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李永伦 《思想战线》2002,28(3):81-84
孙中山的社会主义 ,是他对欧美、日本等资本主义国家的社会状况深入分析 ,有感于这些国家严重的社会问题而提出来的。他认为“平均主义”和“节制资本”是克服资本主义国家社会问题的关键。对私人资本主义既要鼓励其发展但又要对其加以限制 ,大力发展国家资本主义 ,是孙中山社会主义的核心内容。这反映了孙中山企图通过限制私人资本主义的发展 ,以避免资本主义的发展而带来的社会问题和社会革命 ,通过大力发展国家资本主义促进实业和经济的发展 ,并用国家资本主义创造的巨大社会财富来实现大国世界的社会主义。孙中山的社会主义反映了中国从半殖民半封建社会向社会主义过渡的必然性 ,这是孙中山社会主义思想的重要意义之所在  相似文献   

正A school that hopes to see fewer students With her short hair dyed bright purple,15-year old Du Fangmei is easy to spot in her class.She practiced giving a haircut to a mannequin head as she talked to Beijing Review in her classroom."My hair was dyed by the hairdressing teacher last month," she said in standard Chinese."I like it a lot."  相似文献   

This essay examines some historical questions and cultural constructions surrounding the song Sweet Home Chicago and its composer Robert Johnson. Noting that while the song has enjoyed long life, Johnson's lyric (describing Chicago as a land of California) has not, the essay critiques primitivist readings of Johnson while posing an African American cultural myth-Chicago as promised land of the Great Migration-as the subtext of his puzzling line. Finally, it considers whether mundane-sounding revisions of Johnson's lyric indicate a reduction in Chicago's mythic status, from safe haven to same old place.  相似文献   

Sino–Russian relations have swayed considerably in the second millennium. During the Yeltsin era, China–Russia relations were still strong, but this changed abruptly after Putin's accession to the presidency in 2000 and his initial pro-Western adventures. This was, in no small part, due to Russia's involvement in the war on terror, together with Russia's complicity in a US military presence in Central Asia which did not go down well in Beijing. Putin's domestic constituency found his swing into Washington's fold equally awkward, which created no small amount of criticism in Russia. Convinced that things could not get much worse, Putin's acceptance of NATO's expansion into the Baltics, his approval of US withdrawal from the ABM-treaty, and his quiet consent for an American military presence in Georgia raised additional fears in the Duma, within Russian public opinion, and to some extent among the Chinese. This was perceived as a direct surrender to American superiority and aggression, and it would not last for long.  相似文献   

I N his capacity as practitioner of tra-ditional Chinese medicine (TCM),Zhang Boli,73,has made a long career out of saving lives.The most recent advocacy of Zhang's chosen field of medicine was heard in the speech he made at an industry development conference on Chinese medicinal herbs produced in Zhejiang,held in the prov-ince's Wuyi County.In his speech he said,"In developing TCM,we need to stick to its theoretical essences as well as absorb advanced technologies and methods from other disciplines."  相似文献   

为了有效识别犯罪现场提取的黑色头发是否是染色头发,利用OLYMPUSBX51相差显微镜无损观察未染色及几种情况染色的黑色头发。结果表明,黑色头发中染色与未染色、黑色再染黑与白色染黑、染色两周与刚刚染色头发之间在相差显微镜下都存在显著差别。因此,文中基于相差显微镜无损检验方法为法医学鉴定头发染色问题提供了有效的检验方法。  相似文献   

按揭借款人提前还款行为性质及法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按揭贷款的优点之一是借款人能长期按月分批地归还本息 ,从而减轻了债务负担。但是 ,由于客观情势是复杂多变的 ,必然有部分借款人希望能提前还清借款。根据《合同法》规定 ,此时银行不能以“违约”相胁 ,可借鉴香港按揭制度采用收取手续费或改善资金运营的效率等手段来化解危机和弥补损失  相似文献   

Gang Yue 《当代中国》2008,17(56):543-563
With the English translation of his novel Red Poppies published in 2000, the ethnic Tibetan author Alai has established a prominent presence outside the People's Republic, apart from the Shangri-La myth that has dominated the Western imagination of Tibet. This essay attempts to unpack the multitudes of meaning of the novel, situate it against a material history of opium in Eastern Tibet, and highlight the dilemma of a leading Tibetan author. Through further discussion of his essays unavailable in English, this essay aims at developing a cultural geography of Alai's intellectual travel, energized by a Tibetan warrior tradition in his homeland and yet detailed about contemporary social, cultural, and environmental changes. It paints a picture about a Tibet that is neither a paradise nor a human hell, alive in the moment to survive the creative destruction of Sino-globalization that began long before the People's Liberation Army marched into Lhasa.  相似文献   

ZONGLI TANG 《当代中国》2006,15(48):551-573
Mao's rural surveys, or investigations as he called them, conducted in the red base area in Jiangxi and Fujian provinces between 1927 and 1934, have long been overlooked in the scholarship especially in interpreting the issue of landownership inequality. Mao highly valued the role of investigation, and the importance of investigations to the formation of his view of class struggle and to his strategy-making is doubtless. This study for the first time reveals that Mao did not establish his macro conclusion of land distribution inequality on his gathered data, and that landownership concentrations were not so drastic in the red base area as Mao described. This study argues that other dimensions of rural inequality, including high debts, rentals, interest rates, and security deposits, appear as the greatest encumbrance to peasants and play a more important role in aggravating class confrontations. This study also argues that the role of poverty is critical in understanding the structural nature of the Communist Revolution. From poverty, Mao discovered not only a majority of the people but also moralism to support his revolution.  相似文献   

长期以来,国内学界一直将边沁看作是一位法律改革家、功利主义哲学家,然而被大家忽略的是他还是一位杰出的女权主义者.虽然他没有关于女权的专著,但从他大量的著作中,我们能够归纳出他关于女权的思想.边沁主要从两个方面揭露和批判了法律上关于妇女的广泛的不平等,论述了他的女权思想:一是关于妇女的政治自由,即授予妇女选举权的问题,二是妇女的个人自由,即关于妇女婚姻权的问题.  相似文献   

Make-up Magician     
FEW appreciate the artistry, skill and effort that go into creating the star-quality look of world famous fashion models and film celebrities.Yang Bailong is one of the unseen artists dedicated to enhancing their beauty and letting them shine.  相似文献   

肖海明 《思想战线》2005,31(6):91-96
中国道教的真武图像经历了一个不断变化的过程,特别是宋、元、明三代的变化,真武逐步从武神走向了文神、从地域神走向了全国神.明代武神真武、古圣贤模样的文武神真武、古圣贤模样的文神真武、天帝图真武四种类型,基本概括了宋、元、明真武完成人格化以来所形成的几种基本类型.这种变化表现出一种"一线多元"、多元并存的格局,但真武的披发跣足等基本特征一直保持着相对的稳定性.  相似文献   

We arrived very late to the city shimmering with neon lights. The road was narrow, long and winding, but the driver knew it like the back of his hand. We entered huge gates decorated with flags and the guesthouse owner decked out in traditional attire welcomed us by serving up a late night dinner. Tasty. The place we arrived at was Danba, or Rongzhag, a county of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. Zhonglu is one of the area's oldest and best pre-served villages. In Tibetan, the name means "the promised land."  相似文献   

总结历史,立足现实,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府签订和平解放西藏的"十七条协议",和平解放西藏.立足民族平等,消除民族隔阂,加强藏、汉民族团结,强调民族工作要"慢",不能急躁,采取灵活、"慎重、稳进"的方针开展工作.实行民族区域自治是中国共产党和毛泽东解决民族问题的基本主张.坚定不移的实行民族区域自治,藏族人民在政治上实现当家作主.帮助西藏发展经济和社会各项事业.尊重藏民族的生活习惯,保障宗教信仰自由.对达赖喇嘛的基本立场和态度是,停止独立活动,欢迎他回来.  相似文献   

孙卫芳 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):15-18
邓小平在探索建立中国特色社会主义理论的过程中,积极推动理论成果的大众化。他以通俗易懂的语言宣传理论,以贴近大众的形式推介理论,以服务人民的目标创新理论,努力地使中国特色社会主义理论成为中国人民宝贵的理论财富和精神支持,真正内化为自身的政治信仰和行为准则。从邓小平的探索与实践中汲取宝贵的经验,对于更好地推进当代中国马克思主义大众化具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

众所周知,伽利略因自己的科学信念而被审判。事实上导致他被审判的原因非常复杂,学者们就此争论不休,不过,可以肯定导致他被审的原因绝不仅仅是他的科学信念。笔者认为,导致伽利略被审的原因既有政治形势的影响,也与他的宗教和科学信念有关,更与他的哲学立场密切相关。这其中既有偶然因素,也有必然因素。具体说来,主要有如下几个方面的原因:一、他所处的时代使他身不由己地卷入了一场天主教与新教的严酷的政治斗争之中;二、他在神学上关于解释《圣经》的观点被视为有异端倾向,他的科学方法论所具有的反权成的特色使他在哲学上得罪了亚里士多德派的经院哲学家;三、他又很不合时宜地得罪了教皇;以上种种因素汇集在一起,促成了他的悲剧性的结局,使他很不幸地成了一个牺牲品。  相似文献   

作为台湾具有代表性的外省第二代作家,李国修接收到了父辈遗留下来的移民身份和创伤记忆,从而形成了自己的创伤体验,并将之作为其戏剧表达的主要课题.他以戏剧形式记录并修补了父辈的创伤与遗憾.同时,面对父辈传递下来的创伤体验,他也以戏剧艺术纾解、治疗自己对灾难重演的恐惧和身份认同被破坏的焦虑,表达了对生命安定的渴求.从创伤心理学的理论视野对李国修的戏剧创作进行观照,既能真切感受到台湾外省第一代的移民创痛,更可深入理解台湾外省第二代所特有的现实和精神处境,从而对台湾社会有更为深刻的理解.  相似文献   

孙祥伟 《桂海论丛》2009,25(2):113-117
长期以来,发生于袁世凯当政时期的中日"二十一条"交涉被视为"卖国外交"的典型,并把其与袁世凯称帝野心联系起来,即袁世凯为换取日本对其称帝的支持,主动接受了"二十一条".改革开放后特别是近十年来,随着学术界研究的深入、外交档案的公布和国际交流的频繁往来,对中日"二十一条"交涉已经有不少论著和论文发表.本文试就近三十年中大陆有关期刊和论著观点做简要评述.  相似文献   

正A Shanghai doctor saves lives and makes medical services smarter at the footof Mount QomolangmaYue Mengchen,the son of a doctor,refused to hand in his Father's Day homework because it was not a poster with the latest photo starring him being with his father,as required,but a photoshopped image showing them together.The 7-year-old burst into tears and said,"It's different.When will daddy be home?"His father,Yue Fei,is a deputy chief surgeon from Shanghai-based Ruijin Hospital.He volunteered to serve at the Xigaze People' s Hospital,in Tibet Autonomous Region,for three years as part of a medical partnership assistance program to help the region grow.Xigaze,situated at the foot of Mount Qomolangma,is 4,215 km away from Shanghai.  相似文献   

邓小平作为20世纪最杰出的大战略家之一,在其伟大的人格魅力和战略实践的结合中,体现出鲜明的战略思维特色和品格:信念永恒,愈挫愈奋,一切为了国家富强和中华民族腾飞;极目远望,超前思维,反映时代的新要求;大胆改革,开拓奋进,提出富有中国特色的社会发展新模式;把握枢纽,抓住机遇,全面运筹谋发展;求真务实,注重实效,实现当前成就和追求未来辉煌的统一;举重若轻,刚柔相济,挥洒自如地驾驭战略全局。  相似文献   

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