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我国规范性文件备案审查地方立法的若干缺陷及其完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国31个省级人民政府均已通过地方立法建立了规范性文件备案审查制度.这些立法存在诸多缺陷,必须进一步予以完善:一是缺乏完整、统一、合理的审查程序;二是备案审查程序缺乏刚性的期限规定或周期过长;三是审查标准不够完备、不便操作或过于简单;四是有关自行纠正建议和处理决定的规定不够具体、明确;五是未妥善处理好与行政复议一并审查制度以及地方各级人大常委会备案审查制度的衔接关系.  相似文献   

Jesse Burkhead believed in the importance of institutions in policy making. This article describes the evolution of fiscal reform in central and eastern Europe within the Burkhead tradition. After reviewing the changes in budgetary and intergovernmental fiscal institutions in the region, the article will illustrate the gap between ideals and reality with a case study of some of the changes currently taking place in the financing of culture in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

This article focuses on how ideas about gender function in academic analyses of the conflict in Northern Ireland. Part of the reason for doing this is to explore the paradox afflicting contemporary feminism, namely that in the midst of apparent success feminism still seems largely irrelevant to matters of political significance. A second reason involves a demonstration of the political value of poststructural feminism. To achieve these aims, I first consider the use and political aims of poststructuralist analyses, partly through an analysis of the use of poetry in social scientific analyses. The main site used to demonstrate the functions of gender and the political possibilities of poststructural feminism is John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary's book Explaining Northern Ireland: Broken Images . The sub-title of this book refers to a Robert Graves' poem, 'In Broken Images', a poem the authors use to explain their desire to 'break images' when explaining the conflict in Northern Ireland. I next reflect on and illustrate how ideas about gender function by focusing primarily on Explaining Northern Ireland: Broken Images . The final section re-considers the paradox of contemporary feminism, suggesting that feminism's own methodologies contribute towards its persistent marginalisation.  相似文献   

随着国家对思想政治课程的重视,德育作为其中重要的一部分在高校中也得到推广。从德育的教学过程中存在的内容不能与时俱进,教学方法单一,学生知行不统一,授课规模和授课教师水平问题入手,进行初步分析并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

This article, which is the first empirical study of upper-level female managers in Central America, extends the exploration of similarities and differences between public and private sectors in human resource management to the context of developing countries. A comparison of work hours, recruitment and selection practices, mentoring, political pressure, gender discrimination and sexual harassment, reported by female managers in public and private organizations in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, yielded no sector-based differences and few country-based differences. We conclude, therefore, that the public sector is not a more supportive or more fair employer for women in management than the private sector in these two countries, contrary to the assumption in the women-in-management literature that the public sector is a more hospitable environment. Improvements in human resources practices are appropriate in both sectors.  相似文献   

广大基层干部和群众是党和政府各项方针政策的最终贯彻执行者和检查者,他们的利益是党和政府制定政策的基本出发点和归宿。基层干部和群众的思想动态,既是一个地区政治与经济形势的晴雨表,也是各级领导制定政策的重要依据。一、对基层干部群众当前思想动态的基本估计十一届三中全会以来党的农村政策是成功的,受到了广大干部群众的热烈拥护。近几年来,农村经济增长速度有所减慢,影响了农民收入的增加,中央反复强调要减轻农民负担,发展农村经济,而且采取了一系列措施,受到了广大基层干部群众的支持。在我们的问卷调查中,有90%的干…  相似文献   

Revenue constraints, demands for increased services, and rapidly increasing utilization of data processing have led large municipalities to effect significant changes in their budgeting/financial management processes and procedures. Based upon results from a survey of all cities in the United States with a population of 100,000 or greater, the author discusses the impact of such changes.  相似文献   

高校是培养人才的重要场所,肩负培养新时代青年人才的重任。党的十九大报告指出:"青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。"加强新时代高校思想政治教育培养青年人才的作用,吸收、借鉴中华优秀传统文化,推进高校思想政治教育进程,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,为实现伟大的中国梦而努力奋斗。  相似文献   

This article draws on rich ethnographies and ethnographic fiction depicting mobile Africans and their relationships to the places and people they encounter to argue that mobility is more appropriately studied as an emotional, relational and social phenomenon as reflected in the complexities, contradictions and messiness of the everyday realities of encounters informed by physical and social mobility. The current dominant approach to studying and relating to mobile Africans is problematic. Nationals, citizens and locals in communities targeted by African mobility are instinctively expected to close ranks and fight off the influx of barbarians who do not quite belong and must be ‘exorcised’ so that ‘insiders’ do not lose out to this particular breed of ‘strangers’, ‘outsiders’ or ‘demons’, perceived to bode little but inconvenience and savagery. If and when allowed in, emphasis is on the needs, priorities and convenience of their reluctant hosts, who tend to go for the wealthy, the highly professionally skilled, the culturally bleached and Hottentot Venuses of the academy, even at the risk of accusations of capital flight and brain drain. The article demonstrates how to marry ethnography and fiction to study African mobility not only as a ‘collection of logical bones and flesh’ but also as ‘emotional beings’. It calls for conceptual flexibility and ethnographic empirical substantiation, and challenges social scientists to look beyond academic sources for ethnographies and accounts of how a deep, flexible and nuanced understanding of mobility and interconnections in Africa play out in different communities, states and regions of a world permanently on the move.  相似文献   

民办高校思想政治理论课实践教学存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育改革的深入,思想政治理论课实践教学的重要作用和地位日益凸显,但在很多民办高校中,思想政治理论课实践教学在具体实施上出现了困境,如何解决这些问题,对教育事业的发展具有重大影响,就这些问题及如何解决这些问题,进行了一些初步探索.  相似文献   

海德格尔对于存在的追问,奎因关于本体论承诺问题的论述,意味着本体论问题在现代哲学中的复兴,这也为我们重新理解近代哲学提供了一个新的视角.近代的认识论实际上是建立在它的本体论承诺基础之上的.近代哲学的各个流派都是从存在者出发去理解存在的.黑格尔通过将存在理解为理性化的生命,超越了近代哲学的本体论视域.奎因不是在黑格尔已经取得的成就基础上进行思考的,他的本体论思想并没有超越近代哲学的视域.海德格尔则自觉到了自己和黑格尔的关系,并超越了近代哲学的视域.  相似文献   

我国土地征用制度的弊端及完善   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土地征用是关系到成千上万农民的切身利益的一项行政行为。当前,随着生产要素的集聚与城市的不断扩张,在一定程度上导致了土地征用过程中诸如制度设计有失公平、公共利益界定模糊、土地征用正当程序缺失、补偿标准偏低等弊端的大量存在。因此,应尽快对征地制度加以完善。  相似文献   

马克思恩格斯十分重视党的纲领和党的章程的作用,在建立无产阶级政党的过程中全力争得党纲和党章的创制权,亲力亲为制定了党纲、党章。马克思恩格斯制定的党纲、党章,为无产阶级政党确立了20个科学社会主义的基本理论观点和政党的组织原则、制度,为后代的共产主义者留下了宝贵的精神财富,始终成为根本的遵循,其精神实质是永存的。  相似文献   

对政党这一新生事物从排斥到逐步接纳,最终完全归依的历程贯穿着整个二十世纪中国政治变迁的进程。本文尝试从认同危机、合法性危机、参与危机在近代中国的爆发角度出发,从一个较为新颖的视角分析中国议会内政党生成的过程,以寻求政党的出现对中国政治发展的意义。  相似文献   

新时代我们党根据实际提出管党治党的新思想新论断新要求,推进全面从严治党,成为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,发展了马克思主义党建理论。新时代推进全面从严治党,要旗帜鲜明讲政治,把党的政治建设摆在首位;要以思想建设为先导,坚定理想信念;坚持从严管理干部,加强干部队伍建设;把纪律和规矩挺在前面,持之以恒正风肃纪;加强监督,惩治腐败;把制度建设贯穿其中,提高管党治党规范化水平。  相似文献   

随着教育的现代化、信息化,线上教学模式得到了飞快的发展。高校创新创业课程线上教学主要采用慕课、微课、微视频等形式,实现了学生自主进行知识技能的学习和掌握。文章立足于湖南省高校,首先对湖南省高校创新创业课程线上教学模式的现状进行了分析,再通过文献研究法认真论述了高校创新创业课程采用线上教学模式的必要性,最后根据现状提出湖南省高校创新创业课程线上教学发展的创新思考,以推动创新创业教育在湖南的发展。  相似文献   

The international community has advocated the adoption of climate‐smart agriculture (CSA) as lower‐income countries deal with the negative consequences of climate change. Scaling up such policies, practices, and programs successfully will require support from a variety of local stakeholders. Such support requires alignment between CSA solutions and the problem understandings of stakeholders. However, problem understandings can differ across individuals, stakeholder groups, and geographic areas. Consequently, we examine understandings of climate problems and socioeconomic and infrastructure problems related to agriculture among different stakeholder groups in Uganda and Senegal. We operationalized and measured these problem understandings following the detailed guidance of the political will and public will approach for analyzing social change. Semistructured interviews elicited stakeholder‐generated lists of problems for each group. Limited quantification of problem understandings and their relative importance or “ripeness” demonstrates how contexts might shape opportunities for CSA.  相似文献   

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