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Goodbye, Poverty     
Eradicating poverty is a global challenge that requires global commitment, but the anticipated ful llment of the UN’s Millennium Declaration owes itself in large part to the successes of one country-China.  相似文献   

<正>China looks to energy-efficient bulbs as it gears up to heighten energy efficiency After 130 years of using incandescent lamps, China is determined to abandon the energy-guzzling bulbs in  相似文献   

Saying Goodbye     
My experience in China has not been about demystifying this culturally complex place or becom- ing a Sinophile. Old China Hand, China expert-I'm none of those and don't feel any more qualified to write about "the Middle Kingdom" now than I did when I  相似文献   

For vegetable vendor Xu, a plastic bag is the most convincing invitation to potential customers. Bundles of white and blue plastic bags dangled from hooks tied to the poles of a big tent sheltering his vegetables from rain or sun. Upon spotting a visitor who stopped and glanced at his vegetables, Xu handed her a new plastic bag. She grabbed it and began to fill it with tomatoes.  相似文献   

Huang Shan     
On Beginning-to-Believe PeakI make believe:The flocks of tourists are ghostsRising from the mist  相似文献   

王天玺 《创造》2008,(8):8-10
一个民族的腾飞,一个国家的崛起,总会有里程碑意义的年代和事件作为象征。2008年,汶川大地震,北京奥运会,就是这样的里程碑。  相似文献   

<正>Two schoolmates invent a small gadget which helps women to boost rate of pregnancy Traditional y,conceiving a child was mainly considered to be a woman’s job.But this hasn’t discouraged two young men,who graduated from the largely male-dominated STEM hub of Beihang University in 2006.Liu Ting and Liu Hongtao have committed themselves to creating a device designed to help women get pregnant,this despite the fact that their respective majors are completely unrelated to the venture—one holds a master’s degree in aircraft engine data processing and the other  相似文献   


MOUNTAINS have been a prominent motif in the progress of Chinese civilization. They traditionally represent divinity and are believe to exist—both in the spiritual and physical sense—on Earth, in Heaven, and the netherworld. Mountains, therefore, command great reverence within traditional Chinese culture.  相似文献   

正Chinese cinema chain set to buy American-based AMC Dalian Wanda Group Corp.Ltd.,a private Chinese firm based in Dalian,northeast China's Liaoning Province,announced in May that it will purchase U.S.movie theater chain AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc.,the second largest chain in North America.The deal is worth $2.6 billion,the largest acquisition for a movie theater franchise.Under the terms of the deal,Wanda must also assume AMC's debt.The group also promised to invest up  相似文献   

正Whether you are a fan of Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg,Belgium's Anuna de Wever or China's Howey Ou,one thing is clear:Climate change is trending and has become a hashtag of great concern to many millennials and Gen Zs worldwide.The year 2021 got off to a promising start in terms of climate change.In February,the United States announced its return to the Paris Agreement.On July 14,the European Union adopted its first ambitious climate bill.  相似文献   

Ready,Set, Go!     
<正>Presidents'meeting paves the way for further development in China-U.S.relations Beijing and Washington both expect the Mar-a-Lago meeting to move China-U.S.relations forward.Although there are differences on some issues,there are also opportunities for agreement on an overall framework for near term and long term relations.  相似文献   

<正>The Silk Road International Film Festival as a cross-cultural bridge As Xi’an,capital of Shaanxi Province in northwest China,got ready to bid farewell to 2022 on December 31 last year,a festive mood engulfed the city thanks to China’s optimization of its COVID-19 control policies earlier that month.A popular tourist destination in the city showcasing the ancient ways of the Tang Dynasty(618-907) attracted more than 60,000 people that evening.  相似文献   

GO! GO! GO!     
Rowers compete fiercely in a dragon boat race at Stanley Main Beach in Hong Kong on June 12,during this year’s Dragon Boat Festival.More than 240 teams took part in the celebration of the traditional Chinese holiday.  相似文献   

Hi Ho,Silver!     
正In spite of a need for improvement in marketing strategies and product diversification,China’s"silver hair"industry represents a sprightly young prospect By Wang Jun the proportion a growth of China’s elderly population is projected to stimulate consumption of more than 100trillion yuan($16 trillion)over  相似文献   

昨夜我从梦中惊醒,眼前是一片震后的断垣残壁景象,耳中隆隆响彻灾民肝肠寸断之悲音,窗外阴风栗冽,横走烟云,我心痛不已,却只能在天遥地远的台北捶胸顿足,都说是天道无情,常与善人,何以让穷苦的人再受难?何以让无以计数的师生命丧知识宝殿?  相似文献   

THEchanginglifeandmigratorypatternsofChinesefarmersareoneofthemajorworldeventsofthistfans-centuryperiod.OneindicationofthemagnitudeofthephenomenonispassengervolumeduringSpringFeshval(ChineseNewYear),themostcelebratedholidayinChina.Fromallaroundthecountry,peopleflockhometoreunitewiththeirfamilies,amongthemthe45to80millionfarerswhohavegonetothecitiesinsearchofwork.Duringthefirstpeakinflow,farersheadinghometakewiththemthemoneytheyhaveearned,theexperiencetheyhavegained,andthetechnicalknowhowth…  相似文献   

正It's not easy for people to understand tai chi.The traditional Chinese exercise is not a religion,a science or a sport.Instead,it can be thought of as a system for developing people's ability to connect with their inner energy,or life force,and to use it to empower the body and mind.Tai chi was likely first practiced by Taoists centuries ago with the objective of purifying the mind and building the body's ability to  相似文献   

上海塌楼、南京车祸、重庆滑坡、湖南撞车、成都纵火……发生在近期的一系列安全事故,又一次震惊了我们。马斯洛的需要层次中,安全仅排在最前列的“饮食男女”之后。  相似文献   

<正>What can’t you do with a potato?Very little,it seems French fries,chips,mashed potato,barbecued potato,curry—if culinary uses for potatoes seem endless,it’s because they probably are.Zhang Aiguo,a chef in Beijing,can make  相似文献   

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