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肖像权就是自然人所享有的对自己肖像上所体现的人格利益为内容的一种人格权。集体肖像权是单个人的肖像权集合体,主要通过不同成员生理特征和精神面貌的综合来展示该整体的外在形象,具有独立性和同一性的双重特征。本文试论运动员集体肖像权中个人肖像权的法律保护。  相似文献   

论肖像权的客体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国民法学界通说认为,肖像权的客体是反映在作品上的映像。对此,作者提出肖像权的客体不是映像而是自然人人身的外部形象的观点,并为完善相关立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

集体无肖像权。所谓“集体肖像权”是对法律概念的误用 ,其实质是对多数人的肖像可以同时使用、收益的权利。使用多数人肖像的前提是要得到所有肖像权人的授权 ,以此分析 ,可口可乐公司有侵犯姚明肖像权之嫌。  相似文献   

"集体肖像权"的概念因"信禾公司侵犯三军仪仗队整体肖像利益"一案被提了出来,但对集体肖像权的存在、内涵和外延存在争议,"集体肖像权"有其存在的必要性,集体肖像权作为"特定意义的集体所享有的肖像权"是一种特殊意义上的肖像权,仅是一种狭义上的概念。此特定意义的集体需要符合一定的条件对此有学者已做出界定,这种意义的集体是对传统肖像权主体理论的一种突破。"集体"本身不是一个严格的法律概念,也应承认不具有归属性的成员作为一个集体基于整体肖像利益共有一个肖像权,作为广义上的"集体肖像权"。承认集体肖像权并不绝对排斥个人肖像权,其有独特的冲突调和渠道,而且保护了各成员的个体肖像权。  相似文献   

潘珍珍 《法制与社会》2013,(15):252-254
影视作品由于其可以单独使用的作品创作主体的多样性和制作程序的复杂性,各类侵权现象层出不穷影视作品的角色商品化权,名称权受侵犯,针对此类侵权现象,结合具体案例,根据现行法律的规定,参考法学专家的建议,借鉴国外判例,进行分析研究,提供解决思路和具体的解决方法,妥善解决争议.  相似文献   

今年3月初,我突然收到一封来自新加坡的航空邮件。当时我十分疑惑,我在工作上与新加坡没有任何联系,在那里更没有亲戚朋友,是谁给我写信呢?拆开邮件一看,里面的东西还真不少,一张碟片,两页用汉英两种文字写成的信,还有一封待签的合同。  相似文献   

新闻是指利用报纸、杂志、广播电台、电见台、新闻电影等大众传播工具对新近发生的事实的报道行为新闻传播则包括新闻采访、新闻写作、新闻编辑、新闻发布、新闻传送等各个新闻活动过程。新闻自由是广大新闻工作者基于人民的委托所享有的依法自由从事采访、写作、发表、出版新闻作品并不受他人非法干涉的权利。  相似文献   

我国《著作权法》赋予了肖像作品的作者以著作权,同时《民法通则》也规定了公民的肖像权,然而两者在具体行使权利的过程中往往会发生交叉和冲突。本文试阐述了肖像权和肖像作品著作权交叉和冲突的几种主要情形,进而提出了如何适用法律的具体建议,以期解决司法实践中存在的这两种权利的冲突。  相似文献   

基于对作品创作行为和著作权性质的不同理解,两大法系对影视作品的作者身份也有不同的理解,并采取了不同的立法处理模式。目前,我国著作权法对作者的身份和范围的规定均不够明确。在影视作品著作权归属问题上,我国著作权法的立法模式不仅有悖法理,作者的权利也未得到应有的尊重,正确的做法是回到大陆法系的正宗。同时,为解决影视作品作者和著作权人署名不规范的问题,国家应尽快完善相关立法,科学界定"制片者"定义,同时对影视作品著作权人的署名做出明确要求。  相似文献   

Article 12(1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights requires governments to recognise "the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health". However, the traditional focus of mental health laws on the treatment and detention of those with low-prevalence serious mental illnesses may have skewed resources such that the development of a right to mental health for all individuals with mental illnesses has been stymied. In Australia, a number of inquiries and reports have found that while legislation has been changed to comply with human rights principles, access to mental health care and follow-up post-hospitalisation need critical attention. This article outlines a five-year project aimed at exploring how mental health laws can help develop and support a right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of mental health.  相似文献   

Xu ZB 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):307-308
模拟画像技术在近年来刑事案件侦破中常起着关键性的作用,法医人类学与之关系密切。本文通过种族、地域、体型、骨骼形态与相貌之间的关系,分析讨论了法医人类学知识在模拟画像中的作用。  相似文献   

A survey of county sheriffs in the United States was conducted in late Spring, 1983 (N=1526). The survey found county sheriffs to be basically a group of fairly professional law enforcement officials leavened by an influx of new amateurs. The sheriffs averaged over ten years experience in law enforcement along with an average of six years service as sheriff. Over half the sheriffs had prior service in the department they now head. In addition, they reported a wide variety of training experiences along with a number of assignments across the spectrum of law enforcement and corrections activities. Nearly twelve percent of the sheriffs report that they had relatives who had served as county sheriff before their tenure. These familial ties combined with the essentially local character of the office make county sheriffs a difficult institution to reform and individual sheriffs fairly independent of outsiders.  相似文献   

Legal context: Software is an anomaly in the traditional sphere of IP, andits problematic nature has been manifest in the confused findingsof courts on both sides of the Atlantic. This article considersthe reasons for the confusion, where things might have beendone better, and how the law could develop considering the realitiesof the industry. Key points: Software protection at present favours the multinational corporations,while the interests of smaller companies and the Free and OpenSource Software community are prejudiced greatly. The currentregime is not fundamentally incompatible with software, however,and as such features of it could and should be retained in thecreation of a sui generis IP right. Practical significance: Much of today's software industry is driven by the efforts ofsmall enterprises and the Free and Open Source Software community.Their interests are not recognized in the current protection-biasedframework, and as a result innovation is being stifled by thethreat of litigation. IP law in this area is preventing thevery thing it is designed to foster—enterprise and innovation.  相似文献   

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