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inOctober1989,aprojectaimedathelpingschooldropoutsinpoorregionstocontinuetheirschoolingandimprovingtheireducationconditionswasinitiatedbytheChinaYouthdevelopmentFoundation(CYHF).ItwasnamedProjectHope.Overthelastdecade,thissocialcharityactivityhasgreatlypromotededucationaldevelopmentinpoorareas,andithasbeenactivelysupportedbyeveryChinesecitizen.fromstateleaderstoordinarycitizens.Manyoverseasorganizations,enterprises,groupsandindividualshavealsokindlyofferedtheirhelp,therefore,itisknownasthe…  相似文献   

Through the channels of friendship cities and other external contacts, the City of Qinhuangdaohas raised nearly 3 million RMB yuan for the buildingand renovation of 6 middle and primary schoolsunder the Hope Project.In 1994,Ikuo Hirayama,  相似文献   

XUYongguanglooksmuchyoungerthanheshould,consideringheis50yearsold.Heisabrilliantconversationalistandfullofenergy.XuisthesecretarygeneraloftheChinaYouthDevelopmentFoundation(CYDF),thelargestnon-profitorganizationinChina.Beforetakingonhispresentposition,hewasthedirectoroftheOrganizationDepartmentoftheCommunistYouthLeagueofChina(CYLC),thelargestyouthorganizationinthecountry.HeismostnotedforhisestablishmentofProjectHope,adonation-basedfoundationthathelpsschooldropoutsreturntoclassroom.Xu…  相似文献   

ONEdayinApril1997,37year-oldfarmerWuBinghuiwassenttotheDonglingDistrictTCMHospitalinShenyang,capitalofLiaoningProvince,becauseallhisjointswereswollenandached.ChenYonggui,headofthehospital,treatedhimAtrophicarthritisnaslo0ngbeenabigheadschefordoctorsallovertheworld,andmanydoctorshavedevotedtheirlivestofindinganeffectivecureforit,butinvain,ChenYongguialsotookupthechallenge.personally.Hediagnosedrheumatoidarthritis.Chenprescribedkaibitong,aherbalmedicinehehaddevelopedbyhimself.Aftertaking…  相似文献   

正U.S. museum celebrates contributions of forgottenChinese railroad workers While 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of a major milestone in U.S.history,the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad,an over 3,000-km rail link connecting the East Coast with the West Coast its major workforce of about 12,000 Chinese immigrants remained long forgotten,and their contributions and sacrifices little recognized.  相似文献   

四年前,我遭遇了一场灾难,我以为将是我白头到老的爱情倒塌了。我是一个完美主义者,我一直以为我能做到一切,包括爱情,尽管这是一段从一开始就不被祝福的爱情。可我还是坚持不懈地付出了所有,直到最  相似文献   

Injecting Hope     
正With the first batch of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines rolling off production lines in Egypt on July 5,it became the first country on the African continent to do so in cooperation with China.The program was launched in December 2020.Local production commenced six months later and reached an output of 1 million doses within a relatively short period.  相似文献   

Schooling Hope     
<正>Xinjiang headmaster promotes standard Chinese to give future generations more opportunities Nineteen years ago, Kuerban Niyaz, a Uygur local, built a primary school for the instruction of standard spoken and written Chinese in Wushi County,  相似文献   

Extending Hope     
IN1989,thedecision-makersofthenewlyestablishedChinaYouthDevelopmentFoundationsettheireyesonbasiceducationinthepoverty--strickenareas.Atthattime,80millionpeopleinChinastilllivedbelowthepovertyline.Foralongtime,China'seducationexpenditurewasallocatedbythegovernment,lackingsupportfromthepeopleandsociety.Asaresult,schoolsinpoorareaswerefarfromadequate.Eachyearamillionstudentsdroppedoutofschoolduetopoverty.Apublicwelfareactivityaimedathelpingschooldropoutsandimprovingschoolconditionscameintobei…  相似文献   

Children of Hope     
ZHANG Xiaoqiong lives in the new county seat of Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, Mianyang City, Si-chuan Province. Pushing her baby son Liu Peng in his pram in morning sunshine is the happiest moment of  相似文献   

Hope In Less     
Demand for electricity is falling across China,a sign of slower growth and a call for change Walking under the scorching Beijing sun,Li Yuxuan said she felt the heat of the road had penetrated the soles of her shoes."Pour some cumin on me,and I will become a slice of barbecue meatloaf,"she joked.In fact,plenty of records regarding the  相似文献   

Fields of Hope     
正New technology, profit-sharing incentive schemes and business models contribute to rural poverty alleviation Tucked in the mountains in southwest Beijing, Lijia Village in Qingshui Town of Mentougou District was a relatively poor area of the capital. But in recent years, its fate has been changed by a miniature fruit called kiwiberry.  相似文献   

Frontier Stories     
BURQIN County of Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, perches on the apex of the cock’s tail of the Chinese map,with Russia and Kazakhstan’s  相似文献   

A New Hope     
Beijing-based National Bio Energy (NBE),China's biggest biomass power generation firm,is feeling the heat of funding and fuel supply pressures.These shortcomings have caused NBE,with its annual biomass power output taking up 60 percent of the national total,to put its ambitious plan of building 100biomass power plants by the end of 2015 on hold.Only 40 of the planned facilities have been completed.  相似文献   

Rays of Hope     
At the Jiangxia Hospital,a hospital converted from the Dahuashan Outdoor Sports Center in Jiangxia District in Wuhan,a national team of over 200 traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)experts are using TCM to treat mildly infected patients.Among the converted hospitals in Wuhan,the city where the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)epidemic has been the most severe,the Jiangxia Hospital is the only one to provide mainly TCM treatments.  相似文献   

Rays of Hope     
China began large-scale vaccination of priority groups to fight against the novel coronavirus China has begun to implement its plan to vaccinate priority groups against the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) within this late winter-early spring timeframe.The southern province of Guangdong had vaccinated 180,000 people in priority groups as of December 22, 2020, Duan Yufei, Director of the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, said, adding that so far there had been no adverse events.  相似文献   

A New Hope     
<正>China-U.S.relations depend on the two sides’ability to seek mutual prosperityAs one of the major follow-up agendas of Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S.President Donald Trump’s April meeting in Mar-a-Lago,the fi rst round of China-U.S.Diplomatic and Security Dialogue was held in Washington,D.C.on June 21.Chinese State  相似文献   

Carriers of Hope     
On January 27, in a live broadcast to the whole nation, Indonesian President Joko Widodo received his second dose of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) vaccine developed by China's biopharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech.  相似文献   

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