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张建文 《现代法学》2012,(5):137-144
自"前苏联解体"20多年以来,俄罗斯物权立法逐渐摆脱计划经济时代的物权观念,不断地向着传统物权法的类型与体系回归。通过渐次的多级转换,俄罗斯物权立法从"所有权中心主义的物权立法"向"他物权日益凸显的物权立法"转化。近年来通过"《俄罗斯联邦民法典》完善计划"的实施使之具有了与大陆法系之德国法传统的物权法相类似的体系特征。  相似文献   

Family cohesion is crucial to refugee and immigrant children. National immigration policies frequently give discretionary preference to family reunification, but subject it to restrictions, and seldom does domestic law grant the refugee or the alien resident a right to prompt reunification with foreign family members. While recognizing a right to family life, international law did. not in the past recognize a right of entry for the alien for the purposes of family reunification. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, however, requires states to ensure the child's right to family unity and entitles all children to family reunification.  相似文献   

澳门是通过不平等条约租借给葡萄牙的,它从未被割让而与香港不同。葡萄牙取得的只是对它的使用权而非所有权。在国际法上葡萄牙对它的占领没有任何法律根据。本文拟从澳门问题的形成以及澳门回归在国际法的层面上进行探讨,以纪念这一世纪盛事。  相似文献   

健康权作为二战后兴起的一项重要人权,其发展路径具有从国际法向国内法扩展的特点。"人身的固有尊严"是健康权的正当性基础所在,也决定着健康权的基本内涵。《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第12条第1款规定的健康权既是自由权,也是社会权,既指获得卫生保健的权利,也包括获得构成健康基础条件的权利;第12条第2款规定只是列举了公约起草者认为特别重要的四项义务,而非缔约国的全部义务。缔约国义务的性质和范围必须结合公约第2条规定的一般义务条款加以判定。健康权的实施机制包括缔约国报告机制、书面申诉机制,以及调查报告机制三种,不同机制对缔约国的约束力不同,综合运用多种机制确保健康权的有效实施是今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

邵芬  刘启聪 《现代法学》2002,24(5):131-135
联合国为提高妇女地位、促进男女平等做出了卓越贡献 ,然而法律上的权利不等于现实中的权利 ,在实现社会性别平等的实践中 ,无论是联合国 ,还是国际劳工组织 ,都面临着诸多挑战。  相似文献   

国际私法的对象的涉外性意味着它与两个或两个以上国家的法律体系均有联系.较之其他法律部门,国际私法的适用更需要运用比较法方法进行实体法的比较和冲突法的比较;比起其他法学分支,国际私法的研究更需要运用比较法方法,以探究不同法系的异同和各种方法的特点;国际私法规则的国内立法和国际统一也离不开比较法.本文以国际私法的适用、研究和法典编纂为视角,阐述了比较法对国际私法的重要意义,以及对中国未来的国际私法立法、司法和理论研究的启示.  相似文献   

沈敏荣  桁林 《法学杂志》2003,24(6):12-14
“人权”已经成为现代国际法的基本概念,对这一问题进行历史的、系统的考察实属必要。人的权利不是单独存在的,它是与物质条件、传统观念、政治传统联系在一起的,同时,个人权利的实现是有层次的,有阶段的。在国际人权问题上,各国的自主发展仍然是主流。  相似文献   

水人权:人权法上的水权   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
胡德胜 《河北法学》2006,24(5):17-24
离开了水,人类无法生存.因此,水人权是一项基本人权.这已经为国际法充分承认.国家有义务尽可能利用其现有资源实施水人权.尽管水人权属于经济、社会及文化权利的范畴,是国家应当采取措施逐步充分实现的人权,但国家也负有一定的立即履行的义务.然而,在国家层面上,包括我国在内的多数国家存在一个需要解决的共同问题,即缺乏系统、有效的规定和保护.  相似文献   

This article starts from a rights-based premise: freedom ofmovement is an established human right recognised in a rangeof international instruments. The right to leave one's own countryis one aspect of this general concern with free movement. Thisarticle addresses the status of this right under internationallaw, a right that is enshrined in several different internationalinstruments and has attracted considerable attention. This articleexplores how the Human Rights Committee, the only United Nationshuman rights treaty body that has examined the right to leavein significant detail, has interpreted this right in light ofstate practice. This article considers whether internationallaw requires, or allows, states to prevent their nationals fromleaving their own states by unauthorized or irregular meansand whether such prevention could be construed as a violationof the right to leave. This article also examines whether statescan legitimately prosecute migrants when they leave their ownstates with documents that they know to be fraudulent. The legitimacyof exit visas and regulations related to holders of state secretsis also explored. Finally, this article presents some thoughtson the continuing significance of the right to leave.  相似文献   

Following the execution of two German nationals in the United States in 2001, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found the U.S. in violation of international law stating that foreign nationals must be notified of their right to contact their embassy. When they learned of this right ten years after their arrest, they were barred from raising the claim; and after exhausting available avenues in American courts, the German consulate took the case to the International Court of Justice. The U.S. executed the two men while the case was still before the ICJ, in spite of its request to stay the execution and German objections that “violations of Article 36 followed by death sentences and executions cannot be remedied by apologies or the distribution of leaflets”. This paper discusses the importance of consular notification to the fairness of prosecutions. Cases reviewed indicate the U.S. still frequently does not provide notification and is at times oblivious to the ICJ's ruling. The paper discusses reasons the U.S. should honor notification, including reciprocity for Americans traveling abroad and the larger development of international law. A final section provides several mechanisms for bringing U.S. practices into compliance that could be easily implemented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

夏元军 《法律科学》2010,28(2):117-124
投保人违反保险合同告知义务时,保险人的合同解除权与撤销权可能发生竞合。对此,有两种解决方案:一为排除说,二为选择说。前者以保险法上解除权排除民法上撤销权,后者允许两种权利并存由保险人选择行使。选择说会导致保险合同关系长期不稳定,置投保人于完全被动而纵容保险人粗放承保,故不足采。从立法目的、构成要件和法律效果上分析,保险法上的解除权可以看作民法的特别规定,排除说较为可采。  相似文献   

姓名是自然人的人格特征之一。姓名之上的诸正当利益中,匿名的利益已由隐私权加以保护,防止发生错误的负面社会印象之利益已由名誉权、荣誉权加以保护,因此,姓名权保护的第一项利益为防止发生错误的正面及中性社会印象。由于商品经济条件下人格具有商业价值,这种人格财产利益应专属于本人,因此,姓名权保护的第二项利益为独占姓名的商业价值。由于姓名之外的其他身份信息同样可以标识特定主体,对于上述符号的保护,可以类推适用法律关于保护姓名权的规定。  相似文献   

Is the processing of asylum claims at embassies and the grantof ‘humanitarian visas’ within the framework ofProtected Entry Procedures a mere expression of the politicalbenevolence on behalf of potential host states vis-à-visprotection seekers, or do both reflect legal obligations owedto the individual applicant? If so, does international law providefor a right to entry in such cases? In this article, the existenceof a legally binding right to seek asylum encompassing an entrycomponent shall be explored first together with the questionwhether any such right may have any implications on the practiceof Protected Entry Procedures. Second, the relevance of explicitprohibitions of refoulement shall be explored together withimplied protection norms of human rights law (to be found inthe ICCPR, the ECHR and the CRC). The article concludes thatthe UDHR, the EU Charter, the CSR51, the CAT and the ICCPR donot offer any right of entry in the framework of Protected EntryProcedures. However, the ECHR and the CRC do contain an impliedright to access under certain specified conditions.  相似文献   

国际法上的时际法概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言最近几十年来 ,“时际法 (intertemporallaw)”这一概念越来越引起了国际法学者的注意。它首先是在 192 8年的帕尔马斯岛案件仲裁裁决中被引入国际法领域的 ,①此后就不断有国际法学者发表论文探讨时际法的问题。 1970年 ,有两本关于这一问题的专著出版 :法国国际法学者保罗·塔韦尼埃的《国际公法中行为与规则在时间上的适用的研究 (时际法或过渡法的问题 )》②以及德国国际法学者沃尔夫—迪特里希·克劳哲—阿布拉思的《时际国际法———国际法规范的时间上的适用范围》。③再有 ,世界著名的学术性团体———国际法研…  相似文献   

发展权含义的法哲学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对学术界关于发展权定义的不同观点加以总结和评析,文章提出了界定发展权的新方式,认为定义发展权应当把握其在内容上的本质属性和形式上的基本特征,并由此提升出发展权的科学定义。  相似文献   

民事行政抗诉权是法律赋予检察机关的一项重要职权.我国现行法律法规对于民事行政抗诉权的规定过于简单,也缺乏实践中的可操作性,存在着许多重大缺陷.通过对立法缺陷一一进行剖析,提出关于完善我国民事行政抗诉制度的思考与对策.  相似文献   

男性性权利的刑法保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
章惠萍 《河北法学》2006,24(8):53-55
性权利作为公民人身权利其中的一种,应当受到法律的保护,无论是男女,都有性权利.但在我国,两性性权利的法律保护却存在一定差异.女性的性权利得到了可谓尽善尽美的关注和保护,但反观男性,刑法对男性的性权利的保护是不全面的,甚至出现了法律的真空,从而导致男性性权利无法得到刑法的有效保护.  相似文献   

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