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法学教育缺乏实践性,使得培养出的大量法科毕业生无法满足现实法律实务工作的要求。卫生法学教育的出现恰恰弥补了实践性缺乏的法学教育带来的困境,卫生法教育的完善之路亦会予法学教育完善之路起到借鉴作用。在更细化的专业领域,结合素质教育和职业教育而培养出更专业更富有实践性的人才的双轨制,或许才是社会分工日渐细化的当今社会的教育模式的更好选择。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国医事法学的概念处于定义不清、界定不明的状态,常常有专家、学者将卫生法学与医事法学混为一谈,以至于有关医事法学、卫生法学的专著、教材、论文,在法律体系和理论内容上,雷同较多。事实上,医事法学应当是专门研究和探讨与医疗事务相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度的法律学科,而卫生法学的概念的外延要远大于医事法学,其所涉及的内容不仅包含了医事法学,更包括一系列与人的健康相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度。本着这样的区别,本教材在写作过程中立足于我国的医疗实践,针对医疗执业过程中涉及的相关法律理论和法律问题进行探讨,并注重对其他国家和地区的相关研究成果进行介绍和借鉴,以开拓学生的学习视野,启迪学生的科学思维。  相似文献   

试论《卫生法学》课程信息化教学改革的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的发展,对卫生法学研究和实践的信息化成为改革的必然趋势。在《卫生法学》课程教学工作中,只有拟定科学的教学目标,规范卫生法学信息化的教学内容,采用现代化的教学方法和更合理的考评方式,才能培养出适应新形势下献身国防卫生事业的信息化管理和实践型医学人才。  相似文献   

医学院校法学人才的培养目标是培养既有医学知识和技能又具备法律知识和技能的复合型应用人才。鉴于跨越医学和法学两个学科的特点,医事法学本科教育应该在整合教育资源的基础上,实现培养模式与途径的创新。  相似文献   

医科院校卫生法学教学要顺应时代的要求和发展,在注重实践环节的基础上深化教学改革。本文从卫生法学课程设置的必要性入手,并分析了卫生法学教学中存在的一些常见问题,文章最后详细介绍了师资、案例教学、诊所式教学、模拟法庭教学、移情式教学等新的教学方式,以期改进本课程的教学效果,造就出有良好法律素养的医药卫生人才。  相似文献   

法治中国建设既需要大批懂经济、懂管理同时又懂法律的复合型法律人才,又需要大批职业化的法律人才.这不仅给我国法学教育带来了前所未有的发展空间与机遇,也对我们法学教育如何培养法律人才提出了更为严峻的挑战.高等法学教育不仅要为法律职业培养后备人才,而且还要面向全社会培养法治国家的建设者与管理者,培养各行各业所需要的法律人才.法学教育的职业性具有鲜明的导向性,是一种包含和超越一般素质教育的职业教育.构建以法律职业为目标导向的法律人才培养机制,必须将法律职业伦理教育与法律职业技能训练作为本科法学教育的主要内容,实现知识传授与职业能力训练的和谐统一,寻求教师教与学生学的良好互动.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国医事法学的概念处于定义不清、界定不明的状态,常常有专家、学者将卫生法学与医事法学混为一谈,以至于有关医事法学、卫生法学的专著、教材、论文,在法律体系和理论内容上,雷同较多。事实上,医事法学应当是专门研究和探讨与医疗事务相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度的法律学科,而卫生法学的概念的外延要远  相似文献   

《中国卫生法制》杂志是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管,专门进行医药卫生法制研讨的国家级学术期刊。杂志集学术性与实用性为一体,研究卫生法和卫生法学理论,探讨卫生法制工作的规律和发展方向,介绍国内外卫生法制建设动态和卫生法学研究成果,交流地方卫生立法和执法经验,普及卫生法律知识等。杂志设有以下栏目:  相似文献   

随着卫生法制建设的不断深入,依法管理卫生事业已成为客观现实。卫生事业的管理者和服务者必须具有丰富的卫生法律知识和较高的卫生法律意识。高等医科院校担负着为卫生事业培养管理人才和服务人才的重任.可是,据笔者了解,目前,《卫生法学》并没有正式成为所有高等医科院校的必修课,也就是说,并不是所有的医学生都学过卫生法学。我们山东医科大学从1995年春天正式在全校本科学生中开设了《卫生法学》选修课,每个星期六的上午上课,共18个学时。学生不分年级和专业自由选修。为了进一步了解学生卫生法制观念及对相关问题的认识,掌握学生的思想状况,为医科院校卫生法制教育提供参考,我们于99年春天自设问卷,在选修《卫生法学》课程的学生中作了问卷调查,收回有效问卷318份。1 调查对象本文调查对象为山东医科大学1999年春天选修《卫生  相似文献   

法学教育应当注重法律人才全面素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行法学教育和法律人才素质培养整体状况基本良好,但在一些层面上也存在着应当认真进行检讨和反思的地方。完善法科学生素质培养、法律职业资格考试和法律人才选拔机制,需要借鉴历史和国外经验,不断更新法学教育的理念,恰当定位司法考试制度的作用,改善办学机制,优化教育资源,革新教学机制,强化各种基础素质教育和各种技能教育,并逐步完善法律人才选拔机制,提高新时期法律人才的综合素质。  相似文献   

The present paper critically analyses the essence of legal education in the training of medical professionals in Ghana. It argues that health professionals lack the requisite knowledge in law, especially the legal implications of medical malpractice, and calls for legislative and curricular reforms in institutions engaged in the training of health professionals to reflect a legal education component. The authors opine that the basic medical law curriculum should be focused on the kinds of legal problems that physicians encounter most frequently in practice rather than on sensational cases. The authors are of the view that the curriculum should address the clarification of central concepts in law, the ability to apply the concepts, decision‐making procedures, acquisition of legal knowledge in tortuous and criminal matters relevant to the medical profession. This view sets objectives for teaching medical law to medical students and young doctors.  相似文献   

为了提高医学生的法律意识,谨慎地对待患者的生命权与健康权,防范医疗纠纷和医疗事故的发生。本文以《侵权责任法》医疗损害责任制度及相关卫生法规为切入点,评估医学院校学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知现状,对学生进行医学法学知识测评和问卷调查,结果表明,学生对法律条文的理解与临床实践存在很大差异,在校生与实习生、西医类专业与中医类专业学生医学法学成绩存在显著差异,实习可有效提高学生的认知。本研究提示,学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知不足与教师卫生法学知识的不足、学时有限、医学与法学课程缺乏学科间的交叉整合、缺少复合型师资、专业类别等密切相关。  相似文献   


Electronic legal education involves the use of information, communication and instructional technologies to enhance students’ learning of the law and to provide law teachers with environments and tools for teaching the law. With the fast growth of the Internet many Law schools and Law faculties are moving their education and training into web environments. This may open new ways of teaching and learning the law by providing students with an environment in which they can manage legal information and legal knowledge for their personal professional use. However, it is clear that throughout Europe there are divergent as well as convergent uses of the web and IT This article explores some of the issues inherent in this, and suggests a number of projects that would enable ICT in legal education to facilitate the aims of the Sorbonne‐Bologna process.  相似文献   

日本法科大学院教育制度及其特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
法科大学院是日本的新型法律人才培养机构。这一制度借鉴了美国法学院教育模式,招收具有多样专业知识背景的学生,开展研究生层次的职业化教育。建立法科大学院制度是日本在司法改革的大背景下,在扩大法律职业数量和确保法律职业培养质量的目标下,做出的制度选择。日本通过了相关法律,并派遣在职法官、检察官任教,以保证法科大学院具有充分的师资,保证法科大学院教育的质量。  相似文献   

Because of the massive expansion in enrollment, the number of graduates from law schools across the country is unprecedented, but the rate of unemployment is also unprecedented in comparison with the graduation. In stark contrast, many employees are finding it difficult to find graduates of talent fitting directly to working requirements. The traditional mode of education is to cultivate students with legal research abilities, but the main social need calls for graduates who are prepared to practice, which has caused the low employment. As a result, the graduates’ failure to meet the social demand caused serious imbalance between supply and demand. The characteristic of legal practice skills is to solve practical problems through the practice of adapting legal knowledge, but practical skill training in law school education now is basically nonexistent. The training of legal practice skills must be conducted through aspects of course design, and therefore teaching methods necessitate comprehensive reformation. The practice skills of the legal profession, such as basic literacy, basic skills, and work skills, are indispensable to the education of students. Educating them to attain these skills will aid them directly in practical work after graduation, improve their work quality and employment rate, and consequently improve the whole overall quality of the legal profession.  相似文献   

Legal education is gradually moving away from the teaching of national law towards a more European, transnational, or even “global” way of teaching. This paper seeks to explain why an international legal education is to be preferred to a national curriculum and what this means for how law is taught and how law schools are ideally organised. The arguments for an international legal education lie in the increasing plurality of legal sources, the desire to attract students from a larger pool, and the need not only to give students a specialised professional training but also to prepare them for global citizenship. It is claimed students should be exposed to alternative ways of achieving justice, thus creating a dialogue with otherness. This can be done by a focus on the arguments behind the choices made by the relevant authorities and not on the doctrinal intricacies of national legal systems. This type of international curriculum, in which competing conceptions of justice are at the centre of attention, requires a specific teaching method. Two methods seem best suited to allow students to construct their own understanding of legal problems: problem-based learning (PBL) and the Socratic method. In addition, teaching law in an international setting forces us to think through the sequence in which the various jurisdictions come to the fore, the assessment of students and the use of teaching materials and language of instruction. Also discussed are the challenges for the law school as a whole, such as the relationship between teaching and research, the recruitment of faculty and the decreasing relevance of the traditional departmental structure.  相似文献   

为提高医学生病历书写技能、掌握病历书写要求和法律规定,本研究以《侵权责任法》第七章医疗损害责任和《病历书写规范》为依据,评估、干预、提高医学生的病历书写技能和法律意识。结果显示,实习生与在校生有统计学差异,干预前后的在校生对病历书写规范及医疗损害法律制度的认知有统计学差异。研究认为,在校生经针对性、综合性、规范化的病历书写规范培训后,能有效掌握病历书写规范的要求和法律制度。建议病历书写规范的培训应该常规化、制度化、规范化,纳入教学计划,提高医学生的病历书写技能和法律意识,减少病历记录不良和记录瑕疵,防范医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

The part-time employment of full-time law students is a significant aspect of contemporary legal education. Successful socialization and training in law are presumed to require the undivided time, effort, and commitment of students. Part-time employment, therefore, is commonly believed to siphon those scarce personal resources away from the central task of legal education. This multi-school study of a sample of 1,370 law students attempted to determine the significant ways in which employed students were differentiated from nonemployed classmates in finances, attitudes, and uses of time, and whether type of law school and student's year in school had effects on patterns of student employment.
The incidence of part-time employment, while strongly related to personal financial resources, was found to be equally influenced by the type of school attended and year in school. While those settings varied substantially in the degree of permissiveness toward student part-time employment, students employed part time could not be distinguished statistically from their nonemployed classmates in terms of levels of involvement in law school or their levels of morale. Both temporal and attitudinal disengagement from law school were found to be commonplace among upper-class students in all school settings, but part-time employment did not appear to contribute to it uniquely.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study designed to assess and evaluate how the law shapes the public health system's preparedness activities. Based on 144 qualitative interviews conducted in nine states, we used a model that compared the objective legal environment with how practitioners perceived the laws. Most local public health and emergency management professionals relied on what they perceived the legal environment to be rather than on an adequate understanding of the objective legal requirements. Major reasons for the gap include the lack of legal training for local practitioners and the difficulty of obtaining clarification and consistent legal advice regarding public health preparedness. Narrowing the gap would most likely improve preparedness outcomes. We conclude that there are serious deficiencies in legal preparedness that can undermine effective responses to public health emergencies. Correcting the lack of legal knowledge, coupled with eliminating delays in resolving legal issues and questions during public health emergencies, could have measurable consequences on reducing morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

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