Torino : UTET, C2004. ‐ x, 230 p. ‐ ISBN 88–7750–894–9

The politics of European security / edited by Jess Pligaard. ‐ Copenhagen : Danish Institute for International Studies, C2004. ‐ 198 p. ‐ ISBN 87–7605–015–7

Who are the Europeans now? I Edward Moxon‐Browne. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2004. ‐ viii, 202 p. ‐ ISBN 1–84014–429–7


China's role in Asia and the world economy .‐ fostering stability and growth / edited by Jan Joost Teunissen. ‐ The Hague .‐ FON‐DAD, 2003. ‐ xvi, 98 p. ‐ ISBN 90–74208–22–3

Integrating China into the global economy / Nicholas R. Lardy. ‐ Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c2002. ‐xii, 244 p. ‐ ISBN 0–81–57–5136–2  相似文献   

In the present age of burgeoning population growth, world‐wide famine, worsening energy crises, and natural resource depletion, two realizations have become evident: the earth's resources are finite; and the world community is very interdependent. This finity, the interrelatedness, and their implications for the global environment can be studied by using three models: (1) the environmental crisis model, depicting the impact linkages between crisis areas; (2) an international feedback model, illustrating possible repercussions on the international political system if restorative‐preventive environmental measures are procrastinated; and (3) the United Nations machinery model, setting out the functional apparatus designed to deal with the eco‐crisis on a global scale.

We have reached an environmental cross‐roads‐a time for deliberate decision‐making and policy implementation. We must accomplish a readjustment of social, economic, and technical priorities and perspectives‐in short, a functional approach where national governments and international organizations act in concert to restore and safeguard the human environment.  相似文献   

Japan and the Wider World: From the Mid‐Nineteenth Century to the Present, Akira Iriye. London: Longman. 1997. viii, 213pp. ISBN: 0–582–21053–4

The Clash: U.S.‐Japanese Relations Throughout History, Walter LaFeber. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 1997. xxii, 508pp. ISBN: 0–393–03950–1

Hands Across the Sea?: U.S.‐Japan Relations, 1961–1981, Timothy P. Maga. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press. 1997. x, 183pp. ISBN: 0–8214–1210–8  相似文献   


Annuario 1999: la costituzione europea : atti del XIV Convegno Annuale, Perugia 7–8–9‐ ottobre 1999 / Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti. ‐ Padova : Cedam, c2000. ‐ XXXII, 633 p. ‐ ISBN 88–13–22621–7

La constitution de I'Europe / edité par Paul Magnette. ‐ Bruxelles : Editions de I'U‐niversité de Bruxelles, c2000. ‐ 201 p. ‐ ISBN 2–8004–1245–3

Europe's first constitution : the European Political Community, 1952–1954 / Richard T. Griffiths. ‐ London : Federal trust, c2000. ‐ 275 p. ‐ ISBN 1–903403–21–9

Consolidation of democracy in Africa : a view from the South / edited by Hussein Solomon, Ian Liebenberg. ‐ Aldershot: Ashgate, c2000. ‐ xii, 367 p. ‐ (The making of modern Africa). ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1174–4

The dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Badinter Arbitration Commission : a contextual study of peace‐making efforts in the post‐Cold War world / Steve Terrett. ‐ Aldershot: Ashgate, c2000. ‐ xxii, 395 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–2102–2

Europe and the breakup of Yugoslavia : a political failure in search of a scholarly explanation / Sonia Lucarelli. ‐ The Hague : Kluwer Law International, c2000. ‐ xvi, 278 p. ‐ ISBN 90–411–1439–4

Evolution and devolution : the dynamics of sovereignty and security in post‐Cold War Europe / Tom Lansford. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2000. ‐ viii, 242 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1255–4

Funding virtue : civil society aid and democracy promotion / Marina Ottaway, Thomas Carothers, editors. ‐ Washington : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, c2000. ‐ x, 340 p. ‐ ISBN 0–87003–178–3 (pbk)

The third force : the rise of transnational civil society / Ann M. Florini, editor. ‐ Tokyo : Japan Center for International Exchange ; Washington : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, c2000. ‐ viii, 295 p. ‐ ISBN 0–87003–179–1 (pbk)

The geostrategic triad: living with China, Europe, and Russia / Zbigniew Brzezin‐ski. ‐ Washington : CSIS, c2000. ‐ XII, 75 p. ‐ (Significant issues ; v.23, n.1). ‐ ISBN 0–89206–384‐X

Islam and European legal systems / edited by Silvio Ferrari, Anthony Bradney. ‐Aldershot: Ashgate, c2000. ‐ x, 203 p. ‐ ISBN 1–84014–466–1

The nuclear challenge : US‐Russian strategic relations after the Cold War / Christoph Bluth. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2000. ‐ viii, 190 p. ‐ ISBN 1–85521–896–8

The politics of British arms sales since 1964 : ‘to secure our rightful share’ / Mark Phythian. ‐ Manchester: Manchester University Press, c2000. ‐ xii, 340 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7190–5907–0

The role of small states in the European Union / ’Baldur Thorhallsson. ‐ Aldershot : Ashgate, c2000. ‐ x, 252 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7546–1423–9.

South American Free Trade Area or Free Trade Area of the Americas?: open regionalism and the future of regional economic integration in South America / Mario Esteban Carranza. ‐ Aldershot: Ashgate, c2000. ‐ xiv, 245 p. ‐ (The political economy of Latin Amrica). ‐ ISBN 1–84014–795–4

Taiwan's security in the post‐Deng Xiaoping era / Martin L. Lasater, Peter Kien‐hong Yu; with contributions from Kuang‐ming Hsu and Robyn Lim. ‐ London : Frank Cass, 2000. ‐ xii, 355 p. ‐ ISBN 0–7146–5083–8

Taiwan Strait dilemmas : China‐Taiwan‐U.S. policies in the new century / edited by Gerrit W. Gong. ‐ Washington : The CSIS Press, c2000. ‐ XVIII, 174 p. ‐ (Significant issues ; v.22, n.1). ‐ ISBN 0–89206–363–7  相似文献   

Book notes∗     
Changing East‐West Relations and the Unity of the West, The Johns 171 Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1964, 328 pp., $ 2.45.

L'Alto Adige in un quadro europeo, Edizioni di Evoluzione Europea, Sondrio, 1966, pp. 172, Lit. 1.500.

Capasso Arturo, Socialismo in Svezia. Origini, programma, realta, Azione Comune, Milan, 1966, pp. 117, Lit. 800.

Gardner Richard N., Blueprint for Peace, McGraw‐Hill Paperbacks, New York, 1966, pp. 370, $ 2.95.

Hofstadter Richard, Le grandi controversie della storia americana, Editoriale Opere Nuove, Perugia, pp. 1038, Lit. 6.000.

Melotti Umberto, Rivoluzione e Società, Ed. La Culturale, Milan, 1965, pp. 459, Lit. 3.600.

Melotti Umberto, Sociologia della fame, Ed. La Culturale, Milan, 1966, pp. 226, Lit. 3.000.

Pistone Matteo Renato, Dalle piramidi di Giza alle piramidi di Nasser, Incontri mediterranei, Rome, 1967, pp. 215, Lit. 2.000.

Sommer Theo (Editor), Denken an Deutschland ‐ Zum Problem der Wiedervereinigung, Nannen‐Verlag, Hamburg, 1966, pp. 213, n.p.g.

Vogelsang Thilo, L'esercito tedesco e il partito nazional‐socialista, Il Saggiatore, Milan, 1966, pp. 547, Lit. 3.500.

Brugmans Henri, L'idee Europeenne, 1918–1965, De Tempel, Bruges, 1966, pp. 316.

Hassner Pierre et Newhouse John, Les diplomatics occidentales: unité et contradictions, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris, 1966, pp. 93, n.p.g.

Lowenthal Richard, World Communism; The “Disintegration of a Secular Faith, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 296, $ 1.75.

McKenzie E. Kermit, Comintern and world revolution, 1928–1943: The Shaping of Doctrine, Columbia University Press, London and New York, 1964, pp. 349, 48 s.

Petrilli Giuseppe, Lo Stato imprenditore, validità e attualità di una formula, Cappelli, Bologna, 1967, pp. 236, Lit. 2.200.

Schelling Thomas C, Arms and Influence, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1966, pp. 286, $ 1.95.

Senato della Repubblica, I progetti di legge sull'ordinamento e finanziamento dei partiti nella Repubblica federate tedesca, Decem‐ber, 1965, pp. 281.  相似文献   


Two basic theoretical considerations underlie the collection of data on major power‐minor power conflicts. Both perspectives have major power‐minor power relations at their core, and are developed more fully in The Onset of World War (Midlarsky, 1988). First, an hierarchical equilibrium structure consists of two components: (1) two or more alliances (or other loose hierarchies such as loosely‐knit empires) of varying size and composition but clearly including a great power and a number of small powers within each, and (2) a relatively large number of small powers not formally associated with any of the great powers. Time periods during which the hierarchical equilibrium was obeyed did not experience systemic war, while those in which it was violated experienced this type of warfare. The second major theoretical basis is the overlap between great power conflicts exclusively, on the one hand, and great power‐small power conflicts on the other. This combination was a major contributor to the onset of World War I as well as other systemic wars such at the Thirty Years’ War and the Peloponnesian War.  相似文献   


  • In this article a number of general principles and practical tasks awaiting South African publishers are discussed by Andries Walter Oliphant, editor of Staffrider. Some of the points discussed are:

  • the need for all South African publishers to underwrite non-racist democratic values;

  • the need for South African publishers to advocate and defend the right of the reading public to have access to all published material and information;

  • the need for publishers to counter the history of injustice, ignorance, racial prejudice and oppression by exposing and criticising any manifestation of it in society, the state and the media; and

  • to give space to subordinate classes, such as workers and gender groups, to articulate their interests and conceptions of what freedom and social justice might mean to them.


Book notes∗     
Financing the United Nations System, The Brookings Institution, 291 Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 306, $ 6.75.

I controlli sul potere, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 163, Lit. 1.500.

La Nato, problemi e prospettive, Giuffrè, Milan, 1967, pp. 304, Lit. 3.000.

Latin American Trade Patterns, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 324, $ 6.00.

Sciences Humaines et Intégration Europeenne, A. W. Synthoff, Leiden, 1961, pp. 423, n.p.g.

Bechhoeffer, Bernhard G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1961, pp. 598, $ 1.50.

Brown Robert T., Transport and the Economic Integration of South America, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 278, $ 6.00.

Brugmans Henri, L'idée europeenne 1918–1966, De Tempel, Tem‐pelhof, 1966, pp. 316, n.p.g.

Buerstedde Sigismund, Der Ministerrat im konstitutionellen System der Europädischen Gemeinschaften, De Tempel, Bruges, 1964, pp. 232, n.p.g.

Camps Miriam, European Unification in the Sixties, from the Veto to the Crisis, McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York, p. 273, n.p.g.

Ch'afen Jerome, Mao Tse‐tung e la rivoluzione cinese, Sansoni, Florence, 1966, pp. 477, Lit. 2.000.

Cognard Pierre, Le déft scientifique et technologique américain, Centre de recherches Européennes, Lausanne,’ 1967, pp. 42, n.p.g.

Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio ‐ Alta Autorità, 15a Re‐lazione generate sulla attività della Comunità (1° febbraio 1966–31 gennaio 1967), Luxembourg, 1967, pp. 441, Lt. 1.870.

Fortuna Franco, Commercio internazionale, lineamenti tecnico‐eco‐nomici, Giuffrè Editore, Milan, 1967, pp. 423, Lit. 4.000.

Frankel Charles, The Neglected Aspect of Foreign Affairs, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 147, $ 5.00.

Heilbrunn Otto, Conventional Warfare in the Nuclear Age, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 143, 21s.

Heraud Guy, Popoli e lingue d'Europa, Ferro Edizioni, Milan, 1966,. pp. 409, Lit. 4.200.

Horowitz Irving Louis, Il giuoco della guerra, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1967, pp. 401, Lit. 4.000.

Johnson Harry G., Economic Policies Toward Less Developed Countries, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. 1967, pp. 248, $ 6.75.

Lefever Ernest W., Crisis in the Congo: A U.N. Force in Action, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 200, n.p.g.

Marcuse Herbert, L'uomo a una dimensione, l'ideologia della so‐ 295 cietà industriale avanzata, Einaudi, Turin, 1967, pp. 266, Lit. 1.000.

Partito Repubblicano Italiano, L'Italia e la non proliferazione delle armi nucleari 1965–1967 (libro bianco), 1967 .

Pennisi Giuseppe, L'associazione Cee‐Sama: un esame critico, Qua‐derni d'Africa n. 6, Casa editrice Pietro Cairoli, Como, 1967, pp. 92, Lit. 800.

Robock Stefan H., Brazil's Developing Northeast: A Study of Regional Planning and Foreign Aid, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1963, pp. 201, $ 2.00.

Russell Ruth B., United Nations Experience with Military Forces: Political and Legal Aspects, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 162, $ 1.00.

Sapin Burton M., The Making of United States Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 380, $ 7.50.

Schmid Karl, Aspetti psicologici dell'unificazione europea, Edizioni Ferro, Milan, 1966, pp. 230, Lit. 2.800.

The World Almanac 1967, Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc., New York, 1966, pp. 912, $ 1.65.

Ulam Adam B., Lenin e il suo tempo, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 1020, 2 volumi, Lit. 2.000.

Westwood Andrew F., Foreign Aid in a Foreign Policy Framework, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 106, $ 1.95.

Van Gestel M.‐B. editor, Walter Hallstein, Bibliographie seiner Veröffentlichungen, J. Reekmans and Zonen, Louvain, 1965, pp. 49, n.p.g.  相似文献   

Evoluzione dei settori industriali nel 1988 / Confin‐dustria. Centra Studi. ‐ Roma: SIPI, 1989. ‐ 357p. ‐ (Industria italiana). ‐ ISBN 88–7153–051–9.

Guida al 1992 ‐ Roma: Unistampa, 1989. ‐ 4v.

L'idea d'Europa nelpensiero di Altiero Spinelli / Andrea Chiti‐Batelli. ‐ Manduria: Lacaita, copyright 1989. 379p. ‐ (L'ltalia e l'Europa; 15).

Impariamo l'Europa: guida al 1992 / Fabio Cavaz‐za Rossi. ‐ Milano: Fendac Servizio, 1989. ‐ 174p. ‐ (Tempo reale)

1992: Europa senza frontiere? / Pier Virgilio Dasto‐li. ‐ Bologna: il Mulino, copyright 1989. ‐ 179p. ‐(Coritemporanea; 31). ‐ ISBN 88–15–02305–4

Obiettivo Mediterraneo / Piero Baroni. ‐ 2.ed. ‐Trento: L. Reverdito, 1989. ‐ 221p. ISBN 88–342–4047–2.

Perestrojka e ristrutturazione produttiva: esperienze e prospettive economiche in Unione Sovietica e in Italia / edited by Abel G. Aganbegjan ... [et al.]. ‐ Bologna: il Mulino, copyright 1989. ‐ 344p. (Temi e discussioni). ‐ ISBN 88–15–02321–6

La prospettiva euro‐mediterranea: per una cooper‐azione globale nella ‘regione’ del Mediterraneo / Giovanni Bersani. ‐ Bologna: CEFA, [19989]. ‐102p.

I rapporto CSC: progresso tecnico, investimenti e politiche industriali / Confindustria. Centro Studi. ‐ Roma, SIPI, 989. ‐ 95p. (L'industria italiana). ‐ISBN 88–7153–065–9  相似文献   


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In this article, the authors delineate the parameters of an emergent and critical demographic challenge to the regional stability of the Middle East. The dimensions of the demographic problems posed by the Arab population growth in occupied territories must be taken into account in settlement planning.  相似文献   

Change: Threat or Opportunity for Human Progress? / Üner Kirdar. ‐ New York : United Nations, 1992.‐5 v.

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The cooperation between Europe/Italy‐China‐Korea and South‐East Asian countries : proceedings of the international colloquium under the high patronage of the Commission of the European Communities I edited by G.P. Casadio. — Milano : F. Angeli, copyr.1990. ‐ 221 p. ‐ ISBN 88–204–6618‐X

Italia e Inghilterra nell'era dell'imperialismo I a cura di E. Serra e C. Seton‐Watson; saggi di A. Brewer . . . [et al.]. — Milano : F. Angeli, copyr.1990. — 261 p. — ISBN 88–204–3773–2

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The rise of nations in the Soviet Union : American foreign policy and the disintegration of the USSR I edited by Michael Mandelbaum. — New York : Council on Foreign Relations, copyr.1991. ‐ viii, 120p. ‐ ISBN 0–87609–100–1

Pace e conflitti nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio Oriente : atti delle conferenze pubbliche e‐dei seminari 1987–1990 I Centra di Ricerca per la Pace nel Mediterraneo ; a cura di Imco Brouwer. — Acireale : Bonanno, copyr.1991. — 439p. — (Interventi; 6). — ISBN 88–7796–026–4

La pace in cammino : bibliografia 1945–1987 e riflessioni di I. Brouwer, G. Gangemi, P. Gurrieri, M. Leonardi I Centro di Ricerca per la Pace nel Mediterraneo. — Acireale: Bonanno, copyr.1991. — 399p. — (Interventi; 5). — ISBN 88–7796–024–8  相似文献   

Book notes     
AA.VV., Le riforme economiche net paesi dell'Est, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1966, pp. 349, L. 2.000.

AA.VV., Tendenze del capitalismo europeo, Editori Riuniti‐Istituto Gramsci, Roma, 1966, pp. 829, L. 3.500.

AA.VV., The Dimensions of Diplomacy, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1964, pp. 135, $ 3.95.

Abel Elie, La crisi dei missili, Garzanti, Milano, 1966, pp. 215, L. 2.000.

Cornell Richard, Youth and Communism, Walker and Co., New York, 1965, pp. 194, $ 6,50.

Gardner Richard, L'Onu e la politico mondiale, Cappelli, Bologna, 1966, pp. 179, L. 6.000.

Granick David, Il dirigente europeo, Comunità, Milano, 1966, pp. 370, L. 3.000.

Leone Ugo, Le origin'i diplomatiche del Consiglio d'Europa, Giuffré, Milano, 1965, pp. 335.

Nenni Pietro, Il socialismo nella democrazia, realtà del presente, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1966, pp. 380, L. 2.000.

Sweezy Paul and Huberman Leo, Teoria della politica estera ame‐ricana, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 180, L. 1.200.

Other books.

AA.V.V., Marxism in the Modern World, edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Hoover Institution Publications of Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1965, pp. 271, $ 5.95.

Berding Andrew H., The Making of Foreign Policy, Potomac Books, Washington D.C., 1966, pp. 92, n.p.g.

Brown J. F., The New Eastern Europe: The Khrushchev Era and After, F. A; Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 236, $ 6.50.

Carter Gwendolen and Herz John H., Government and Politics in the Twentieth Century, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1965, pp. 228, $ 5.50.

CNEN, L'energia nucleare nell'Urss, Cnen, Roma, 1966, pp. 188, n.p.g.

Duchene Francois, AU delà de l'Alliance, Institut Atlantique, Bou‐logne‐sur‐Seine, pp. 64, n.p.g.

Ferrarotti Franco, Idee per la nuova società, Vallecchi, Firenze, pp. 241, L. 2.000.

Freidel Frank, America in the Twentieth Century, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1963, pp. 593, n.p.g.

Gerschenkron Alexander, Il problema storico dell'arretratezza eco‐nomica, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 430, L. 4.000.

Giammanco Roberto, Dialogo sulla societa americana, Einaudi, Torino, 1964, pp. 266, L. 2.000.

Havemann Robert, Dialettka senza dogma, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 229, L. 500.

Hoffmann Stanley, Conditions d'un ordre mondial, Congrès pour la liberté de la culture, Paris, 1966, pp. 28, n.p.g.

Hofstadter Richard, Miller William, Aaron Daniel, The American Republic, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1965, volume I, pp. 698, volume II, pp. 701, n.p.g.

Kaldor Nicholas, Saggi sulla stabilità economica e lo sviluppo, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 327, L. 2.500.

Kirby Stuart E., Youth in China, Dragonfly Books, Hong Kong, 1965, pp. 251, n.p.g.

Myint Hla, The Economics of the Developing Countries, F. A. Prae‐ger, New York, 1965, pp. 184, $ 5.50.

Palmer R. R., The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760–1800, Princeton University Press, 1964, pp. 575, $ 10.00.

Snow Edgar, Stella rossa sulla Cina, Einaudi, Torino, 1966, pp. 575, L. 2.000.

Stucki Lorenz, Behind the Great Wall ‐ An Appraisal of Mao's China, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1965, pp. 154, $ 4.95.

Tanham George K., War without Guns, American Civilians in Rural Vietnam, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 138, $ 4.95.

Uri Pierre, Une politique monetaire pour l'Amérique Latine, Plon, Meaux, pp. 114, n.p.g.

Willis Roy F., France, Germany and the New Europe 1845–1963, Stanford University Press, California, 1965, pp. 387, $ 8.75.

Vaciago Giacomo, Problemi economici del disarmo, Vita e pensiero, Milano, 1966, pp. 44, n.p.g.

Vismara Maria, Le Nazioni Unite per i territori dipendenti e per la decolonizzazione, Cedam, Padova, 1966, pp. 588, L. 6.000.  相似文献   

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