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We have carried out experiments to investigate the aging of latent fingerprints deposited on black PVC over a period of 4–15 weeks. A thumbprint was used in each case and before deposition of the print the donor rubbed their thumb around their nose to add sebaceous deposits. We have studied the effect of heat, light, and moisture and we find that moisture is the most significant factor in the degradation of the latent print. We have attempted to enhance these latent prints by dusting with valine powder or powders composed of valine mixed with gold or red fluorescent commercial fingerprint powders. To make a direct comparison between “treated” and “untreated” prints, the prints were cut in half with one‐half being “treated” and one‐half not. Our studies show the best results being obtained when powders of valine and red fluorescent powders are applied prior to cyanoacrylate fuming.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the visualization of latent fingerprints on fabrics, which is based upon cyanoacrylate (superglue) fuming followed by imaging using an infrared microscope. Results show that imaging on smooth, shiny fabrics such as polyester, silk, nylon, and acetate of different colors and patterns can give an improvement over existing enhancement methods. Results for cotton and polycotton were less successful and it is thought this may be due a combination of the presence of the carbonyl functional group in these fabrics as well as their absorbency to fingerprint sweat. The carbonyl peak (1700 cm?1) provided the optimum spectroscopic feature to map and image a fingerprint. Comparisons between infrared mapping at a specific frequency range and principal component analysis showed that improved imaging was obtained with principal component analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is capable of imaging fingerprint ridges on polished brass substrates at an unprecedented level of detail. While exposure to elevated humidity at ambient or slightly raised temperatures does not change the image appreciably, subsequent brief heating in a flame results in complete loss of the sweat deposit and the appearance of pits and trenches. Localized elemental analysis (using EDAX, coupled with SEM imaging) shows the presence of the constituents of salt in the initial deposits. Together with water and atmospheric oxygen—and with thermal enhancement—these are capable of driving a surface corrosion process. This process is sufficiently localized that it has the potential to generate a durable negative topographical image of the fingerprint. AFM examination of surface regions between ridges revealed small deposits (probably microscopic "spatter" of sweat components or transferred particulates) that may ultimately limit the level of ridge detail analysis.  相似文献   

Visualization of Latent Fingerprint Corrosion of Brass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Visualization of latent fingerprint deposits on metals by enhancing the fingerprint-induced corrosion is now an established technique. However, the corrosion mechanism itself is less well understood. Here, we describe the apparatus constructed to measure the spatial variation (Δ V ) in applied potential ( V ) over the surface of brass disks corroded by latent fingerprint deposits. Measurement of Δ V for potential of 1400 V has enabled visualization of fingerprint ridges and characteristics in terms of this potential difference with Δ V typically of a few volts. This visualization is consistent with the formation of a Schottky barrier at the brass-corrosion product junction. Measurement of the work function of the corroded brass of up to 4.87 ± 0.03 eV supports previous results that suggested that the corrosion product is composed of p-type copper oxides. A model for the galvanic corrosion of brass by ionic salts present in fingerprint deposits is proposed that is consistent with these experimental results.  相似文献   

Nondestructive techniques for gathering evidence are important in the field of forensics. Due to the geometry of the substrates, nondestructive visualization of fingermarks on curved surfaces remains challenging. A novel contactless technique was developed for visualizing and recording fingermark patterns on nonporous curved surfaces of circular cross section. The technique utilizes a plane mirror to transmit rays from a light source to illuminate the area of interest for fingermark visualization. The fingermark acquisition system consists of a digital single‐lens reflex (SLR) camera, a plane mirror, and a white light source. Mathematical equations are used to calculate the mirror size. Experiments were performed on various curved surfaces to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the technique. Spectral Image Validation and Verification (SIVV) was used to analyze the captured images. The results of this study indicate that the technique described here is able to reveal fingermark patterns on curved surfaces of circular cross section.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Latent fingerprint visualization on discharged shell casings can provide good forensic evidence, particularly if the casing is recovered at the scene of a crime where a firearm has been discharged. Unfortunately, visualization of such latent fingerprints when they were deposited prior to discharge of the firearm is problematic as both increased temperature and abrasive friction can inhibit fingerprint visualization with conventional techniques. We present a case study that demonstrates latent fingerprint visualization on a discharged shell casing recovered 14 years ago from the scene of a homicide. Previous cyanoacrylate fuming of the casing had failed to reveal any fingerprints. We use a visualization technique in which a conducting carbon powder adheres preferentially to latent fingerprint corrosion of the casing surface, following the application of a potential of 2.5 kV to the casing. This technique presents opportunities for the review of old cases and for consideration of its use in current cases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Analytical standards are needed in latent fingerprint detection for research and development as well as for quality control in routine work because normal fingerprints are too varied for comparison studies and tests. One way is to create latent fingerprints. For the amino acid sensitive detection method this can be achieved by coating test items with an amino acid solution using a modified commercial office bubble jet printer. Besides low costs, fast and easy preparation, the main advantage of a bubble jet printer is that the amino acid loading per area on the test item can be calculated by weighing the cartridge on a balance. This opens the possibility to determine the deviation for every printing series. The reproducibility of prints in a printing series made by one cartridge has a deviation of 2–16% and of prints made by different cartridges 20–25%.  相似文献   

A new contactless technique for latent fingerprint visualization on nonporous curved surfaces of circular cross section was introduced by Low et al. (1). The technique utilizes a plane mirror to convey the light rays toward the inspected surfaces for latent fingerprint visualization. This research activity came up as an extension of the previous study which utilized an aluminum plate as the plane mirror to illuminate the inspected surfaces. Dulling spray was used to increase the diffuse component of the reflective aluminum plate. However, the amount of dulling spray will affect the uniformity of the illumination on the inspected curved surfaces. In this study, a study on the new materials for the plane mirror was carried out. Coated aluminum, opal, and ground glass diffusers were selected as the new materials. The performance of the new materials was compared to the aluminum based on the quality of the captured images on various nonporous cylindrical surfaces. A statistical approach known as randomized complete block design was used to design the experiment. The quality of the captured images was obtained using Spectral Image Validation and Verification. Two‐way analysis of variance and Fisher's least significant difference test were used to analyze the quality of the images. From the results of the statistical analysis, coated aluminum has the best performance compared to aluminum, opal, and ground glass diffusers.  相似文献   

Physical factors, including the magnitude of the force applied during fingermark deposition, may affect friction ridge surface area and clarity, and the quantity of residue transferred. Consistency between fingermarks may be required; for example, in research projects, yet differences between marks are likely to exist when physical factors are not controlled. Inked fingerprints and latent fingermarks were deposited at 1–10 N at 1 N increments using a variable force fingerprint sampler to control the force, angle of friction ridge and surface contact, and the duration of friction ridge and surface contact. Statistically significant differences existed between the length and width measurements of the inked prints (p ≤ 0.05), particularly at lower forces. Scanning electron microscopy and surface plot analysis demonstrated how differences in force applied during deposition affected ridge surface area, displacement of latent residue, and differences in the quantity of residue transferred. Consistency between inked prints was demonstrated at equivalent forces.  相似文献   

目的考查真空镀膜技术在手印显现方面的应用。方法从影响真空镀膜法显现手印的因素展开,重点分析了喷镀距离、金的用量、客体悬挂角度、锌的蒸发电流和时间等对手印显现的影响。结果条件优化后可以增强手印纹线的立体感,改善金膜、锌膜在手印纹线和客体背景的分布情况,使显出的手印纹线反差明显。结论确定真空镀膜显现常见非渗透性客体上汗潜手印的最佳操作条件。  相似文献   

目的探究在真空镀膜中不同镀膜材料能否显现出潜手印并比较不同镀膜金属显现手印的效果。方法使用不同的镀膜金属显现多种类型客体表面的潜手印。结果存在可替换镀膜材料。结论可替换镀膜金属对潜手印显现的效果良好,纹线清晰连贯,背景反差大,并对特定客体上的手印显现极具优势。  相似文献   

One of the crucial factors determining the cyanoacrylate deposit quality over latent fingerprints appeared to be the extent of the humidity. This work focuses on the enhancement/refreshment of age‐degraded latent fingerprints by irradiating the samples with UV, X‐ray, or thermal neutrons prior to the cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming. Age degradation of latent fingerprints deposited on glass surfaces was examined through the decrease in the number of characteristic minutiae counts over time. A term “critical day” was introduced for the time at which the average number of identifiable minutiae definitions drops to one‐half. Fingerprints older than their “critical day” were exposed to either UV, X‐ray, or thermal neutrons. Identical reference samples were kept unexposed. All samples, both reference and irradiated, were developed during a single CA fuming procedure. Comparative latent fingerprint analysis showed that exposure to ionizing radiation enhances the CA fuming, yielding a 20‐30% increase in average minutiae count.  相似文献   

This study presents a number of pseudo-operational trials on plastic bags investigating the double- and co-fuming process of a one-step fluorescent cyanoacrylate (LumicyanoTM) in comparisons with the two-step process with basic yellow 40 (BY40) staining for the detection of latent fingermarks. The results demonstrate that both Lumicyano solution and dye contribute to the increased detection of latent fingermarks during the double-fuming process (trial 1). Co-fuming the Lumicyano solution and dye separately (at a concentration of 8%) but simultaneously was less effective than 8% Lumicyano (trial 2). Co-fuming Lumicyano 8% and an additional 8% Lumicyano dye by weight was more effective than Lumicyano 8% (trial 3), possibly due to increased fluorescent material deposition during co-fuming allowing for better visualization. The use of BY40 after Lumicyano resulted in a considerable increase in detected fingermarks.  相似文献   

目的探索一种实验室和犯罪现场上均可使用的红色光滑表面上血潜手印新型显现技术。方法把0.2g亮绿SF溶解到容积为200m L盛有5m L蒸馏水的烧杯中,然后加入0.2g正四丁基碘化铵、93m L无水乙醇,使用玻璃棒搅拌,充分溶解后,最后加入盐酸2m L形成绿色透明溶液作为显现液,采用精细喷雾器喷涂客体增强红色光滑面潜血手印,潜血手印增强后,照相提取后并对局部放大观察效果,研究其对红色光滑表面潜血手印的增强效果。结果对遗留手印进行了批量显现与统计分析,0.2%的亮绿SF酒精显现液对红色客体表面潜血手印的反应极其敏感,实验室条件下潜血手印样本显现率可达100%,显出的手印纹线清晰连贯,反差明显,无颜色背景,且局部放大能够有效显示出纹线的细节特征。结论 0.2%的亮绿SF显现液能有效增强红色光滑客体表面潜血手印,反差极其明显,可以作为红色光滑客体表面潜血手印增强试剂。  相似文献   

The application of vacuum metal deposition before scanning Kelvin probe visualization of fingerprints is investigated. The potential contrast between fingerprint ridges and furrows is maximized by the use of silver deposition for non‐noble metals and gold–zinc deposition for noble metals. The higher susceptibility of eccrine fingerprints to vacuum metal overdeposition is confirmed. Additionally, fingerprints are best developed individually and by building the metal deposition slowly to protect against overdevelopment and variation in the rate of metal condensation. The progress of the metal deposition can be monitored using the scanning Kelvin probe by reference to the change in potential and continuity of the new potential on the surface. The use of acetic acid solution for the recovery of overVMD‐developed samples is shown not to be useful. Applying the metal deposition has the additional prospect of increasing surface conductivity and homogeneity and both can aid fingerprint visualization using the scanning Kelvin probe.  相似文献   

Latent fingermark developing methods from food (mandarin, egg, banana, apple, potato, carrot, eggplant, onion, bell pepper, and tomato) surface has been studied by 10 methods, including powdering method, small particle reagent method, and cyanoacrylate fuming method. The foods were stored under two conditions (room temperature and refrigerator) before fingermark deposition and aged for 2, 24, 48, and 72 h before fingermark development. In most of the food surfaces used in this study, cyanoacrylate fuming with 80% relative humidity was superior to the powder or small particle reagent methods. The quality of the fingermarks varied depending on the storage conditions before the fingermark deposition (in the refrigerator or at ambient temperature) and the time elapsed since the fingermark deposition. However, the storage conditions before the fingermark deposition and the time elapsed since the fingermark deposition did not show any correlation with the quality of the fingermark.  相似文献   

To understand how time and temperature could affect latent fingerprints, wooden pallets were used to construct five units that each housed ten 60-watt incandescent light bulbs. Fingerprints were deposited on the top, middle, and base of the globes. The bulbs were powered on (except the control bulb in each unit) for 18, 48, 72, 120, 168, 336, 504, and 672 h. Fingerprints recovered from the bulbs by tape lift after black powder processing were given a quality score. A thermal imaging camera determined temperatures on three areas of the bulbs. Fingerprints on the top of the globe (156.3°C) had the lowest quality score, and fingerprints on the middle of the globe (112.6°C) had the highest quality score. The mean quality scores of the three temperature classes were within one standard deviation of one another, meaning there is no way to estimate fingerprint age based on its quality after heat exposure.  相似文献   

Apparatus to produce a spatially and temporally uniform heat source is described and this is used to visualize latent fingerprints deposited onto thermal paper by raising the temperature of the paper. Results show an improvement over previous research when fingerprint deposits are aged or the developed fingerprints faint; visualization being enhanced by the use of a blue LED light source of 465 nm peak wavelength. An investigation of the components in fingerprint sweat likely to affect the solubility and hence color change of the dye present in the thermal paper has shown that polar protic solvents able to donate a proton are favored and a polar amino acid found commonly in eccrine fingerprint sweat (lysine) has been shown able to produce the desired color change. Aged fingerprint deposits on thermal paper from a variety of sources up to 4 years old have been visualized with this technique.  相似文献   

Visualization of fingerprint deposits by digital color mapping of light reflected from the surface of heated brass, copper, aluminum, and tin has been investigated using Adobe® Photoshop®. Metals were heated to a range of temperatures (T) between 50°C and 500°C in 50°C intervals with enhancement being optimal when the metals are heated to 250°C, 350°C, 50°C, and 300°C, respectively, and the hue values adjusted to 247°, 245°, 5°, and 34°, respectively. Fingerprint visualization after color mapping was not degraded by subsequent washing of the metals and color mapping did not compromise the visibility of the fingerprint for all values of T. The optimum value of T for fingerprint visibility is significantly dependent of the standard reduction potential of the metal with Kendall's Tau (τ) = 0.953 (p < 0.001). For brass, this correlation is obtained when considering the standard reduction potential of zinc rather than copper.  相似文献   

The thermal development of latent fingerprints on paper surfaces is a simple, safe, and chemicals‐free method, based on the faster heating of the substrate underlying the print residue. Microwave heating is proposed for the first time for the development of latent fingerprints on cellulose‐based substrate, in order to add to the thermal development mechanism the further characteristic of being able to heat the fingerprint residues to a different extent with respect to the substrate, due to the intrinsic difference in their dielectric properties. Numerical simulation was performed to confirm and highlight the selectivity of microwaves, and preliminary experimental results point out the great potentialities of this technique, which allowed developing both latent sebaceous‐rich and latent eccrine‐rich fingerprints on different porous surfaces, in less than 30 sec time with an applied output power of 500 W. Microwaves demonstrated more effectiveness in the development of eccrine‐rich residues, aged up to 12 weeks.  相似文献   

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