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邹益民 《法商研究》2021,38(6):88-102
当代中国主流法理学的发展呈现专业化、技术化和功能化加强的趋势,与整个社会生活失去联系,并把技术上的强功效当作法律发展的标准,从而脱离、遮蔽与消解对美好生活的追求,在主体性发展上无甚作为,陷入内卷化困境.这是由中国法理学坚持片面肯定的现实观、无视中国人对美好生活的想象力、无力反思中国主体性的可欲性所导致的.要破解这种内卷化困境,我们可以坚持反思的现实现,运用想象力,以此发展中国的法律形式,表达整体性的中国社会,形成自主的中国法理学立场,最终形成中国法理学的可欲的主体性.  相似文献   

人工智能法律系统的法理学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从法律推理与人工智能的关系角度探讨了人工智能法律系统的历史及发展动力 ,人工智能法律系统研制对法学理论和法律实践的价值和意义 ,特别是为法理学研究提供方法论启示和思想实验手段以及辅助司法审判和法律教育培训中的作用。法理学不仅为人工智能法律系统的研究提供了丰富的思想来源 ,而且也为其提供了直接的理论指导。此外 ,还探讨了人工智能法律系统研发的困难、策略和应用前景 ,其中包括立足于人机功能互补而提出的人机系统解决方案。  相似文献   

<正> 一、关于法理学和法史学的教学 法理学教学是培养学生法律价值观和法哲学思考方法的重要课程,在法学教育中具有突出重要的位置。如果我们把没有法律价值观,或法律价值观很不正确,或法律价值观很不牢固的学生送入社会,对学生、对社会都不是一种负责任的态度。基于对法理学教学的重要性的认识,我认为法理学教学,应改变目前的做法,把法理学由第一学期上改为高年级上,理由如下:  相似文献   

人格尊严包括名誉权、肖像权、姓名权、隐私权、荣誉权等。我国立法和司法上并未对人格尊严进行规定或解释,因为人格尊严本为抽象。但我国民法学理上,基本倾向于认为人格尊严是一般人格权的内容之一,也是一般人格权的最重要内容,是指民事主体作为一个"人"所应有的最起码社会地位并且受到他人和社会的最基本尊重,是民事主体对自身价值的认识与其在社会上享有的最起码尊重的结合。  相似文献   

本文从主体间性角度出发,论述了被追诉人主体性的内向性和外向性,提出了内向性的两个价值向度:人格尊严、意志自由之选择机能;外向性的两个价值向度:主体性意义上的平等、维权与自卫,在此基础上论述了被追诉人主体性权利构成的元权利、程序生成性权利概念,阐述了被追诉人元权利构成:无罪推定权、程序参与及选择权、平等对抗权和辩护权,建构了元权利与程序生成性权利的矩阵关系,并进而分析了元权利的相互关系以及各元权利所蕴涵的主体性价值。  相似文献   

在宗教、哲学与伦理中,“人的尊严”被视为人本主义思想的重要内涵.它旨在强调生存于社会中的每一个人的个体都具有至高的内在价值和尊严,基于社会伦理层面上都需要加以保护与尊重.在现实社会中,“人格尊严”已经被人们所约定俗成,早已得到了社会公众的普遍认可.但实际上,如果追溯人格尊严与人权的关系及其在法律中的定位,却还是能够发现许多并存于理论与现实中的争议,造成了人格尊严与诸多物质因素的鱼龙混杂,模糊了人们对人格尊严的认识,最终导致了行为上的错误追求.本文详细剖析了人格尊严的构成、特点及实现条件,研究了它在法律中的定位,并结合中西,对比分析了人格尊严在法律中的具体权限内容和保障制度.  相似文献   

ChatGPT作为一种基础模型,体现出极强的通用性特点,可被用于多个领域和多种任务。这一特点在为社会提供助益的同时也引发了新的法律风险:首先,ChatGPT这种基础模型的同质化与编辑的便利性使得其极易被推广适用并与其他领域的风险叠加,造成系统性的社会风险;其次,ChatGPT产生和运行过程中的多主体性造成了“多手问题”,进而引发责任性上的困境;最后,ChatGPT的迅速推广与广泛的可及性可能引发道德观与价值观的冲突。为此,有必要将责任性作为人工智能规制的核心追求,确立各主体之间的共担责任原则,在此基础上明确人工智能创新与安全并重的规制目标,加强人工智能算法、标识等的透明化程度,健全包括社会影响评估在内的人工智能风险评估机制,促进人工智能与人类的价值融合。  相似文献   

郑志峰 《财经法学》2019,(1):140-160
人工智能能够在独立于人类干预的情况下自主做出决定,由此对现行以人类行为和决定为中心构建的责任制度提出了挑战。对于人工智能引发的事故,需要区分主要目的是为了给人类提供便利的人工智能与主要目的是为了提升人类工作表现的人工智能,人类仅对后者承担监督职责。如果监督人对于损害的发生没有过错,其他与人工智能交互的人也不是损害发生的...  相似文献   

死刑案件的法律结构与社会结构两种结构形态的并存,决定了死刑案件裁判不仅存在基于案件法律结构而进行裁判的法理学模式,也存在基于案件社会结构而进行裁判的社会学模式。法理学模式对每一个案件的评估都是对法律条文的运用,以相同的方式适用于所有案件;而社会学模式则认为,法律是可变的,随着案件各方社会特征  相似文献   

从广义法理学来理解,中国有自己传统的法理学。从广义法理学出发,中国传统法观念是天理、国法、人情三位一体的大法观念,包括意识、规则和习惯,表述为合理或者说具有正当性的秩序和规范体系。它的哲学是天、地、人一体的生命哲学,亦即万物有机的世界观。在全球范围内,在人类历史上,中国传统法理学的这些精髓不仅在内涵和特质上独一无二,而且亦同样内含人类法律对真、善、美共同理想的价值追求。中国传统法理学的大法观念有利于克服实证主义法律观的过度狭窄,动态的合理正义观有助于我们确立主体的自觉和文化的自信,而生命哲学亦即有机世界观对机械唯物论和原子世界观的非生命性都是一个超越,从而在法的哲学上形成道德对功利的引导之势,促进人的类本质在法律中的实践和实现,以迎接全球化时代和人工智能发展所带来的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the constitutional value of human dignity under German constitutional law. First, it provides a background to the German constitutional order then it places the constitutional value of dignity within the framework of the constitutional court’s jurisprudence on personality rights. It then progresses to an examination of specific cases that have developed personality rights and the importance of the constitutional court’s interpretation of personality and dignity in the personal and outer spheres within the framework of the German legal order. The article concludes with some observations and comparisons between German and American law in this area.  相似文献   

德国社会救助制度作为一项重要的社会保障制度对保障人权、维护人的尊严发挥了重要作用。其历史发展、改革背景、宪法依据和具体制度规定对我国正确认识和定位社会救助、建构适合我国国情的社会救助制度都具有一定的借鉴和启发意义。加强对社会救助法律制度的研究,有助于拓宽我国行政法学的研究范围和视野,有利于在社会管理创新的背景下,建构"回应型"的"新行政法"。  相似文献   

人格尊严早已入宪,成为中国宪法上的基本权利,但其对政府行为的规制功能远未显现出来。结合深圳"卖淫女示众事件",基于规范法学的立场,通过阐释我国《宪法》第38条的意旨与内涵——作为基本权利的人格尊严(一般人格权)所具有的规范功能,归纳出宪法上人格权保护体系之逻辑结构,即规定"人格尊严(一般人格权)+某些具体人格权"应成为宪法对人格权进行调整的模式,以期对学界在此问题上存在的一些歧见予以澄清。  相似文献   

自由意志是归责的基础,以基因编辑技术为代表的基因工程、医疗性人工装置和人工智能构成了对自由意志的根本挑战,对法律责任的认定影响甚大。这些挑战是根本性的,而不是工具意义上的。它们在法哲学上可以分为两个方面:一是现实的挑战,即以基因工程和弱人工智能为代表的新兴科技引发了人类在自由意志方面的争议;二是未来的终极挑战,即强人工智能体被认为具有和人一样的自由意志,能够成为法律主体,从而承担完全的法律责任。现实的挑战构成了责任承担的新的"宽恕"条件;而未来的挑战也值得认真对待,因为自由意志不仅关乎责任,也关乎人性尊严。  相似文献   

The author studies the perception of marriage in the twenty first century, as a fundamental human right, declaring the value and dignity of all human beings, without any discrimination and its self-determination. The author analyzes the legal nature of marriage as an institution and as a contract, addressing an analysis of the reasons and purposes of marriage, and the phenomenon of arranged marriages (matrimonios por complacencia). Thereupon, she studies and reflects on the importance to inform the future spouses that love is the value that sustains the permanence of marriage and the fulfillment of its purposes in the twenty first century.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘human dignity’ sits at the heart of international human rights law and a growing number of national constitutions and yet its meaning is heavily contested and contingent. I aim to supplement the theoretical literature on dignity by providing an empirical study of how the concept is used in the specific context of legal discourse on sex work. I will analyse jurisprudence in which commercial sex was declared as incompatible with human dignity, focussing on the South African Constitutional Court case of S v Jordan and the Indian Supreme Court case of Budhadev Karmaskar v State of West Bengal. I will consider how these courts conceptualise dignity and argue that their conclusions on the undignified nature of sex work are predicated on particular sexual norms that privilege emotional and relational intimacy. In light of the stigma faced by sex workers I will explore how a discourse, proclaiming sex work as beneath human dignity, may impact on the way that sex workers are perceived and represented culturally, arguing that it reinforces stigma. I will go on to examine how sex workers subvert the notion that commercial sex is undignified, and resist stigma, by campaigning for the right to sell sex with dignity. I will demonstrate that an alternative legal approach to dignity and sex work is possible, where the two are not considered as inherently incompatible, concluding with thoughts on the risks and benefits of using ‘dignity talk’ in activism and campaigns for sex work law reform.  相似文献   

The deployment of artificial intelligence on automated platforms needs to go hand in hand with the development of a legal framework safeguarding socio-ethical values as well as fundamental rights, particularly the self-determination and the non-discrimination principle. A trust-based approach focused on human values can mitigate a potential clash between a solely market- and technology-oriented use of artificial intelligence and a more inclusive multistakeholder approach. The regulatory tools are to be designed in a manner that leads to a symbiotic relationship between ethics and law.  相似文献   

Psycholegal studies have been hampered by the lack of a theory to guide the choice of topics for research. Both judicial decision making and psychological research would be enhanced by emphasis on subjective experience in determining the scope of fundamental rights and fostering a legal system consonant with human dignity and responsive to social reality. International human rights law is presented as an example of the feasibility and utility of psychological jurisprudence. This article is based on a presidential address to the American Psychology-Law Society at the meeting of the American Psychological Association in August 1991, in San Francisco.  相似文献   

法哲学的智慧与旨趣在于对真实的人的法律生活的哲学观照。这种哲学观照体现为在对真实的人的法律生活的现实理解的基础上,对人的法律生活进行的价值改造,从而在思想上对人的法律生活进行理想型塑。  相似文献   

The year 2017 has seen many EU and UK legislative initiatives and proposals to consider and address the impact of artificial intelligence on society, covering questions of liability, legal personality and other ethical and legal issues, including in the context of data processing. In March 2017, the Information Commissioner's Office (UK) updated its big data guidance to address the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and to provide (GDPR), which will apply from 25 May 2018.This paper situates the ICO's guidance in the context of wider legal and ethical considerations and provides a critique of the position adopted by the ICO. On the ICO's analysis, the key challenge for artificial intelligence processing personal data is in establishing that such processing is fair. This shift reflects the potential for artificial intelligence to have negative social consequences (whether intended or unintended) that are not otherwise addressed by the GDPR. The question of ‘fairness’ is an important one, to address the imbalance between big data organisations and individual data subjects, with a number of ethical and social impacts that need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

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