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Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1974,52(1):113-114
Book review in this article
Systemic Aspects of Public Administration Poul Meyer.
Complex Organizations: A Critical Essay Charles Perrow.
The Reformed Local Government system Peter G.Richards.
The Politics of Policy in Local Government John Dearlove.
The Balance Point between Local Autonomy and National Control S.E.M.Sadek.
Complaints Against Doctors: A Study in Professional Accountability Rudolf Klein.
A Reader in Planning Theory Andreas Faludi
Planning the Eternal City: Roman Politics and Planning Since the War R.C.Fried.
Government in Spain K.N.Medhurst.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1977,55(2):229-240
Book Reveiwed in this article
The Limits of Administration Christopher C. Hood.
Policy Making in British Government: An Analysis of Power and Rationality Brian Smith.
The State, Administration and the Individual Michael Hill.
Understanding Local Government Jeffery Stanyer.
The Process of Local Government Reform 1966–74 Bruce Wood.
Second City Politics: Democratic Processes and Decision-Making in Birmingham Kenneth Newton.
The Politics Of Consumer Representation: A Study of Community Health Councils Rudolf Klein and Janet Lewis.
The European Communities: The Social Policy of the First Phase . Doreen Collins. Martin Robertson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1978,56(4):485-502
Book Reveiwed in this article
Policy and Politics. Essays in Honour of Norman Chester Edited by David Butler and A.H. Halsey.
The Politics of Bureaucracy: A Comparative Perspective B. Guy Peters
The Commission for Local Administration. A Preliminary Appraisal . Norman Lewis and Bernard Gateshill.
William Beveridge. A Biography José Harris
Universality, Selectivity, and Effectiveness in Social Policy Bleddyn Davies, in association with Michael Reddin.
Rationing Social Services Ken Judge.
Restructuring the Health Service Tom Heller.
The Politics of Housing in Britain and France Roger H. Duclaud-Williams
Intergovernmental Relations in the European Community C. Hull and R. A.W. Rhodes.
The Administration of British Foreign Policy, 1782–1846 Charles R. Middleton.
The Bureaucracy in India: An Historical Analysis of Development up to 1947 B.B. Misra.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1980,58(3):357-375
Book reviewed in this article:
Public Administration: An Introduction Stuart MacRae and Douglas Pitt. Pitman Business Education, 1980. Pp. 226. £4.50.
The Government of the United Kingdom: Political Authority in a Changing Society Max Beloff and Gillian Peele.
Public Spending Decisions: Growth and Restraint in the 1970s Maurice Wright (ed.).
The House of Commons in the Twentieth Century S. A. Walkland (ed.).
Party Politics in Local Government: Officers and Members Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of Public Administration.
The Reports and Accounts of Nationalized Industries: a User's Guide Andrew Likierman.
The Telecommunications Function in the British Post Office: A Case Study of Bureaucratic Adaptation Douglas C. Pitt.
Government and Shipbuilding: The Politics of Industrial Change B. W. Hogwood.
Outside the State: Voluntary Organizations in Three English Towns Stephen Hatch.
Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Household Resources and Standards of Living Peter Townsend.
Social Services by Government Contract: A Policy Analysis Kenneth R. Wedel, Arthur J. Katz and Ann Weick (eds.)
Health Care: Priorities and Management Gwyn Bevan, Harold Copeman, John Perrin and Rachel Rosser.
In On the Act: Memoirs of a Lawmaker Sir Harold S. Kent.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1980,58(2):235-252
Book reviewed in this article:
Public Administration Teaching in Further and Higher Education Roy Lewis and Chris Himsworth.
The Superbureaucrats: Structure and Behaviour in Central Agencies Colin Campbell and George J. Szablowski.
The Reorganization of British Local Government: Orthodoxies and a Political Perspective John Dearlove.
The British New Towns: A Programme Without Policy Meryl Aldridge.
The Study of Social Policy: A comparative Approach Barbara Rodgers, Abraham Doron and Michael Jones.
The Changing Image of the Magistracy Sir Thomas Skyrme.
Public Sector Bargaining: A Study of Relative Gain A. W. J. Thomson and P. B. Beaumont.
The Postal Business 1969–79: A Case Study in Public Sector Management Michael E. Corby.
Reorganizing the National Health Service: A Case Study of Administrative Change R. G. S. Brown.
Government Administration in Australia R. N. Spann.
An Idea and Its Servants: UNESCO From Within Richard Hoggart.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1980,58(1):105-122
Book reviewed in this article:
Management in Central and Local Government John Bourn.
The Growth of Government: the Development of Ideas about the Role of the State and the Functions of Government in Britain Since 1780 Geoffrey K. Fry.
Politics and Policy in Australia G. Hawker, R.F.I. Smith and P. Weller.
Politics Between Departments M. Painter and B. Carey.
Devolution at Work: A Case Study of the Isle of Man D. G. Kermode.
The Local Government Service in England and Wales K. P. Poole.
Local Government in Britain and France: Problems and Prospects Jacques Lagroye and Vincent Wright, (eds.).
Urban Politics: a Sociological Interpretation Peter Saunders.
The Politics of Positive Discrimination: An Evaluation of the Urban Programme 1967–77 John Edwards and Richard Batley.
Essays on Housing Policy: The British Scene J. B. Cullingworth.
Housing and Public Policy Stewart Lansley. Croom Helm.
State Housing in Britain Stephen Merrett.
Governing Under Pressure: The Policy Process in a Post-Parliamentary Democracy J. J. Richardson and A. G. Jordan. Martin Robertson.
Pressure Politics in Contemporary Britain Graham Wootton.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1966,44(2):233-249
Book review in this Article The Scientific Estate By Don K. Price. The Government of Northern Ireland: Public Finance and Public Services 1921–1964 By R. L. Lawrence. The Inland Revenue By Sir Alexander Johnston. The Metropolis By John C. Bollens and Henry J. Schmandt. An Anatomy of Social Welfare Services By Margot Jefferys. Local Health and Welfare Services By Julia Parker. I Was There: The Memoirs of H. S. Tremenheere Compiled and edited with critical commentary by E. L. and O. P. Edmonds. Tribunals and Inquiries By N. D. Vandyk. Introducing Computers By F. J. M. Laver. Management: A Subject Listing of Recommended Books, Pamphlets and Journals By Betsy Ann Olive.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The New Politics of British Local Governance. Edited by Gerry Stoker. Macmillan, 2000. Pp.xvii + 294, £16.99 pb.

Local Political Leadership. By Steve Leach and David Wilson. Policy Press, 2000. Pp.v + 228. £17.99.

Structural Reform of British Local Government: Rhetoric and Reality. By Michael Chisholm. Manchester University Press, 2000. Pp.194. £40.

The Careers of Councillors: Gender, Party and Politics. By Catherine Bochel and Hugh M. Bochel. Ashgate, 2000. Pp.143. £37.50 hb.

Communicating Successfully in Groups: A Practical Guide for the Workplace. By Marie Reid and Richard Hammersley. Routledge, 2000. Pp.188. £10.99 pb.

Using Psychology in Management Training: The Psychological Foundations of Management Skills. By David A. Statt. Routledge, 2000. £14.99.

Housing Associations and Housing Policy: A Historical Perspective. By Peter Malpass. Macmillan Press, 2000. Pp.298. £16.99 pb.

The State of UK Housing: A Factfile on Dwelling Conditions. By Philip Leather and Tanya Morrison. The Policy Press, 2000. £15.95 hb.

Allocating Social Housing: Law and Practice in the Management of Social Housing. By Hal Pawson, David Mullins and Siobhan McGrath. Lemos and Crane, 2000. £18.95 pb.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Battling for turf at the NSC

Cecil V. Crabb, Jr. and Kevin V. Mulcahy: American National Security: A Presidential Perspective Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., Pacific Grove, Calif., 1991, 208 p., PB, $11.95.

The Big Boondoggle

Tim Weiner: Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget Warner Books, New York, 1990, 273 p., $21.95.

The Missing Ingredient in Analyzing Soviet Politics

Peter Deriabin and T. H. Bagley: KGB: Masters of the Soviet Union Hippocrene Books, New York, 1990, 466 p., $24.95.

Once Over Lightly

Charles D. Ameringer: U.S. Foreign Intelligence: The Secret Side of American History Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 1990, 458 p., $24.95.

Perceptions in War and Peace

Robert Jervis: The Logic of Images in International Relations Columbia University Press, New York, 1989, PB, 281 p., $15.00.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
This article argues that a major factor in terrorist acts is an appeal to the actor's own community at an emotional and symbolic level, through acts of sacrifice, particularly self-sacrifice. Although other aims also exist, a prime concern is to recall the actor's home audience to the struggle, because the actor regards himself as acting on their behalf. This utilizes the imagery and symbolism of traditional religion, implying a strong communal and non-material impetus to terrorist acts, rather than rational material calculation, that modern Western man finds difficult to comprehend. It also recalls much classical social theory, which emphasized the central role of religion in community. Self-sacrifice tells an emotional story to the actor's community that is comprehensible to them and will have an emotional appeal to maintaining the community. For the Northern Ireland hunger strikes (possibly analogous to suicide bombers) this is reflected in their appeal solely to a Catholic/nationalist community that equates strongly with ideas of a pre-modern society under threat from a modernizing society. All the hunger strikers were very normal for their community, but left non-Catholics completely unmoved. Consequently there is a need to understand the communal dynamics behind terrorism if one is to effectively counter the threat and that different societies may have different values regarding the individual, community, and life itself. Individual motivations do not provide an adequate explanation for much terrorism and it is a failure to grasp this that severely hinders much counterterrorism.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1973,51(4):463-464
Book review in this article
Administration: The Word and the Science Andrew Dunsire
The Scottish Political System James G.Kellas
County Hall L.E.A: The Role of the Chief Education officer Maurice Kogan and Willem van der Eyken
The Management of Britain's External Relations Robert Boardman and A.J.R.Groom (eds.)
Management by Objectives in Local Government J.W.Glendinning and R.E.H.Bullock
Federal judges: The Appointing Process Harold W.Chase
Organization Design Derek Newman.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1971,49(2):219-232
Book reviews in this article: The Central Office of Information By Sir Fife Clark. Parliament and Conscience By Peter G.Richards. Government in Action in the United Kingdom By G.W.Keeton. The Member of Parliament and his Information By Antony Barker and Michael Rush. Administrative Reform By Gerald Caiden. Neubau der Verwaltung By Frido Wagener. Bureaucracy By Martin Albrow. Papers on Planning and Economic Management By Ely Devons. The Government and Politics of Ireland By Basil Chubb.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1966,44(3):357-372
Book Reviews in this articles: The Accountability and Audit of Governments By E. L. Normanton New Techniques of Budget Preparation and Management By Hendrik J. Hofstra Program Budgeting: Program Analysis and the Federal Government Edited by David Novick. Local Finance in Perspective By K. Venkataraman. Casebook: Studies in Administration By Stuart MacRae and Stuart Page. Management and the Social Sciences By Tom Lupton. Who's Running this Town? By Ritchie P. Lowry. Papers on Regional Development Edited by Thomas Wilson. Business Report Writing By Elizabeth Sidney. Ascertaining Entitlement to Compensation for an Industrial Injury Cases in Comparative Public Administration.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1980,58(4):497-512
Book reviewed in this article:
The Civil Servants: An Inquiry into Britain's Ruling Class Peter Kellner and Norman Crowther-Hunt.
A Professional Union: The Evolution of the Institution of Professional Civil Servants James E. Mortimer and Valerie A. Ellis.
From Humble Petition to Militant Action: A History of the Civil and Public Services Association, 1903–1978 Eric Wigharn.
Environmental Planning 1939–1949. Volume III, New Towns Policy J. B. Cullingworth.
Process and Structure in Higher Education Tony Becher and Maurice Kogan.
The Nuclear Power Decisions: British Policies, 1953–78 Roger Williams.
Decision Making for Energy Futures David Pearce, et al.
Called to Account: The Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons, 1965166–1977/78 Vilma Flegmann.
The Irish Administrative System T. J. Barrington.
Civil Servants and Public Policy: A Comparative Study of International Secretariats Robert I. McLaren.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1997,75(3):587-600
Vickers, Geoffrey Sir The Art of Judgement: A Study of Policy Making
Blunden, Margaret and Dando, Malcolm (eds.) Rethinking Public Policy-making: Questioning Assumptions, Challenging Beliefs.Essays in Honour of Sir Geoffrey Vickers on his Centenary
Hay, Colin Re-stating Social and Political Change
Barberis, Peter (ed.) The Whitehall Reader. The UK's Administrative Machine in Action
Bekke, Hans, Perry, James and Toonen, Theo (eds.) Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective
The Constitution Unit, University College London Delivering Constitutional Reform
Nagel, Stuart S. (ed.) Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 7
Kirkpatrick, Ian, Lucio, Miguel Martinez (eds.) The Politics of quality in the Public Sector
Peters, B. Guy and Rockman, Bert A. (eds.) Agenda for Excellence 2: Administering the State
Heyen, E.V. (ed.) Yearbook of European Administrative History, Volume 5: Bureaucratisation et Professionalisation de la Politique Sociale en Europe (1870–1918)
Caulfield, Janice and Wanna, John (eds.) Power and Politics in the City: Brisbane in Transition
Kickert, W. and Van Vught, F. (eds.) Public Policy and Administration Sciences in the Netherlands  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1973,51(3):329-330
Book review in this article
Staff Relations in the Civil Service: Fifty Years of Whitleyism Henry Parris.
The Management of Government John Garrett.
The Sociology of Public Administration Michael J.Hill.
Local Government: Management and Corporate Planning Tony Eddison.
The Nationalized Industries Since 1960: A Book of Readings L.Tivey
The Administration of Education in Britain Bernard Lawrence.
Public Participation and Planners'Blight Norman Dennis.
Final Appeal: A Study of the House of Lords in its Judicial Capacity Louis Blom-Cooper and Gavin Drewry.
Policy Development Wazir Singh.
Hospital Organization Ralph Rowbottom et al. Heinemann  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1972,50(3):373-374
Book review in this article Administrative Theory and Public Administration R. J. S. Baker Central Government Administration: A Student's Guide to Public Administration. Vol. 1. E. N. Gladden Local, Corporational and International Administration: A Student's Guide to Public Administration. Vol.2. E. N. Gladden Studies in the Growth of Nineteenth-Century Government G. Sutherland The Limits of Organizational Change Herbert Kaufman The Managerial Class of India V. Subramaniam Social Background of India's Administrators V.Subramaniam Bureaucracy and Politics in India C.P.Bhambhri Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics: An Essay on the Control of Public Enterprise Christopher Foster Government Contracts Colin Turpin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1972,50(1):97-107
Book reviews in this article: The Price of Amenity: Five Studies in Conservation and Government By Roy Gregory. Mertropolitan Planning: The Planning astern of Greater London By Peter Self. Government by Community By loan Bowen Rees. Public Inquiries as an Instrument of Government By R.E.Wraith and G.B.Lamb. Essays in Economic Management By Sir Alec Cairncross. Cost-Benefit Analysis: An Informal Introduction By E. J.Mishan. Mid-Career Development By Robert N.Rapoport.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Public administration》1969,47(2):251-263
Book Reviewed in this Articles Forecasting and the Social Sciences Edited by Michael Young. Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration By Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W.Lorsch. Technocracy By Jean Meynaud. Contemporary Soviet Government By L.G.Churchward. The Devolution of Power: Local Democracy, Regionalism and Nationalism By J.P. Mackintosh, m.p. Chatto and Windus and Charles Knight Economic Planning and Policies in Britain, France and Germany By Geoffrey Denton, Murray Forsyth and Malcom MacLeannan. Social Needs and Resources in Local Services By Bleddyn Davies. The New Local Government System By Peter G.Richards. The Organization of British Central Government 1914–1964 Edited by D.N.Chester, written by F.M.G.Willson.  相似文献   

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