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施晓玲  王平荣 《证据科学》2006,13(4):279-283
生物基因工程学科的最新发展,为人类福祉的增进,提供无限广阔的前景,人类辅助生殖技术即属其一,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了大量涉及社会、道德、伦理和法律方面的问题。本文通过对自然生殖状态亲子关系的剖析,对照性分析如何认定人工辅助生殖的子女在法律上的地位。  相似文献   

人工辅助生殖技术的应用动摇了传统的亲子关系认定规则。本文主要介绍因人工辅助生殖技术而产生的亲子关系认定新规则和国外相关法律与司法实践。  相似文献   

论人工生殖子女父母身份之认定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张燕玲 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):66-75
传统民法中父母子女关系的建立,血缘与怀胎是母亲同时具备的要素,法律上兼以二者作为认定母子关系的指标。随着医学科技的发达,人工生殖技术使得血缘与怀胎间的相连性不再理所当然,不孕夫妻可以借用他人的精卵通过体内或体外受精,使妻孕育分娩子女,甚至可以将不孕夫妻的受精卵植入他人的子宫怀胎分娩,使得人类的繁衍可以在血缘之外的母体进行。生殖科技对现行法律制度提出了诸多挑战,人工生殖子女之父母身份的认定问题尤为突出。为避免因采用特殊规则形成人工生殖子女为特殊子女的不当认识,立法上应力求采用与自然生殖同样的父母认定标准确定人工授精子女的亲子关系,即依据出生事实确定谁是母亲,根据婚生推定及否认制度确定谁是父亲,丈夫的术前同意限制其对子女的婚生否认权的行使;立足于有限性开放代理孕母的观点,确定代孕子女的父母身份时,法律应突破传统的分娩者为母亲的观念,通过特殊立法规定遗传父母为代孕子女之法律父母。  相似文献   

贾楠 《法制与社会》2013,(11):239-240
对人工生殖子女的亲子身份进行认定时,应以"人工生殖目的"为主要标准,"子女最佳利益"为最高原则,将人工生殖子女的法律地位界定为婚生子女。同质人工体内授精应仍然使用传统的亲子身份认定规则,对异质人工体内授精应当在传统的亲子身份认定规则上有所突破,供卵体外授精的情况下,应以分娩者即不孕夫妻中的妻子为子女的法律母亲,子女的父亲根据婚生推定制度来确认,代孕时应认定委托夫妻为子女的法律父母。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术的飞速发展及其在医疗临床上的广泛应用给传统刑事责任理论与制度带来了挑战,但从刑法学的视角来进行考察,辅助生殖具有伦理上的正当性。人类胚胎、精子、卵子是一种介于人与物之间的一种特殊人格体,对这种特殊人格体,法律应承认其特殊地位,并给予特殊保护。强制采精、采卵、供精都具有犯罪性。代孕不具备伦理正当性,应为刑法明文禁止。为了应对辅助生殖技术的挑战,我国刑法应增设辅助生殖犯罪及其刑事责任制度,并应利用好现有刑法中的一些规定。  相似文献   

现代生殖技术的问世大大冲击了人类传统的自然生殖方式,与此同时,也冲击了现代伦理观念,并带来了一系列法律问题。随着人工生殖子女数量的增多,相关法律纠纷也日益增多。因此,本文对于人工生殖的一个基本问题———人工生殖子女的法律地位进行了深入的探讨。着重论述了人工生殖子女的分类,相应的父母子女关系的确定及权利义务关系。同时对代孕母亲所引发的法律问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

汪丽青 《政法论丛》2014,(5):121-129
随着现代生殖医学技术的发展,死后人工生殖已成为现实。在死后人工生殖的法律规制方面,美国走在了世界前列。死后人工生殖的前提是死后配子的支配问题,对此,生前取精和死后取精各有不同。死后人工生殖主要涉及家庭法、继承法、保险法等方面的法律问题,美国法院对这些问题的处理各有不同。我国应当借鉴美国的经验,有条件地许可死后人工生殖,并在相应的立法文件中有所体现。  相似文献   

姜柏生 《证据科学》2004,11(4):253-256
现代生殖技术的问世大大冲击了人类传统的自然生殖方式,与此同时,也冲击了现代伦理观念,并带来了一系列法律问题。随着人工生殖子女数量的增多,相关法律纠纷也日益增多。因此,本文对于人工生殖的一个基本问题——人工生殖子女的法律地位进行了深入的探讨。着重论述了人工生殖子女的分类,相应的父母子女关系的确定及权利义务关系。同时对代孕母亲所引发的法律问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘长秋 《证据科学》2002,9(4):216-219
伴随着辅助生殖技术的诞生,许多社会问题得到了解决.然而,因该技术而引发的犯罪却也接踵而至,从而促使我们去寻求相应的策略.为了防范这类犯罪,作者认为 ,应在我国刑法中设立辅助生殖罪,并规定相应的法律责任.本文分析了这一建议的必要性 ,并对该罪在我国刑法中的构建提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

复合扩增9个STR位点在亲子鉴定中的应用评估   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
Liu Y 《法医学杂志》2000,16(4):216-218
在法医学亲子鉴定中应用复合扩增及四色荧光自动分析技术检测 Profiler plusTM9个 STR位点,一次性获得的信息量大,累计非父排除率达 0.9999。应用于 268例亲子鉴定的结果表明, 9个具有高度多态性 STR基因座的联合检测,能使三联体亲子鉴定的排除结论明确无误。对不排除案例,其 RCP值均可达国际认定标准。对二联体亲子鉴定一般需增加 CofilerTM试剂盒 4个 STR位点检测。  相似文献   

个人识别和亲子鉴定是法医鉴定的重要内容 ,为刑事侦查确定死者的身源和查找认定犯罪嫌疑人提供科学证据 ;为意外事故遇难者的遗体识别提供科学依据 ;为父母与子女的血缘关系确认提供科学依据。但是 ,人体在患了疾病或受伤后 ,经各种医学方法治疗使其恢复健康过程中 ,必然要不同程度地引起原有的人体形态、物质成分和运动习惯等的特征改变 ,这就会影响到个人识别和亲子鉴定。因而在鉴定中应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

皮建华 《证据科学》2003,10(3):158-161
个人识别和亲子鉴定是法医鉴定的重要内容,为刑事侦查确定死者的身源和查找认定犯罪嫌疑人提供科学证据;为意外事故遇难者的遗体识别提供科学依据;为父母与子女的血缘关系确认提供科学依据.但是,人体在患了疾病或受伤后,经各种医学方法治疗使其恢复健康过程中,必然要不同程度地引起原有的人体形态、物质成分和运动习惯等的特征改变 ,这就会影响到个人识别和亲子鉴定.因而在鉴定中应引起高度重视.  相似文献   

DNA extraction from bone is an important issue particularly in paternity cases when bones are the only remaining material to obtain and analyze DNA. The difficulties arising from bacterial damages, taphonomic factors and diagenesis might negatively affect the extraction and the amplification of DNA. This makes the laboratory procedure a hard and time-consuming process, and the analysis can fail. Analyzing mini-STRs in this type of degraded samples is highly recommended. In this study a new extraction technique was carried on bone samples which were then typed for mini-STRs. The aim was to differentiate two genetically related skeletons found in the same familial grave for a paternity test. The analysis revealed that this new extraction technique along with mini-STR analysis can properly be an effective way to obtain and analyze DNA in bones in the field of forensic sciences.  相似文献   

亲子鉴定中STR位点数选择及其应用价值研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的对在亲子鉴定中STR位点数的选择及其鉴定应用价值进行研究。方法将CODIS13个STR位点分为四个观测组,观测对象包括排除亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合102例,以及肯定亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合100例,通过310遗传分析仪对荧光复合扩增产物进行分型检测。结果各STR观察组出现的最低排除指标数与各观察组累积非父排除概率(CPE)值成一定正相关性,CPE值超过99.99%的两个STR观察组其出现的最低排除指标数为三个,同时这两个STR观察组在肯定亲权的案例分析中,其亲子关系概率值(RCP)值都超过了99.99%。结论对于亲子鉴定中的STR位点检测系统,其非父排除指标应为三个以上,其累积非父排除概率(CPE)值达到99.99%时,就可以认为该STR位点检测系统具有了相关的鉴定应用价值。  相似文献   

The authors performed paternity investigations for many years by the order of the court and on this basis they give expert opinion in discussed paternity cases. In recent years opinion was given with the help of chromosome studies in cases where neither blood group nor anthropology investigations were decisive. From a couple of hundred persons the thickening of the heterochromatic part of the chromosomes studied by C-band methods is evaluated (1, 9, 16, Y) and (within this) the occurrence of total or partial inversion is observed. The frequency of polymorphism was studied among the chromosomes investigated by the C-band technique. From these data the authors aimed at deducing exact relationship: and forming the most exact possible expert's opinion in this problem which is of social significance as well.  相似文献   

A number of DNA marker types suitable for human identification and parentage testing have been developed, of which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) merit attention as they are abundant, genetically stable, and amenable to high-throughput automated analysis. In this regard, 24 highly informative SNP markers representing each 22 autosome and both sex chromosomes were selected, and the allele and genotype frequencies of these SNPs were determined in a group composed of 30 unrelated Koreans. Based on frequency data from this group, the estimated probability of identity (P(I)) and probability of paternity exclusion (P(E)) with 22 autosomal SNP loci were 1.905x10(-10) and 98.9%, respectively. The SNPs in this study offer a small but highly accurate database that will be an essential reference for SNP-based forensic application in the future.  相似文献   

The paper extends on the traditional methodology used to quantify DNA evidence in paternity or identification cases. By extending we imply that there are more than two alternatives to choose between. In a standard paternity case the two competing explanations H(1): "John Doe is the father of the child and H(2): "A random man is the father of the child, are typically considered. A paternity index of 100000 implies that the data is 100000 more likely assuming hypothesis H(1) rather than H(2). If H(2) is replaced by "A brother of John Doe is the father", the LR may change dramatically. The main topic of this paper is to determine the most probable pedigree given a certain set of data including DNA profiles. In the previous example this corresponds to determining the most likely relation between John Doe and the child. Based on DNA obtained from victims of a fire, bodies found in an ancient grave or from individuals seeking to confirm their anticipated family relations, we would like to determine the most probable pedigree. The approach we present provides the possibility to combine non-DNA evidence, say age of individuals, and DNA profiles. The program familias, obtainable as shareware from http://www.nr.no/familias, delivers the probabilities for the various family constellations. More precisely, the information (if any) prior to DNA is combined with the DNA-profiles in a Bayesian manner to deliver the posterior probabilities. We exemplify using the well published Romanov data where the accepted solution emerges among 4536 possibilities considered. Various other applications based on forensic case work are discussed. In addition we have simulated data to resemble an incest case. Since the true family relation is known in this case, we may evaluate the method.  相似文献   

The use of a genetic marker in paternity determination has been successful with the ABO blood group system but unsuccessful in dermatoglyphics and palatal rugae because the genetic mechanism is polygenic. The palatal rugae of 17 families (34 parents and 49 children) were classified and recorded, and the data used to construct a statistical analysis system (SAS) cluster map. A positive result would have meant a father clustering with all his children at Level 83, where, in fact, the best result achieved was at Level 5. The best cluster occurred at Level 82 between the ten-year-old boy of Family 7 and the eleven-year-old girl of Family 3. It is thus clear that the palatal rugae cannot be used in a practical procedure to determine paternity.  相似文献   

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