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《刑法修正案(九)》增设的“从业禁止”制度实际上是一种保安处分,其具有针对性、附属性、可择性、强制性、补充性等特点.就证券犯罪而言,基于自由刑存在诸多固有弊端,罚金刑的威慑力度不大,以及“剥夺政治权利”的适用性不强等司法困境,刑事“从业禁止”的设立和适用是必要的.而刑事“从业禁止”的设立,也适应了证券犯罪的职业性特点,补充了我国刑法预防犯罪的功能,创造了行刑关系准确衔接的条件,具有合理性.对于该制度立法上存在不周延的问题,可以从扩大适用对象范围,明确执行机关,建立与其相对应的复权制度,以及规范决定程序与救济方式等方面着手,在立法层面进一步予以完善.  相似文献   

The All-Union Seminar-Conference to Study and Disseminate the Experience of Evenly Timed Putting into Operation of Housing and Public Buildings and Structures was held in Orel. It was organized by the USSR Council of Ministers' State Committee on Construction [Gosstroi], other construction agencies, the Orel Regional Committee, and the City Committee of the CPSU. Ranking executives of the State Planning Commission, Gosstroi, the USSR Bank for Construction [Stroibank], Party and government agencies, and design and construction organizations of all the union republics took part in the work of the conference.  相似文献   

Along with further differentiation, use of mathematical-logical methods, and extensive application of the systems approach to the study of phenomena and things, one of the leading trends in science in the second half of this century is the process of integration. This applies fully to the social sciences as well, including those that are directly associated with various aspects of social administration.  相似文献   

中国网民通过网络媒体获取资讯的现象已经达到了空前的繁荣程度,导致网络转载纠纷案件猛增.对网络转载侵权行为的规制成为重要的法律课题.本文从分析和评述网络转载立法入手,结合实践中的诸多问题进行理论反思,最后提出完善立法的几点思考,建议立法中应增加网络转载法定许可制度,并对网络转载侵权行为的规制提出了看法,为规范我国网络转载的混乱现象提供借鉴.  相似文献   

The judgment of Leggatt J in Yam Seng Pte Ltd v International Trade Corporation Ltd shows the common belief that the English law of contract does not have a doctrine of good faith to be mistaken. That law does not have a general principle of good faith, but its doctrine of good faith, articulated through numerous specific duties, is more suitable for the interpretation of contracts according to the intentions of the parties than a general principle which invites the imposition of exogenous standards. That Yam Seng involved a relational contract does not mean that paternalistic exogenous standards should be imposed. It means that the good faith obligations essential even to a commercial contract of this sort must be implied in order to give efficacy to the fundamentally co‐operative contractual relationship.  相似文献   

The adaptation of the Orthodox Church to the new religious diversity is perhaps one of the most painful processes of contemporary religious life in Moldova.  相似文献   

我国现行《检察官法》在促进我国法制建设的进步完善、保障我国检察工作的健康运行以及推动我国检察制度的创新发展等方面都发挥着重要的作用.但是,随着经济社会的发展进步和法治建设的深入推进,现行《检察官法》在运行过程中也出现了一些较为突出的问题,应当引起重视.为此,有必要尽快对《检察官法》予以修改和完善.在对现行《检察官法》修改的过程中,应当坚持继承传统与创新发展相结合、本土构造与借鉴移植相结合、自身完善与彼此协调相结合、稳定推进与适度超前相结合四个基本原则,着重从立法定位、结构体系以及条文内容三方面统筹推进并加以完善,方能达到修法初衷.  相似文献   

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