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建设创新型国家是顺应时代潮流、应对全球挑战、面向我国经济社会当前和长远发展需求做出的战略抉择,具有重大的理论贡献价值和实践指导价值,它丰富和发展了马克思主义的国家学说;升华了我党对科学技术作用的认知;进一步深化了"科学发展观"理念。同时,建设创新型国家,是迎接国际竞争与挑战的强有力武器;是破解我国当前社会现实难题的钥匙;是我国未来发展的航标。  相似文献   

江泽民总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上的重要讲话,全面回顾和系统总结了我们党80年来的奋斗业绩和基本经验,站在时代的高度着眼于国际国内形势,深刻阐述了“三个代表重要思想的科学内涵,系统地科学地回答了新的历史条件下加强和改进党的建设需要解决的重大问题,进一步阐明了党在新世纪的历史任务和奋斗目标,是马列主义的建党理论在当代中国的重大创新和发展,是全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程的思想武器和行动纲领。当前,  相似文献   

当前,正值实施"六五"普法的重要节点,如何围绕"十二五"时期经济社会发展的新目标、顺应人民群众对法律需求的新期待、推动"六五"普法实现新跨越,是我们亟待思考和解决的重要课题。本文拟从问题成因、形势要求、创新路径等方面入手,略谈几点对"六五"普法工作的思考和认识:一、当前法制宣传教育存在的问题及原因经过25年的普法实践,法制宣传教育在加强民主法制建设、推动社会主义法治化进程中发挥了重要的基础作用。但是,从落实依法治国基本方略、建设社会主义法治国家的目标来看,当前的法制宣传教育工作在实践中还存在诸多问题:  相似文献   

关于“债转股”的法律问题思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
段钢 《河北法学》2000,(4):106-109
以国有存量资产重组为主的结构性调整,是我国经济发展跨世纪的主题。“债转股”作为国有存量资产调整的攻坚阶段的突破口,成为当前经济工作的重点。本文通过对“债转股”的基本运作及一般法律要求的分析,明确指出了“债转股”运作中的主要法律问题在于金融公司的法律地位和各方关系的确定。其核心问题是对道德风险的防范。针对这些问题,笔者相应地提出了一些对策建议,即明确“债转股”三方的法律地位;制定“资产管理公司特别法”;建立法律约束机制;重视和完善公司治理结构等方面,从而避免道德风险,完善配套的法律环境,解决“债转股”的法律问题。运用法律武器,为“债转股”的顺利运作提供全面的法律保护。  相似文献   

助人为乐、"滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报"是中华民族传统美德,是每个人基本的道德规范,然而近年来,屡屡出现受助者碰瓷,救人者成了"肇事者"的现象,让施助者寒心,让社会愤怒。这不只反应碰瓷者的道德品质问题,更反应出当今社会道德的冷漠,也折射出社会法律、制度、教育等各方面存在的问题。社会道德良莠对国家的长治久安、社会的安定和谐、民族的长久不衰都起着重要的作用。因此了解当前社会道德冷漠的现象,剖析其原因并提出及时有效地解决对策是极为重要的。  相似文献   

当前恐怖主义活动呈现出社会影响深远、武装程度和突发性增强等特点。相应地,与之相抗衡的反恐作战能力必须得到提升,反恐工作中警察武力应得到提升和应受到重视。我国警察使用武器的法律规定在理论上存在着一定的模糊地带,如实战中警察使用武器时暴露出来的难以操作问题,一定程度上滞后于反恐工作的现实需要。因此,在反恐背景下,修改相关警察使用武器的部分法律规定,保护警察人身安全,确立用枪原则;通过司法解释等形式,明确相关武器使用法律条款的内涵;细化民警使用武器的制度、条件和程序,在实践中建立适应反恐需求的科学管理机制和使用制度。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的发展和消费者维权意识的增强,"霸王条款"逐渐成为公众关注的热点话题。"霸王条款"的使用违反了诚信原则,不仅损害了广大消费者的合法权益,而且对我国的市场经济秩序产生了一定的影响。鉴于"霸王条款"的广泛危害,如何规范"霸王条款"已成为一个法律领域。文章基于此展开研究,分析当前快递服务合同中存在的一些典型问题,最后提出有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

正"围绕全面深化改革总目标,坚持把立法决策与改革决策更好结合起来,抓紧修改完善同全面深化改革相关的法律,从法律制度上推动和落实改革举措,充分发挥立法在引领、推动和保障改革方面的重要作用",张德江委员长在十二届全国人大二次会议上作全国人大常委会工作报告时的这一宣示,让"改革"与"立法"的声音在人民大会堂久久回响。法治是治国理政的基本方式,法治思维是推进改革、化解矛盾的重要武器。回顾30多年来  相似文献   

张传发 《江淮法治》2014,(11):51-51
正正在开展的党的群众路线教育实践活动,聚焦作风建设,解决"四风"问题,关键是用好批评与自我批评这个有力武器。从媒体报道来看,许多地方在进行批评与自我批评中辣味确实很浓。这些对官员激烈的批评,过去只能从论坛和微博上看到,从媒体评论版上看到。而如今这种批评却  相似文献   

内幕交易是证券市场与生俱来的"毒瘤",不仅损害了广大投资者的利益使投资者对证券丧失信心,而且违背证券市场的最基本的三公原则,严重影响了证券市场的稳定。虽然在2012年我国最高法和最高检联手出台了《关于办理内幕交易、泄露内幕信息刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》,但在实际生活中内幕交易案件依旧猖獗。本文拟从"光大事件"入手,分析当前内幕交易法律规制中仍然存在的一些问题,并结合这些问题给出了建议。  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine whether videos of controversial police interventions shape individual opinion and, consequently, if attitudes towards use of force are malleable in the short-term. Methodology: A self-administered survey was conducted among 248 undergraduate students as part of a larger project on attitudes towards police use of force. Two groups of respondents were asked general questions about the police: one group was shown fictional videos of controversial police interventions just prior to completing the questionnaire; the other was not. Findings: Results strongly suggest that videos of police interventions have significant effects on reported opinions about use of force: the group that watched the videos was more likely to report that the police frequently use force. Implications: The wide distribution of images by police organizations might have unexpected adverse effects on public attitudes.  相似文献   

We assess the effects of police use of lethal force on subsequent murders by victim race and armed status before and after the August 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. We regress monthly murder levels on instances of police use of lethal force by race and armed status controlling for fixed effects, population, unemployment, and murders in the prior month using city-level data for 93 cities from 2013 to 2015. For 2013–2015, we find that a police lethal force incident predicts a 1.8% increase in murders 2 months following the incident. However, prior to Ferguson, a police lethal force incident increases murders by 4.5% (after 2 months) and we are unable to find any evidence of differential responses to police use of lethal force based on victim race. However, we find evidence of differential responses to police use of lethal force based on victim armed status. Post-Ferguson, police use of lethal force is associated with significant differential responses based on victim race. In addition, we see a shift in the aggregate-level response to police use of lethal force. Post-Ferguson, a police lethal force incident decreases the murder level by 3.8% 3 months following the incident. In addition, lethal force incident involving a non-black victim decreases the number of murders by 4.3% while an incident involving a black victim increases the number of murders by 2.1% (after a 2-month lag). Changes in policing following the events of Ferguson had a generally positive but uneven effect.  相似文献   

Police supervisors play a critical role in preventing unreasonable use of force. Despite their importance, only a few studies have examined the influences of supervisors on their subordinates’ daily practices, especially on their uses of police force. To bridge this gap, the current study explored the relationship between supervisors’ education level and use of force training and subordinate officers’ use of force practices. Using police use of force reports from 2004 to 2007 in a single urban police department, the current study examined how supervisor education and training impact on police use-of-force and found both highly educated and trained supervisors moderate their subordinate officers’ uses of higher levels of force.  相似文献   

Many people are enthusiastic about the potential benefits of police body-worn cameras (BWC). Despite this enthusiasm, however, there has been no research on law enforcement command staff perceptions of BWCs. Given the importance that law enforcement leadership plays in the decision to adopt and implement BWCs, it is necessary to assess their perceptions. This is the first study to measure law enforcement leadership attitudes toward BWCs. The study relies on data collected from surveys administered to command staff representing local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in a large southern county. Among the major perceptual findings are that command staff believe BWCs will impact police officers’ decisions to use force in encounters with citizens and police will be more reluctant to use necessary force in encounters with the public. Respondents also believe that use of BWCs is supported by the public because society does not trust police, media will use BWC data to embarrass police, and pressure to implement BWCs comes from the media. Perceptions of the impact of BWCs on safety, privacy, and police effectiveness are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):592-623
This research examines whites’ and blacks’ support for police use of force using a survey‐based experiment that varies the race of the offender across four different scenarios. Bivariate results show that the race of the offender influences blacks’ approval for the use of force by police, but does not affect whites’ approval. Multivariate analyses examine whether the factors influencing support for police use of force vary depending on the race of the offender. Results indicate that the predictors for approval of police use of force differ by the race of respondent, the race of offender, and the appropriateness of the use of force. The implications of the results for police–community relations are discussed.  相似文献   

Racialized policing and substance use are major issues faced by African young people in Australia. In-depth interviews with 18 refugee young people who use alcohol and/or drugs examined interactions with police. Status respect and human respect played important roles in interactions with police. Participants felt unfairly targeted by police and reported that they were disrespected by police through the use of discriminatory language, failing to differentiate between individuals leading to a sense of loss of self-identity, and stereotyping. Development and implementation of programs focusing on building mutual understanding and respect is needed to improve relations between refugee-background youth and police.  相似文献   

Leading police scholars and practitioners were asked to reflect on the most urgent issues that need to be addressed on the topic of use of force. Four themes emerged from their contributions: use of force and de-escalation training needs to improve and be evaluated; new ways of conceptualizing use of force encounters and better use of force response models need to be developed; the inequitable application of force, and how to remediate biases, needs to be more fully understood; and misconceptions about police use of force need to be identified and corrected. The highlighted topics serve as an agenda for future research. Such research should provide greater insight into when, where, and why force is used by police officers, and how it can be applied appropriately. If implemented, the practical recommendations included in the contributions should have a positive impact on police performance, public trust and confidence in the police, and citizen and officer safety.  相似文献   

丁灿  胡和平 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):125-128
警察文化软实力在警察实力中的重要性越来越突出,警察文化软实力建设要从建构警察精神文化体系入手,形成全体警察的普遍追求和自律,并把握警察文化与社会之间的复杂的动态关系,不断形成新的先进性警察文化,使警察文化始终保持自身的价值和激情。在此基础上借助立体化的传播手段,使警察文化在现实社会中发挥作用,达到提升警察文化软实力的目的。同时要警惕警察文化落后的一面,不断改善警察文化内在素质的构成关系,并且坚持积极对话的姿态,在多元化的文化境遇中保持警察文化的活力。  相似文献   

Among the most important services that psychology can offer law enforcement is assistance in the selection of future officers. The usual contribution made by police psychologists centers on the elimination of applicatns who are mentally ill. However, due to increased behavior-generated police liability, psychologists must focus on ruling out applicants whose future behavior may result in departmental compromise for any reason. One method for forecasting police officer performance is by examining critical information in biographical data. This paper examined the predictive validity of biographical information for a sample of 2,965 police officer candidates. Results indicated that several biographical variables were significantly correlated with later police officer termination. However, results of regression analyses indicated that biographical variables alone accounted for limited variance in the prediction of police officer termination. These findings suggested that the use of biographical information as a sole determinant of police candidates was not supported and the use of additional sources of data would likely be required for practical forecasting purposes.  相似文献   

Theories of procedural justice have emphasized the importance of non-coercive police behavior during encounters in obtaining citizen compliance and promoting police legitimacy. In the empirical research on police behavior, however, non-coercive police behavior has not been examined extensively. With social observations of police–citizen encounters, this study explored the correlates of police initiated non-coercive behavior (such as care, assistance, and advice/requests) in situations involving domestic and non-domestic conflicts. The non-coercive behavior was also examined in comparison with coercive behavior (such as use of verbal force, use of physical force, and arrest). The analyses found that police officers behaved differently in two types of situations, and that citizens’ characteristics such as gender, class, and demeanor had significant impacts on non-coercive police behavior. Implications for understanding police behavior and handling domestic conflict situations are also discussed.  相似文献   

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