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条款的模糊性是《TRIPS协议修正案》最主要的缺陷。WTO成员方可以任意解释《TRIPS协议修正案》,从而造成各WTO成员方实施《修正案》的措施不一致,WTO成员方也可规定一些不利于《TRIPS协议修正案》实施的国内措施,给《TRIPS协议修正案》的实施带来了很大的困难。明确和完善有关条款,限制WTO成员方任意解释权力,推动《TRIPS协议修正案》的认可和实施确有必要。本文建议在TRIPS协议末尾增加第74条至第84条,以作为TRIPS协议的第八部分  相似文献   

建立国内预警机制:应对“中国特保”的策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国《入世议定书》第16条和《工作组报告》第242段设置了WTO框架下现存的唯一的歧视性保障措施制度——"中国特保"机制。据此,一旦成员方国内产业正式提出申诉,中国产品就立即处于不利地位。可见,应对"中国特保"的最佳策略是在启动调查前做到"防患于未然"。为此,有必要建立完善的国内预警机制,通过政府、行业和企业间"三级联动"协调运作,同时依托现有的反倾销预警系统,实现资源共享和最大化利用。  相似文献   

保护外贸领域企业职工劳动就业权应当是外贸法的规定,也是政府的重要责任。我国应当修改《对外贸易法》,将劳动就业权保护作为对外贸易立法宗旨的核心内容,并增设政府作为义务,将保护职工劳动就业权纳入该作为义务中,在外贸法律相关条款中都要注意贯彻保护企业职工劳动就业权这一宗旨。我们不仅应在外贸法体系中完善不当贸易壁垒调查和评估机制、对外贸易谈判机制,加快构建贸易调整援助制度,将劳动者视为贸易救济的重要对象,还应高度重视我国外贸法对外国政府滥用贸易法律政策不当侵害我国外贸企业职工劳动就业权的预防。  相似文献   

我国《保障措施条例》规定的实体规则与WTO保障措施规则基本一致。但是由于国际和区域保障措施规则的发展,有必要结合2004年《对外贸易法》,对我国保障措施立法进行前瞻性研究,进一步作出科学规定,使保障措施援用能够更好地保护我国的产业利益。  相似文献   

WTO由于直接涉及食品安全、人类及动植物之生命和健康而日益受到人们的关注.第13条专门对非政府机构进行了规制.不同于以往只有成员方政府受WTO多边贸易机制的约束,强制性的非政府机构制定、采用或实施的SPS措施受直接约束,非强制性的非政府机构制定、采用或实施的SPS措施受间接约束.当前随着非政府机构在食品安全监管中作用的日益凸显,我国在外贸实践中可以通过非政府机构如行业协会或商会实施的SPS措施,合理规避WTO成员方政府的相关义务.  相似文献   

刘勇 《环球法律评论》2012,34(1):151-160
GATT 1994能否适用于成员方加入议定书是WTO当前面临的一个制度性问题。"中国原材料出口限制措施案"的专家组报告拒绝了中国将GATT1994第20条适用于中国加入WTO议定书第11条第3款的主张。专家组报告的结论存在若干可以商榷之处:采用了过于僵化、机械的文本解释规则,而忽视了其他解释规则和方法;对出口配额与出口税的区别对待损害了WTO法的统一性,也违背了WTO及其成员的基本立场;没有客观看待《议定书》与GATT1994及WTO其他协定之间的关系,错误地割裂了WTO各协定之间的逻辑联系。中国应在提出上诉的同时要求WTO部长会议或总理事会就GATT1994与成员方加入议定书的关系问题作出权威解释。  相似文献   

WTO与我国的司法审查制度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
WTO协议的大部分内容和规则都是约束和规范成员方的 政府行为特别是行政行为的,涉 及WTO协议的争议,最终都会归结到对某个成员方的贸易政策和措施的争议,而建立相应的 司 法审查制度以保障WTO各项协议和规则的实施,是WTO协议的一个重要的要求。因此,加入WT O不能不关注我国的司法审查制度如何与WTO的规则接轨的问题。 关于司法审查,WTO的一些协议和规则在不同的条文中已经作了规定。归纳起来,主要有 以下几个方面的要求:必须建立一个独立于主管行政机关的审查机构①;必 须赋予受各种行 政行为影响的当事人请求司法审查的…  相似文献   

保障措施是指在GATT或WTO体制中,成员方在某些特殊情况下,可以为保障本国利益、维护国家主权背离多边贸易体制下应承担的义务,而不必承担责任的规定。在总协定保障机制中,起保障作用的条款有:针对“不公平贸易”征收反倾销反补贴税的第6条、为保障国际收支平衡而实施数量限制的第12条、发展中国家为保护本国新兴工业的第18条、保障本国公共利益、资源的第26条以及关于安全例外的第21条。但通常所说的保障措施是指1994年GATT第19条以及以其为基础而制定的《保障措施协议》(以下简称《协议》)。  相似文献   

《保障措施协议》是对GATT第19条规定的保障措施规则的澄清和细化。但GATT第19条“未预见的情况”条款并没有出现在《保障措施协议》里。对于这一规定上的差异引发的争议,WTO争端解决机构已通过一系列案例和解释对“未预见的情况”作出了判断即GATT第19条应与《保障措施协议》累加适用,成员方在援用保障措施时必须证明“未预见的情况”的存在。此种做法值得商榷,从乌拉圭回合的谈判过程、WTO协定和文本、保障措施的实践以及各国国内立法等都表明“未预见的情况”不应被继续适用。否则,可能会给现行的保障措施体制带来更大程度上的不确定性和造成适用上的混乱。  相似文献   

关于《中国入世议定书》中替代国条款的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反倾销法之中的替代国制度是发达国家进行贸易保护惯用的手段 ,我国外贸行业领教已久 ,可《中国入世议定书》仍规定WTO其他成员方对中国可继续适用这一制度。本文探讨了替代国制度的产生背景和多边立法依据 ,比较分析了各主要发达国家替代国制度的内涵与特点 ,译例了我国《入世议定书》的替代国条款及其它实施条件 ,并就中国今后如何合理合法地直面外国的替代国制度提出了全面又有针对性的设想。  相似文献   

田晓萍 《行政与法》2006,(11):75-77
加入WTO后急需我国行业协会在行业利益协调,避免和解决贸易争端等方面发挥积极作用。然而,制度上的障碍造成我国行业协会功能缺失,2005年纺织品贸易争端的爆发即突出反映出这一问题。因而,必须加紧健全我国行业协会发展的外部法律环境,制定《行业协会法》,并完善其内部管理机制。  相似文献   

WTO法是适应经济全球化的发展而产生的,规范成员方政府行为的多边贸易法律体系。在大多数成员方转化适用WTO法的条件下,行政立法必然分化出新类型的行政立法——涉外经济行政立法,即有权行政机关为了调整涉及其他国际法主体所肯定的,具有其法律意义因素的经济关系而进行的行政立法。此种新类型的行政立法是经济全球化的必然产物,具有显著的特征和重要的功能。  相似文献   

Foreign banks and the Chinese Government have different dreamsabout the business opportunities and obligations that ariseunder China's World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments onfinancial services. This article provides an overview of China'sbanking sector reforms and its gradual opening to foreign participationin the context of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)rules governing international trade in financial services andthe obligations that apply since China's WTO accession in December2001. The article highlights the contradictory interpretationsthat China and other Members have issued regarding China's GATScommitments and provides a framework for assessing the WTO consistencyof China's banking measures. An analysis is conducted underthis framework to evaluate whether China has fully implementedits GATS commitments on (i) the acquisition of Chinese banksby foreign financial institutions, (ii) legitimate ‘prudentialregulation’ in the banking sector, and (iii) full marketaccess for credit card and electronic payment services. Notwithstandingthe apparent complexity of GATS rules, the article concludesthat the WTO legal framework supports the case for increasedaccess to China's financial services market consistent withits GATS commitments, and fully consistent with China's plansfor continuing domestic growth and its medium-term financialservices export interests.  相似文献   

As for international direct investment, the transnational corporations are playing a leading role in the fields of international trade, international investment and international intellectual property. In theory and reality, this authors analyze the rationale of the social responsibilities taken by transnational corporations, the main problems in the social responsibilities of transnational corporations and the legislative status, and put forward the functions of the social responsibilities of transnational corporations in promotion of the legal construction of socialist market economy, the reform of the corporate governance and the development of transnational corporations in China. Wang Chuanli, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law, Vice-chairman of China Society of International Economic Law, and Vice-chairman of Research Institute of WTO Law (China Law Society), also Arbitrator of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission and Beijing Arbitration Commission. Her main publications are “The Legal Effectiveness of Foreign Economic Contracts”, “International Trade Law of Sales of Goods”, “International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” and “International Trade Law Government Control on Business”. Moreover, she has published over ten influential discourses on international economic law. In addition, her ongoing research projects include WTO Agriculture Agreement and the Rules of International Agri-products Trade, WTO and International Core labor Standards, and the Role of Judicial Independence of European Court of Justice to Promote the Integration of Europe.  相似文献   

This article is an expanded and updated version of a paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law in Canberra, Australia, May 28–30, 1993.The authors served as International Legal Consultants to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on the International Law Commission's Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and not of the Australian government.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the conflicts of international law on genetically modified (GM) food labeling and explains possible methods to harmonize these conflicts. One way is to interpret the treaties of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Biodiversity Convention, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ); the other way is to enhance cooperation among international institutions and treaties, such as WTO, Biodiversity Convention, Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), International Law Commission (ILC), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). These methods cannot form an international standard on GM food labeling accepted by most countries. The difficulties with this issue concerned illustrate that GM food labeling shows off conflicts between trade law and environmental law, which lead to legal chaos that is faced with uncertainty of technology, fragmentation of international law and diversity of domestic law, and complexity of national interests on environmental labeling and process labeling.  相似文献   

This study gives evidence through the International Comparative Law, two rules that come from standardization bodies of different nature, such as standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM International (ASTM International), which are recognized in the international trade and domestic trade, but it plays erratically, being in some significant cases and not in others mandatory. Thus constituting real technical barriers to trade through discriminatory criteria, contrary to the provisions and spirit of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of which Mexico, the U.S. and Canada are also part.  相似文献   

《对外贸易法》在我国对外贸易中具有防范国家安全威胁和维护国家安全的重要作用。然而,反观美国《1962年贸易拓展法》以及《关税及贸易总协定》《服务贸易总协定》和近期生效实施的部分区域自由贸易协定有关国家安全制度的立法模式,我国《对外贸易法》相关条款的“两分法”模式存在明显不足。根据“总体国家安全观”,我国有必要制定具有“时代性”特点的对外贸易国家安全制度。  相似文献   

商业银行专利保护现状分析与策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈晓  倪颂军 《时代法学》2005,3(2):70-75
中国加入WTO以后,国内的商业银行面临着外资银行的强烈冲击及挑战,外资银行意图利用专利策略在我国银行业面前竖起一道“专利壁垒”。由于体制和观念上的原因,我国银行业一直以来并不重视金融产品的专利保护,致使金融产品数量少、质量低,且整个行业金融产品专利保护的意识淡薄。对此,国内银行业应该以积极的态度采取各种适当的方法来保护自身的知识产权。  相似文献   

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