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新制度主义与制度变迁研究虽然在某种程度上存在张力,但同时也为理解制度变迁的发生机理提供了有益而丰富的理论资源,制度变迁研究理应成为新制度主义的重要内容。新制度主义各流派对于制度变迁的关注点不同、对于相关问题的阐释各有侧重。然而,基于制度主义视角分析制度变迁的发生机理,基本上可以从初始动力、运作机制、路径形成等三个方面予以考察。其中,外生变迁与内生变迁是对制度变迁根源的两种不同解读,自发演进与人为设计揭示的是制度变迁的持久动力与运作过程,而制度变迁的轨迹则由既有制度、权力、观念等因素所塑造。  相似文献   

新制度主义各流派的制度变迁动因,可以根据是否与行为主体直接相关大致分为非主体因素和主体因素,相应地产生了外生路径和内生路径,但基于单一流派视角的动因论证路径缺乏完整性和有效性。近年来,新制度主义各流派融合与观念整合趋势明显,受此启发,结合外生和内生两种路径,建构出一个整合非主体因素和主体因素、具有动态变化的制度变迁动因分析框架。非主体因素包括政治因素、经济因素、文化因素、科技因素和突发冲击因素;主体因素包括行为者自身偏好的变化和行为者之间权力关系的变化。非主体因素和主体因素二者相互联系,不断沟通,在不同的层次上通过外生途径和内生途径对制度变迁产生作用,形成了动态分析模型。  相似文献   

诺斯创立的"制度变迁理论"主要包括产权理论、国家理论和意识形态理论。在新制度经济学各流派中,诺斯的制度变迁理论对政治学的影响最大。受诺斯新制度经济学的影响,政治学中的新制度主义借用经济学的分析工具和数学模型对制度进行全方位的研究,提出有效的制度分析框架。诺斯制度变迁理论对政治学的启发表现在:唤起了政治学界对制度的重新关注;诺斯的理论框架和分析方法为政治学的研究提供了新的研究视角和有力的分析工具。  相似文献   

新制度经济学是当代西方经济学的重要代表,本文立足于中国改革开放的实践,详尽分析了新制度经济学的制度变迁理论;并从规范分析与实证研究相结合的视角,提出并论证了中国政府制度创新的模式选择及相关改革举措,充分展现了新制度经济学制度变迁理论的现代价值.  相似文献   

女性制度主义作为女性主义政治学与新制度主义政治学相互融合的产物,在跻身新制度主义前沿领域的同时,还为制度分析增添了性别维度。发端于女性主义第二波浪潮与社会性别理论的女性制度主义研究动向,在新制度主义异军突起的理论背景和性别平等举措全面开展的现实背景下确立为重要的分析途径,日益得到众多具有制度分析取向的女性主义学者的积极推动,并在多领域与多学科的交织脉络中不断发展演进。女性制度主义将浸染社会性别特征的政治制度作为研究起点,致力于协调现实政治生活的结构性要素与能动性要素,通过阐释性别体制、制度变迁以及制度性抵制的复杂关系,对性别化的权力体系及其动力机制予以深入探讨。基于女性制度主义所涉及的学术身份认同、学理资源汲取、学派交流融汇、学科议题嬗变,可以对该分析途径的贡献、不足以及前景进行系统审视。  相似文献   

历史制度主义是一个重要的新制度主义流派,它强调中观层面的制度是政治分析和政策研究的中心,认为制度和政策一旦形成后,具有自我强化的机制.历史制度主义的制度观对政策研究具有解释性意义,政策网络是中层制度的具体化,政策秩序的基础在于社会资本的培育,政策选择是遵循结果性逻辑和适应性逻辑的结果.历史制度主义的历史观对政策研究具有描述性意义,路径依赖和制度变迁理论解释了政策稳定和政策变迁原因,间断-平衡理论和否决点理论说明了政策变迁规律和政策阻滞的原因.历史制度主义的方法论对政策研究具有建构性意义,从三个层面解决政策研究的困境,架起历史制度主义与政策研究之间联系的桥梁.  相似文献   

如今制度问题已经成为关涉人类发展的重要问题,因此制度的生成与变迁作为制度研究的前提性问题得到了政治学新制度主义的充分关注。在政治学新制度主义内部,理性选择制度主义从功能主义的视角、社会学制度主义从文化的视角、历史制度主义从冲突的视角分别给予不同的解释框架和逻辑论证。虽然各流派都尽力抽象出一个普适性的解释,但在制度建构中就都显现出有限的解释力,我们应超出学科限制在更为深刻的层面去理解制度的原始起源。  相似文献   

新制度经济学将国家作为影响经济绩效和制度变迁的内生变量纳入分析框架,并运用经济理论进行研究和探讨,从而形成了其独特的国家理论.其中关于国家与制度变迁关系的阐述又是这一理论的重要内容.本文将利用这一理论的研究成果,对转型期我国公用事业民营化改革进行一定的反思,从而进一步探讨国家在公用事业民营化改革这一具有重要意义制度变迁中的作用.  相似文献   

新制度主义政治学作为当代西方政治科学研究的主导范式,持续推进了制度分析的理论前沿,但在自身学科属性的基本议题上仍存在疑义。一部分制度研究者在此背景下摆脱狭隘的政治科学立场,从社会科学发展以及多学科交融贯通的角度,思考新制度主义政治学的起源以及新论题同旧传统的关联。包括理性选择制度主义、历史制度主义、社会学制度主义、建构制度主义在内的新制度主义政治学四个流派,在其演进发展中受多个学科影响特别是在社会科学板块构造作用之下,呈现出多重焦点、层次分化与领域延展的特点。在学科定位及流派演进基础上作出综合反思,可以发现新制度主义政治学愈加关切超越政治科学内部流派细分的格局并致力推进不同制度研究取向的交汇融合,围绕内生制度变迁、观念和话语分析以及修辞制度研究等问题进行深入理论阐释,兼重科学化和人文化的研究途径并在建构机制和时序分析的方法论领域颇有建树。  相似文献   

马克思制度变迁理论范式作为一种整体主义方法,受到以诺思为代表的西方新制度经济学家的责难,认为他没有解决社会政治变革中“搭便车”问题,并借此否定马克思主义唯物史观的科学性.这是对马克思的曲解和超历史苛求.与一定经济关系互补的意识形态是解释“搭便车”问题的基础.意识形态嵌入人们的经济、政治关系,从而影响、促使人们摒弃“搭便车”行为.近年来演化博弈论的发展,为从微观上解释人们的利他主义行为如何产生与存在,从而解决社会政治变革中的搭便车问题提供了一种说明工具.运用演化博弈模型得出:在组群间冲突频繁的时期,高水平的利他主义得以产生和维持.  相似文献   

This article applies new institutionalist perspectives on institutional change to the inclusion in the Maastricht Treaty of social dialogue provisions giving the social partners the right to participate in social policy‐making. It concludes that the new institutionalism cannot explain institutional change. By relying on exogenous variables such as ‘critical junctures’, ‘leadership’ or ‘ideas’, new institutionalist analyses resort to a collection of explanations that proponents of almost any theoretical perspective could use. The new institutionalisin's failure to develop an institutionalist account of change is a serious weakness that brings into question its use as an analytical tool in EU studies.  相似文献   

This article explores the selective affinities between the study of West European politics and historical institutionalism. We divide the last 30 years into four phases: the foundational ideas of the late 1970s and early 1980s; the evolution of these ideas from structuralism to institutionalism in the late 1980s and early 1990s; more radical revision under the turbulent 1990s and early 2000s; and the future outlook at the end of the first decade of the 2000s. We emphasise the ways in which the field of West European politics has shaped the direction of historical institutionalism as a distinctive approach to the study of politics, particularly historical institutionalism's focus on explaining actors' interests and behaviour. We also discuss recent debates within historical institutionalism concerning the role of history and path dependence, ideas, and institutional origins and change in the context of developments within West European politics. We conclude by discussing several challenges for both historical institutionalism and the study of West European politics: maintaining and improving analytical rigour as politics in Western Europe become even more fluid; continuing to build middle range theory; and extending our comparative analysis of Western Europe to include regions outside of Western Europe.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the explanatory poverty of new institutionalist hypotheses on institutional change. The new institutionalism fails to provide an adequate explanation of institutional change because, by relying on variables such as critical junctures, path dependency, leadership or the role of ideas, it leaves institutions behind and employs a grab-bag of explanations that proponents of almost any theoretical perspective could use. The conditions under which these variables matter are unspecified and the causal relevance of institutions themselves is unclear. New institutionalists should specify more rigorously the factors that change institutions and explicate the links between these factors and institutional change. Doing so, however, could mean abandoning their emphasis on the primacy of institutions in developing explanations for political phenomena.  相似文献   

This article argues that a within‐case analysis of the causes and patterns of the institutionalisation of rating in the German financial system offers fresh insights into change in the major socioeconomic institutions of advanced capitalism. Using the method of systematic process analysis, the article explores the expansion of credit rating in the German banking system from three perspectives: historical (power), sociological (diffusion) and behavioural institutionalism (prospect theory). It demonstrates that the proliferation of credit rating resulted from a change of preference on the part of large banks. With Germany as a least likely case for successfully implementing rating, the study's main lesson is that institutional analysis may benefit from incorporating behavioural institutionalism into the analysis of preference change because this cites economic motivations as causes of preference shifts and institutional changes.  相似文献   

Political attempts to reform existing policies often fail to bring about substantial change. When they succeed, the new policy is heavily influenced by the pre-existing policy path. This is confirmed by the story of Danish welfare reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, which can be explained in terms of their path dependency. In order to understand better the mechanisms of path dependency I draw on the fundamental insights of the new institutionalisms: rational choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism, and social constructivist institutionalism. The article begins with a brief presentation and comparison of the three new institutionalisms. It then discusses the dialectics of path shaping and path dependency before seeking to explicate the mechanisms of path dependency. Finally, the various accounts of path dependency are applied in an empirical study of the failure of welfare retrenchment in the 1980s and the relatively successful restructuring of the welfare state in the 1990s.  相似文献   

After prolonged stagnation in the 1980s and early 1990, Greece during the past decade or so has experienced a change from its post-war statist economic policy paradigm towards a liberal model. Focusing on political and political-economic aspects, this article gives an account of the reform of state interventionism in the 1990s. Different hypotheses are consistent with explaining distinct aspects of this policy change. The general interest and Europeanisation hypotheses are mainly borne out by macroeconomic stabilisation measures, but they cannot explain failure or delay in structural adjustment. The latter are better understood on the basis of public choice institutionalism and approaches emphasising uncertainty.  相似文献   

以行动者为中心的制度主义——基于转型政治体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对西方新制度主义政治学"制度中心观"普适性的反思和对低制度化政治体系的经验体认,试图建立一种适合分析低制度化转型政治体系的"以行动者为中心的新制度主义".为此,从行动者所掌握的政治资源、行动能力、利益和价值偏好等角度,把政治行动者分为精英(政治精英、经济精英和文化精英)和政治弱势群体,主要讨论了政治精英的特征及其内外部关系,及政治弱势群体的特征.从行动者的角度,分析初始制度的三种选择模式、制度的重要性与自主性、制度绩效、制度变迁与转型、观念与制度之间的关系等问题,认为制度的初始性选择取决于相关的不同行动者之间的博弈,最初的制度选择模式具有强烈的路径"锁定"作用,但这种作用是通过既得利益者的强制手段来维持的;不同制度的重要与否对不同的行动者来说是不一样的;制度的自主性来自其维持的行动者的政治资源与行动能力;制度绩效的评价不仅体现在它带来的绩效增长,而且还关系到绩效在不同行动者之间的分配公平与否,制度的变迁与转型实际上是行动者之间利益的调整与重新分配.  相似文献   

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