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目的建立SWP荧光剂熏显油脂手印的新方法。方法选取12中常见客体,根据试验需要分别捺印油脂手印144枚和油汗混合手印100枚,用多功能手印显现柜加热升华SWP荧光剂,熏显渗透性和非渗透性客体上的手印。结果油脂手印显现出了142枚,显出率达到98.6%;油汗混合手印,非渗透性客体共显出100枚,显出率达到100%,渗透性客体共显出95枚,显出率达到95%。结论SWP荧光剂对油脂手印的显现效果良好,可与“502”同时熏显,且不影响茚二酮等其他方法的进一步检验。  相似文献   

目的研发一种具有荧光特性的黄湿粉,以提取遗留在不同客体上的不同种类的手印。方法在100mL温水中加入适量的表面活性剂,溶解后加入100g荧光黄颜料,选用不同种类客体及不同种类物质手印进行显现实验,比较显现效果;结果遗留在光滑非渗透性客体及半渗透性客体表面的汗潜、油潜手印,显出的手印纹线流畅、反差强、荧光强;结论荧光黄湿粉可适用于光滑非渗透性客体及半渗透性客体表面新鲜或较新鲜汗潜手印、油潜手印及血潜手印的显现。  相似文献   

微晶荧光乳浊液显现血、汗指纹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 显现非渗透性和半渗透性客体上的血指纹、汗潜指纹。方法 应用微晶小颗粒荧光乳浊液显现血、汗指纹。结果 对常见的各种非渗透性和半渗透性客体上的新鲜和陈旧的血、汗指纹均可显出。结论 该方法与传统的物理显现方法相比较在于显出效果基本不受指纹遗留时间和客体的性质及表面颜色的影响 ,并且此方法实用、可靠 ,同时该配方还可用于非渗透性和半渗透性客体上涉油指纹的显现 ,是常见客体上血、汗指纹显现的一个重要突破  相似文献   

The identification of unidentified corpses poses an exceptional challenge in the field of forensic medicine, because visual traits are often unspecific. Forensic genetics offer a reliable means to determine the identity of a corpse unambiguously. In the process, Y and X chromosomal markers play an important role. Here, we report about a case out of the ordinary where a corpse was properly identified using forensic genetic methods.  相似文献   

Fifteen autosomal STRs were analyze in order to elucidate the differences between low and high land Ecuadorian population. Seven Ecuadorian geographic areas (Tisaleo-Mocha, Cañar, Quito, Rocafuerte, Santa Rosa, Guayaquil and Lago Agrio) from different altitude were selected for the study. After the analysis, little genetic distances were observed between all cities, the more distant cities (FST = 0.02354) were Rocafuerte at an elevation of 17 m.a.s.l. and Quito at 2850 m.a.s.l. and the similar cities (FST = 0.00033) were Rocafuerte (17 m.a.s.l.) and Santa Rosa (10 m.a.s.l). In conclusion, there is not a great genetic distance in the 15 STRs reported in high and low land Ecuadorian population, therefore previously reported frequencies could been used in identification and paternity cases under analysis.  相似文献   

Necrophagous fly is the most common insect evidence collected during a death investigation. We analyzed the DNA polymorphism among the five forensically important fly species, namely, Lucilia sericata, Aldrichina grahami, Chrysomya megacephala, Parasarcophaga crassipalpis and Musca domestica using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) method. Nine ISSR primers selected from 18 primers could amplify 105 clear and stable bands, of which 95 bands were polymorphic. Some primers produced completely different band pattern in different species, indicating that they can be used to identify these species. Aiming at obtaining more reliable markers that might be universally used, we started an effort to convert species-specific ISSR fragments into the sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers that can be used for the molecular diagnosis of the five species.  相似文献   

STR复合扩增及荧光检测技术在个体识别中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lin Y  Zhao ZM  Que TZ  Yan PH  Li L 《法医学杂志》2000,16(2):75-76
目的 :使用 310型遗传分析仪对D3S1358等 10个位点进行基因型检测并应用于法医物证学个体识别案件。方法 :用PCR复合扩增结合四色荧光检测技术对样本DNA进行基因分型。结果 :常见物证检材可成功地得到检验。结论 :这些位点适用于法医物证学个体识别。  相似文献   

Lu F  Cheng BW  Li H  Hong JJ  Sun HY  Zhao WS  Yang HM  Li J  Zhao YR 《法医学杂志》2008,24(4):262-4, 267
OBJECTIVE: To detect DNA polymorphism of Papaver somniferum L using fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. METHODS: Genomic DNA was isolated using the AxyPrep DNA Kit, double-digested by two restrictional endonucleases (Eco RI and Mse I) and ligated to oligonucleotide adapters. After Pre-amplification and selective amplification, the DNA fragments were separated by capillary electrophoresis using the CEQ8000 DNA Fragment Analyzer. RESULTS: More than 20 fragments of highly polymorphic products were obtained by 8 pairs of primer from 64 selective amplifying primer pairs. CONCLUSION: The fluorescent AFLP technique can be used to detect the DNA polymorphism of Papaver somniferum.  相似文献   

In the present study the genetic variation of different Peruvian populations was investigated. The samples for this study were obtained from 669 individuals distributed among 11 populations from Peru. All samples were analyzed using 23 autosomal STR markers. The Arlequin v3.5.2.2 software was used to determine the genetic distances (Fst) of the studied populations. Notable population substructure was detected between some populations.  相似文献   

The analysis of degraded DNA is one of the biggest challenges in forensic casework. SNPs, which can be amplified using small amplicons, have previously been successfully applied to the profiling of forensic evidence that could not be analyzed using conventional STRs. Here we selected the 52 SNPforID SNP markers, with amplicons that ranged in size from 59 bp to 115 bp, and used them to profile a range of casework samples from Malaysia. DNA degradation is a common problem in Malaysia due to the high temperatures and humidity. To carry out the study we modified the 52 SNPforID markers into four 13-plex SNaPshot assays to enable easier interpretation of profiles on the ABI PRISM® 310 and 3500.Fifty-one crime samples comprising bloodstains on cloth, swabs, and a mat and 2 swabs of trace DNA from 10 crime scenes in Malaysia were profiled after DNA extraction using a phenol–chloroform method. The samples were also subjected to STR analysis using the Powerplex® 16 system (Promega), which resulted in only 17 full profiles and 9 partial profiles; using SNPs, 36 full profiles and 5 partial profiles could be generated.  相似文献   

RAPD和ISSR分子标记检测大麻的遗传多样性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的利用随机扩增多态性DNA和简单序列重复区间扩增分子标记检测大麻遗传多样性,并探讨其在法医学中的应用价值。方法收集中国4省6个地区的100株大麻叶子样品,采用CTAB法提取基因组DNA,设计选择11个RAPD引物和13个ISSR引物,采用6%中性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳-硝酸银染色法进行检测,根据出现的条带数目和片段大小等分析大麻的多样性。结果 11条RAPD引物扩增出的片段在200bp以上共52条,其中具有多态性的27条;ISSR引物扩增出126条,其中具有多态性的73条;多态性条带比率分别为51.9%和57.9%,其差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 RAPD和ISSR两种方法均可用于大麻遗传多样性分析,对检测毒品原植物的种类和来源地具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that population analyses in Hungary can be of great importance from the viewpoint of the examination of population differentiation. This study provides additional population genetic data of the Hungarian population on the thirteen CODIS core STR loci and on two penta STRs (PentaE, PentaD). Allele frequency and profile databases were generated for four population samples. Comparing the allele frequency values by G-statistic, calculating the FST indices and with the pair-wise comparisons of inter-population molecular variance (AMOVA) the four Hungarian populations could be distinguished.  相似文献   

Wang RH  Yan LQ  Yu WJ  Liu XW  Qu SX 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):127-129,F0004
目的探讨采用荧光免疫标记抗体法测定血痕血型的可行性和优点。方法根据抗原抗体特异性结合的原理,首先对抗A、抗B单克隆抗体进行荧光标记,然后使荧光标记抗体与相应抗原(血痕)在最佳条件下结合,最后荧光显微镜镜检,判定血痕的血型。结果采用该方法测定血痕的血型结果准确、灵敏度高、操作简单、检验时间短。结论该方法可以作为一种测定血痕血型的检验方法使用。  相似文献   

In a child custody case a mother with a longstanding history of alcohol misuse had to show absolute abstinence for one year. She entered a residential rehabilitation for six months and was tested two months later by way of a hair test for ethyl glucuronide (EtG) with the result of 22 pg/mg in the proximal 0-1cm segment and the segments 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm being negative. This was interpreted as a minimum alcohol intake of 20-50 units per week in the month before sampling. Since the mother denied any alcohol intake a second hair sample was collected seven weeks after the first and analyzed for fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) by a second laboratory. A low concentration of 0.03 ng/mg was measured within the 0-6 cm segment of recently bleached hair and was interpreted as showing no evidence of alcohol use during the last six months. Three further hair samples were analyzed during the next nine months with low EtG values (<2.4-3.3 pg/mg, 0-3 cm segment) and low FAEE values (0.27-0.53 ng/mg, 0-6 cm segment). These findings were summarized as indicating continued low alcohol consumption over the past one year period. As a consequence of the conflicting results, the case was dealt with in a hearing before the Family Division of the High Court of London. It was concluded in the judgment that the evidence did not indicate that the mother had consumed alcohol in the period tested by the hair samples. It was stated that the evidence in this case highlighted the need for the exercise of considerable caution when hair tests for alcohol are being interpreted and relied upon, both generally and particularly in isolation, and that this case is a proper reminder of the need for expert evidence to be given in a manner according to the Practice Direction.  相似文献   

二氧化钛显现手印研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的建立应用二氧化钛的小微粒悬浮液来显现潜在手印的方法。方法选择6种不同客体,分别取普通汗和皮脂汗手印各40枚,各保存1天和7天,用二氧化钛小微粒悬浮液进行手印显现。结果保存1天和7天的汗潜手印显现结果没有很大区别,但皮脂汗手印显现效果好于普通汗手印。结论二氧化钛的小微粒悬浮液可以有效地显现出光滑非渗透性客体表面的潜手印。  相似文献   

目的研制适用于数据库样本荧光STR直接复合扩增体系。方法针对常规血卡、FTA和903血卡样本,配制扩增缓冲液基准母液,采用不同配方的扩增缓冲体系进行直接扩增及检测。考察不同种类增强剂、4种商业化DNA聚合酶、不同复性温度和终延伸时间对检材的检测效果,并验证优化体系的适应性。结果采用本文所建体系对各类血卡样本进行检验,均可获得样本清晰、完整的STR分型。体系选择BSA\Tween20\DMSO\甘油等增强剂组合、Typer热启动聚合酶1.5U/10μL、57~59℃复性温度、30~50min终延伸时间,采用10μL体系即可对直径1.2mm FTA卡血样进行有效分型。结论本文所研制的缓冲体系能够满足常规血卡、FTA和903血卡样本直接扩增检验的需要。  相似文献   

This paper presents sequence and population genetic data of the X-linked DXS6803 and DXS9895 short tandem repeat (STR). The tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism DXS6803 (also known as CHLC.GATA45H11) and DXS9895 (also known as CHLC.GATA124B04) are located at the Xq12-Xq21.33 and Xpter-Xp22.2 region, respectively. In kinship testing, DXS6803 and DXS9895 are suitable for concomitant use. Population genetic data were obtained by analyzing 182 unrelated females and 110 males from Chinese Han population. In this population, both DXS6803 and DXS9895 exhibited seven clearly distinguishable alleles ranging from 109bp to 128bp and 139bp to 163bp in length, respectively. Testing for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) showed no significant deviation for these two loci. The polymorphism information content (PIC), observed heterozygosity (H(obs)) and power of exclusion for parentage testing of a girl for trios (PE(trio)) and duos (PE(duo)) were 0.67, 0.687, 0.673 and 0.530 for DXS6803, and 0.69, 0.736, 0.688 and 0.547 for DXS9895, respectively. Seventy-eight families studies of these two loci confirmed X-linked codominant inheritance and mutations were not found.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies of 30 InDel markers previously selected and validated for forensic purpose were assessed in 419 unrelated individuals originating from five different populations of Chinese Han, Chinese Hui, Uighur, Mongolian and Tibetan in P.R. China. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium tests and linkage disequilibrium analysis were performed and the results showed that allele frequency distributions of the 30 InDel markers had meet the genetic equilibrium in all of the five populations and the InDel markers on same chromosome did not generate any linkage block. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that genetic variation among the 5 studied populations represent only 4.00% of the total genetic diversity. We observed the cumulative power of discrimination (CPD) for each studied population was 0.99999999999841 in Chinese Han population, 0.99999999999690 in Chinese Hui population, 0.99999999999709 in Uighur population, 0.99999999999772 in Mongolian population and 0.99999999999854 in Tibetan population.  相似文献   

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