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马荣春 《现代法学》2013,35(2):116-124
与司法公信力和司法公众认同之间的关系相对应,刑法司法公信力与刑法司法公众认同也互为表里,且后者构成了前者的基础。刑法司法公信力与刑法司法公众认同之间的关系有着心理学基础和规范有效性基础,并蕴藏着有效控制犯罪以达致维护社会和谐稳定的最终法治效果。如果想确保并提升刑法司法公信力,则必须致力于刑法司法公众认同,包括刑法解释公众认同、司法定罪公众认同和司法量刑公众认同。刑法司法解释公众认同、司法定罪公众认同和司法量刑公众认同先后构成了刑法司法公信力的环节性基础,从而确保了刑法司法公信力的环节性实现。刑法司法公信力以价值衡量为进,以法治底线为退。  相似文献   

本文结合典型案例从刑事司法实践中的案件事实认定、法律适用以及裁判执行三个方面,详细探讨民意的影响,并剖析其中原因,认为民意的感性化和情绪化并不一定构成司法警惕民意的理由。但是为了维护法律的权威、促进司法的公平正义,司法绝不能仅仅为了获取社会公众的认同而盲目顺从民意,必须始终坚持法律至上原则,与民意保持适当距离,对民意的考量只能在法官的自由裁量权范围内进行。  相似文献   

民意是客观存在的。信息时代使得民意关注、评价甚至在一定条件下影响司法活动成为可能。刑事司法领域中的民意是公众在对因为某种原因受到社会各界格外关注的刑事案件认知、判断的基础上,根据法律正义的外在社会价值形成的带有普遍倾向和较多道德成分的观点或意见。民意是与案件处理结果有关(直接或潜在)但被国家排斥在刑事诉讼活动之外的一种重要利益的体现。  相似文献   

The Chinese public prosecution service, the procuracy, is modelled on the Soviet Union system and has been accorded the controversial function of supervising other legal institutions in the criminal justice system. Drawing upon my own empirical data on the prosecution of crime in China, this article critically examines the way the power of supervision operates from an internal perspective. It argues that the power of supervision has been used as an institutional asset to secure the interests of the procuracy by analysing its oversight of police investigations and court decisions, the way prosecutors perceive themselves, and the efficacy of the supervision in a comparative context. The current status of the procuracy dictates that it is unable to undertake the role of supervision to safeguard the criminal process.  相似文献   

论民意在刑事司法中的解构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙万怀 《中外法学》2011,(1):143-160
司法审判中对于民意的重视已经提高到了司法政策的层面,并且在实践中逐步被推广,进而成为一项司法改革的重要内容。从逻辑角度来说,在司法领域中往往是一种涉案民意或者说涉诉民意,其形成的出发点往往是自我情感,是民众"义务警员"倾向所折射出的对刑罚的高度关注。刑事司法的不可妥协性决定了民意在其中没有作用的空间,刑事案件的专业化特征则决定了民意的虚妄,在刑罚权不能让渡给被害人的情形下,让渡给民意是无法想象的。如果允许刑事司法向民意妥协,看起来似乎维护了社会的稳定,实际上是以牺牲整个法律正义为代价,是以牺牲法律的尊严和权威为代价,其最终的结果是法律可以被任意解释。在民意一元化和法官缺少能动性的情形之下,权力或缺少克制,或以民意为外衣,司法常常表现为对一元化民意的屈从。敢于和民意对抗有时是最为可贵的品质。  相似文献   

In this introduction to this special issue of the Asian Journal of Criminology, we pay special attention to public participation and involvement in the criminal justice system in Asia. Public support, participation, and involvement in various forms are crucial to normal functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Given the centralized and often non-democratic nature of the legal system in many Asian nations, studies in this field have lagged behind their Western counterparts. Based on empirical and theoretical studies from China, India, Japan, Macao, and South Korea, papers in this special issue address several key aspects of public participation and involvement in these Asian nations and regions, including the public’s role in crime reduction and prevention, the public’s fear of crime, the public’s involvement with the police in dealing with juvenile delinquencies, the police’s perception of civilian oversight of police work, public opinion on criminal trial procedures, and a comprehensive crime prevention strategy.  相似文献   

理性对待刑事司法过程中的民意   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法律效果与社会效果相统一,作为一项司法政策,是刑事司法工作的最高境界.为实现这一目标,司法机关在司法过程中必须关注民意.民意对刑事司法过程可能产生消极影响,因此司法机关应该理性对待民意.具体来说,刑事司法既要独立于民意,又要倾听、引导民意,及时回应民意.为此,应该完善公众参与机制、信息公开机制以及民意发现机制,同时规范媒体的报道,提升公众整体的法律素质.  相似文献   

The current trend towards the deinstitutionalization of mental patients has led some to predict a movement into the criminal justice system. This paper describes an attempt to examine this hypothesis by comparing commitment and arrest rates in Philadelphia before and after the enabling legislation.

The hypothesis of movement into the criminal justice system was not supported by the comparison of rates, nor by an examination of the careers of ninety-four selected ex-patients.

The implications of the findings are discussed, with reference to similar studies in different states; and the conclusion is reached that the results must be interpreted in the light of the changing role of the criminal justice system as well as that of the mental hospital.  相似文献   

相对于传统的自上而下的传播模式,“自媒体”更多地体现出一种传播的对等性,更加注重网民的自主性,表现出个性化、互动性的特征,更易引发刑事司法与民意之间的紧张关系。涉弱势群体的刑事个案更易引发民众的关注、民意的表达更为通畅与开放、民意的表达忽略了案件事实与法律适用本身、民意的真实性有待考证,这是自媒体时代的民意的主要特征。在自媒体环境下,民意推动了刑事诉讼程序的公开、公正进行,有助于刑事司法判决朝着更为公正、合理的方向发展,不理性的民意对部分刑事案件的错判、误判的影响仍然不能忽视,民意对刑事司法的影响呈现出无序性。营造刑事司法与民意互动的良性循环需要注意:建立及时的信息发布、沟通机制,对自媒体进行必要的约束,发挥自媒体对民意的引导、培育功能。构建公平有序的社会制度。  相似文献   

Social movement scholars have rarely considered professional fields as sites of social movement consequences and have overlooked how social movement consequences traverse field boundaries. This research examines where movements matter by examining unintended consequences across professional fields. Drawing on a case study of the pain management movement, this study asks (1) under what conditions do movements targeting a focal professional field create consequences in adjacent fields; (2) what factors affect how adeptly the adjacent field responds; and (3) how do social movement impacts on adjacent fields affect the focal field? Findings demonstrate how the success of the pain management movement in medicine helped to fuel the opioid epidemic, which detrimentally affected the adjacent fields of criminal justice and public health. These adjacent fields' strategies for curbing spillover, in turn, created a new set of consequences for medicine. Their responses depended on material and moral resources and authority structures that differed significantly across the two adjacent fields. This article concludes with a discussion of factors that may facilitate or deter cross‐field contagion effects and offers suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

在刑事法治系统中,立法与司法是两个非常重要的子系统。研究刑法学方法,①对于这两个子系统的良性运转,进而促进刑事法治系统的良性运转,具有重要意义。一立法完善,对于中国刑事法治而言,是一项重要的制度建设工作。二十世纪八十年代以来的刑事立法,始终贯穿着这一主题。(一)立法完善的含义与意义完善之意,指(使之)完备美好。②立法完善,即通过立法程序使法律、法规进一步完备的过程与结果。刑法的立法完善亦然。废除、修改非正当、不合理的规定,增补与社会现实相适应的内容,是刑法立法完善工作的基本方式。制定立法解释,是刑法立法完善工作…  相似文献   

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