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《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):198-220
Recent developments in philosophy and in criminology indicate that there are significant respects in which the two disciplines can be mutually informing. Many philosophers are increasingly interested in exploring empirical aspects of philosophical claims, and criminologists are finding their way past the alleged fact/value distinction and are rediscovering the moral significance of facts, especially regarding punishment and desistance. In some recent criminological studies there are implicit links to the British moralists such as David Hume and Adam Smith, and to Aristotle as well. This paper explicates those links and some of the possibilities for philosophy and criminology to be mutually informing.  相似文献   

多式联运:关于当代法律的评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国运输法的改革法案于 1998年 7月 1日生效。新法最主要的变化是为国内的各种货物运输方式 ,包括公路、铁路、内水和航空运输 ,制定了一套相同的法律规则 ,同时第一次为多式联运制定了规则。本文主要以德国法为对象 ,同时比较中国、荷兰和法国法 ,论述多式联运合同的定义 ,适用法律 ,责任限制等问题。  相似文献   

The paper contains a conceptual analysis of "act of toleration" and the property of "being tolerant". Being tolerant is understood as a dispositional property of persons manifested in what the author calls the "circumstances of toleration". The main circumstances distinguished are: a tendency to prohibit a certain behaviour and the competence to determine the deontic status of the behaviour in question. An act of toleration, then, consists in not prohibiting (or cancelling the prohibition of) that behaviour. It is argued that this requires the existence of two different normative systems, the "basic system", and the "justifying system". Acts of toleration must be based on reasons coming from the latter. This insight enables one to establish a difference between reasonable and unreasonable toleration, as well as between toleration and related concepts like indifference, acquiescence, etc. The analysis also introduces the distinction between "vertical" and "horizontal" toleration. Acceptance of this last category implies that toleration does not necessarily require hierarchical relationships between those who tolerate and those whose actions are tolerated.  相似文献   

We must acknowledge, of course, that custody must be available as the ultimate sanction for criminal offending, but it must be an option of last resort. At last, not at least, there must be a realisation of the enormous cost - in economic and particularly in human terms. Therefore, the basic question is: What is the cheapest and at the same time the most effective way of punishment, bearing in mind the failure of strong repressive measures and only a partial success of depenalisation and decriminalisation? The community sanctions and measures seem to be the best solution and they can, to a certain extent, meet the expectation put into them. I am not going to describe the individual alternatives or the way of their implementation in Western Europe or North America. I would like to concentrate on some problems related to their introduction, which are faced in post-totalitarian societies.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors discuss some problems related to the existence and identity of legal norms and legal systems. Firstly, two criteria for identification of legal norms are analyzed: linguistic criteria and non-linguistic criteria. Secondly, the dynamics of legal systems and the distinction between legal system and legal order are examined (close to Raz's distinction between momentary legal system and legal system). Based on the logical relations of membership and inclusion, two ways of analysing the change of legal systems are suggested. Thirdly, a criterion for identification of legal orders (from Bulygin) is discussed and it is shown that this criterion does not explain adequately, on the one hand, the existence of some norms, i.e., customary norms; and, on the other, the existence of invalid norms; i.e., unconstitutional norms. The main conclusions of this paper are: (a) the concepts of legal system and legal order could not explain the existence of law in a given society; (b) the concepts of legal system and legal order could be considered models of rational normative systems.  相似文献   

In a recently published book, Roger Shiner shows that understanding the fundamental discrepancies between different legal theories is important for a better understanding of law itself. He argues that one of the most important tasks of legal philosophers is to take into account the dynamics or conceptual movements generated by positivism and antipositivism. Our paper intends to show that Shiner's analysis can be developed and modified when other relevant elements are introduced into the universe of discourse. We emphasize the importance of a positivistic conception of legal science. According to Shiner, an adequate theory of law must reproduce the way in which legal norms work in the lives of the participants who accept the law. After analyzing the distinction between norms and norm propositions and the relationship between legal science and the external point of view, we show that legal positivism is not committed to reproducing the internal point of view to law.  相似文献   

Abstract:  According to European Court of Justice (ECJ) case-law, the scope of application of the EC Treaty is engaged under the following conditions when the free movement of persons has been established: a cross-border connection is given; the Union citizen concerned resides legally in the host Member State; and the measure in question or the regulation has a connection with the residence or facilitates it. This condition will regularly be fulfilled since nearly every (national) regulation has a direct or indirect effect on the stay. A general link to primary or secondary law is, on the other hand, not necessary. Secondary law, however, can be significant in connection with the lawful residence. Even if partly vehement critiques have been formulated against this approach of the ECJ, it is convincing with regard to the aim of guaranteeing the free movement to European citizens.  相似文献   

In this paper the author deals with collegial judicial decisions as a form of human action. The scope is, however, limited to three questions: (1) What is the structure and the status of the general theory of action; (2) Is this theory applicable to such performative acts as judicial decisions; and finally, (3) Is it possible to speak about action in connection with collective agents such as collegial courts? The author defends the thesis that general theory of action as such is applicable to collective action, too, because the difficulty is not in the structure of that theory, or in its “individual character,” but specifically in the notion of “collective will.” This kind of “will” is epistemologically always a result of a political procedure, and speaking about the “collective will” presupposes the analysis of these procedures, because in practice they and only they formulate “collective motives,”“collective beliefs” and the like.  相似文献   

Alberto Artosi 《Ratio juris》2000,13(4):358-363
According to the old tradition in ethical theory that Professor von Wright attempts to revive in his paper Valuations, value judgments are to be viewed as nothing but expressions of approving or disapproving emotional attitudes. The present paper argues against this view on the grounds that (i) to have an emotional attitude towards an object o does not merely mean to express our liking or disliking of it, but to make a genuine (i.e., true or false) judgment about o ; and that (ii) this judgment, and not the emotional attitude o arises in us, is what we are justified to properly call a value judgement.  相似文献   

Presupposition is the semantic-pragmatic phenomenon whereby a statement contains an implicit precondition that must be taken for granted (presupposed) for that statement to be felicitous. This article discusses the role of presupposition in legislative texts, using examples from Swiss constitutional and administrative law. It illustrates (a) how presuppositions are triggered in these texts and (b) what functions they come to serve, placing special emphasis on their constitutive power. It also demonstrates (c) how legislative drafters can distinguish between “good” presuppositions and “bad” presuppositions by weighing their main advantage, conciseness, against their main flaw, reduced transparency. The present study argues that, if employed carefully, presuppositions can be a useful stylistic means to keep legislative texts free from unnecessary clutter that merely elaborates on the obvious; however, it also suggests that, if applied wrongly, presuppositions can camouflage the duties and obligations placed on the subjects of a law and thus impede its accessibility and its efficient and effective implementation.  相似文献   

我国死刑制度现状评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪力  邹兵 《现代法学》2002,24(6):156-159
随着社会的发展 ,我国死刑制度的弊端日渐显现。基于我国国际形象和国际交往的需要 ,与国际条约、惯例接轨的要求 ,以及理论和实践的需要 ,在现实和理想之间 ,限制死刑理所当然 ,而废止死刑也应作为不懈追求的目标。  相似文献   

2007年6-12月,重庆市社科规划项目《地方人大立法后评估制度研究》课题组从立法必要性、地方特色、法制统一、权力配置、技术规范五个方面,对重庆市当时有效的160件地方性法规文本进行量化评估,平均得分83.09,得90分以上的法规有9件,70分以下的4件,60分以下为零。五项质量要素中,地方特色所得比例最高,技术规范次之,立法必要性居第三,权力配置为第四,法制统一排在末位。在一定程度上说明,重庆市地方性法规文本所反映的地方特色比较鲜明,讲究立法技术,但在突出地方特色和注重地方立法创新中还须更加注意法制统一,科学地处理好权利与权力的关系,严格防止部门权力的立法扩张。  相似文献   

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