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我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理存在着审查形式化、准入管理主体和考核方式不统一、知识技能考核要求不明等缺陷.立足我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理实际,从技术、程序和法律角度,明确申请从事电子数据司法鉴定人员的知识技能要求,并从制度层面将知识技能考核纳入电子数据司法鉴定人准入考核内容,由司法鉴定行业管理主体牵头,采用考试、案例验证及同行专家评审的准入考核方式,将电子数据司法鉴定人的准入考核置于实质,是解决我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理现存问题,提高电子数据司法鉴定行业人员素质,确保电子数据司法鉴定活动科学性和鉴定意见可靠性的必然选择.  相似文献   

认证认可是司法鉴定科学性、可靠性的重要保障   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
认证认可是提高司法鉴定意见科学性、可靠性的重要保障。推动开展认证认可是由司法鉴定自身定位和本质特点、司法鉴定在诉讼中的地位等因素所决定的。开展司法鉴定认证认可工作,有助于逐步形成司法鉴定认证认可工作,为司法鉴定登记管理、资产管理和监督管理提供客观依据。开展司法鉴定认证认可工作必须做好“三结合”,即与遴选国家级、省级司法鉴定机构相结合、与登记管理工作相结合、与资产管理监督管理工作相结合。  相似文献   

通过介绍几种常用的电子数据司法鉴定工具的发展概况和特点,并对X—WaysForensics的磁盘快照等功能,在电子数据司法鉴定工作中的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

朱梅 《法制与社会》2012,(33):151-152
司法鉴定机构进行资质认证或实验室认可可以规范鉴定程序,规范鉴定人活动,保证检验鉴定的科学性、客观性和准确性;依靠认证认可管理体系进行管理,可以极大地提升司法鉴定行业管理水平,使鉴定质量管理步入规范化、标准化、科学化管理轨道,是司法鉴定机构未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

福建中证司法鉴定中心.2005年经福建省司法厅审核登记的司法鉴定机构(许可证号:350205004),隶属于厦门市美亚柏科信息安全研究所有限公司.位于具有“软件花园”之称的厦门市软件园(二期)内.是我国首批电子数据司法鉴定机构,也是全国第一个通过CNAS实验室认可的非公电子数据鉴定机构,也是国家电子数据鉴定行业的领头雁。  相似文献   

电子数据司法鉴定已经成为当前司法鉴定研究热点问题之一。它是计算机司法鉴定的一种主要类型。根据鉴定性质不同,电子数据司法鉴定可以分为以“发现证据”为目标的鉴定和以“评估证据”为目标的鉴定。前者包括数据检索与固定、数据恢复、数据来源分析、数据内容分析、数据综合分析;后者包括同一鉴定、真伪鉴定、相似性鉴定、功能鉴定、复合鉴定等不同性质的鉴定项目。这两类鉴定在鉴定目标、程序、风险、意见主观性和证据审查等方面均存在显著差异。  相似文献   

司法鉴定意见是司法鉴定人对诉讼涉及的专门性问题的个人认识和判断,不仅受到仪器设备、鉴定方法以及实验室条件等客观因素的制约,也会受到司法鉴定人的知识水平、业务能力和实践经验等主观因素的影响。因而,对于同一专门性问题可能会出现不同的鉴定意见,其可靠性和科学性也无可避免会受到当事人的质疑。通过对司法鉴定的属性、可诉性的审判实践、法理上的分析以及我国现行法律对一些法律行为的可诉性规定等方面进行探讨,以寻找司法鉴定意见是否可诉的答案以及司法鉴定意见争议的解决机制。  相似文献   

构建司法鉴定认证认可制度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
司法鉴定认证认可是司法鉴定领域的检测活动或检查活动,其包括实验室和检查机构认证认可。推进司法鉴定认证认可有助于贯彻落实相关法规、提高司法鉴定质量和管理水平、提升鉴定公信力和权威性。研究司法鉴定机构认证认可的实践与准备,明确认证认可试点工作政策,理解贯彻推进司法鉴定认证认可的原则,对构建司法鉴定认证认可制度具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   

在司法鉴定行业逐步走上规范化、法制化和科学化发展轨道的背景下,司法鉴定质量和质量管理问题日益突显,司法鉴定机构的认证认可已经列入相关管理机关的工作议程。本文从实现鉴定意见的合法性、可靠性和有效性要求出发,针对司法鉴定活动中存在的突出问题,依据相关法律、法规和规章,从司法鉴定质量管理的角度,探讨在司法鉴定领域开展实验室和检查机构资质认定或实验室和检查机构认可的必要性、紧迫性和可行性,分析了当前存在的问题和困难,提出了推进这项工作应当遵循的基本原则,提出了分阶段、分层次、分类别、分地域实施司法鉴定机构认证认可工作的具体建议。  相似文献   

鉴定意见的可靠性与其能否重复获得一致性的结果密切相关。不确定性鉴定意见作为鉴定结果的一种正常现象,如若其不确定的结果在再鉴定中重复一致,符合司法鉴定科学性的要求,则具有可靠性。倾向肯定和倾向否定的不确定性鉴定意见因结果的方向不同,其证实的可靠程度存在差异,在一定意义上会影响鉴定意见作为证据的可采性,但通过证伪的质证方式可增强或者减弱其可信性,获得有效性的结果。如若不确定性鉴定意见无法证伪且具有科学性,在认定案件事实上则能发挥证明的作用。审查判断不确定性鉴定意见首先排除不符合科学性的意见,然后对其可靠性进行审查判断,并经过程序控制检验其重复的一致性,确保司法鉴定的科学性。司法实践应当警惕一概排除不确定性鉴定意见的做法,理论上也需要摒弃不确定性鉴定意见不可靠的偏见,使其回归司法鉴定科学性的本质并发挥固有的功能。  相似文献   

本文通过对1993~2014年连云港地区116例女性杀人案件的受害人年龄分布、嫌疑人与受害人关系、现场特征、损伤工具及致命伤位置等进行统计分析,发现男女性之间由于心理、生理特征和性格等多种因素的影响,女性杀人案件呈现出自身特点:女犯罪嫌疑人与被害人的关系多为家庭内部成员,尤以夫妻或男女朋友居多;现场常位于室内,以卧室居多;工具多是居家常用的生产或生活用具;多选择受害人熟睡、酒后时作案,采用窒息、投毒、溺水等方式;损伤集中于要害部位,分布范围集中,打击次数多,致命性损伤、濒死伤和死后损伤多。  相似文献   

The comparison studies on random access memory (RAM) acquisition tools are either limited in metrics or the selected tools were designed to be executed in older operating systems. Therefore, this study evaluates widely used seven shareware or freeware/open source RAM acquisition forensic tools that are compatible to work with the latest 64‐bit Windows operating systems. These tools' user interface capabilities, platform limitations, reporting capabilities, total execution time, shared and proprietary DLLs, modified registry keys, and invoked files during processing were compared. We observed that Windows Memory Reader and Belkasoft's Live Ram Capturer leaves the least fingerprints in memory when loaded. On the other hand, ProDiscover and FTK Imager perform poor in memory usage, processing time, DLL usage, and not‐wanted artifacts introduced to the system. While Belkasoft's Live Ram Capturer is the fastest to obtain an image of the memory, Pro Discover takes the longest time to do the same job.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is an urgent need to reduce the growing backlog of forensic examinations in Digital Forensics Laboratories (DFLs). Currently, DFLs routinely create forensic duplicates and perform in‐depth forensic examinations of all submitted media. This approach is rapidly becoming untenable as more cases involve increasing quantities of digital evidence. A more efficient and effective three‐tiered strategy for performing forensic examinations will enable DFLs to produce useful results in a timely manner at different phases of an investigation, and will reduce unnecessary expenditure of resources on less serious matters. The three levels of forensic examination are described along with practical examples and suitable tools. Realizing that this is not simply a technical problem, we address the need to update training and establish thresholds in DFLs. Threshold considerations include the likelihood of missing exculpatory evidence and seriousness of the offense. We conclude with the implications of scaling forensic examinations to the investigation.  相似文献   

目的通过总结我省135例杀亲案件的案件资料,研究杀亲案件的特点,分析杀亲案件的侦办要点。方法收集2011~2013年间我国中部某省区域内发生的135例杀亲案件,对数据资料进行分析。结果杀亲案件主要发生在夫妻之间及父母子女,好发于农村,青壮年多见。一般无明显杀人动机,作案工具多为就地取材,死亡原因以机械性损伤和机械性窒息为主。结论杀亲案件在嫌疑人社会学特点、致伤工具、死亡原因、案发时间等方面反映出一定共性,但案件证据的收集是案件的侦办难点。  相似文献   

Paleontology and facies analysis proved to be useful tools in activities of intelligence and investigation on some criminal cases, as well as in in‐court activities, thus defining the “forensic paleontology” area of study. The definition was given by analyzing its possible specific applications and excluding some marginal activities. The reliability of forensic paleontology was then assessed in light of the results achieved in some actual cases and in an ad hoc simulation. The investigated cases concerned intelligence and ordinary law enforcement activities. Special attention was paid to crimes against the cultural heritage. Ex post re‐examination of the cases substantiated the value of this scientific branch in investigations, while stressing the possible difficulties in explaining its results to lay persons. Therefore, careful preparation of technical and linguistic preliminary notes for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers as well as a special training for consultants are recommended before presenting results as exhibits in in‐court cross‐examinations.  相似文献   

Plant residue is currently an underutilized resource in forensic investigations despite the fact that many crime scenes, as well as suspects and victims, harbor plant‐derived residue that could be recovered and analyzed. Notwithstanding the considerable skill of forensic botanists, current methods of species determination could benefit from tools for DNA‐based species identification. However, DNA barcoding in plants has been hampered by sequence complications in the plant genome. Following a database search for usable barcodes, broad‐spectrum primers were designed and utilized to amplify and sequence the rbcL, trnL‐F, and rrn18 genetic loci from a variety of household plants. Once obtained, these DNA sequences were used to design species‐targeted primers that could successfully discriminate the source of plant residue from among the 21 species tested.  相似文献   

DNA is one of the fastest growing tools in forensic sciences, increasing reliability in forensic reports and judgments. The use of DNA has increased in different areas of the forensic sciences, such as investigation of plant species, where plastid DNA has been used to elucidate and generate evidence in cases of traceability of genetically modified and controlled plants. Even with several advances and the practice of using DNA in forensic investigations, there are just few studies related to the identification of genetic tools for the characterization of drug and nondrug-types of Cannabis. Herein, the whole plastomes of two drug-type Cannabis are presented and have their structures compared with other Cannabis plastomes deposited in the GenBank, focusing in the forensic use of plastome sequences. The plastomes of Cannabis sativa “Brazuka” and of the hybrid Cannabis AK Royal Automatic presented general structure that does not differs from the reported for other C. sativa cultivars. A phylogenomic analyses grouped C. sativa “Brazuka” with the nondrug C. sativa cultivars, while the hybrid Cannabis AK Royal Automatic placed isolated, basal to this group. This suggests that the analysis of plastomes is useful toward genetic identification of hybrids in relation to C. sativa.  相似文献   

计算机网络证据的取证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机网络的快速发展巨大地改变着人们的生活,但同时网络犯罪也呈现骤增的趋势,为了有效地打击犯罪,必须研究与网络犯罪相关的侦查技术,而计算机取证是其中最重要的环节之一。计算机取证的主要工具,主要技术和采用方法都有别与传统犯罪的取证,并随着科学技术和犯罪的发展而产生着相应的变化。  相似文献   

The background for this paper is the debate over what role mental illness plays in radicalization to violent extremism. While one camp points to cases of abnormal functioning of perpetrators, another argues that normal psychological mechanisms are central. Through a review of these perspectives, it becomes clear that mental illness cannot be ruled out as an epi‐phenomenon, but is not a necessary condition either. The paper draws on work in psychiatric nosology on dimensional and categorical conceptions of illness and argues that the perspectives in this literature reflect a categorical approach to normal and abnormal functioning. Under a dimensional perspective, findings converge. The paper concludes by showing how this new dimensional approach to the role of mental illness in radicalization has implications for the design of risk assessment tools and leads to the recommendation for stronger inter‐agency cooperation between mental health professionals, social services, and police and intelligence services.  相似文献   

Advances in technologies including development of smartphone features have contributed to the growth of mobile applications, including dating apps. However, online dating services can be misused. To support law enforcement investigations, a forensic taxonomy that provides a systematic classification of forensic artifacts from Windows Phone 8 (WP8) dating apps is presented in this study. The taxonomy has three categories, namely: Apps Categories, Artifacts Categories, and Data Partition Categories. This taxonomy is built based on the findings from a case study of 28 mobile dating apps, using mobile forensic tools. The dating app taxonomy can be used to inform future studies of dating and related apps, such as those from Android and iOS platforms.  相似文献   

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