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《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):278-302
Motor vehicle theft is an offense typically dominated by male offenders. As with all other major forms of criminal activity that are male dominated, women do participate in the theft of vehicles; yet, few studies have endeavored to examine their involvement in auto theft and even fewer have directly compared women's experiences alongside that of men's. This paper examines the gendered nature of motor vehicle theft through direct comparison of in‐depth interviews with 35 men and women actively involved in auto theft in St. Louis, Missouri. By tracing similarities and differences between men's and women's initiation into auto theft, enactment methods, and access to networks for vehicle and parts' disposal, we provide a contextual analysis of offender's perceptions and behavior. The findings indicate that while initiation into auto theft and property disposal networks are both governed by male gatekeepers, women experience greater barriers in gaining access to disposal networks than they do entry into auto theft offending which, in turn, leads to some key similarities in techniques between men and women.  相似文献   

Near repeat analysis has been increasingly used to measure the spatiotemporal clustering of crime in contemporary criminology. Despite its predictive capacity, the typically short time frame of near repeat crime patterns can negatively affect the crime prevention utility of near repeat analysis. Thus, recent research has argued for a greater understanding of the types of places that are most likely to generate near repeat crime patterns. The current study contributes to the literature through a spatiotemporal analysis of residential burglary and motor vehicle theft in Indianapolis, IN. Near Repeat analyses were followed by multinomial logistic regression models to identify covariates related to the occurrence of initiator (the first event in a near repeat chain) and near repeat (the subsequent event in a near repeat chain) events. The overall findings provide additional support for the argument that neighborhood context can influence the formation and context of spatiotemporal crime patterns.  相似文献   

From 1995 on all new vehicles sold in Germany must be fitted with an electronic immobiliser. This measure was part of a comprehensive police plan which, adopted in 1994, reacted to the unprecedented increase in vehicle theft after German re-unification and the breakdown of the former USSR. Whilst international research has already shown that electronic immobilisation is an effective tool to reduce vehicle thefts, comparable studies for Germany have not existed. Based on the situational crime prevention approach, this study indicates that the substantial vehicle theft reductions recorded over the last 15 years in Germany can be explained in particular by the introduction of electronic immobilisers as a ‘target hardening’ mechanism. It will be shown that immobilisers not only effectively obstruct opportunistic vehicle thieves, but also increase the efforts of professional vehicle trafficking groups. Since an external impact evaluation has never been planned for this measure, the study followed a mixed methods approach in using available police data as well as complementary interviews with key experts.  相似文献   

广东经济发达地区顺德市盗抢机动车犯罪出现一些新特点,为了更有效地遏制盗抢机动车犯罪,应采取一系列具有一定突破性的现代侦破对策。  相似文献   

Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI), accounting for between 17 and 28 % of all TBIs. Although about 86 % of those who are involved in MVCs sustain no injuries, the remaining 14 % commonly experiences temporary or permanent cognitive, physical, and emotional problems; decreased functioning; and adverse lifestyle changes, which often result in litigation or pursuit of disability benefits. Although by far the most common severity of brain trauma resulting from MVCs falls at the mild end of the spectrum, many patients sustain moderate and severe brain injuries. Because of differing neuropathology, clinical presentations, recovery courses, and treatment and care needs, the neuropsychological conceptualization of, and services provided to, those who have sustained mild traumatic brain injuries typically differ from the conceptualization and services needed for those who sustained moderate–severe TBIs. Physical pain, emotional distress, effects of medications, and various motivations to seek services often contribute to the complexity of issues experienced by patients and confronted by clinicians. The purpose of this article is to review the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems experienced by persons who have been involved in MVCs, with a primary focus on outpatient settings and TBIs that fall at the mild end of the severity spectrum.  相似文献   


This paper explores the possible existence of the repeat phenomenon and their impact on racial disparities in police motor vehicle stops. The repeat phenomenon is the existence of a small proportion of people or places that account for a much larger proportion of events. While this phenomenon has been identified and discussed in other areas of criminal justice and criminology, it has not been extended to motor vehicle stops. The current study examines the existence of repeat citizens in a population of motor vehicle stops (N = 4775) from a Mid-western city during 2001. A small, but significant, concentration of motor vehicle stops were discovered among a few citizens and significant predictors of citizen performance included citizen race, gender, age, residency, time of the stop, and reason for the stop.  相似文献   

目的判断车辆是否发生过碰撞和怎样碰撞。方法应用痕迹检验方法对车辆的痕迹进行检验分析比对。结果通过车辆痕迹检验总结出车辆碰撞形态技术鉴定的具体方法。结论判断车辆是否发生过碰撞和怎样碰撞可以从车体痕迹、人体痕迹、微量物证及轮胎路面痕迹等方面来进行判断。  相似文献   

不同的归责原则体现不同的责任分配思想和责任承担基础,因此其责任主体的认定标准也不相同。《道路交通安全法》第76条没有采纳单一的归责原则,而是区分不同的责任范围和交通事故类型分别适用不同的归责原则。"运行支配和运行利益"是危险责任原则下保有者或者运行供用者的判断标准,因此将其作为我国机动车交通事故责任主体的判断标准必然与《道路交通安全法》第76条第(一)项所确立的过错责任相冲突。我国未来制定的民法典应当在厘清归责原则与责任主体之间关系的基础上,正确定位机动车交通事故责任的归责原则,并规定与之相适应的责任主体。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):344-367
Although researchers have examined the attributes that make offenders more or less responsive to sanction threats, far less attention has centered on the manner in which responsiveness can lead to less detectible crime, or perhaps even more overall crime. Restrictive deterrence is the concept that explains this paradox. We explore it here using qualitative interviews with 35 active auto thieves. Findings suggest that auto thieves' restrictively deterrent decision-making strategies fell into three broad categories: discretionary target selection, normalcy illusions, and defiance. Discussion focuses on the data's conceptual implications for restrictive deterrence and offender decision-making.  相似文献   

Twelve states in the U.S. have curfew laws, which prohibit young drivers from operating motor vehicles during late evening or early morning hours. The effect of such laws on motor vehicle crashes was studied in four of these states. In each state the laws were found substantially to reduce the crashes of sixteen year olds. Sixteen year old driver crash involvements during curfew hours were reduced by an estimated 69 percent in Pennsylvania, 62 percent in New York, 40 percent in Maryland, and 25 percent in Louisiana. Except in Maryland, the percentage of the sixteen year old population licensed was lower in curfew than comparison states. It is possible that curfew laws reduce early licensure, in which case reductions in crash involvements resulting from curfews are greater than shown above.  相似文献   

盗窃罪犯罪客体及对象研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盗窃罪的犯罪客体是他人对公私财产的占有权利而非所有权,因为所有权资格在法律上不可能被非法改变,盗窃行为所(欲)影响或者改变的,只是他人对财物的占有状态,不管他人对于财物的占有是什么性质的占有,盗窃犯罪都是对他人行使占有权的妨害。占有权能够直观反映出盗窃犯罪侵害的社会关系。  相似文献   

侵占罪与盗窃罪的界定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从侵占罪与盗窃罪各自的构成要件比较中来区分两者是比较容易的 ,但在司法实践中搞清两者之间的界限绝非易事 ,但又不是没有规律可寻。确定是侵占罪还是盗窃罪关键要把握物的支配状态。无论何种之物 ,只要行为人对其取得支配时不是用秘密手段取得的 ,就不是盗窃罪 ;对物不是用秘密手段取得的支配以后 ,只要行为人对物有法律上或事实上的代为保管关系 ,对物非法占为己有 ,拒不退还的 ,就构成了侵占罪。  相似文献   

More often than not, individuals involved in motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) do not sustain physical injuries. When individuals are involved in serious, injury-causing MVCs, the consequences may be devastating. Injured persons sometimes elect to pursue legal action to address the medical costs incurred and earning losses experienced in association with their injuries and the resulting impairments in function. This article presents a comprehensive review of the requirements of MVC-related litigation and the laws that govern this process, with emphasis placed on Ontario law in effect at the time of writing. Information considered germane to the decision to pursue legal action is reviewed, including the likely settlement amount, length of the legal process, costs associated with legal services and fee agreements that govern remuneration paid to the lawyer. Also described are no-fault regime and civil lawsuit, the two avenues of compensation that injured persons can pursue in an effort to recover losses and obtain the assistance they need to recover from their MVC-related injuries.  相似文献   

如机动车自愿责任险约定按份赔付,而被保险人与其他侵权行为人对受害第三人承担连带责任时,保险人承担被保险人的份额责任还是连带责任,这在理论上和实务中产生了很大争议。基于对连带责任的可保性、按份赔付条款的性质、保险人对第三人的抗辩、条款的订入与效力、代位追偿是否可行以及自愿责任险与强制三责险差异的分析,认为按份赔付条款不应受到否定,而该得到认可。  相似文献   

目的探讨机动车外后视镜对人体损伤的特点。方法对10例于1990—2005年间在华西医科大学法医学院鉴定的案例进行回顾性的调查,所有研究对象均为机动车外后视镜损伤患者。结果在车内驾驶员为左眼损伤,前排乘客为右眼损伤,均被同则外后视镜碎片所致,而在车外分为两类,一类为骑自行车的中学生,被外后视镜撞伤,以颅脑损伤居多,另一类为行走老年人,被后视镜撞伤,表现为四肢骨折。结论根据其受伤特征,提出相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

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