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涉爆案件中烟火剂的检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 建立涉爆案件中烟火剂的快速、准确的检验方法。方法 以扫描电镜 /能谱仪分析为主 ,红外光谱分析为辅 ,对爆炸装置尤其爆炸残留物中的烟火剂进行形态和成分分析。结果 对烟火剂原体的检验快速、准确 ,通过比对分析可确定烟火剂的来源 ,对爆炸残留物中的烟火剂进行准确定性。结论 该方法对各种检材中的烟火剂检验稳定性好、准确率高 ,且操作简便 ,具有很强的实用性  相似文献   

董明 《刑事技术》2001,(3):16-16
广义的氰化物,包括氢氰酸、氢氰酸的盐,氰洛盐、硫氰酸盐、睛类有机物及含氰基苷类。狭义的氰化物仅指氢氰酸及其盐。由于氰化物属于剧毒类化合物,氰化钾、氰化钠广泛被用于冶金、电镀、化工等生产中。民间也常用于猎杀禽兽,该药在农村中极容易得到,故发生此类投毒或自杀的案件较多,对于快速检验此类化合物具有重要的意义。本实验利用美国尼高力公司研制的傅立叶变换红外光谱(5DX),并结合化学实验快速检验氰化物。1998年10月,一名重大犯罪嫌疑人逃往某地,此人对案情关系重大,公安人员迅速赶往某地,对其进行扣留,在往…  相似文献   

利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸的新方法。方法采用傅立叶红外光谱仪对近似静电复印纸进行了快速检验,同时分析了新方法的技术特点。结果采用本文所述的方法可以对近似静电复印纸进行准确的快速检验。结论利用红外光谱技术检验纸张是一种较新颖的,快速、灵敏、准确的纸张检测技术,能对纸张的品牌种类,甚至批次进行鉴别,对大量样本鉴别和碎小纸片鉴别尤其适用。  相似文献   

目的研究同种颜色电工胶带的区分方法。方法应用光谱成像技术对同色(选取红、黄、蓝、绿4种颜色)不同品牌的电工胶带进行区分。结果蓝色电工胶带的区分率最高,达到99.0%,红色、绿色、黄色样品的区分率相差不大,分别为94.3%、93.8%及93.3%。结论光谱成像技术可以实现同种颜色电工胶带的快速区分,从色度学角度为法庭科学领域电工胶带物证的区分提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

<正>1案例检验1.1检材实际案例中提取的电工胶带3份,其中1号检材为某敲诈案犯罪现场(办公室)内针孔摄像头上缠绕的电工胶带;2号检材为某持枪抢劫案现场提取的碎裂枪头碎片上缠绕的电工胶带;3号检材为某爆炸案现场提取散落的电线末端上缠绕的电工胶带。1.2检验方法样本提取分别将上述3份电工胶带与缠绕物体剥离,各剪取0.5cm×1cm大小,置于1.5m L离心  相似文献   

通过对透明胶带纸的主要原料及生产过程的调查研究,确定了透明胶带纸检验所能利用的线条痕特征,论证了这些特征的稳定性及特异性,为透明胶带纸的检验提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

红外检验黑色墨水添加涂抹字迹   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1案例简介案例12001年4月5日,咸宁市某县工商银行营业部与储户方某因同年2月14日的取款凭条上填写的支取金额数字有涂改发生纠纷,方某认为《取款凭条》上“2”字系银行工作人员添加涂改所致,其实际取款1万元,要求银行赔偿损失。案例22001年4月,某市发现一起伪造批文案件,批文上某部门领导的处理意见被涂抹掩盖,要求确认被掩盖字迹。采用VSC-1型红外文检仪作红外压痕和红外吸收检验。检验案例1发现小写金额“2”字有重描添加,放大观察不能确定改前字迹。在红外压痕检验时获得满意检验效果,添加前后字迹墨水红外吸收程度有差异,添加前后字迹…  相似文献   

目的建立一种灵敏、准确、无损的口红检验方法。方法利用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,采用SmartPerformer采样器,对202个不同产地、不同品牌和同一品牌不同牌号的口红样品进行分析检验。结果依据红外光谱图中吸收峰的不同,可以将口红样品加以区分。结论该检验方法不破坏检材,重现性好,可用于鉴定案件现场中提取到的口红物证。  相似文献   

傅立叶变换红外光谱法检验静电复印墨粉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过对静电复印墨粉进行检验 ,达到对不同厂家及不同型号墨粉区分的目的。方法 首先利用电熨斗加热提取复印件的墨粉 ,然后利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法对 9个墨粉厂家和 2 4种牌号进行检验。结果可以达到厂家区分和大部分牌号区分 ,区分率达到 95 .7%。结论 本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

目的研究不同品牌透明胶带的区分方法。方法利用测厚仪对35种不同品牌透明胶带的厚度进行检验,并对所得数据进行统计分析。结果 35种品牌透明胶带组成的595组样品对中有458组可以区分,区分率为77.0%。结论厚度检验法能够在一定程度上区分不同品牌的透明胶带,厚度检验结果可与化学成分检验相互佐证,使得鉴定结论更加准确可靠,为法庭科学领域透明胶带物证的区分提供了一种预检验方法。  相似文献   

目的建立常见绝缘胶带的种属检验和比对检验的方法。方法用傅立叶显微红外光谱仪检验绝缘胶带,并分析不同品牌胶带红外谱图的差异。结果对聚氯乙烯类和聚烯烃类绝缘胶带的检验快速而准确,通过比对分析还可对绝缘胶带进行比对认定。结论该方法对绝缘胶带检材用量少、检验准确率高,且操作简便,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

Five commercial adhesive tapes were tested for fiber uptake and saturation, for recovery and for ease of analysis. On the basis of the results, a high tack adhesive tape has been selected to be used for forensic fiber sampling. This adhesive tape is used as sampling material in two different micro trace kits. The first tape lifting kit is used mainly for the sampling of cars and the second is a 1:1 tape lifting kit for the collection of fibers on a corpse.  相似文献   

Adhesive tape is commonly used in crimes and is often the subject of forensic evaluation. DNA analysis of adhesive tape can provide DNA profiles of suspects. The object of this study was to evaluate the applicability of DNA analysis on adhesive tape samples in forensic casework. We retrospectively reviewed all cases involving adhesive tape or similar items received by our institute for DNA analysis during the past 11 years. From 100 forensic cases reviewed, 150 adhesive tape samples were examined. A total of 98 DNA profiles were obtained from these samples. Sixty-two of the profiles provided feasible case-relevant information. In conclusion, DNA profiling of adhesive tape samples can be useful in a variety of forensic cases.  相似文献   

短波紫外反射照相显现胶带粘面潜在指印   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究胶带粘面上指印的提取方法。方法用短波紫外照相的方法对各种胶带粘面的指印进行拍照提取。结果从理论上解释了短波紫外照相拍照提取胶带粘面上指印的原理,从实践上为短波紫外照相法提取胶带粘面上指印提供技术方法和技巧。结论为胶带粘面指印的提取提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

Examination of concealed writing is often a challenge for forensic document examiners. Although the published literature describes many techniques, these are often only successful when the writing has been concealed by pencil, pen, or by spreading inks of different tint or by smearing of the writing with colored fluids. When black pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape is used, these procedures are ineffective. The present report describes the use of a straight chain hydrocarbon to remove the PSA tape and allow a comparison of the concealed writing with that of a suspect. The use of the solvent had no observable effect on either the writing or the substrate. The procedure is rapid and easy to use and is also effective with other colored PSA tapes.  相似文献   

目的根据胶带粘面上潜在手印的特点,利用染料和潜手印的理化性质,研究开发胶带粘面手印荧光显现剂。方法在各种胶带粘面上显现潜在手印,并与常规的碳素墨水染色法进行比较。结果在长波紫外线照射下手印呈黄色明亮荧光,手印纹线清晰、连贯,基本不受手印遗留时间、客体表面颜色和性质的影响。结论胶带粘面上的汗潜手印和血潜手印用荧光显现剂显现效果优于碳素墨水染色法,在实际案件的侦破中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Fracture matches are considered to be the strongest association achievable in forensic examinations of glass, metal, wood, plastic, paint, tape, and other trace evidence. Despite being fairly routine examinations, few publications exist to support their admissibility in court. This study was designed, using duct tape as the fractured medium, to determine the validity and error rate associated with conducting end match (fracture match) examinations on this material. Five test designs, which varied either the source roll of tape or manner of separation (torn or cut) from the roll, were administered to four analysts with instructions to examine the assigned test sets for end matches. If an end match was not identified by the initial analyst, the entire test set was independently evaluated by the remaining three analysts. Results indicated that while tape grade did not hinder end match identification, the manner of separation could affect results.  相似文献   

Fracture matches are considered the strongest conclusion in the forensic examination of rigid materials, such as glass, metal, and paint. However, publications that support the fracture matching of polymeric films, such as tape backings, are limited. This study was designed to determine the validity and error rate associated with conducting end-match (fracture match) examinations on vinyl electrical tape. Test designs varied the source roll of tape, test preparer, or mode of separation from the roll. Results indicated that each affected the resulting severed tape ends. The analysts examining the end matches also had an effect on the results. Eight end matches in the study were not identified by the initial analysts and were considered inconclusive. One end match was misidentified, resulting in one false positive and an error rate of 0.049%. These results support a comprehensive physical and chemical tape comparison regardless of indications of an end match.  相似文献   

目的联合应用傅里叶变换红外光谱技术及化学计量法对心源性猝死的大鼠进行鉴别分析。方法注射药物或空气分别诱导大鼠的心源性猝死及空气栓塞死亡模型。应用Nicolet i Z10 FTIR光谱仪采集血清样本的红外光谱,联合OMNIC及Unscrambler软件,基于光谱不同分子吸收区间建立偏最小二乘回归模型。结果基于指纹区(1 200~900cm-1)建立PLS模型,均方根误差和决定系数分别是0.068 3、0.981 3,预测均方根偏差和预测决定系数分别是0.104 8、0.956 1;基于蛋白质酰胺区间(1 720~1 480cm-1)建立PLS模型,RMSE和R2分别是0.058 6,0.986 2,RMSEP和预测R~2分别是0.079 4、0.974 7。综合分析两种模型,蛋白质酰胺区间的RMSEP更小,且预测R2更大,提示其预测效果略好于指纹区间。结论联合FTIR及化学计量法,基于蛋白质及指纹区的分子特征均可有效鉴别大鼠的心源性猝死,其中两种不同死因引起的蛋白质差异更为显著。  相似文献   

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