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Saved by Science     
正Beijing conference shows why science literacy is critical in an age of technological advances The gigantic screen in the hall packed with university students shows an image of Dolly snuggling against her "mother." Dolly, the most famous sheep in the world, became a celebrity even before she was born as she was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell in 1996.The image leaves viewers puzzled. Why isn’t  相似文献   

合法收入是以收入主体的合法行为所取得的经济收入。以合法地投入广义的劳动要素或广义的资本要素的行为,是合法的劳动行为和投资行为,其所取得的收入也分别地为合法的劳动收入或合法的非劳动收入。对于这两种收入及其取得行为的划分,只是理论上的抽象,在实践中是难以严格区分的。因此判别经济收入的性质的标准应当是其合法性。界定收入取得行为的合法性,应当从主体资格、行为过程及行为结果等三要件予以界定。  相似文献   

在马去羊来的岁月交替之际,进城打工者的工资问题又引起了社会的关注。元月17日新民晚报刊出一条题为《成都市总工会开展维权活动专为民工追讨过年钱》的新华社专电。报道说,民工小张在成都某大型火锅店已工作了半年,“但老板却一直没有支付当初承诺的工资。眼看春节一天天临近,母亲又病倒了,家里多次来电话催促他早日拿钱回家,为母亲治病。小张找了老板几次,老板却一再搪塞推托。无奈之下,小张通过维权热线,找到了成都市总工会法律部。法律部接到投诉后,立即派出干部前往火锅店反复向老板宣传劳动法律法规,对其动之以情,晓之…  相似文献   

The Spring Festival was always a toughtime of year for Zhang Yunhai. Likeother migrant workers working inurban areas, each year he would have thearduous task of competing with thousandsto buy a train ticket to his home village tocelebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, themost important festival in China, and hadto struggle with the emotional heartache ofleaving his family when returning to city life.  相似文献   

正The real China in the eyes of a Kazakh veteran journalist Despite having visited more than 50 Chinese cities, Serik Korzhumbayev says he doesn't see himself as an old China hand. Korzhumbayev's first encounter with China was in 2001 when he was invited to visit Beijing,  相似文献   

正First Hainan Expo shows the advantages of the free trade port Tapestry, the U.S. luxury fashion company famous for its brands including Coach and Stuart Weitzman, received much attention at the First China International Consumer Products Expo (Hainan Expo) in Haikou, capital of Hainan Province, on May 7-10. It presented new products made from recyclable materials,  相似文献   

Time Is oney     
正Nearly expired food becomes a new fad As an office clerk at a large Web technology company in Beijing,Peng Jiahui likes to go to the supermarket as a way to unwind after work. The nearly expired goods section is a spot that she frequents. Discounts that can go as low as 90 percent give her joy. Peng,a lover of snacks,can't help buying a basketful of nearly expired food and go home with a sense of satisfaction.  相似文献   

<正>Since the dawn of the Internet age,the world’s Web users have been acquiring an ever-expanding pile of online assets.These online assets,which include e-mail accounts,blogs,videogame avatars and profiles in social media,are stored in hardware devices and servers around the world.  相似文献   

Green Is Gold     
<正>Bamboo forestry accelerates eco-development and poverty alleviation A bamboo dealer for over 10 years, Xie Zhiguang, a 48-year-old local of Anji, a county-level city in Zhejiang Province, buys tons of bamboo each month and sells it to local bamboo processing plants.There are over 50 such plants in Anji, a mountainous area located a four-hour drive from Shanghai.  相似文献   

正One lawmaker's quest to compel officials to declare their assets For the seventh consecutive year,Han Deyun,a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC),China's top legislature,tabled a motion calling for legislation which mandates that officials declare their assets,at the annual full session of the NPC earlier this month.  相似文献   

<正>What journalists from the Caribbean region took away from China’s annual legislative session Terry Junior Auchland Andrew,a reporter and anchor for government-owned Antigua and Barbuda Broadcasting Services,has recently gained a deeper understanding of China.That’s one thing I picked up in all the speeches[from the Chinese leadership]—world peace,he said as he recalled his attending the press conferences on the sidelines of China’s most important annual political gatherings that concl...  相似文献   

正Thucydides trap no explanation for current China--U.S. tensions The U.S. demanded on July 21 that China close its consulate general in Houston, with its law enforcement offi cers forcing entry into the premises of the Chinese mission later. China expressed firm opposition to the U.S. actions and in response, ordered the closure of the  相似文献   

<正>Founded as the Organization of African Unity 50 years ago,at a time when African countries were struggling against colonial rule,the African Union (AU)today remains a champion of solidarity,peace and development.The  相似文献   

China’s economy in the first-quarter of 2010 bursts with vitality though inflationary jitters linger  相似文献   

Greater numbers of species are disappearing from the planet.Biodiversity protection has become an urgent task for all of us.Given this,the UN declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity.  相似文献   

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