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外伤后误诊误治死亡5例医疗纠纷分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外伤后又有诊治失误的医疗纠纷案例是法医学鉴定、医疗事故鉴定及审判或调处的一大难点和重点。现报告5例,并就其误诊误治的原因、事故责任等进行简要分析。案 例【案例1】 某男,3 1岁,农民。某日下午2时3 0分横穿马路时被微型面包车撞伤,当时无昏迷,诉左胸部疼痛,送某医院就诊,透视未见异常,被给活血化瘀药物治疗;5时17分,仍觉不适,左腹疼痛,再次就诊,拍胸片未见异常,开药后让其回家休息。当晚睡觉时反复翻动,并发出哼声。5日晨5时许,同房间民工发现其死亡。尸检见左肘关节有4cm×2cm创口;左第10、11肋腋前线处肋间肌有3cm×3cm出血;腹腔…  相似文献   

外伤后又有诊治失误的医疗纠纷案例是法医学鉴定、医疗事故鉴定及审判或调处的一大难点和重点。现报告5例,并就其误诊误治的原因、事故责任等进行简要分析。  相似文献   

When there is an allegation that a child has been sexually abused, the first concern may be the protection of the child, not only from further abuse, but from the consequences of reporting the abuse. It may be necessary to take protective measures even before the credibility of the allegations has been sufficiently tested, but, of course, some evaluation of credibility must be made: draconian steps cannot be taken simply on a statement which may be patently exaggerated or imaginative. It may be necessary to remove the child from the home but such should be a last resort. It may be that the family's own controls will be sufficient or that protective orders will be adequate. And if removal is necessary, consideration should first be given to removing the abuser rather than the abused. In either case, as soon as removal is ordered, the prerequisites for return should be set out so that the child will not be out of her home longer than is necessary for her safety. Since rehabilitation of the family is always a primary objective, maintaining family contacts is desirable and thus visitation should be arranged, with appropriate protections. Protective orders are being increasingly found to be a quickly available and nicely flexibile tool for the security of the child with a minimum disruption for the family. Due process is required but the orders can be designed for the individual. But they must be enforced or they will quickly become ineffective and a child may again be at risk.  相似文献   

骨折误诊漏诊的临床法医学研究(附56例分析)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的 探讨骨折误诊漏诊的临床法医学特点 ,提高正确诊断 ,鉴定骨折的能力。 方法 收集 5 6例骨折误诊漏诊的案例 ,对骨折误诊漏诊的原因及特点进行回顾性研究。 结果 发现骨折误诊漏诊的主要原因是 :(1)对骨骼的正常解剖、变异不够熟悉 ;(2 )对骨的某些病理生理变化不认识 ;(3)拍片技术及检查方法不当 ;(4 )与诊断者业务素质有关 ;(5 )主观因素。 结论 熟悉骨折误诊漏诊的临床法医学特点 ,对于减少骨折鉴定中的误诊漏诊 ,提高骨折鉴定的准确性 ,具有重要的实际意义  相似文献   

目的:探讨骨折误诊漏诊的临床法医学特点,提高正确诊断,鉴定骨折的能力。方法:收集56例骨折误诊漏诊的案例,对骨折误诊断诊的原因及特点进行回顾性研究。结果:发现骨折误诊漏诊的主要原因是:(1)对骨骼的正常解剖、变异不够熟悉;(2)对骨的某些病理生理变化不认识;(3)拍片技术及检查方法不当;(4)与诊断者业务素质有关;(5)主观因素。结论:熟悉骨折误诊漏诊的临床法医学特点,对于减少骨折鉴定中的误诊漏诊,提高骨折鉴定的准确性,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

A cardiac concussion is caused by a sudden, nonpenetrating, localized impact to the chest that is theorized to result in almost simultaneous sudden death from a disruption to the conductive system. The detailed external/internal forensic examination of the body reveals no evidence of structural, pathologic, or histologic signs of trauma to the heart. A cardiac concussion is a rare and often overlooked cause of sudden death. This type of sudden death is typically seen among younger individuals participating in sports involving projectiles and, to a lesser degree, where collisions occur. Cardiac concussions are clinically, pathologically, and chemically different from a cardiac contusion. The objective of this paper will be to define cardiac concussion, differentiate between cardiac concussion and cardiac contusion, and describe the clinical and pathologic features of a 32-year-old white male who died of a cardiac concussion following a collision with a catcher during a softball game. The civil ramification of incorrectly diagnosing the manner of death in cases of death involving a cardiac concussion will also be addressed.  相似文献   

章晓洪 《河北法学》2002,20(2):101-107
"虚假信息案"不同于一般意义上的集团诉讼,由于证券市场具有它自身特定内涵,故相应的"虚假信息案"也应有其特殊的诉讼形式.对这类集团诉讼案件的管辖、原告资格的认定、诉讼时效及诉讼费用等进行了分析论证.  相似文献   

程艳 《时代法学》2010,8(5):88-92
动漫作品中的原创角色已成为最具商业利用价值的元素之一,其知识产权保护问题主要涉及版权和商标两个方面。将动漫角色作为独立的著作权保护需要满足一定的判断标准。商标法可以为角色提供交叉保护,具备显著性的角色形象元素都可以获准注册,且可以克服版权保护期限限制等的障碍。然而对知名角色形象的交叉保护带来了过度保护的弊端,因此在立法和司法实践中应合理界分作者、商标权人的权利和公有知识领域的关系,兼顾激励创新和促进角色利用两个目标的实现。  相似文献   

Criminal procedure law of the People's Republic of China prescribed victim the status of procedure, and gave them more procedural rights. But it's insufficient. It's important to give them more procedural rights, e.g. right of appeal.  相似文献   

The Internet remains the odd child of international law. While forever more universal law venues such as conferences, edited volumes or research projects consider “the Internet” a peculiar, interesting aspect of its well-recognized disciplines, international scholarship fails to address the global network as a whole, stalling the application of the fully developed and well-suited international law apparatus to the global community's biggest contemporary challenge. “Internet governance” is still perceived by legal scholars as construed to international relations and, at best, a potential ground for soft law in a distant future. That is not the case: Internet governance, with all its challenges, has been shaping international law for almost two decades. The latest unveilings of the ways in which the Internet impacts global policies and laws caught the public eye with the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal and, previously, with the 2013 Snowden revelations, yet as surprising as they might have been to the average user, they are direct results of network's architecture and its governance model. This paper looks at the evolving concept of “Internet's public core” as an opportunity to bridge this dogmatic gap. We identify the scope and meaning of “Internet's core” and assess its legitimacy within existing international normative frameworks. We argue that the technical components crucial to the flawless operation of the global network, such as the Domain Name System and Internet's backbone networks, can be effectively protected with international law.  相似文献   

In a regular column, we review new developments in the area of criminal prosecutions for HIV transmissions or exposure. Since the last issue of the Review, two new Canadian cases have come to our attention. A Swedish case is reported in HIV/AIDS in the Courts - International.  相似文献   

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