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Violence against women is a serious abuse of human rights and an important public health problem that concerns all sectors of society worldwide. The objective of this study was to critically review and synthesize original research published between 2000 and 2010 focused on examining intimate partner violence (IPV) against women in Turkey. Several research databases were searched for journal articles published in English or Turkish and a total of 21 studies were identified for inclusion and further analysis. The present literature review revealed the ratio of IPV in Turkey reported by different studies ranged from 13 to 78 %. Results of this review emphasize that violence against women is an important issue in Turkey. Gathering data on the prevalence of IPV can serve to raise awareness on violence and provide baseline information for developing more effective preventive policies and programs.  相似文献   

This study uses criminal justice data to compare women and men arrested for domestic violence on their levels of violence, reported victimization, general criminality, and substance abuse. Participants were 45 women and 45 men convicted of domestic violence between 1996 and 1998. Results indicate that women were less likely than men to have a history of domestic violence offenses and nonviolent crimes. They were also more likely to report that they had been injured or victimized by their partner at the time of their arrest. However, in other ways, women and men were similar: they were equally likely to have used severe violence and inflicted severe injuries on their victims; to have previously committed violence against nonintimates; and to have been using drugs or alcohol at the time of their arrest. The implications for treatment for women arrested for domestic violence are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this systematic review of qualitative studies is to explore the opinions and experiences of primary care providers regarding violence against women. Structured searches were conducted in nine bibliographic databases (March 2016). Study identification, critical appraisal (using the CASP tool), and analyses (thematic synthesis) were conducted. 46 qualitative studies were selected. Three main themes were identified: 1) Defining violence against women and its causes; 2) Awareness of violence against women and disclosure, with subthemes: 2.1.) Barriers experienced by primary care providers; 2.2) Facilitators for providing appropriate help; 3) Actions taken by providers to help women. Violence against women was generally considered as an unacceptable act with important health consequences. Barriers to address violence against women included organizational factors, providers’ subjective feelings and perceived role, and providers’ perceptions about women facing violence against women. Facilitators included a trusting relationship with women, attentive non-judgmental listening, participate in the community, team-work and continuing education. Providing emotional support and offering information about resources were the main actions taken by primary care providers. Women-centred care, respecting women’s decision making processes and a biopsychosocial approach may provide direction to more compassionate and supportive care while strengthening primary healthcare response.  相似文献   

This article is based on an interview study of how 10 young male crime victims talk about violent events and actors involved. It focuses on how the young men present their identities as ‘young men’ who have been victims of violent crimes. In their narrations the men struggle with a cultural understanding that ‘masculinity’ is associated with strength and power, while ‘victim’ is associated with weakness and impotence. During the interviews the young men actualize several balancing acts in their presentation of themselves as men and victims in a delicate manner by use of specific word choice, manner of speaking, laughter, etc. The young men are negotiating a victim identity; they portray themselves by careful positioning as both victims and strong, active young men. By this discursive balancing of identities the young men present themselves as manly at the same time as they present themselves as victims. In collaboration with the interviewer the participants negotiate how they want to be known: as ‘victim-worthy’ young men, with associations to a ‘hegemonic manliness’.  相似文献   

Interest in studying the particular case of the victimization of immigrant women has increased. This systematic review intends to document the violence that is experienced by immigrant women within their host country and its prevalence. Research was conducted using five databases: PsycArticles, Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus and ScienceDirect. We selected 24 quantitative studies, according to the following inclusion criteria: published between 2003 and 2013, that focused on an adult study population, and that revealed the prevalence of victimization that is experienced by immigrant women. These studies were mainly conducted in America (67 %) and Europe (33 %), and the participants were mostly Asian and Latin women. The large majority of the studies focused their attention on intimate partner violence, whose prevalence ranges between 17 % and 70.5 %. There is a high variability of the prevalence rates, which could be due to cultural factors and/or to methodological issues. These matters should be addressed by future researchers to allow for a better understanding of the phenomena.  相似文献   

This study explores the pre-arrest domestic violence victimization and attitudes towards domestic violence reported by women and men confined in a Midwestern metropolitan jail. Results indicated that women in the jail sample had more fear for the safety of battered women than men in the jail sample. Women in jail were more likely than men in jail to view the legal system as a deterrent to domestic violence. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore associations between jail detainees’ pre-arrest experiences of domestic violence and their gender, age, education, race, parental status and other violent victimizations. The variables associated with pre-arrest domestic violence victimization were being a woman, a parent, a victim rape and a victim of threats with a deadly weapon.  相似文献   

Two of the most common reported consequences of dating violence are its impact on the victim’s satisfaction with their romantic relationship and its impact on the victim’s mental health. Recent research suggests that the strength of these relationships may be moderated by the degree to which the dating violence is acceptable to the victim. However, studies of these relationships have been limited to samples of women. The purpose of the present research was to examine the relationships among dating violence victimization, relationship satisfaction, mental health problems, and acceptability of violence for a sample that includes not only female victims, but also male victims. Using a sample of 155 male and 417 female college students, hierarchical regression analyses found that dating violence victimization is associated with relationship satisfaction and mental health problems for both men and women. For men, acceptability of violence moderated the relationship between dating violence victimization and the mental health problems of depression, anxiety, and somatization. For women, acceptability of violence moderated the relationship between dating violence victimization and relationship satisfaction only.
Shelby A. KauraEmail:

Recent increases in the number of women arrested for domestic violence raise important questions about implementation of proarrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders. This study compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past domestic violence history of men (n = 5,578) and women (n = 1,126) arrested for domestic assault against a heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data collected by local criminal justice agencies, we found that female arrestees were significantly less likely than males to have histories that warrant concern regarding the potential for future violence. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the results of previous investigations, this study seeks for individual, relationship and community characteristics among women living with their partner associated with intimate partner violence [IPV] victimization. The sample of 19,131 women was taken from the 2016 Peru Demographic and Health Survey. A binomial logistic regression model showed among the most significant risk factors: heavy drinking by the woman’s partner (OR = 8.655, p < .001), having witnessed parental domestic violence (OR = 1.496, p < .001) and having experienced physical punishment during childhood (OR = 1.306, p < .001). Other factors related to higher odds of IPV at the individual level include employment and low educational attainment. Relationship risk factors comprise, 25 to 29 years of relationship duration, living in cohabitation, previous unions and low socioeconomic status. At the community level, living in an urban residence increases the likelihood of abuse. These findings highlight the need to include these factors, in the IPV prevention strategies.  相似文献   

家庭暴力特别是对妇女的家庭暴力不是一个时髦的词汇 ,而是不分种族、阶级和文化界线 ,长久以来就存在的一个普遍的社会问题 ,世界各国概莫能外。在我国 ,仅据 1 999年 ,2 9个省、自治区、直辖市妇联上半年和下半年的来信来访统计 ,涉及家庭暴力的为 8862件 /次和 2 0 1 48件 /次 ,分别占婚姻家庭类的 1 5 86%和 1 8 3%。信访情况表明 ,某些家庭暴力手段较之以前愈加残忍 ,令人发指。在我国 ,针对妇女的暴力特别是家庭暴力 ,是在 90年代初期才开始引起人们关注的 ,家庭暴力这个词才在中国媒体上出现 ,一些妇女运动的实践家和学者开始研究此…  相似文献   

Young people who grow up in a violent family context are more vulnerable to become victims of sexual aggression outside the family context. The present study contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms that explain this link among young women by looking at the mediating role of sexual exposure behavior and target vulnerability. Data were used from an online survey among 237 young women aged 16 to 26 (M?=?21.0 years, SD?=?2.75). Experiencing violence from (one of) the parents and to a lesser extent witnessing interparental violence were related to an elevated risk for sexual victimization. Witnessing interparental violence was related to increased target vulnerability but this factor did not mediate the link with sexual victimization. Experiencing parental violence was related to both increased sexual exposure behavior and increased target vulnerability and these factors did mediate the link with sexual victimization.  相似文献   

This study determines the frequency of the spousal domestic violence among 1,178 married women who applied to some first level medical institutions located in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. 77.9% (n = 918) of the women who participated in the study have stated that they have been exposed to at least one of the types of spousal violence during their lifetime. The most reported type of domestic violence suffered by women throughout their lives is economic violence (60.4%). The prevalence of controlling behaviors, emotional violence, physical and sexual violence are 59.6%, 39.7%, 29.9% and 31.3% respectively.  相似文献   

Using qualitative methodology—field observations and in-depth interviews—the study examines the role of Mahila Samakhya (a group advocating women's equality) and Nari Adalats (informal women's courts) in India in combating violence against women. Interviews were conducted with members of a Mahila Samakhya in the southwest state of Karnataka and complainants who appeared before Nari Adalats. Nari Adalats in Karnataka are an innovation of Mahila Samakhya, a Government of India development program. The results indicate that Nari Adalats exercise broad authority to investigate and dispose of a wide range of domestic violence cases in India. The Mahila Samakhya serves as an advocacy group and provides shelter, legal assistance, and social help as well as education for victims of domestic violence.  相似文献   

Violence against women by a present or former male partner has over the last decade been given a higher priority in the political discussion in all of the Scandinavian countries. Increasingly, violence in intimate relationships is viewed as a public rather than a private matter in these countries. With this change in attitudes and levels of political interest, higher expectations are placed on official authorities, including the criminal justice system, to deal actively with this social problem. In all of the Scandinavian countries it may, for example, be decided by a prosecutor that a woman should be protected from a man by issuing a restraining order. Moreover, a new offence called ‘gross violation of a woman's integrity’ was introduced into the Swedish penal code in 1998. With this offence, less serious but repeated violent acts committed by a man against a present or former female partner are to be judged as one serious offence. The stipulated sanction for this offence is imprisonment between 6 months and 6 years. The purpose of this article is to evaluate how the police, the prosecutors and the courts deal with this new offence. The article also present results from an evaluation of restraining orders in Sweden.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of health services training provided with different methods in combating of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women. The intervention group of the study consisted of 132 healthcare workers (HCW) and 249 HCWs in the control group. According to the result of study, training given to the intervention group was more effective in increasing the knowledge level, compared to the control group. Furthermore, comparison of the HCWs in the intervention group with the control group revealed that the attitudes towards emotional, psychological and sexual violence and justifying myths changed positively. In this scope, it can be said that intervention training was effective in terms of improving knowledge and attitude on IPV. However, it is determined that the training given to both groups was inefficient in terms of turning into behaviour.  相似文献   

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