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为了探明Toll样受体(TLRs)在禽呼肠孤病毒(ARV)感染致病过程中的作用,本研究考察ARV感染鸡的不同器官中TLRs在不同感染时间点的动态表达变化。本研究将ARV S1133毒株经足垫注射,接种7日龄SPF鸡,感染后第1、3、5、7和14天采集鸡脾、腔上囊、胸腺、肝和心脏等器官组织,利用荧光定量PCR方法检测TLR3、TLR5、TLR7、TLR15和TLR21在这些器官中的m RNA表达水平变化,分析ARV感染对鸡不同器官中上述TLRs m RNA表达量的影响。结果表明,ARV可诱导TLR3、TLR5、TLR7、TLR15和TLR21在不同器官中的表达,并且表达变化也不同。在免疫器官中以TLR3和TLR7的表达升高为主,在心脏和肝中以TLR7和TLR15的表达为主。这些结果提示,TLR3、TLR5、TLR7、TLR15和TLR21在ARV感染致病过程中发挥不同的作用,本研究结果为进一步阐明禽呼肠孤病毒的致病机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

从分子结构、基因结构及其染色体定位、信号转导等几方面概述了人类Toll样受体 (TLRs)的基本特点,并从比较生物学角度归纳了其他哺乳动物、禽类、鱼类等脊椎动物TLRs的研究进展。  相似文献   

吸血蠓属于蠓科,是一类体长约2mm的双翅目吸血昆虫。分布广泛,遍及五大洲。世界上已有1100种,我国也发现100余种。吸血蠓吸动物血后才能繁殖后代,因而雌虫常追随动物叮咬,使人畜痛痒难忍,危害非浅,而且是家畜和人的多种疾病的传播媒介,对人类健康,特别对家畜的危害十分严重。现仅就吸血蠓对家畜的危害及防制,作一专论。 (一)对家畜的危害 1.吸血:吸血蠓中的库蠓属雌性库蠓,多数是刺吸家畜血液营生的,如华丽库蠓,惭灰库蠓,日本库蠓、亚非库蠓等。据《福建地区流行病学和医学动物》记载在30种吸血蠓中,吸人血为主的3种,吸人畜血的5种,吸畜血为主的7种,吸禽血为主的1种,间接吸  相似文献   

Toll样受体7介导的抗病毒天然免疫反应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了Toll样受体(TLRs)的发现、种类及其作用模式,重点介绍了TLR7的分子结构、组织分布、识别的配体以及依赖MyD88接头分子的信号转导通路,最后,综述了TLR7介导的抗病毒效应的研究进展。提出,对TLR7及其作用机制的研究必将有助于新型动物用疫苗的创制。  相似文献   

陈思锐、高士明等(1960)首创的瓦钵试管倒插粪孵毛蚴法,是家畜血防粪孵诊断工具的一项重大改革,并被推荐在我省和全国家畜血防现场会上交流和推广。后经我省家畜血防站组织设计、改制,用带盖的塑料粪杯与玻璃试管配套,使其进一步完善,30多年来在家畜血防工作中发挥了积极的作用。1982年5月,在湖北省沔阳县召开的全国家畜血吸虫病诊断科研现场会上,顶管法、试管倒插法、三角烧瓶法、球形烧瓶法等4种应用较广的粪孵法在现场做了操作表演。大会评审结果认为试管倒插法具有观察部位清晰、毛蚴集中、检出率高、工具成本低、操作简便、便于携带等优点,是一种效果较好的病原学诊断方法。  相似文献   

我站同志在探索解决治疗家畜胃肠病简易有效的新途径、新方法中,联想到用水针疗法治疗家畜跛行病,好学易懂,简便易行,花钱少,疗效高,就认真总结这一经验。 水针疗法治疗家畜跛行病是通过增加针感及所注药物的综合作用,以调节复健腰肢的正常功能活动。我们研究分析了有关的经络循行分布,结合神经系统中植物神经支配、控制胃肠功能活动的原理,大胆设想在颈静脉沟上缘及颈部上、中三分之一交界处,做为一个新的  相似文献   

从雌性骆驼输卵管、子宫、子宫颈、阴道组织中提取总RNA,根据已发表的骆驼β-防御素-1基因的cDNA序列设计合成引物,采用RT-PCR扩增出了骆驼β-防御素-1基因;将扩增产物克隆于pBlueselectT载体后进行了序列分析。以β-肌动蛋白(β-actin)基因作为内参,对扩增的β-防御素-1基因进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳后,应用凝胶成像分析系统,推断出了不同组织中β-防御素-1基因的表达量。结果,从雌性骆驼生殖各组织上皮均获得了203 bp的β-防御素-1基因的扩增片段,且β-防御素-1基因在雌性骆驼生殖道各组织内的表达量不同。结果表明,β-防御素-1在雌性骆驼生殖组织的先天免疫中起重要作用。  相似文献   

为了在家畜风湿病与类似疾患之间找到一种比较可靠的实验室鉴别诊断的方法,并了解A族溶血性链球菌对家畜的致病作用,我们采用微量测定法对家畜机体感染了溶血性链球菌后,体内产生的相应的抗链球菌溶血素O(ASO)抗体进行了测定,为马、牛溶血性链球菌疾病的诊断提供了数据。  相似文献   

从雌性绵羊输卵管、子宫体、子宫颈、阴道组织中提取总RNA,根据已获得的绵羊ghrelin基因eDNA序列设计特异性引物,采用RT-PCR方法扩增出了绵羊ghrelin基因;将扩增产物克隆于pMDl9-T载体后进行测序.以a-肌动蛋白(a-actin)基因作为内参,采用半定量RT-PCR法扩增ghrelin基因,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳后,应用凝胶成像分析系统计算雌性绵羊不同生殖道组织中ghrelin基因的表达量.结果显示,从雌性绵羊生殖道各组织均扩增出了233 bp的ghrelin基因片段;ghrelin基因在子宫体的表达量最高,输卵管内次之,子宫颈和阴道内最低.表明,ghrelin对雌性绵羊生殖系统的调节及生殖激素的分泌等具有重要作用.  相似文献   

作者在进行家畜去势术的过程中,认真分析了现行的各种去势方法的优缺点,在此基础上开展了家畜药物去势术的研究。三年来,通过对209头家畜的试验,认为药物去势的效果比较满意。现报告如下。  相似文献   

This article investigates knowledge and perceptions of women’s empowerment from the perspective of female livestock keepers and elucidates linkages between women’s empowerment and household nutrition in relation to livestock. Eight focus groups with 62 female livestock keepers were conducted in Tanzania. Women’s empowerment in livestock was associated with improved household nutrition. Other opportunities for empowerment were identified that could contribute to women’s decision-making power. The article recommends that all development interventions in the livestock sector be gender sensitive and engage local men in conversations about gender inequities. It also discusses other pathways to increase women’s empowerment and household nutrition.  相似文献   

Farmer-to-farmer extension (FFE) is playing a complementary role to formal extension services in facilitating the spread of agricultural technologies and improving farmers’ capacities. The effectiveness and sustainability of such programmes depend on volunteer farmer trainers (VFTs) having technical skills and overcoming process-related challenges that hinder them from achieving the desired outcomes. This article uses quantitative and qualitative data collected from seven sites to explore the challenges experienced by VFTs as they share their knowledge on livestock feed innovations in a dairy development project in Kenya. Sustainable opportunities for enhancing VFTs’ performance are discussed.  相似文献   

从蒙古国议会和政府纲领性文件的目标描述来看,蒙古国新政府将实施以资源加工出口为主、近中期轻度国内市场保护为辅的产业经济发展战略,并将在此战略基础上选择确立以下主导产业:1. 因产业贡献和比较优势,视矿山采掘冶炼业为目前唯一且将来很长一段时间内最重要的主导产业;2. 因经营方式转换的“推进效应”、技术投入乘数效应和市场准入原则,视生产绿色产品的畜产品二次加工业为恢复与培育的近中期主导产业;3. 因得天独厚的旅游资源和产业结构升级之需要,视国际旅游业为优先方向上引导发展的远期主导产业。  相似文献   

Development cooperation is a foreign policy tool marked by deep-seated conflicts of interest and dilemmas of particular relevance to second-tier and non-nuclear countries that aim to change their international status and role. Building on the concept of ‘graduation dilemma’, this article compares specific dilemmas that Brazil and South Africa face in their foreign policies concerning the development cooperation agenda at three levels: the domestic, the regional and the global level. The research question guiding this analysis is: how does the graduation dilemma manifest in relation to Brazil and South Africa’s role in development cooperation?  相似文献   

本文主要探讨泰国与马来西亚政府金融干预体制的特点及其在社会经济发展中的作用。泰国、马来西亚政府金融干预在保护本国金融部门发展、推动社会均衡发展方面成效显著;但在支持本国支柱产业的建设、促进工业化进程方面效果欠佳。这主要与两国金融体制的局限性和政府的社会发展政策有关。金融危机后,两国推行的改革措施,正推动两国政府金融干预机制向更科学、合理的方向发展。  相似文献   

滕海区 《南亚研究季刊》2012,(2):101-108,112
印度海外移民政策的演变经历了一个较为复杂的过程,其根本动因在于印度国内发展的需要和广大海外印裔移民基于自身发展需求的大力推动。在这一进程中,美国印裔族群因其独特的精英性质、强劲的族裔实力,以及为祖籍国印度的全面发展所作出的卓著贡献而起到了其他任何海外印裔族群所不可替代的重要作用,并在印度海外移民政策的调整与转变和具体海外移民政策的不断完善上得到了充分的体现,其地位不容撼动。  相似文献   


This paper examines the seemingly complex linkage between domestic political conflict and external behavior by broadening our consideration of foreign policy behavior. Underlying this analysis is a view that there are elements of both assertiveness and caution in the political use of foreign policy by domestically threatened leaders. They act assertively to divert attention away from domestic issues and enhance the image of their regime, but at the same time they are likely to show some restraint in order to avoid costly military and economic reactions by foreign actors. It is hypothesized that domestic conflict affects the degree of independence, commitment, and intensity in a nation's foreign policy behavior, but no so much its foreign conflict. Supplementing this, the mediating role of another foreign policy property, substantive issue area, is examined as a means of identifying conditions under which the impact of internal unrest would be greatest. The results of the analysis are mixed, but they do lend credibility to the idea that domestic conflict is related to multiple dimensions of foreign policy. More broadly, they suggest that governments employ different foreign policy strategies in coping with different types of domestic political conflict.  相似文献   

In many international institutions, contested norms pass via voting. Although votes express national positions, dynamic vote shifts are a widespread phenomenon. Why do states sometimes change their voting stances concerning re-occurring international rules and norms? To explain observed variation, this analysis theorises the role of domestic and external windows of opportunity as well as the role of lobbying in the United Nations General Assembly. It shows that changes in government composition and changes in the text of re-occurring international rules and norms matter. Yet, whilst resourceful actors more likely change their voting stance after having successfully negotiated text changes, less powerful states are more likely to shift voting stances in response to third party lobbying.  相似文献   

Although foreign policy changes reflect transformations in the international system, they are also strongly conditioned by domestic factors. This is particularly true in the United States. Domestic factors have affected US decision-makers’ interpretation of the international system and the role their country should play in it. That interpretation has gone through various phases, each characterised by a predominant paradigm or a struggle between competing paradigms. If the period between 11 September 2001 and the 2006 mid-term elections witnessed the uncontested success of unilateralism, after those mid-terms and the elections of 4 November 2008, the necessary domestic conditions for a new multilateral paradigm may have been created.  相似文献   

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