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Mauro  Frank J.; Yago  Glenn 《Publius》1989,19(2):63-82
New York State has made extensive use of social, geographic,and sectoral targeting in economic development. It has targetedboth distressed industries, particularly manufacturing, andgrowth industries. When the initial assistance provided to manufacturingin the 1960s did not stem the decline of this sector, the stateresponded by providing larger subsidies. Even though manufacturingcontinued to decline, both absolutely and relatively, supportfor its preferred status has, nevertheless, remained strong,and few of the programs initially aimed at this sector haveseen any sign cant changes in their manufacturing focus. Effortsto target distressed areas and individuals, however, were notsustained over time. The state's two most significant effortsat geographic targeting were expanded statewide over relativelyshort periods of time.  相似文献   

This article challenges conventional approaches to Thatcher's privatization campaign in which privatization has been judged on the basis of its economic or public policy merits. The privatization programme of the Thatcher Government was driven by political objectives and thus it was more coherent than has been usually asserted. Politicians are motivated by maximizing their political benefits (power) rather than by the pursuit of the common good, that is optimal economic and public policies. Unlike some other papers who have considered the political aspects of the Conservative privatization programme, this paper introduces a distinction between what were the Conservatives' perceptions of the political consequences of privatization and the actual effect of this programme.  相似文献   


This paper examines the potential importance of externally-facilitated peace dividends and donor coordination in sustaining peace after the signing of an accord. We extend our previous research on US performance after civil wars to learn if adversary assumptions on peace dividends have additional positive impact when a wider sample of major Western European donors is included. Was the lack of US follow-through compensated for in whole or in part by the extension of development assistance allocations from European allies? We find that cases in which donors provide significant and sustained post-conflict aid are somewhat less likely to return to civil war than those who do not receive comparable assistance. Moreover, we find in such cases that donor coordination reinforced behaviour that encouraged the implementation process, providing an extra incentive for maintaining the peace agreement over the five-year threshold and beyond.  相似文献   

江泽民总书记在深圳经济特区建立 2 0周年庆祝大会上的重要讲话指明了经济特区迈入新世纪的前进方向 ,是深圳等经济特区面向新世纪发展的强大精神动力和行动纲领。江泽民总书记在讲话中指出 :“经济特区要继续当好改革开放和现代化建设的排头兵。”回顾深圳经济特区 2 0年的巨大成绩和示范效应 ,一个很重要的方面 ,就是在推进经济体制的根本转变过程中 ,充分发挥了改革“试验场”的作用 ,率先建立了社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架 ,为经济增长方式的根本转变提供了体制保障 ,大大加快了深圳经济特区实现社会主义现代化的进程。实践充分证明…  相似文献   

统筹城乡经济社会发展的枢纽选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
统筹城乡经济社会发展,要选择和强化四个枢纽一是大力发展农产品加工业,强化产业枢纽;二是加快城镇化步伐,完善空间枢纽;三是建立健全农业技术信息体系,完善技术信息枢纽;四是调整国民收入分配格局,形成城市反哺农村的利益枢纽。  相似文献   

当前我国城乡差距的持续扩大已成为制约社会和谐发展的重要因素。在导致我国城乡差距扩大的因素中,制度因素为主要原因。统筹城乡协调发展,要求我们必须以政策调整为先导,积极构建包括农产品价格政策、农村土地政策、税费政策、农业保险政策和户籍制度等的政策体系。  相似文献   

环渤海经济区发展中的陆海统筹策略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆海统筹的本质和目标是区域统筹。文章分析了环渤海经济区海洋经济和陆海统筹发展现状,表明环渤海经济区陆海统筹存在区域差异;在借鉴国外发达国家陆海统筹经验基础上,本文从制度、空间、产业、设施、生态等方面提出了环渤海经济区陆海统筹的战略重点和内容,并指出要充分发挥北京在环渤海经济区陆海统筹中的作用。  相似文献   

Hansen  Susan B. 《Publius》1989,19(2):47-62
This article examines recent efforts to target state industrialpolicy along three dimensions: sectoral aid to specific businessesor economic activities, geographic aid to growing or decliningregions, and direct assistance to the unemployed. While thestates have done better with sec-toral targeting than opponentsof a federal industrial policy have feared, industrial policymust compete with many other state programs, including moretraditional economic development efforts based on advertisingand tax expenditures. Only a few states have managed to channelmuch state aid to displaced workers or distressed communities.Despite some evidence as to the success of industrial policyfocused on limited areas or activities, dilution of policy focusand underinvestment of resources characterize state industrialpolicy efforts to date.  相似文献   

Howell S. Baum 《Society》1988,26(1):35-42
Howell S. Baum is associate professor, teaching planning theory, social planning, and organizational behavior at the University of Maryland Institute for Urban Studies and School of Social Work and Community Planning. He has done research on planning in bureaucratic organizations and is author of Planners and Public Expectationsand The Invisible Bureaucracy.He is completing a book on the experience of working in bureaucracy, Membership Without Intimacy.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyse how and in what ways the Chinese diaspora interacts with globalisation in Southeast Asia through their economic and social capital. It explores the theories of globalisation and contrasts them with the thematic changes of Southeast Asia studies, and it conceptualises the economic power, the geographical dispersal nature and the social networking of Chinese diaspora in order to understand how a virtual nation is being constructed. It then examines empirical studies of that economic power using the specific case of Indonesia; comparative studies of Chinese companies in Southeast Asian countries; and foreign direct investment in China from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Finally, it surveys the building of the virtual community through ethnicity, languages, associations and Confucianism, from which social capital has been generated among the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Within political and social processes the actors' intentions arc played out against institutional 'laws of gravity'. With this in mind, the article focuses on the planning regime associated with the Scandinavian political model. At present the model seems to be challenged by a series of obstacles, raising the question of the political mechanism's ability to adapt. One hypothesis—called the 'Decay' scenario—is described in detail, thereby presenting: (1) a framework for political analysis on a national level; (2) some indicators on how the 'Decay' story may turn out; and (3) a group of sub-theories supporting the hypothesis; in rivalry with its counterpart, a future success story of the Scandinavian model.  相似文献   

创意经济:以人为本的经济发展观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创意经济是一种以人为本的经济发展观,这主要体现在它的兴起、发展和前景三方面:创意经济的兴起,标志着未来经济发展愈加彰显人的因素;创意经济的发展,预示着人才将成为推动经济发展的关键动力;创意经济的前景,说明只有人是经济发展的深层动力。  相似文献   

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