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The adoption, maintenance, and prudent use of budgetary stabilization funds are fundamental financial management precepts, yet the variables that influence the size of these funds are poorly understood. This article contributes to the stabilization fund literature by examining the extent to which variation in stabilization fund balances across municipalities and over time can be explained by a community's political culture and financial management capacity. The balanced panel research design includes archival data for 239 Massachusetts municipalities for each of 18 fiscal years. Stabilization fund balances are lower in communities with either an anti‐tax or a pro‐spending political culture. Stabilization fund balances are higher in communities that have the financial management capacity to accumulate budget surpluses that can be made available for appropriation to stabilization funds. Communities with the open town meeting form of government also have higher stabilization fund balances.  相似文献   

对省级地方政府规模影响因素的定量研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
政府规模是我国推进政府改革进程中值得关注的一个重大课题,对其影响因素的探索对行政体制改革具有重要意义,而目前国内学界对政府规模影响因素的定量研究尚不多见,基本是政府规模问题研究的空白点.从政府规模的概念和影响因素入手,以2003年全国30个省级行政单位(台湾、香港、澳门、西藏除外)为样本,运用SPSS软件对政府规模的影响因素进行定量回归分析,对学界普遍认同的经济发展水平、经济体制、人口因素、地域面积以及民族因素进行考量,发现经济发展水平与中国省级政府规模呈负相关,说明瓦格纳法则并不适用于现阶段的中国;市场化指数与中国省级政府规模呈高度负相关;人口因素与政府规模呈高度负相关.这个结论与我国许多学者的经验观察与主观感受是相反的.地域面积与政府规模呈正相关关系,但在省级行政单位这一层面上影响非常微弱,不像有的学者强调得那样大;少数民族比重与政府规模呈高度正相关,这是一个新的定量研究发现.由此提出:在建立合理、优化的政府规模时,应更多地运用科学的研究方法,探讨其深层次的结构性原因,充分关注不同区域的特殊情况,对症下药地提出相应的改革方案.在推进政治、行政改革时更应慎之又慎,以构建与市场经济大背景相适应的公共服务型政府为基本的价值取向,坚持温和稳健,防止过度激进,坚持理性考察,避免煽情之作,以促进经济发展和社会进步.  相似文献   

Over the past couple of decades, the level of turnout in Norwegian local elections has shown a steady d. This decline is paralleled by a greater range of variation in turnout across Norwegian municipalities. Arguing from the perspective of rational utility-maximizing voters, the article examines to what extent such variations in the level of turnout may be accounted for by the policy performance of local authorities – in addition to certain structural features of the municipalities and local communities. Using aggregate data on turnout and measures of policy performance. the analysis testifies to the suggestion that policy exerts an influence in determining the level of turnout, indicating a turn in the direction of more rational voting behaviour as far as local elections arc concerned. It is also evident from the analysis that the appearance of smaller single-issue parties does have a mobilizing effect in local elections while the Downsian suggestion about the effect of party competition on turnout levels is not supported by the mule of the analysis.  相似文献   

Managing Disasters: The Role of Local Government   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In major disasters, local communities are often on their own for several hours or days. Local governments can play a key role in taking the initiative to protect their citizens. This essay compares the experience of New Orleans before, during, and after the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina with the performance of Qinglong County, China, during the Tangshan earthquake of 1976. Qinglong County exemplifies local government taking initiative in risk assessment, decision making, operations, information sharing, and communications.  相似文献   

The research presented here adopts an organizational approach to develop three regression models that examine why local governments accumulate slack in the form of unreserved fund balances, and what is the impact of slack resources on local governments' short‐term fiscal conditions and decisions about spending and revenues. Using data on Chicago suburban municipalities and their governments, the first model estimates the effects of long‐term and short‐term conditions (fiscal and governing) on unreserved fund balances. The second and third models examine the impact of slack resources and other factors on year‐end deficits or surpluses and changes in spending and own‐source revenues. The results show that ending balances, expenditures (size), and long‐term fiscal conditions have the greatest effect on fund balances, and that slack and current fiscal conditions have the greatest effect on ending balances and changes in revenues and spending.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations thrive on the altruism of citizens, and actively court donors for major gifts. Yet individual gifts to government agencies are often unexpected, sporadic, and initiated by the donor. This article introduces the phenomenon of private giving to local governments and tests hypotheses regarding the expected forms of giving to public agencies. Results indicate that philanthropy is and will likely remain a minor and highly variable source of revenue, making it an ill‐suited replacement for broad‐based tax revenue. However, deliberate government efforts to provide a suitable environment for private donations appear to succeed in attracting more gifts per capita.  相似文献   

One aspect of the study of local government organization is the role of consultants and the models they have introduced in order to help the local government reorganize. One of these models is "strategy", and this article sets out to consider the implication for these organizations if "the logic of strategy" were to be implemented. A common denominator of all the local governments studied is that "strategy" does not function, and the question is why this is so. Two distinctly different explanations can be considered. One states that "strategy" is difficult and that the politicians and administrators will need time to adjust to new ways of working. The other explanation, which is applied here, focuses on whether local government as an institution can be reconciled with the demands and premises inherent in "strategic thinking". My conclusions arc negative. "Strategy" is a model from the private sector and more specifically from the competitive sector of society and it is not appropriate for wider use. In this article the arguments are restricted to local government, and do not necessarily apply to other types of public organization.  相似文献   

Devolution and Local Government   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jeffery  Charlie 《Publius》2006,36(1):57-73
Devolution was introduced amid a rhetoric of democratic renewaland promised the active engagement of local government. Localgovernment has responded in different ways in different partsof the United Kingdom. In Scotland and Wales local authoritieshave built on their advocacy of devolution before 1997 to realizea close partnership with devolved government. In London, too,local authorities have come to engage closely with regionalgovernment. In the rest of England local authorities were atbest ambivalent about the possibility of regional government,preferring to work in a national context with UK governmentinstitutions. Northern Ireland local government is parochialand appears suspicious of engagement with devolved government.These differences express some of the wider relationships ofthe component societies of the United Kingdom to the UK stateand have helped to embed continued centralized government inEngland.  相似文献   

顾金喜 《理论探索》2011,(1):104-108
杭州市的开放式决策创新保障了决策程序和结果的正义性,丰富并拓展了政务公开的内涵、形式和外延,有助于提升政府决策的合法性和决策质量,有助于塑造良好的政府形象和提升政府公信力。杭州市的实践表明,进一步推进开放式决策,需加强宣传力度,拓宽公众参与渠道;强化决策会议议题与公共需求之间的关联度,提升公众参与深度与广度;完善决策程序,强化决策程序的正义性;强化责任追究机制,加强决策的制度化建设。杭州市的开放式决策启示我们,要通过战略意识的转变与创新,奠定决策中公民导向的思想基础;通过决策平台与载体创新,加速推进决策过程的电子化程度;通过机制体制创新,实现决策程序的制度化、规范化和民主化等。  相似文献   


The process of local decentralisation of public services delivery has attracted research attention because of the wide range of factors that induce governments to make this decision. Nonetheless, most such studies have focused on economic and financial aspects, ignoring the impact of political factors. The scarce previous research about political factors is the motivation for this study. We used panel data models based on 153 Spanish municipalities with populations over 50,000 for the period 1999–2007. The process of decentralisation is disaggregated according to the legal form of the entities: corporations and foundations. Our results show that more corporatisation processes are carried out in environments where political competition is lower and the party in power enjoyed greater support in the last elections. Additionally, decentralisation processes usually take place in the years immediately following elections, especially through foundations. Furthermore, both forms of decentralisation are more likely to be initiated by right-wing politicians.  相似文献   

This paper offers an historical analysis of the principles of local government organization that have been accepted in Britain and the United States. The central thesis is that these principles express an 'economist' conception of politics and the state. Local governments have been variously conceived—as business corporations, consumers' cooperatives, and institutions of the state—but in each case they have been assigned a restricted, essentially instrumental purpose. This purpose is connected to economic welfare, which, it is supposed, requires centralization of government. Thus the prevalent economist conceptions of local government condemn the local polity to a tenuous existence.  相似文献   

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