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东北亚文化圈中的俄罗斯文化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
俄罗斯文化是东北亚文化圈中唯一的非东方文化。有记载的俄罗斯文化应从接受拜占廷文化 ,即接受基督教开始 ,至今大约有 1 0 0 0年的历史。俄罗斯文化显然属于西方基督教文化的一个分支 ,但它并不是纯粹的西方基督教文化。俄罗斯文化是介于东方文化与西方文化之间的一种独立的文化类型 ,即东正教文化。俄罗斯文化是如何演变的 ,它的本质特征是什么 ,至今学术界看法不一。甚至可以说 ,对这一问题深入的探索才刚刚开始  相似文献   

略论战略文化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要对战略文化的定义、决定战略文化的因素、战略文化的内容和类型进行了简要论述,从中可见战略文化对战略选择具有重要影响作用.  相似文献   

波斯帝国时期,犹太文化深受波斯文化的强烈影响,这不仅表现为波斯文化的语言、文字、人的姓名特征、对上帝的称呼等外在文化载体都对犹太文化产生了巨大影响,更重要的是,波斯宗教对犹太文化犹太教的深刻影响,如波斯宗教的二元论特征、末世论观念,以及魔鬼观念等对犹太教的影响。正是由于波斯文化对犹太文化的侵蚀,在很大程度上促使犹太民族进行文化抗争和保持本民族文化与特征的自觉,特别是促进了犹太民族文化核心《托拉》(《摩西五经》)的正典化定型。  相似文献   

中国文化传入巴西及遗存述略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国文化远在16世纪末已传到巴西,至今在巴西仍可找到诸多中国文化遗存以及巴西人生活习俗中所表现出的中国影响。在19世纪80年代之前,中国与巴西之间因澳门作中介而得以沟通。中国文化传入巴西以有形文化即以实物为载体的文化为主。中国无形文化传入巴西与有形文化传入巴西并非同时起步,这种情况与中学西渐欧洲存在明显差异。中国文化对早期巴西社会的强势影响未能长久延续,这与巴西社会自19世纪中叶起开始明显西化和中国自1840年起变为半殖民地半封建社会存在因果关系。  相似文献   

Avruch  Kevin 《Negotiation Journal》2000,16(4):339-346
Both in theory and practice, our understanding of what culture is remains limited; the subject, in fact, is either misrepresented or all but ignored in most of the popular and scholarly literatures. The author offers six mutually related ideas that help to explain what culture is not. He then describes an approach to understanding cultures that he finds more useful. The implications of that approach have led him to several different techniques for teaching the subject in negotiation classes.  相似文献   

In this article the authors investigate the relationship between culture and joint gains by examining the role of information sharing and power strategies in intracultural negotiations. Previously, the authors found that the relationship between cultural values or norms and joint gains was uncertain in six cultures: France, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, and the United States. Of the five values and norms measured, only norms for information sharing in negotiation were directly related to joint gains. This article explores and extends prior findings by investigating the strategies used by negotiators in the same six cultures. Cultures that maximized joint gains used direct information-sharing strategies or a combination of indirect and direct strategies. Power strategies may help or hurt joint gains, depending on a culture's values and norms for power and whether or not power-based influence is used in conjunction with sufficient information exchange. The findings suggest that understanding the other party's cultural characteristics and strategies can help negotiators plan how to focus on information exchange and deal with unusual power strategies that they may encounter.  相似文献   

This essay describes the four broad themes that emerged from our discussionabout the role of process in cross-cultural negotiations and considerstheir implications for future research. First, we address the nature of theconflict, in particular whether a negotiation is classified as a dispute or atransactional exchange. Second, we contrast the role of cognition and rapportin negotiations and consider when rapport replaces the centrality ofcognition. We also discuss the extent to which negotiating processes createrelationships based on trust or power, and consider how cultural valuesinfluence the development of these underlying relationships. Finally, weconsider the role of culture in defining what is perceived as an optimal outcomeand raise the possibility that suboptimal outcomes may holdsymbolic value in cross-cultural negotiations.  相似文献   

俄罗斯地域辽阔 ,横跨欧亚两大洲 ,夹在东西方文化之间。在世界文化图景中 ,俄罗斯和其他国家、民族间隔着一层“铁幕”,它总会摇摆于东西方之间。特殊的生存环境造就了俄罗斯民族的独特性格。他们在大敌当前时曾表现出非凡的爱国热情 ,勇敢顽强 ,不怕牺牲 ,但在和平时期 ,一些俄罗斯人又显得懒散 ;俄罗斯拥有堪称世界瑰宝的芭蕾舞艺术以及杰出的音乐、文学和绘画作品 ,但在日常生活中 ,一些俄罗斯人又不太看中较高的物质文化。思考这些现象时 ,我们情不自禁地想起俄国诗人丘特切夫的诗句 :“用智慧理解不了俄罗斯 ,用一般标准衡量不了俄罗斯。  相似文献   

道教是中国惟一本土宗教 ,它是在中国古代道家思想理论的基础上 ,吸收神仙家的修炼方术、民间鬼神崇拜观念和巫术活动而形成的一种有组织的宗教。道教自创立以来 ,不仅为下层广大民众所信奉 ,而且曾一度为上层统治者所器重 ,其势力遍及中华大地 ,并流传于海外一些国家和地区。中越两国关系悠久 ,文化交流源远流长 ,越南历史上曾有一千多年处于中国封建王朝统治下 ,史称“北属时期” ,可以说越南深受汉文化的影响。其间 ,道教也随着中越文化交流传到了越南 ,并对其民间信仰、本土宗教、风俗习惯和文学、艺术产生了一定影响。一、道教与越南民…  相似文献   

颜色既有美感功能也有信息功能。各种颜色在不同的民族文化背景下具有不同的社会文化附加意义。在跨文化交际中,了解一个民族的颜色文化,有利于民族间的理解和交流。本文探讨汉民族颜色文化的主要内容,并与英语民族的颜色文化相比较,同时简要介绍东盟10国的颜色文化。  相似文献   

越南文化艺术中的中国因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与越南的文化艺术交流源远流长,从历史及地缘的角度讲,越南归于汉文化圈之内,各个方面均可以看到中国文化艺术影响的印迹。  相似文献   

伪满洲国成立后,日本在中国东北推行奴化政策,不允许生产和传播任何威胁伪满"立国基础"的文化产品。这种文化控制是通过《出版法》与《电影片取缔规则》等一系列法规实施的。本文分析了这些法规制定的目的、实施的效果,特别是《出版法》的溯及既往条款、印刷所地点条款和《电影片取缔规则》的儿童保护条款,最终揭示了殖民主义政权的本质。  相似文献   

金帐汗国统治时期蒙古文化对俄罗斯文化影响之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金帐汗国统治时期是俄罗斯历史上一个东方化阶段。毋庸置疑,蒙古文化对俄罗斯文化产生了一定的影响,但俄罗斯仅是在相对有限的程度上“鞑靼化”了,这在政治制度、宗教、文化艺术等方面都鲜明地表现出来。究其原因,这是多方面因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

杨然 《东南亚纵横》2011,(12):57-59
近年来,越南在广义文化方面出现了一些新发展、新概念、新领域,如旅游文化、商业文化、交通文化、外交文化等。越南将文化外交视为其外交的三大支柱之一,让文化为国家的对外交往服务,与中国的文化外交比较密切。  相似文献   

In light of the foreign interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, the present research asks the question of whether the digital media has become the stealth media for anonymous political campaigns. By utilizing a user-based, real-time, digital ad tracking tool, the present research reverse engineers and tracks the groups (Study 1) and the targets (Study 2) of divisive issue campaigns based on 5 million paid ads on Facebook exposed to 9,519 individuals between September 28, 2016, and November 8, 2016. The findings reveal groups that did not file reports to the Federal Election Commission (FEC)—nonprofits, astroturf/movement groups, and unidentifiable “suspicious” groups, including foreign entities—ran most of the divisive issue campaigns. One out of six suspicious groups later turned out to be Russian groups. The volume of ads sponsored by non-FEC groups was 4 times larger than that of FEC groups. Divisive issue campaigns clearly targeted battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where traditional Democratic strongholds supported Donald Trump by a razor-thin margin. The present research asserts that media ecology, the technological features and capacity of digital media, as well as regulatory loopholes created by Citizens United v. FEC and the FEC’s disclaimer exemption for digital platforms contribute to the prevalence of anonymous groups’ divisive issue campaigns on digital media. The present research offers insight relevant for regulatory policy discussion and discusses the normative implications of the findings for the functioning of democracy.  相似文献   

越南竹文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹作为一种特殊的质体,已渗透到越南民族物质和精神生活的方方面面,构成了越南竹文化的独特色彩。竹子的特性是形成这一独特文化的前提条件,越南的地理位置和气候环境是形成竹文化的基本条件,越南人民的智慧是形成这独特竹文化的必要条件。本文试图从竹在越南民族神话传说、建筑、文学艺术以及生产生活等方面的运用和象征意义解读越南竹文化的特色。  相似文献   

从彼得一世改革到1861年的废除农奴制改革,俄国的现代化努力足足用了一个半世纪的时间。俄国现代化的艰难启动有其深刻的文化因素;非东非西的文化特征使俄国历史上的任何改革往往陷入一种困难的境地;东正教伦理是专制王权强有力的精神支柱,其中缺少利于资本主义发展的因素;村社传统抑制了个人主义、自由主义因素和竞争意识的增长;现代化努力过程中的社会政治思想是滞后的,脱离社会现实的。  相似文献   

Culture and Joint Gains in Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

What effect does culture have on the achievement of joint gains in negotiation? Prior research has identified a number of strategies, for example sharing information about preferences and priorities, eschewing power, that lead to the development of joint gains when both negotiators are from the U.S. Are these same strategies used in other cultures? Are other strategies used? How effective are negotiators from different cultures in realizing joint gains? These are among the questions considered by the authors, whose research is based on data collected from negotiators from six different cultural backgrounds: France, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, and the U.S.


犹太文化的几个特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为一种历经数千年而一以贯之、积淀与底蕴十分浓厚的民族文化 ,犹太文化的基本特征可以概括为宗教性、民族性与世界性。宗教成为保证犹太社会一体化和协调化的不可或缺的文化工具 ,犹太人社会生活的各个方面无不受到宗教的制约与影响。犹太文化是一种典型的民族文化 ,它以弘扬民族性为主旋律。世界性既是犹太文化的特征与表象 ,也是犹太文化不断超越自我并以顽强的生命力长期影响世界文化的必要保证。正是这些特征从内部孕育了犹太文化的凝聚力、兼容力与更新机制。  相似文献   

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